PB MODERN LANGUAGES. CELTIC LANGUAGES PB Modern languages. Celtic languages 1-431 Modern languages (Table P-PZ2 modified) Class here works dealing with all or with several of the languages spoken in western Europe (notably English, French, German) For groups of European languages and individual European languages see PA1000+ ; PB1001+ ; and subclasses PC-PH For Asian, African, and other languages see subclasses PJ-PM Periodicals. Serials 1 English and American 2 French 3 German 4 Italian 5 Other (including polyglot) Societies 6.A1 International 6.A2-Z English and American 7 French 8 German 9 Italian 10 Other (including polyglot) 11 Congresses Collections 12 Texts. Sources, etc. Celtic (General) 1001-1013 Celtic philology (Table P-PZ4a modified) History of philology Cf. PB1015 History of the languages 1007 General works Biography, memoirs, etc. 1009.A2 Collective 1009.A5-Z Individual, A-Z Subarrange each by Table P-PZ50 1014-1093 Celtic languages (Table P-PZ4b modified) Add number in table to PB1000 Class here works dealing with all or with several of the Celtic languages specified in PB1100+ 1015.5 Proto-Celtic languages (1017.5) Script (Ogham) see PB1217 Etymology 1083.5 Dictionaries (exclusively etymological) Lexicography For biography of lexicographers see PB1009.A2+ 1087 Treatises. Collections Including periodicals devoted exclusively to lexicography 1089 Dictionaries For etymological dictionaries see PB1083.5 Linguistic geography 1093 General works (1095) Atlases. Maps see class G Celtic literature History and criticism Generalities: Periodicals. Societies, etc. see PB1001+ Treatises 1096 General 1097 Special Texts (Collections) 1 PB MODERN LANGUAGES. CELTIC LANGUAGES PB Celtic (General) Celtic literature Texts (Collections) -- Continued 1098 General 1099 Special 1100 Translations. Adaptations Goidelic. Gaelic. (Irish, Scottish Gaelic, and Manx) 1101-1113 Philology (Table P-PZ4a modified) History of philology Cf. PB1115 History of the language 1107 General works Biography, memoirs, etc. 1109.A2 Collective 1109.A5-Z Individual, A-Z Subarrange each by Table P-PZ50 1114-1193 Language (Table P-PZ4b modified) Add number in table to PB1100 Class here works dealing with the Goidelic languages collectively Style. Composition. Rhetoric For study and teaching see PB1111 1175 General works Etymology 1183.5 Dictionaries (exclusively etymological) Lexicography For biography of lexicographers see PB1109.A2+ 1187 Treatises. Collections Including periodicals devoted exclusively to lexicography 1189 Dictionaries For etymological dictionaries see PB1183.5 Linguistic geography 1193 General works (1195) Atlases. Maps see class G Literature History and criticism Generalities: Periodicals, Societies, etc. see PB1101+ Treatises 1196 General 1197 Special Texts 1198 General 1199 Special 1200 Translations Irish 1201-1213 Philology (Table P-PZ4a modified) History of philology Cf. PB1215 History of the language 1207 General works Biography, memoirs, etc. 1209.A2 Collective 1209.A5-Z Individual, A-Z Subarrange each by Table P-PZ50 1214-1299 Language (Table P-PZ4b modified) Add number in table to PB1200 1217 Script (Ogham, Ogom) Grammar 2 PB MODERN LANGUAGES. CELTIC LANGUAGES PB Irish Language Grammar -- Continued 1218 Historical Including Old Irish and Middle Irish Cf. PB1288.A2+ Old Irish glossaries 1219 Comparative Style. Composition. Rhetoric For study and