> |^| • • ^4# • i mm M Tsfly- - I « ' m Source : Bibliothèque du CIO / IOC Library COMPAGNIE MERGE CUNNINGHAM - Peter Brook parle en ces termes de la troupe: "Le travail de Merce Cunningham (en bas a droite) est d une importance considerable. II prospecte de nouvelles directions, il est libre, ouvert aux forces que pressent I'artiste sans pouvoir les controler — tout en restant precis, classique et severe. C'est un amalgame mysterieux domine par une intense actlvite creatrice." La compagnie Merce Cunningham a presente trois pro- grammes auxquels participaient John Cage et Gordon Mumma, le pianiste David Tudor et Jasper Johns, conseiller artistique. Confirmation des idees de I Brook, ces spectacles ont reaffirme la tres haute qualite et I'exceptionnelle importance de la tache du choregraphe, mais avant tout le libre jeu dans lequel la danse devient a la fois cause, effet et reflet exact d'un objectif essentiel: ['exaltation du corps humain dans la contradiction du mouvement. Merce Cunningham nous a explique de vive voix sa position face a la "representation" choregraphique du corps humain et sa collaboration avec Cage, Jasper Johns et Rauschenberg: "La danse devient pour moi reellement interessante quand j'aborde un domaine inconnu." MERCE CUNNINGHAM COMPANY - Peter Brook has written that "the work of Merce Cunningham (lower right) is of the highest quality and greatest importance. It searches in new directions, it is free, open to the play of all the forces the participating artist senses without being able to control-and yet it is presise, classical and severe. This is a mysterious marriage brought about by an intense creativity." The company offered three programs, with the assistance of composers John Cage and Gordon Mumma, pianist David Tudor and scenographer Jasper Johns. Underlining the enthusiastic praise of Brook, the group's performances illustrated the quality and importance of Cunning- ham's work, and above all the free play of which the latter are cause and ; eK«K^f5:# effect, result and intimate reflection of an essential goal: to praise the human 4 m body through the contradiction of movement. Cunningham explains his attitude toward the choreographic "representation" of the human body and toward his collaboration with Cage, Johns and Rauschenberg: The dance becomes truly interesting to me when I am confronted by the unknown, the unfamiliar. Source : Bibliothèque du CIO / IOC Library BALLET-THEATRE DES PAYS-BAS (a gauche) - Depuis sa creation en 1959, le Ballet-Theatre des Pays-Bas s'est essentiellement consacre a la promotion choregraphique, essayant de combler le fosse qui existe depuis toujours entre ballet classique et danse moderne. Le programme de ses activites est ex- tremement charge, puisque chaque annee il presente en onze mois une douzaine d'oeuvres nouveiles dont les meilleures sont definitivement inscrites au reper- toire de la troupe. Administre par Carel Birnie et Aart Verstegen, le Ballet- Theatre compte deux directeurs artistiques, Hans van Manen et Benjamin Harkarvy, un maitre de ballet, Hanny Bouman, un chef d'orchestre, Zoltan Szilassy et vingt-six danseurs. NETHERLANDS DANCE THEATRE (opposite) - Since its inception in 1959, the Netherlands Dance Theatre has been devoted to the expansion and evolution of choreographic art through the conscious breaking down of barriers be- tween classical ballet and modern dance. The company has an extremely full schedule and executes a program of intense creative activity which includes the production of ten to twelve new works each eleven-month season, from which successful ballets are added to the permanent repertoire. Administered by Carel Birnie and Aart Verstegen, the company is composed of two artistic directors, Hans van Manen and Benjamin Harkarvy; a ballet master, Hanny Bouman; an orchestra leader, Zoltan Szilassy; and twenty-six dancers. MARTHA GRAHAM ET SA COMPAGN1E DE BALLET - "Liberatrice de Fart" souvent comparee a Picasso, Martha Graham (en bas a droite) a exerce une influence profonde sur les acteurs, les stylistes de mode et les musiciens des Etats-Unis et du monde entier. Depuis quelques annees, elle semble collec- tionner prix et distinctions, mais aussi les disciples qui voient en elle Tincarna- tion de la vie dansee. Lors de ses presentations a Mexico, cette tres grande artiste a interprete le role d'Hecube, reine de Troie, et celui de I'abbesse HeloTse, I'auteur des remarquables lettres a Abelard. MARTHA GRAHAM AND HER DANCE COMPANY - A "liberator of art" who has been compared to Picasso, Martha Graham (lower right) has exerted a lasting influence on the actors, fashion designers and musicians of the United States and the entire world. The honors and prizes she has been awarded are innumerable, as are her disciples, who see in her choreographic art the best way of representing life through the dance. In her company's Mexico City program. Miss Graham interpreted the role of Hecuba, Queen of Troy and that of the abbess Heloise, author of the remarkable letters to