OCTOBER 30, 1981 75 CENTS VOLUME 45/NUMBER 40 A SOCIALIST NEWSWEEKLY/PUBLISHED IN THE INTERESTS OF THE WORKING PEOPLE Teachers fight for jobs, against school cutbacks Stakes high in Phila. strike -PAGE3 Teachers join striking air traffic controllers for rally at Philadelphia airport, October 16. Militant/Chris Davis Cops face charges in killing of Milwaukee Black -PAGE7 Militant/David McDonald Milwaukee Black comm~nity has held repeated demonstrations to demand justice for Ernie Lacy, beaten to death while in police custody. Europeans say 'No' to nuclear missiles -PAGE2 In Our Opinion VOLUME45JNUMBER40 OCTOBER 30, 1981 CLOSING NEWS DATE-OCTOBER 21 That is why the mad rush to achieve nuclear tion to defend liberty and American freedom." Europeans say: domination is accompanied by an increase in But Reagan's attack on PATCO is compatible the terrifying talk from Washington about the with "defending" the "liberty" and "freedom" of 'No missiles' possibility of a "limited" nuclear war. On Octob­ the employers to bust our unions, to trample on The emergence of the mass movement in er 16, Reagan told a group of newspaper editors our rights, and to solve their economic crisis at Western Europe against placing U.S. nuclear that he "could see where you could have the ex­ our expense. missiles and neutron bombs there adds a power­ change of tactical [nuclear] weapons [against The powerful display of support for P A TCO ful ally to the struggles of working people in this troops] in the field without it bringing either that was seen at the September 19 Solidarity country and throughout the world. one of the major powers to pushing the button." Day march shows the possibility that exists for The highpoint of the movement so far was the It is exactly such an "exchange" of nuclear the union movement to take some action in sup­ magnificent demonstration of 300,000 young bombs that people throughout Europe are try- port ofPATCO. people in Bonn, West Germany, on October 10. ing to stop. The ranks are willing but the leadership is Mass demonstrations against the missiles are In a television interview last February (and not. scheduled for London and :Rome, October 24, quoted in the September 1981 Monthly Review) The AFL-CIO officials confine themselves to and Paris and Brussels the following day. William Dyess, a State Department official, publicizing their individual refusal to fly, which The Bonn rally was by far the largest progres­ spelled out Washington's view this way: is a cover for failure to shut down the airports sive demonstration to take place in West Ger­ "Q: In nuclear war are we committed not to and counter the big business anti-PATCO pro­ many since the German workers movement was make the first strike? paganda with a full-scale campaign to get out crushed by the Nazis in the 1930s. Its signifi­ "Dyess: No sir. the truth. cance was not lost on the rulers in Bonn or in "Q: We could conceivably make an offen ~ The CLUW convention could have given the Washington. West Germany is the dominant in­ SlVe ... PATCO workers a powerful platform from dustrial power in Western Europe and its eco­ "Dyess: We make no comment on that what­ which to speak about their strike and .the big nomy ranks second only to the United States soever, but the Soviets know that this terrible stakes involved for the entire labor movement. and Japan in the capitalist world. It is looked to weapon has been dropped on human beings The convention would have brought together by Washington as the most stable ally, political­ twice in history and it was an American presi­ more than a thousand unionists from around ly and economically, in Europe. dent who dropped it both times. Therefore, they the country, from dozens of unions with millions The dramatic rise of the opposition to nuclear have to take this into consideration in their cal­ of members. They could have taken the lead in missiles, including inside the ruling Social De­ culus." initiating a labor campaign in support of PAT­ mocratic Party (SPD), is having a huge political It is not only the Soviets, but the whole world co. impact. Reagan administration officials have that is supposed to get the message. This meeting of union women also should been denouncing the spread of "pacifism" and The nuclear missiles that Reagan wants to have taken up the intensified drive against the "neutralism" among European workers and place in Europe are really aimed at the working rights and living standards of working women. youth who - understandably - don't want nu­ dasses throughout the world who are struggling Joyce Miller explained at a recent San Fran­ clear bombs dropped on their countries. against capitalist exploitation and imperialist cisco abortion rights rally, "We in the labor In West Germany, Chancellor Helmut oppression. That is why the European move­ movement regard abortion as a labor issue, an