teaching see PB1211 1275 General works Etymology 1283.5 Dictionaries (exclusively etymological) Lexicography For biography of lexicographers see PB1209.A2+ 1287 Treatises Glossaries (Old Irish) 1288.A2-.A4 Collections 1288.A5-Z Particular glossaries, by editor 1289 Dictionaries with definitions in Irish 1291 Dictionaries with definitions in English 1293.A-Z Dictionaries with definitions in other languages. By language, A-Z Dictionaries exclusively etymological see PB1283.5 1295 Special lists Linguistic geography. Dialects, etc. 1296.A1 Linguistic geography Dialects. Provincialisms, etc. 1296.A2-.A29 Periodicals. Collections 1296.A3 Collections of texts, etc. 1296.A5-Z General works. Grammar (General and special) 1297 Dictionaries (1298.A1) Atlases. Maps see class G 1298.A5-Z Local. By region, place, etc. 1299 Slang. Argot Literature Cf. PR8700+ English literature of Ireland Generalities: Periodicals. Societies, etc. see PB1201+ History 1306 General 1307 General special. Minor 1314.A-Z Special topics, A-Z 1314.C45 Christianity 1314.D45 Deirdre (Legendary character) 1314.E48 Education 1314.M87 Music 1314.W65 Women 1317 Biography (Collective) By period 1321 Old Irish (700-1100) 1322 Middle Irish (1100-1550) 1325 Modern Irish (1550- ) Epic literature (Prose intermingled with poetry) 1327 General 1329 General special Poetry 3 PB MODERN LANGUAGES. CELTIC LANGUAGES PB Irish Literature History Poetry -- Continued 1331 General 1333 General special Prose 1336 General 1337 General special (1343) Proverbs see PN6505.C5 Texts Collections 1345 General. Ancient and modern literature Early (to 1800) 1347 General works 1351 Selections, etc. Modern 1353 19th-20th centuries 1354 21st century By form Epic literature 1356 General 1357 Special For special cycles (Ulster cycle; Finn or Ossianic cycle) see PB1397.A+ Poetry 1359 General 1360 Special Including ballads Drama 1369 General 1370 Special Prose 1379 General 1380 Special Folk literature see GR153.4+ For proverbs see PN6505.C5 (1382) History and criticism (1383) Collections of texts Local 1395.A-Z By region, province, county, etc., A-Z 1396.A-Z By city, A-Z Outside of Ireland 1396.3 General 1396.4 United States and Canada 1396.5.A-Z Other, A-Z Individual authors and works 1397.A-Z Cycles and anonymous works to 1800, A-Z For translations see PB1421+ Acallam na senórach 1397.A3 Text 1397.A33 Criticism Aided Muichertaig meic Erca 1397.A36 Text 1397.A362 Criticism 4 PB MODERN LANGUAGES. CELTIC LANGUAGES PB Irish Literature Individual authors and works Cycles and anonymous works to 1800, A-Z -- Continued Aislinge Meic Conglinne 1397.A37 Text 1397.A372 Criticism Alexander the Great (Romances, etc.) 1397.A4 Text 1397.A42 Criticism Amra Choluimb Chille 1397.A5 Text 1397.A52 Criticism Audacht Morainn 1397.A75 Text 1397.A752 Criticism Auraicept na n-éces 1397.A8 Text 1397.A82 Criticism Baile in scáil 1397.B34 Text 1397.B342 Criticism Bás cearbhaill agus farbhlaidhe 1397.B37 Text 1397.B372 Criticism Book of Fenagh 1397.B6 Text 1397.B62 Criticism Book of O'Hara 1397.B65 Text 1397.B652 Criticism British Museum. Mss. [Harleian 5280] 1397.B85 Text 1397.B852 Criticism Bruiden Da Choca 1397.B86 Text 1397.B862 Criticism Buile Suibhne Geilt 1397.B87 Text 1397.B872 Criticism Cáin Adamnáin 1397.C25 Text 1397.C252 Criticism Caithréim Cellaig 1397.C27 Text 1397.C272 Criticism Cath Almaine 1397.C32 Text 1397.C322 Criticism Cath