Abelard. Source : Bibliothèque du CIO / IOC Library BALLET-STUDIO DE PRAGUE — La creation du "Studio" est due a trois amis, les BALLET DU THEATRE DE L'OPERA DE DUSSELDORF - En douze ans d'existence, danseurs Lubos Ogoun et Pavel Smok et le critique Vladimir Vasuta. Les cet Opera est devenu Tun des theatres musicaux les plus importants du monde. membres de la troupe se reunissent le 17 aout 1964 dans la salle du Theatre 11 presente douze premieres par an et possede un repertoire de cinquante musical de Prague, pour leur premiere repetition. C'est ainsi qu'est forme un operas et quinze ballets. La troupe de I'Opera de Diisseldorf entend revaloriser ballet experimental independant, libere des contingences des theatres "a le "theatre de la danse" pour en faire un ensemble ou musique, choregraphie grand spectacle" ou la danse n'est souvent consideree que comme un support et decor sont inseparables. Objectif si parfaitement atteint qu'on a parle, a de I'opera, de I'operette et eventuellement, dg drame. juste raison, d'une conception revolutionnaire du theatre musical. PRAGUE STUDIO BALLET — The idea of creating the Studio was conceived by BALLET OF THE DUSSELDORF OPERA THEATRE - In its twelve years of acti- three friends, choreographers Lubos Ogoun and Pavel Smok and critic Vladimir vity, this opera has become one of the most outstanding musical theatres in Vasuta. On August 7, 1964, the dancers of this company gathered in the the world. Each year the company premieres twelve works, and it has a ballet salon of the Musical Theatre of Prague for their first rehearsal. Thus permanent repertory of fifty operas and fifteen ballets. The Diisseldorf Opera the first independent experimental Czech ballet was formed, free of the Company is attempting to revive the "theatre of the dance" and to closely complicated workings of "monumental" theatre, in which ballet is frequently unite music, choreography and scenography, aims which have been so nearly given only a supporting role in opera, operetta or drama. attained as to cause talk of the achievement of a new ideal in musical theatre. Source : Bibliothèque du CIO / IOC Library S0L1STES DU BALLET BOLCHOI - Cette prestigieuse compagnie, la plus celebre dans son genre, tire sa legende de grandes figures classiques: Pavlova, Massine, Nedezha, Begdanova, Zhukov, Oulanova at beaucoup d'autres. Le public mexicain a eu I'occasion d'admirer ces remarquables artistes lors des diverses visites effectuees dans ce pays par les solistes du Bolchoi ou par le ballet tout entier. Dans le cadre du Programme culturel des Jeux, cinquante artistes selectionnes parmi les meilleurs interpretes de la troupe ont presente "Le spectre de la rose" et le deuxieme acte du "Lac des cygnes". Au program- me figuraient egalement le "Grand pas de deux" du ballet "Don Quichotte", . "Souvenirs" sur une musique de Dvorak et "Gopak" du ballet "Tarass Boulba" (inspire de la nouvelle de Gogol), spectacle qui a amplement confirme I'excel- lence des choregraphes et danseurs de cette troupe, tous grandes figures du ballet classique mondial. Les programmes etaient presentes soit au Theatre des Beaux-Arts, soit ^ TAuditorium national. 305 SOLOISTS OF THE BOLSHOl BALLET - The Bolshoi Ballet, the finest com- pany of its kind in the world, owes its legend to great figures of classical ballet such as Pavlova, Massine, Nedezha, Begdanova, Zhukov, Ulanova and many others. The Mexican public has had the opportunity of admiring its remarkable artists on various occasions when they have visited the country- soloists as well as the entire Bolshoi Ballet. As a part of the Cultural Pro- gram of the Olympic Games, fifty artists selected from among the best mem- bers of the company presented "The Spectre of the Rose" and the second act of "Swan Lake," as well as the Grand Pas de Deux from the ballet "Don Qui- xote," "Memories" with music by Dvorak and "Gopak" from the ballet "Taras Bulba," based on the novel by Gogol. Their several nights of unforget- table performances at the Fine Arts Theatre and the National Auditorium confirmed the reputation of the members of this company-some of the world's best classical dancers-for perfection and technical elegance. Source : Bibliothèque du CIO / IOC Library I BALLET NATIONAL DE CUBA -La premiere compagnie professionnelie de ballet NATIONAL BALLET OF CUBA - The first professional ballet company of Cuba cubaine a ete fondee en 1948 par Alicia et Fernando Alonso, avec la colla- was founded in 1948 by Alicia and Fernando Alonso in collaboration with boration du choregraphe Alberto Alonso. La troupe, reorganisee en 1959 sous choreographer Alberto Alonso. Reorganized in 1959 under the auspices of les auspices du nouveau gouvernement revolutionnaire, a participe au lVe the new revolutionary government, the company participated in the IV In- Festival international de Ballet, ou elle a remporte le Grand Prix de la ville de ternational Ballet Festival, where it won the Grand Prize of the City of Paris.
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