NOT READY FOR THIS COMMITMENT SINCE 1997 SEPTEMBER 2010 * Does OU also Blow? A Myth Uncovered * Cooler Coolers! * Degradation, Misogyny, Subtle Racism & Other Things to Look Forward to this OU Weekend Interview with Edgar Wright, Michael Cera, and Jason Schwartzman THE MANAGING EDITOR DEEP DISHISSUE TEXAS TRAVESTY THIS MONTH IN... EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Alyssa Peters MANAGING Dan Treadway EDITOR ASSOCIATE Jermaine Affonso RATIONALIZATIONS EDITORS David McQuary DESIGN DIRECTOR Jessica Grantham September was a fantastic • George Glass maintains that he Rationalization month for rationalizations as bought fried REGULAR Oreos, of the month: MEDIA EDITOR Aaron Walther students all over campus talked not double-stuffed. Junior Mark Bentley hijacked the PHOTOGRAPHER Lawrence Peart themselves into accepting bad de- West Campus bus to get to his WRITING STAFF Malcolm Wardlaw cisions and flawed logic to make • Shannon Westland decided she Economics test on time. Despite Marshall Dungan their lives just a little bit easier. didn’t need to go to her geology C. J. Cervantes not knowing how to properly class because she was busy get- Hannah Oley • Tom Franklin knew framing his ting stoned. drive a bus, Bentley did make it DESIGN STAFF Aaron Rodriguez roommate for cocaine possession to the test in time to get an A and Annie Samuelson was a pretty horrible thing to do, • Stacy Roland justified throw- only seven people were critically Suzanne Lewis but a very reasonable way to get ing away the pink lid from her injured! Josue Ramirez the room to himself tonight. Now yogurt container, because they Lin Zagorski he can push the beds together! must be pretty close to solving this PUBLICITY Sam Baskin whole cancer thing anyway. • Tom Jennings reminded his ADMINISTRATIVE Lara Grant girlfriend, “Babe, I keep my cell ASSISTANTS Katherine Swope • Grace Kim rationalized being phone in my front pocket, we Margaret Newman Korean. Although she hates it, don’t need a condom.” Andrew Egan she recognizes the fact that she Katherine Bridgeman was born this way, so it’s probably Brett Fowler okay. Samantha Pitchel Travis Rankin Joe Faina CONTACT try class when he finds out that it’s not organic. • Boot-wearing students with long hair and odd hats PHONE 512-471-7898 • Musical ringtones never end well for anyone will be asked “Are you the King of Leon?” EMAIL [email protected] involved. • Please suppress the urge to yell “Red Rover!” and WEB www.texastravesty.com • “Everybody’s Working for the Weekend” is a fairly clothesline somebody when crossing Guadalupe. MAIL Texas Travesty • UT Austin around P.O. Box D • Austin, TX 78713 savvy prognosis of how our economy functions • “Yes, what did you think about Plato’s Republic?” CONTACT today. “Oh, I was just stretching my arm.” EDITORSPHONE 512-471-7898 EMERITUS campus • If you’re gay, John McCain doesn’t know and • Are you really sure this isn’t just a dream within a KevinEMAIL [email protected] Kristin Hillery 1997 2005-2006 doesn’t care. Just stop asking him. Okay?! dream within a dream within a dream? Really? WEB www.texastravesty.com • Exhausted professors will say, “Put your hand • Let’s just stay at home and watch the game to- Brad Butler David Strauss • Gregory, Schmegory. 1997-2000MAIL Texas Travesty • UT2006-2007 Austin down. That is astupid question.” gether, babe. P.O. Box D • Austin, TX 78713 • Hey bro I’m kinda full. Wanna share this beer? Ben Stroud Veronica Hansen • 90 percent of attempts to open the middle door at • Well, at least we’re a better school than UCLA ... oh 2000-2001 2007-2008 • Jimmy John’s? More like “fast sandwiches.” EDITORS EMERITUS • A Quad filled with grass? What is this,A&M? the Union will result in looking like the scrawny, • Astrophysics major James Cheung vows to remain Trevor Rosen Ross Luippold 2001-2003Kevin Butler Trevor2008-200 Rosen9 useless man you are. celibate until his negative ionic charge and Jackie 1997 2001-2003 • You haven’t heard independent music until you Todd Ross Matt Ingbretson listen to some Ben Harper. • The scaffolding around the Texas Capitol building Samson’s positive neutrino charge can conglomer- BradNienkerk Butler Todd Nienkerk2009-2010 is actually the set of a Jackie Chan fight sequence. ate into one big, massive bang. 1997-20002003-2005 2003-2005 • All things considered, the crazy straw doesn’t do Ben Stroud Kristin Hillery much for this scotch. • Hey assholes, we didn’t forget about Swedish Fish, • I chose my major because he’s kind and doesn’t 2000-2001LEGALESE 2005-2006 • Traffic on the West Mall running smoothly. Expect we just consciously decided to stop eating them. make us do extra PT. The Texas Travesty is the student humor pub- LEGALESElication at the University of Texas at Austin, delays in first floor Union bathroom. Get off our billboards! • Note to self: Do not