FJELL-LJOM.. (MOUNTAIN ECHOES).. BLÅ FJELL LODGE 3-646 October 2018 Co-President: Joann Barfield 540-380-2926 Co- President/Secretary: Kathy Clark 540-977-2349 Treasurer: Cheri Johnson 540-989-6330 Editor: Robin Lambert 540-904-1817 Lodge Counselor: Sharon Rohrback 540-774-0006 ======================================================================================================= Blå fjell's website: sonsofnorwayblafjell.org Facebook group: http://www.facebook.com/SonsOfNorwayBlaFjell ======================================================================================================= Mission Statement: The mission of the Sons of Norway is to preserve and cherish a lasting appreciation of the heritage and culture of Norway and the other Nordic countries. ======================================================================================================= Regularly scheduled meetings: Fourth Saturday of each month, 1:00 PM, College Lutheran Church, 210 South College Avenue, Salem (Except for special events) ======================================================================================================= NEXT MEETING: SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1-3 PM, ANNIVERSARY DINNER JERSEY LILY'S ROADHOUSE, ELECTRIC ROAD (across from Lewis Gale) (Order from the luncheon menu) PROGRAM: FUN 'N' GAMES WITH KATHY! HERITAGE MEMORIES: JOANN STEPHENS-FORREST PLZ RSVP by Tuesday, October 23 to Joann (380-2926) or Kathy (977-2349) Remember your canned goods donations and Tubfrim stamps! ======================================================================================================= BLÅ FJELL CO- PRESIDENTS’ MESSAGE: Fall is in the air! Aren't we glad that the Long, Hot Summer is about to come to an end? And, we in Blå fjell Lodge have some important events coming up.. First and foremost is your decision regarding the area of leadership in which you may be interested for the upcoming 2019-2020 term, either as an officer or on a committee. The participation of each member of the Lodge is vital to the life of your organization! Please make your wishes known to us for the presentation of the Slate of Officers at our Anniversary Dinner. We were so pleased with our Anniversary Dinner at Jersey Lily's last year that we agreed to return there to celebrate our 22nd Anniversary on October 27. Kathy, once again, has planned some enjoyable games to fill the time between ordering and being served, and we look forward to your joining us! Cultural Director Cheri Johnson will include the participation of more Blå fjell Lodge members in the upcoming Viking Day at Faith Christian School. This will give you an opportunity to experience this fine Adopt-A-School program, which is surely one of the best things we do! Mark your calendar for November 9. Speaking of school, this gem came from an elementary school student: When you breathe, you inspire. When you do not breathe, you expire! Submitted by Joann Barfield, Blå fjell Lodge Co-President/Membership Chair ======================================================================================================= MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER Following refreshments provided by Kathy, Joann, and Cheri, the meeting was called to order by Co-President Kathy Clark, with nine members and one guest present. Marilyn Barrier, a neighbor of Joann Barfield at Richfield, who is a prospective member, was introduced. The national anthems of Norway, Canada, and the United States were sung. Cheri Johnson presented the Treasurer's Report, including a report of $68.23 in the Good Neighbor Purse; Cheri explained the purpose of the Purse, which hopefully will grow to an amount of $100 by Christmas, when it will be presented to a needy cause. There was no Old Business. Kathy announced the following New Business: Kathy stated that a letter from the Co-Presidents has been mailed to all members detailing the opportunity for their participation in leadership positions for the upcoming 2019-2020 years; the deadline for volunteers for those positions is October 1, and the Slate of Officers for the November Election will be presented at the October meeting. The October 27 Anniversary Dinner will be held, once again, at Jersey Lily's, and Kathy is preparing a Norwegian Trivia game for the event. The November 17 meeting (one week earlier than the usual fourth Saturday because of Thanksgiving weekend) will include a program on Iceland, Land of Fire and Ice, presented by Cheri Johnson and Joann Barfield. Cheri announced the annual Santa Lucia Festival at St. Andrews Catholic Church will be held on Thursday, December 13; they expect participation by Blå fjell Lodge members. Our annual Julefest will be held on Saturday, December 8, 1-3 pm, at College Church. