Infection and Immunity

Infection and Immunity

INFECTION AND IMMUNITY VOLUME 56 0 JANUARY 1988 0 NUMBER 1 J. W. Shands, Jr., Editor in Chief Dexter H. Howard, Editor (1991) (1989) University of California University ofFlorida, Gainesville Peter F. Bonventre, Editor (1989) Los Angeles, Calif. Phillip J. Baker, Editor (1990) University of Cincinnati Stephen H. Leppla, Editor (1991) National Institute ofAllergy and Cincinnati, Ohio U.S. Army Medical Research Institute Infectious Diseases Roy Curtiss III, Editor (1990) of Infectious Diseases Bethesda, Md. Washington University Frederick, Md. Edwin H. Beachey, Editor (1988) St. Louis, Mo. Stephan E. Mergenhagen, Editor (1989) VA Medical Center National Institute ofDental Research Memphis, Tenn. Bethesda, Md. EDITORIAL BOARD Julia Albright (1989) Stanley Falkow (1988) Jerry R. McGhee (1988) Charles F. Schachtele (1988) Leonard t. Altman (1989) Joseph Ferretti (1989) Floyd C. McIntire (1988) Julius Schachter (1989) Michael A. Apicella (1988) Richard A. Finkelstein (1989) John Mekalanos (1989) Patrick Schlievert (1990) Neil R. Baker (1989) Vincent A. Fischetti (1989) Jiri Mestecky (1989) June R. Scott (1990) Alan Barbour (1989) David FitzGerald (1989) Suzanne M. Michalek (1989) Philip Scott (1988) John B. Bartlett (1988) Robert Fitzgerald (1989) David C. Morrison (1989) Gerald D. Shockman (1989) Joel B. Baseman (1988) James D. Folds (1988) Steven Mosely (1990) W. A. Simpson (1988) Robert E. Baughn (1990) Peter Gemski (1988) Antony J. Mukkada (1990) Phillip D. Smith (1988) Gary K. Best (1988) Robert Genco (1988) Robert S. Munford (1989) Ralph Snyderman (1988) Jenefer Blackwell (1988) Ronald J. Gibbons (1988) Juneann W. Murphy (1990) Maggie So (1989) Arnold S. Bleiweis (1990) Jon Goguen (1989) H. Nikaido (1989) P. Frederick Sparling (1990) William H. Bowen (1988) William E. Goldman (1989) Alison O'Brien (1988) Susan Straley (1989) David E. Briles (1988) Emil Gotschlich (1988) Itzhak Ofek (1989) Barnet M. Sultzer (1988) Gerald Byrne (1988) Frank M. Griffin, Jr. (1990) Dennis Ohman (1989) Catharina Svanborg-Edkn (1988) Richard A. Calderone (1990) Thomas L. Hale (1990) Andrew B. Onderdonk (1990) John L. Swanson (1990) Janne G. Cannon (1990) Robert E. W. Hancock (1988) Paul Orndorff (1990) Diane Taylor (1990) Gail H. Cassell (1990) Eric J. Hansen (1989) Shelley M. Payne (1988) John Thompson (1990) Bruce Chassy (1990) Thomas P. Hatch (1988) Nathaniel F. Pierce (1989) Michael R. Thompson (1990) John 0. Cisar (1988) Fred Heffron (1990) Matthew Pollack (1989) K. N. Timmis (1990) William B. Clark (1988) David Hentges (1988) Richard A. Proctor (1990) Ivo van de Rijn (1990) P. Patrick Cleary (1990) Penny J. Hitchcock (1989) Reuben Ramphal (1988) Johannes van Houte (1988) Steven Clegg (1990) Vincent J. Iacono (1988) Richard R. Ranney (1988) Michael L. Vasil (1990) John Clements (1988) James B. Jensen (1989) Jonathan I. Ravdin (1989) Stefanie Vogel (1988) Don B. Clewell (1990) Howard M. Johnson (1988) Richard F. Rest (1990) Peter A. Ward (1988) Rebecca Cox (1990) Russell C. Johnson (1988) John B. Robbins (1989) Rodney Welch (1990) Jorge H. Crosa (1988) William Johnson (1988) Donald Robertson (1990) Tracy D. Wilkins (1990) Jim E. Cutler (1990) Keith A. Joiner (1989) Burton Rosan (1989) Peter H. Williams (1990) Charles J. Czuprynski (1989) Dennis L. Kasper (1988) Raoul S. Rosenthal (1989) Herbert H. Winkler (1989) James B. Dale (1988) Stefan H. E. Kaufmann (1989) Roy R. B. Russell (1989) Donald E. Woods (1989) Judith E. Domer (1989) Paul Kolenbrander (1989) David Sacks (1989) William W. Yotis (1989) James L. Duncan (1988) Maurice J. Lefford (1990) Catherine Saelinger (1990) Elizabeth J. Ziegler (1988) Roman Dziarski (1990) F. Y. Liew (1988) Ann L. Sandberg (1989) Wendell D. Zollinger (1988) Robert A. Eisenberg (1990) Francis L. Macrina (1988) Phillippe Sansonetti (1989) Barry Eisenstein (1988) John Mansfield (1988) Dwayne C. Savage (1990) Helen R. Whiteley, Chairman, Publications Board Kirk Jensen, Director of Publications Linda M. Illig, Managing Editor, Journals Thomas M. Rogers, Production Editor Infection and Immunity (ISSN 0019-9567), a publication of the American Society for Microbiology, 1913 I St., N.W., Washington, DC 20006, is devoted to the advahcement and dissemination offundamental knowledge concerning: (i) infections caused by pathogenic bacteria, fungi, and unicellular parasites; (ii) the ecology and epidemiology of pathogenic microbes; (iii) virulence factors, such as toxins and microbial surface structures; (iv) nonspecific factors in host resistance and susceptibility to infection; and (v) immunology of microbial infection. Instructions to authors are published in the January issue each year; reprints are available from the editors and the Publications Department. Infection and Immunity is published monthly, one volume per year. The nonmember subscription price is $340 per year; single copies are $30. The member subscription price is $41 (foreign, $63 [air drop shipping]) per year; single copies are $8. Correspondence relating to subscriptions, reprints, defective copies, availability of back issues, lost or late proofs, disposition of submitted manuscripts, and general editorial matters should be directed to the ASM Publications Department, 1913 I St., N.W., Washington, DC 20006 (phone: 202 833- 9680). Claims for missing issues from residents of the United States, Canada, and Mexico must be submitted within 3 months after publication of the issues; residents of all other countries must submit claims within 6 months of publication of the issues. Claims for issues missing because offailure to report an address change or for issues "missing from files" will not be allowed. Second class postage paid at Washington, DC 20006, and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Infection and Immunity, ASM, 1913 I St., N.W., Washington, DC 20006. Made in the United States of America. Copyright C) 1988, American Society for Microbiology. at:dfi Mr t,,A T 1i't{ (I' All Rights Reserved. The code at the top of the first page of an article in this journal indicates the copyright owner's consent that copies of the ar- ticle may be made for personal use or for personal use of specific clients. This consent is given on the condition, however, that the copier pay the stated per-copy fee through the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 21 Congress St., Salem, MA 01970, for copying beyond that permitted by Sections 107 and 108 of the U.S. Copyright Law. This consent does not extend to other kinds of copying, such as copying for general distribution, for advertising or promotional purposes, for creating new collective works, or for resale. Author Index Abdallah, Mohamed A., 291 Gregoire, Stephen, 112 Mack, Douglas G., 83 Sandberg, Ann L., 252, 267 Adinolfi, Luigi E., 135 Maddaus, Michael A., 278 Sastry, Parimi A., 18 Alderete, John F., 28 Hackstadt, Ted, 40 