Finntrága 1397.C33 Text 1397.C332 Criticism Coimheasgar na gCuradh 1397.C55 Text 1397.C552 Criticism Comhairle Mhic Clamha ó Achadh na Muilleann 5 PB MODERN LANGUAGES. CELTIC LANGUAGES PB Irish Literature Individual authors and works Cycles and anonymous works to 1800, A-Z Comhairle Mhic Clamha ó Achadh na Muilleann -- Continued 1397.C553 Text 1397.C5532 Criticism Comracc Líadaine i Cuirithir 1397.C554 Text 1397.C5542 Criticism Cormac Mac Airt, King of Ireland, fl. 227-260 1397.C556 Text 1397.C5563 Criticism Cuchulain. Ulster cycle (General) Class individual works belonging to the cycle under their respective numbers 1397.C7 Text 1397.C8 Criticism De chophur in dá muccida 1397.D4 Text 1397.D42 Criticism Eachtra na gCuradh 1397.E2 Text 1397.E22 Criticism Eachtra Ridire na Leomhan 1397.E25 Text 1397.E252 Criticism Echtrae Chonnlai 1397.E27 Text 1397.E272 Criticism Feis tighe Chónain 1397.F3 Text 1397.F32 Criticism Fenian or Ossianic cycle (General) Class individual works belonging to the cycle under their respective numbers 1397.F4 Text 1397.F5 Criticism Fís Adamnáin 1397.F543 Text 1397.F544 Criticism Fled Dúin na nGéd 1397.F6 Text 1397.F62 Criticism Geinealach na nDéisi 1397.G45 Text 1397.G452 Criticism Immram Brain 1397.I6 Text 1397.I62 Criticism Immram curaig Máele Dúin 1397.I63 Text 1397.I632 Criticism Immrama 1397.I65 Text 1397.I652 Criticism King and hermit 1397.K55 Text 6 PB MODERN LANGUAGES. CELTIC LANGUAGES PB Irish Literature Individual authors and works Cycles and anonymous works to 1800, A-Z King and hermit -- Continued 1397.K552 Criticism Lebor Gabála Érenn 1397.L43 Text 1397.L432 Criticism Longes mac nUsnig 1397.L59 Text 1397.L6 Criticism Merlin (Allegory) 1397.M38 Text 1397.M382 Criticism Mesca Ulad 1397.M4 Text 1397.M42 Criticism Odysseus 1397.O3 Text 1397.O32 Criticism Oidheadh chloinne hUisneach 1397.O35 Text 1397.O352 Criticism Pairlement Chloinne Tomáis 1397.P35 Text 1397.P352 Criticism Prophecy of Berchán 1397.P76 Text 1397.P762 Criticism Saltair na rann 1397.S33 Text 1397.S34 Criticism Scél mucci Mic Dathó 1397.S35 Text 1397.S352 Criticism Scéla Cano meic Gartnáin 1397.S37 Text 1397.S372 Criticism Siabhradh Mhic na Míochomhairle 1397.S46 Text 1397.S462 Criticism Slan seiss, a Brigit co mbúaid 1397.S5 Text 1397.S52 Criticism Stair Ercuil ocus a bás 1397.S7 Text 1397.S72 Criticism Táin bó Cúailnge 1397.T3 Text 1397.T33 Criticism Táin bó Fráich 1397.T34 Text 1397.T35 Criticism Togail bruidne Da Derga 1397.T65 Text 7 PB MODERN LANGUAGES. CELTIC LANGUAGES PB Irish Literature Individual authors and works Cycles and anonymous works to 1800, A-Z Togail bruidne Da Derga -- Continued 1397.T652 Criticism Togail na Tebe 1397.T7 Text 1397.T72 Criticism Togail Troí 1397.T73 Text 1397.T732 Criticism Tóraigheacht Taise Taoibhghile 1397.T74 Text 1397.T742 Criticism Tóraigheact Dhiarmada agus Ghráinne 1397.T752 Text 1397.T753 Criticism Ulster cycle see PB1397.C7+ 1398.A-Z Individual authors to 1800, A-Z Subarrange each author by Table P-PZ40 1398.B5 Blaithmaic, Saint, d. ca. 827 (Table P-PZ40) 1398.H3 Haicéad, Pádraigín (Table P-PZ40) 1398.M2 Mac Aingil, Aodh, 1571-1626 (Table P-PZ40) 1398.M235 Mac Brádaigh, Fiachra, approximately 1690-approximately 1760 (Table P-PZ40) 1398.M275 Mac Cruitín, Aodh Buí, ca. 1680-1755 (Table P-PZ40) 1398.M34 Mac Gearailt, Muiris mac Dáibhí Dhuibh, ca.
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