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned, and we proceeded to the Nordic Auction/Yard Sale/Bake Sale (which reportedly earned $209.00!) Respectfully submitted, Joann Barfield, Secretary Pro-Tem ======================================================================================================= MEMBER NEWS: Gratuleer Med Dagen October birthdays: Ronald W Nelson Jr. 10/3 Karen-Solvi Smiley 10/20 Prayers of Comfort: Anne Hoose at the September anniversary of the loss of her brother, Charles Harmon and the recent loss of her brother-in- law, Cletus Green. Joe and Betty Lindsoe at the recent loss of their son, Eric Lindsoe. Memorial Service will be Sunday Oct 28. 2:00 pm at Timberlake Christian Church ======================================================================================================= Language Lessons 36: The County of Hordaland Phrase Pronunciation English Bergen, Vestlandets hovedstad baer-gehn vehst-lahn-nehts hoo- Bergen, the capital of Western Norway ligger i Hordaland. vehd-stahd leeg-gehr ee hohr-dah- is situated in Hordaland County. lann Byen har en rekke attraksjoner bee-ehn hahr ehn rehk-keh ah-trahk- The city has a number of attractions som er spennende for både voksne shoo-nehr sohmm aer spehn-nehn- which are exciting for both adults and og barn. deh fohr boh-deh vohks-neh oh children. bahrn Vi kan nevne eksempler som vee kahn nehv-neh ehk-sehm-plehr We can mention examples such as the Fløibanen, Ulriksbanen, sohmm floy-bah-nehn ool-reeks-bah- Fløien Funicular, the Ulriken gondola, Fisketorget og Edvard Griegs nehn fees-keh-tohr-geh oh ed-vahrd the Fish Market, and Edvard Grieg's hjem, Troldhaugen, som ligger litt greeghs jehmm trohl-how-gehn home, Troldhaugen, located a bit utenfor Bergen. sohmm lee-gehr leett ew-tehn-fohr outside Bergen. baer-gehn Innenfor fylket finnes mange een-nehn-fohr feel-keh feen-nehs Within the country there are many fjorder og fjell. mahng-eh fjohr-ehr oh fjehll fjords and mountains. Hardangerfjorden er en av Norges hahr-dang-ehr-fjohr-ehn aer ehn ahv The Hardanger Fjord is one of Norway's vakreste fjorder, spesielt på den nohr-gehs vahk-rehs-teh fjoh-ehr most beautiful fjords, especially at the tiden frukttrærne blomstrer. speh-see-ehlt poh dehn tee-dehn time when the fruit trees are in bloom. frewkt-traer-neh blohmst-rehr Mange store kunstnere har blitt mahng-eh stoo-reh kewnst-nehr-eh Many important artists have been inspirert av naturen i Hordaland. hahr bleett een-spee-rehrt ahv nah- inspired by the nature in Hordaland. tewr-ehn ee hohr-dah-lann Lenger inne i landet ligger lehng-ehr een-neh ee lahn-eh leeg- Further inland lies the Hardanger Hardangervidda, et eldorado for gehr hahr-dahng-ehr-veed-dah, ehtt Plateau, an Eldorado for sports year- sport året rundt. ehll-doo-rah-doo fohr spohrt oh-reh round. rewnnt Voss er spesielt kjent som vohss aer speh-see-ehlt kjehnnt sohm Voss is especially known as a place for vintersportssted, men har like mye veen-tehr-spohrts-steh mehnn hahr winter sports, but has equally many nice fint å by turistene om sommeren. lee- kek mee-eh feent oh bee tew- things to offer the tourists in the reest-eh-neh ohmm sohm-mehr-ehn. summer. Excerpts from Sons of Norway member Kari Diesen-Dahl Norwegian lessons. ======================================================================================================= BOOK CORNER: God's Hammer (Hakon's Saga Book 1) by Eric Schumacher History and legend combine in the gripping tale of Hakon Haraldsson, a Christian boy who once fought for the High Seat of a Viking realm. It is 935 A.D. and the North is in turmoil. King Harald Fairhair has died, leaving the High Seat of the realm to his murderous son, Erik Bloodaxe. To solidify his claim, Erik ruthlessly disposes of all claimants to his throne, save one: his youngest brother Hakon. Erik's surviving enemies send a ship to Wessex, where the Christian King Athelstan is raising Hakon. Unable to avoid his fate, he returns to the Viking North to face his brother and claim his birthright, only to discover that victory will demand sacrifices beyond his wildest nightmares. ======================================================================================================= Mjölnir In Norse mythology, Mjölnir is the hammer of Thor, the Norse god associated with thunder. Mjölnir is depicted in Norse mythology as one of the most fearsome and powerful weapons in existence, capable of leveling mountains. Thor was the god who tirelessly protected Åsgård against the giants, who represented chaos and destruction. The hammer was his most important weapon in this war. The name tor has its origin in ur-Germanic language and stands closely similar words that mean thunder. Thor was thus the personified force behind thunder and lightning. Thunder was the sound of his hammer that broke enemies. Thor’s hammer was without
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