Schmidt, of the SPD, called the Bonn protest a ment against the missiles is such a welcome economic issue, a collective bargaining issue." "declaration of war against the ·government." development. She's right. Yet more than a quarter of the SPD's members All the attacks on women's rights are union of parliament joined the demonstration. The issues. Young Socialists, youth group of the SPD, Ratification of the ERA, legal abortion, affir­ turned out in force. Missed opportunity mative action, childcare - these are all rights Called by church groups, the rally was joined The Coalition of Labor Union Women which the union movement has a big stake in by nearly 1,000 organizations, including unions, (CLUW) has announced the indefinite postpone­ defending. women's rights and antinuke organizations. ment of its November national convention "due CLUW is the obvious organization to map out The speech of a member of the executive com­ to the unresolved nature of the Professional Air a plan to use union muscle in defense of these mittee of the metal workers, the largest union in Traffic Controllers strike." rights. the country, was cheered by the demonstrators. The CLUW leadership seems to think that This would have stood in stark and positive' Also well received were two Black Americans, this will somehow help the Professional Air contrast to the recent conference of the National the singer Harry Belafonte and Coretta Scott Traffic Controllers Organization (PATCO) Organization for Women, which allowed little King. King told the demonstrators that "the strike. discussion and projected no effective action on movement for peace and economic justice" in the Nothing could be further from the truth. these burning issues. United States supports them in their fight. By calling off the convention, an important In fact, the NOW leadership is on a course of And well we should. opportunity was lost both to aid PATCO and the subordinating the struggle for women's rights to The plans to install the nuclear missiles in union women that CLUW represents. the needs of the domestic and foreign policies of Western Europe are part of Washington's drive The October 17 Los Angeles Times quotes the two ruling capitalist parties. to achieve overwhelming nuclear superiority CLUW President Joyce Miller saying that Winning the PATCO strike, and defending over the Soviet Union, including the capability CLUW leaders decided to "sit this one out rath­ women's rights, will take a powerful social move­ to launch a "first strike." er than fly President Reagan's unfriendly skies. ment of working people and our allies against The purpose is nuclear blackmail, against the The president's action [firing the PATCO the bosses and their government. Soviet Union and other workers states, and workers] has a totalitarian character which The CLUW convention would have been an against revolutionary movements everywhere. simply isn't compatible with his stated inten- opportunity to discuss how to begin this. The Militant New Cointelpro Plot Editors: CINDY JAQUITH DOUG JENNESS Oct. 22 - The FBI has seized on the arrest SWP National Secretary Jack Barnes ac­ Business Manager: NANCY ROSENSTOCK of two former leaders of the Weather Under­ cused the FBI of a "deliberate lie in the Editorial Staff: Connie Allen, Nelson Blackstock, Steve Bride, Fred Feldman, Nelson Gonzalez, Wil­ ground to launch a campaign to smear the So­ charge that Clark is connected to the SWP. liam Gottlieb, Sue Hagen, Suzanne Haig, Margaret cialist Workers Party and the entire workers This malicious slander is aimed at justifying Jayko, Harry Ring, Vivian Sahner, Stu Singer, larry movement. The two, Kathy Boudin and Ju­ the FBI's war of disruption against the SWP, Seigle. dith Clark, are facing charges in connection and to give the Reagan administration new · Published weekly except two weeks in Au­ gust, the last week of December, and the first with an armored-car robbery and the killing ammunition for its drive to step up spying week of January by the Militant (ISSN 0026- of two cops and an armed Brinks guard. and disruption against workers organiza­ 3885), 14 Charles Lane, New York, N.Y. In a story splashed on the front pages of pa­ tions, including the labor movement, Black 10014. Telephone: Editorial Office, (21 ~) pers from coast to coast, the Associated Press groups, and socialist and communist organi­ 243-6392; Business Office, (212) 929-3486. reported today that "FBI spokesman Joe Va­ zations. Correspondence concerning subscrip­ liquette said in New York that the Bureau tions or changes of address should· be "As the FBI well knows, Judith Clark has addressed to The Militant Business Of­ had. determined that Miss Clark was the never been a member of the SWP, let alone 'a same Judith Clark who once was in the Wea­ fice, 14 Charles Lane, New York, N.Y.
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