10288 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE JULY 27 The· next amendment was, under the [Mr. STENNIS], and the Senator from in line 3, after the word "amount", to heading "Displaced Persons Commis­ Kentucky [Mr. WITHERS] are detained on strike out "not to exceed $2,122,000 shall sion," on page 14, line 11, after the word omcial business. be available for personal services in the "amended," to insert "purchase <not to The Senator from New Mexico [Mr. District of Columbia exclusive of". and exceed 30), and." CHAVEZ] is absent because of illness. in line 5, after the figures "$10,000", to The amendment was agreed to. The Senator from Mississippi [Mr. insert "shall be available." The next amendment was, under the EASTLAND], the Senator from Minnesota The amendment was agreed to. beading "Federal Communications Com­ [Mr. HUMPHREY], and the Senator from The next amendment was, on page 17, mission," on page 15, line 23, after the Arizona [Mr. McFARLAND] are absent on line 14, after the word "binding", to word "Columbia", to strike out ''includ­ public business. strike out "$325,000" and insert "$337 .- ing salaries of the Commissioners at The Senator from Idaho [Mr. MILLER] 000", and in the same line, after the $12,009 each per annum so long as the is necessarily absent. amendment just above stated, to strike positions are held by the present in­ The Senator from Minnesota [Mr. out the comma and "of which amount cumbents." HUMPHREY] is paired on this vote with not to exceed $130,000 shall be available The amendment was agreed to. the Senator from New Jersey [Mr. for personal services in the District of The next amendment was, on page SMITHJ. If present and voting, the Sen­ Columbia." 16, line 8, after the word "binding", to ator from Minnesota would vote "yea," The amendment was agreed to. strike out "$6,525,000" and insert "$6,- and the Senator from New Jersey .would The next amendment was. under the 633.000.'' vote "nay." heading ''Federal Trade Commission", Mr. BRIDGES. Mr. President, this Mr. SALTONSTALL. I announce that on page 17, line 19, after the word "Co­ amendment has to do with the Federal the Senator from Kansas [Mr. REED] is lumbia", to strike out the comma and Communications Commission which, of absent by leave of the Senate. "including salaries of the Commissioners course, performs an important function. The Senator from New ·Jersey [Mr. at $12,000 each per annum so long as The House provided for personnel of SMITH] who is absent because of 1llness the positions are held by the present in­ 1,332 for the Commission. This amend­ is paired with the Senator from Minne­ cumbents." ment would increase the number of per­ sota [Mr. HUMPHREY]. If present and The amendment was agreed to. sonnel to 1,349. voting, the Senator from New Jersey The next amendment was, on page 18, I do not believe any Member of the would vote "nay" and the Senator from line 2, after the figures "$700", to strike Senate wishes to handicap the Federal Minnesota would vote "yea." out "$3,450,000" and insert "$3,639,000." Communications Commission in any way The Senator from Washington [Mr. Mr. BRIDGES. Mr. President­ or prevent it from doing a good job. I CAIN] and the Senator from Missouri Mr. LUCAS. Mr. President, will the ·think the personnel of 1,332 allowed by [Mr. KEM] are detained on omcial busi­ Senator yield? the House of Representatives is adequate ness. Mr. BRIDGES. I yield. for that Commission, and it seems to me The result was announced-yeas 40, Mr. LUCAS. Will there be some de­ that the ~ncrease provided by the Senate nays 39, as follows: bate on this amendment? committee is unwarranted. YEA8-40 Mr. BRIDGES. Yes, there will be·. Therefore, I hope the Senate commit­ Anderson Holland Morse RECESS tee amendment will be rejected. Chapman Hunt Murray Mr. O'MAHONEY. Mr. President, Connally Johnson, Tex. Myers Mr. LUCAS. Mr. President, it is now Cordon Johnston, S. C. O'Mahoney 10 minutes to 6, and in view of the fact again it is true that the Senate commit­ Downey Kefauver Pepper tee allowed an increase in the .person- Ellender Kerr Robertson that there will be some debate on this . nel-in this case, an increase of 17 above Frear Long Russell amendment, and probably another roll Fulbright Lucas Saltonstall call, I move that the Senate take a recess the number allowed by the llouse of George McCarran Sparkman Representatives. But even ·with that Graham McGrath Taylor until 12 o'clock noon tomorrow. increase, this measure ·allows for the Green McKellar Thomas, Utah The motion was agreed to; and <at 5 Gurney McMahon Young o'clock and 53 minutes p, m.) the Senate Federal Communications Commission a Hayden Magnuson personhel of 49 less than the Commis­ Hill Mayba took a recess until