University of Alberta Postcolonial Theory and the Soviet- Ukrainian Contai: Reading hrrii Andnikhovych S 1989 Collection of Amy Tales as a Post-Colonid Text A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research in partial fulfillrnent of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts Department of Modem Languages and Cultural Studies Edmonton, Alberta Fa11 2000 National Library Bibliothèque nationale I+I,canada du Canada Acquisitions and Acquisitions et Bibliographie Services services bibliographiques 395 Wellington Street 395. nie Wellington Ottawa ON K1A ON4 Ottawa ON KIA ON4 Canada Canada The author has granted a non- L'auteur a accordé une licence non exclusive licence allowhg the exclusive permettant à la National Library of Canada to Bibliothèque nationale du Canada de reproduce, loan, distribute or seU reproduire, prêter, distribuer ou copies of this thesis in microfonn, vendre des copies de cette thèse sous paper or electronic formats. la forme de microfiche/film, de reproduction sur papier ou sur format électronique. The author retains ownership of the L'auteur conserve la propriété du copyright in this thesis. Neither the droit d'auteur qui protège cette thèse. thesis nor substantial extracts fiom it Ni la thèse ni des extraits substantiels may be printed or otherwise de celle-ci ne doivent être imprimés reproduced without the author's ou autrement reproduits sans son permission. autorisation. This thesis explores the application of postcolonial culturaI theory to Ukrainian cultural developments in the late Soviet penod, focusing on the postcoionial features of the 1989 collection of army tales From the Left. Where the Heart 1s (ZZiva, de sertse) by Iurii Ihorovych hdnikhovych. The thesis is comprised of 3 chapters and an annotated bibliography of Andrukhovych's works. Chapter 1 introduces the reader to Andrukhovych, his works, and his army collection. Chapter 2 outlines the application of general postcolonial theory to the Soviet-mainian context by Marko Pavlyshyn. Chapter 3 analyzes From the Lefi, Where the Heart 1s according to the fiamework provided by Marko Pavlyshyn in his postcolonial interpretation of Andmkhovych's novel Recreatiom (Reh-eatsii). 1 dedicate this thesis to the Ukrainian pioneers in Canada, both past and present, and to my daughter, a pioneer of the future, The preparation of this thesis would not have been possible without the assistance and inspiration of a nuniber of people. 1 am grateful to Oleh IhytzSj and Natalia Pylypiuk for their comrnents, cnticism, and patience during the process of researching and writing; Michael Naydan, Maxim Tamawsky, Vitaly Chemetsky, and Lida Stefanowska for their assistance in arranging an interview with Iuii Andrukhovych during his 1998 trip to North America; Michael Naydan for his comments and assistance in locating materials unavailable through the library loan system; and Iurii Andrukhovych for allowing me to interview him and diligently replying to my numerous requests and inquiries. 1 ako wish to thank Valeni PolkovsLy, Anna Kuranicheva, Roman Shiyan, and Sergiy Morgovsb for their assistance in translating, although al1 mistakes and inconsistencies are of course my own; Manisia Petryshyn and the staff at the Ukrainian Language Education Centre for their support and assistance; the Canadian hstitute of Ukrainian Studies and the Ukrainian Canadian Foundation of Taras Shevchenko for their financial support; Roma Franko and Elena Glazov-Corrigan, who endowed me with a love of literature and taught me how to chart my ovm path; Nadia Prokopchuk, my parents, and countless individuals in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan who worked to establish the Ukrainian bilingual prograrn and afforded me the opportunity to study Ukrainian; and, most of all, Carey and Anastasia who helped me to keep it a11 in perspective. Unless othenvise indicated, al1 tables, appendices, and translations provided are my own. Translations were undertaken with the sole intention of making the text accessible to academics with no reading howIedge of Ukrainian and, as such, they do not convey the literary merit and artistic sophistication of the Ukrainian original. Persona1 names, place names, as well as journal, monograph, newspaper, and other titles are transliterated hrom conternporary Ukrainian using a simplified version of the Library of Congess system of tranditeration. The footnotes and bibliography are transliterated following the same systern of translation. Direct quotes and the nominative sinplar of selected terminol0~7appear in the original Ukrainian and are accompanied by an English translation. Parenthetical references are used throughout the thesis to indicate the source of quo tations and examples drawn Çom the ori30inal 1989 publication of From the Left, Where the Heart 1s. Al1 other relevant information is