google image search ‘jug- published monthly by the permanent and contributingThe Texas Travesty staff. The is the Travesty student is humor a work pub of- • Being diabetic is like having a party in your mouth • Either that guy is wearing the same t-shirt every galette’ in class. (hopefully)lication at thehumorous University fiction. of Texas Except at Austin,where day, or he REALLY “means business.” • Johnny! Quick! Pass me your flame-imparting publicpublished figures monthly are involved, by the characters permanent are andnot with a very exclusive guest list. basedcontributing on any staff.real person. The Travesty Any resemblence is a work toof • Clown professors will squirt students with water apparatus! I have 100 millimeters of nicotine and any(hopefully) persons humorousliving or dead fiction. is coincidental. Except where The • A hipster biology major will Q-Drop his Chemis- viewspublic expressed figures are in involved, the Travesty characters do not are reflect not who haven’t read the sillybus. cyanide that I must destroy post haste! thebased views on any of realTexas person. Student Any Publications, resemblence the to Universityany persons of living Texas or at dead Austin is coincidental. or pretty much The anyone.views expressed All material in theprinted Travesty is property do not reflectof the Travesty.the views The of TexasTexas Travesty Student is Publications, not intended thefor readersUniversity under of Texas18 years at Austinof age, regardlessor pretty muchof the prettyanyone. pictures. All material printed is property of the In This Issue... Travesty. The Texas Travesty is not intended for readers under 18 years of age, regardless of theSHOUT pretty pictures. OUTZ TO... How do you spell roofie?; Telephone; My baby eats porkSHOUT rinds and OUTZbacon; Apple TO... bottom jeans, BIG boots with the fur; Why is everything closed?!; Mangia sounds dirty; Hannah lays down some truth; Chicago pizza v. all other pizza; 12 Hungry Men is fantastic!; Where is everyone? :(; Katherine made Pad Thai!; The couple that was reunited during our cover shoot; Bulletproof; The guy on the Caprisun is BarackObamasistable; City Son, giving you my porn Gulf Coast aquatic life William Powers delivers High’s got the best antebellum voodoo magic; Corgie flop; Shawty got low; We have to do this for 4 minutes; collection was my way embracing greaser look speech about woes, Look Alyssa, I’m a cripple!; Big Tex looks like he killed a of saying “I can’t get an man in prison; Jimmy Johns; Anything but Jimmy Johns; budget turning hot dogs into poop logs; We’ll do it live!; New erection anymore.” iMac!!; Special Thanks to Doug Luippold for helping us copy edit! Can someone get these in- Freshman is nervous for 200 more die as Beiber voices out of my head? presentation day; senior Fever continues to spread is high © 2007 Texas Travesty. All rights reserved. Circulation: 25,000 © 2010 Texas Travesty. All rights reserved. Circulation: 25,000 NOT READY FOR THIS COMMITMENT SINCE 1997 NEWS • 3 UT to provide some thing for everyone ‘What the hell is this thing?’ entire student body asks Dan Treadway UT community, which in recent ty Council displayed their things MANAGING EDITOR months has been dismayed by the at the council’s weekly meeting recent budget cuts that have tak- while discussing their various AUSTIN—In response to the en place at the University. uses. “I respectfully wrote a let- recent budget cuts at the Univer- The source of the things dis- ter to the Office of the President sity of Texas, President William tributed are not known precisely, requesting enough funds to main- Powers Jr. announced the imple- although residents in West Aus- tain the Vietnamese language mentation of the “Some Thing tin witnessed Powers rummaging program at UT,” said a puzzled for Everyone” program. through his garage all Saturday Joel Brereton, Department Chair “Hey, I’m a nice guy,” Powers afternoon and throwing assorted of the Asian Studies program. “I said while tanning on the balcony items into the back of a U-Haul received a package in response of his office on the fourth floor truck. containing four quarters, a nickel of the Main Building. “In these and a half-eaten package of Big trying financial times, I wanted “In these trying League Chew.” to show students and staff that While the “Some Thing for there is a thing of some sort for financial times, I Everyone” program hasn’t gar- everyone at UT.” wanted to show nered the unanimous praise its The program, which was de- students and staff that creator hoped it would, it has had signed to win over the UT com- some success. munity, has met with a mixed re- there is a thing of some “This thing is pretty awesome,” sponse from students and faculty sort for everyone at said Jeff Stephens, a mathematics members.
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