tomorrow, Thursday, July 28, 1949, at 12 o'clock meridian. sion has at this moment. So again we NAYS-39 are presenting a provision for a decrease Alken Flanders Martin in personnel, not an increase. Baldwin Hendrickson M1llik1n As the Senator from New Hampshire Brewster Hlckenlooper Mundt has stated, the Communications Com­ Bricker Hoey Schoeppel HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES mission performs a very important serv­ Bridges Ives Smith, Maine Butle.r Jenner Taft WEDNESDAY, JULY 27, 1949· ice. Every day requests are made to the Byrd Johnson, Colo. Thye Communications Commission for addi­ Capehart Knowland Tobey Donnell Langer Vandenberg The House met at 12 o'clock noon. tional services. By the use of the radio Douglas Lodge \Vatkins The Acting Chaplain, James P. Wes­ in Red Cross work, in police work, in Dulles McCarthy \Vherry berry, LL. D., offered the following maritime work, in every ave.nue of radio Ecton McClellan \Viley prayer: communication and the transmission of Ferguson Malone W1111ams information, the work of the Communi­ NOT VO'TING-17 Almighty and everlasting God, su­ cations Commission is increasing. The Caln Kilgore Smlth,N.J. preme lover of the universe and mighty committee, Mr. President, felt that to Chavez McFarland Stennis ruler of the destiny of nations, Thou hast deny the increase which we recom:nended Eastland Miller Thomas, Okla. most graciously· preserved and prospered Gillette Neely Tydings would serious1 impede the work of the Humphrey O'Conor \Vithers us. Thou hast raised up these the leaders Commission. I trust that the increase Kem Reed of our Nation's safety. We humbly be­ may be allowed. seech Thee to hear us as we express our So the amendment was a.greed to. gratitude for them and for Thy never­ The PRESIDING OFFICER. The The PRESIDING OFFICER. The question is on agreeing to the amend­ f ailing goodness and abundant blessings clerk wm state the next amendment. upon our Nation. ment. The next amendment was, under the Mr. BRILGES. Mr. President, I ask heading "Federal Power Commission", Make us, we pray Th'ee, Heavenly for the yeas and nays, on page 16, line 19, after the word ''Co­ Father, in each passing moment of this The yeas and nays were ordered, and lumbia'', to strike out the comma and congressional day, deeply conscious of the legislative clerk called the roll. "including salaries of the Commission­ the guidance of Thy holy hand. Give us Mr. MYERS. I announce that the ers at $12,000 each per annum so long as an abiding cognizance of our account­ Senator from Iowa [Mr. GILLETTE], the the positions are held by the present in­ ability to Thee that Thy will may be done Senators from West Virginia [Mr. KIL­ cumbents"; in line 21, after the word through us. And this we humbly ask in GORE and Mr. NEELY], the Senator from "exceed", to strike out "$220,000" and the name of Him who is the desire of all Oklahoma [Mr. THOMAS], the Senators insert ''$230,000";· on page 17, line 2, nations. Amen. from Maryland [Mr. O'CONOR and Mr . after the word "newspapers", fo strike The Journal of the proceedings of yes­ TYDINGS], the Senator from Mississippi out "$3,650,000" and insert "$3,763,000"; terday was read and approved. 1949 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 10289 MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE H. R. 1466. An act for the relief of Daniel The SPEAKER. Notwithstanding the Kim; excess, without objection, the extension A message from the Senate, by Mr. H. R. 1472. An act for the relief of the McDaniel, its enrolling clerk, announced Olympic Hotel; may be made. that · the Senate had passed without H. R. 1625. An act for the relief of Chris­ There was no objection. · amendment bills and a joint resolution tine Kono; MINIMUM-WAGE LEGISLATION of the House of the following titles: H. R. 2084. An act for the relief of Telko Horikawa and Yoshiko Horikawa; Mr. LUCAS. Mr. Speaker, I ask unan­ H. R. 142. An act excepting certain persons imous consent to address the House for from the requirement of paying fees for cer­ H. R. 2290. An act to provide for coopera­ tain census data; tion by the Smithsonian Institution with 1 minute and to revise and extend my H. R. 459. An act to authorize the payment State, educational, and scientific organiza­ remarks. of employees of the Bureau of Animal In­ tions in the United States for continuing The SPEAKER. Is there objection to dustry for overtime duty performed at es­ paleontological investigations in areas which the request of the gentleman from t ablishments which prepare virus, serum, will be flooded by the construction of Gov­ Texas? t oxin, or analogous products for use in the ernment dams; There was no objection.
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