provided in footnotes at the bottom of the page. TABLE OF CONTENTS MODIFIED LXBRARY OF CONGRESS SYSTEM OF TRcUVSLITERATION INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 1: Biographic Notes and PubIication History 1. A Brief Biography of Iurii Ihorevych Andnikhovych II. From the left, mere the Heart 1s: Details of Publication CHAPTER 2: Ukrainian Literature and the Concepts of Cotoniatity, Anti- Coloniulity, and Post- Coloir inlity 1. The Application of Postcolonial Theory to the Soviet-Ukrainian Context II. Defining the Colonial, Anti-Colonial, and Post-ColoniaI III. Postmodemism and Post-Colonialism CHAPTER 3: Reading Fronr the Lefi, Where the Heart 1s As a Post-Colonial Text 1, Colonial, Anti-Colonial, or Post-Colonial? II, Breaking Free £tom Colonialisrn III- Abandoning Anti-Colonialisrn II. P~s~odernisrnas an Aspect of Post-ColoniaIism CONCLUSION BIBLIOGRAPHY ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF ANDRC'KHOVYCH'S WORKS 1. Notes to the Bibliography II. The Works of Iuni Ihorovych Andrukhovych MODIIFIED LIB-Y OF CONGRESS SYSTEM OF TRANSLf TERATION UPPER CASE LOWER CASE Vernacular Romanization Vernacular Romanization P r S T t u U F f Kh kh Ts t s Ch ch Sh s h Shch shch Iu iu Ia ia 1 " or ' or' c INTRODUCTION In this thesis, I will expIore the application of postcolonial cultural theory to the context of late-Soviet Uhainian culture. 1will identiQ the primary characteristics of the debate, focusing on the developments in Ukrainian literature of the late- 1980s to early-1990s. An analysis of Iurii Andmkhovych's collection of army tales, From the Lefi Where the Heurt 1s (Zliva, de sertse)', will highlight the main features of this debate. Although the work of seminal postcolonial theorists (Le., Gayatri Spivak, Edward Said, Horni Bhabha, Frantz Fanon) has been central to the development of general postcolonial studies, it is the work of Marko Pavlyshyn that will serve as the basis for my discussion. Although he is not alone in identiQing Ukrainian culture as postcolonial, Marko Pavlyshyn has made the most systematic attempts to justify the theory's application to the Ukrainian context. His work is of specific interest because the Soviet- and post-Soviet periods provide the focus for his research; moreover, it provides a precedent for analyzing Andrukhovych's prose in light of postcolonial theory. In this thesis 1 seek to expIore the validity of a post-colonial reading of Iurii Andrukhovych's army tales. The work begins with a brief biogaphy and publication history and is followed by a discussion of postcolonial theory and its application to the Ukrainian context. Although FL KHI was composed prior to both hlasnist' (i.e., glasnost) and Ukrainian independence, 1 seek to prove that the tales are postcoIonia1 in attitude. ' The collection will be referred to as the "army collection," the "army tales," or "FL WHr' henceforth. Titles of individual works within the collection as weli as the titles of other works will initially appear in English translation accompanied by a transliteration of the original Ukrainian title in brackets. Subsequent mention will be made using the English translation only. Pavlyshyds discussion of Andnikhovych's novet, Recreations (Rekreatsii), as welI as his discussion of postmodemism will be used to support a post-coIonial analysis of FL WHI- CaAPTER 1: Biographic Notes and Publication History 1. A Brief Biography of Iuri Ihorovych Andrukhovych In order to fÜIly comprehend the importance of Iurii Andnikhovych in the continuum of Ukrainian letters, it is necessary to begin this study with a brief biography and publication history. Although Andrukhovych has becorne popular with both the reading public in Ukraine, particularly with Ukrainian youth, and Ukrainian academic circles in Ukraine and in the West, very little information is available about the author or his works. Moreover, what is available is scattered throughout various sources, many of which are not readily accessible in North Arnerican libraries. The most substantial attempts at outlining Andrukhovych's biography and publications can be found in UX-raina hidenta 13 + 2' and on the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies web site;' however, the information presented in both sources is incomplete. This chapter seeks to provide more detail than has been previously available. An annotated bibliography of Andrukhovych's works is appended to the end of this study and is intended to complement the biographie information presented in this chapter. Iurii Ihorevych Andnikhovych (b. 13 March 1960, Ivano-Frankivs'k) is perhaps one of the most weII known writers of contemporary Ukraine. He is a rnember of the ' Uhaina Inidenta 13 t 2 (Kyiv: Nova Iiteratura, 1997) 6-9. literary grouping Dogs of St. George (Psy sviatoho Iura) and
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