Mahrt, J. L., 270 Sell, Stewart, 71 Amano, Shigeru, 272 Haigh, A. M., 247 Malech, Harry L., 267 Shafer, William M., 51 Andersen, Roxanna N., 219 Hall, Robert, 161 Martin, Larry E., 51 Shenker, Bruce J., 122 Apicella, Michael A., 128, 259 Hanazawa, Shigemasa, 272 Massad, George, 275 Shi, Yufang, 270 Hansen, Eric J., 182 McGehee, J. Lucius, 182 Simmons, Richard L., 278 Baker, Carol T., 64 Simonson, Lloyd G., 60 Hart, David A., 182 McLaughlin, John, 92 Simpson, Lance L., 24 Baskin, Gary, 1 Hasegawa, Akira, 149 McLeod, Rima, 83 Simpson, Linda M., 275 Black, Robert E., 161 Herrington, Deirdre, 161 Mekalanos, John J., 142 Singh, Bhagirath, 18 Blanco, David R., 168 Hirose, Kimiharu, 272 Metcalf, D., 247 Siraganian, Reuben P., 219 Bockowski, Stephen W., 60 Ho, Margaret, 197 Metcalf, Julia A., 267 Small, Pamela L. C., 225 Boncyk, Louis, 13 Holmes, Randall K., 106 Miller, James N., 168 Smart, Wallace, 18 Bonventre, Peter F.. 135 Holmgren, Jan, 230 Mody, Christopher H., 7 Spitznagel, John K., 51 Botzenhart, Konrad, 291 Homma, J. Yuzuru, 149 Morgan, Herbert R., 99 Spotila, Loretta D., 128 Bourgeois, A. Louis, 99 Hsu, Pei-Ling, 71 Morris, J. Glenn, 161 Stanley, E. R., 247 Broes, A., 241 Hudson, J. L., 156 Moser, Stephen A., 34 Stein, Daniel C., 112 Burr, Donald H., 99 Mudrick, Linda L., 267 Stoll, Barbara, 230 lizawa, Yuji, 45 Muller, Eugene, 259 Svennerholm, Ann-Mari, 230 Calderone, Richard A., 252 Imada, Akira, 45 Murphy, Genevieve M., 64 Caldwell, M. Blake, 99 Takimoto, Hiroaki, 149 Inada, Katsuya, 149 Murphy, Juneann W., 13 Tall, Ben, 161 Chamberlain, Neal R., 71 Ivins, Bruce E., 176 Murphy, Timothy F., 128 Teh, Hung-Sia, 197 Champion, Cheryl I., 168 Thompson, Michael R., 135 Chedid, Louis A., 204 Jacques, M., 241 Nagumo, Terukazu, 149 Timms, Peter, 287 Cheers, C., 247 Jertborn, Marianne, 230 Nakai, Toyotsugu, 234 Toews, Galen B., 7, 182 Cisar, John O., 267 Johnson, W. M., 241 Nakatsuka, Mitsunobu, 149 Travis, James C., 275 Clements, Mary Lou, 161 Nauman, Robert K., 92 Tsuchiya, Kanji, 45 Cox, Rebecca A., 13 Kaack, M. Bernice, 1 Nelson, M. Bud, 128 Tylenda, Carolyn A., 54 Cray, William C., Jr., 142 Kaper, James B., 142, 161 Nishi, Takeshi, 45 Czarniecki, Christine W., 283 Kathariou, S., 79 Norgard, Michael V., 71 van de Rijn, Ivo, 117 Kelso, A., 247 Vankeulen, Harry, 128 de Deckker, Francine A., 204 Kennell, Wiebke, 13 O'Brien, Alison D., 106 Vishwanath, Suryanarayanan, de la Maza, Luis M., 283 Kiso, Makoto, 149 Ohishi, Iwao, 24 40 Delisle, Allan L., 54 Ohmori, Yoshihiro, 272 Kitano, Shigeo, 272 Wadsworth, Elsa, 252 De Souza, J. B., 88 Knudson, Gregory B., 176 Okada, Hiroshi, 191 Donkersloot, Jacob A., 54 Olenick, John G., 92 Walker, Richard I., 99 Koker, Paul J., 34 Warren, H. Shaw, 204 Doring, Gerd, 291 Paul Oliver, James D., 275 Duque, R. E., 156 Kolenbrander, E., 54, Weinstein, Debra L., 106 219 Oyamada, Toshifumi, 234 Weiss, Ervin I., 219 Kondo, Masahiro, 45 Eaves, Fredrick W., 287 Paranchych, William, 18 Welkos, Susan L., 176 Ebisu, Sigeyuki, 191 Kuhn, M., 79 Wells, Carol L., 278 Parsonnet, Jeffrey, 135 Williams, James E., 34 Eisenhauer, Patricia, 83 Kumazawa, Yoshio, 149 Patterson, George M., 1 Kume, Katsumi, 234 Williams, Laura D., 197 Engle, Sharon A., 51 Peterson, Ellena M., 283 Wistar, Richard, Jr., 99 Erlandsen, Stanley L., 278 Pfestorf, Martina, 291 Wolff, Ruth, 92 Lally, Edward T., 122 Piekarowicz, Andrej, 112 Lamont, Richard J., 64 Fairbrother, J.

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