A late Miocene leaf assemblage from Vrysses, western Crete, Greece, and its paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic interpretation Giannis ZIDIANAKIS Department of Biology, University of Crete, Voutes, GR-71305 Irakleio, Crete (Greece) [email protected] Barbara A. R. MOHR Institute of Palaeontology, Museum of Natural History, Invalidenstr. 43, D-10115 Berlin (Germany) [email protected] Charalampos FASSOULAS Natural History Museum, University of Crete, GR-71409 Irakleio, Crete (Greece) [email protected] Zidianakis G., Mohr B. A. R. & Fassoulas C. 2007. — A late Miocene leaf assemblage from Vrysses, western Crete, Greece, and its paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic interpretation. Geodiversitas 29 (3) : 351-377. ABSTRACT A new leaf impression fl ora is described from late Miocene marly sediments (6-7.5 Ma) near the village of Vrysses in northwestern Crete, Greece. Th e stud- ied plant remains represent more than 30 taxa of conifers and angiosperms. Deciduous broad-leaved woody plants such as Acer pseudomonspessulanum, 5-lobed Acer, Ziziphus ziziphoides, “Parrotia” pristina, Populus tremula, Salix sp. and Juglandaceae, prevail in this leaf assemblage. Th ese plants are associated with sclerophyllous, evergreen taxa (Quercus mediterranea, Quercus sp., Buxus pliocenica and Pinus sp.) and a few subtropical Miocene elements (Daphnogene KEY WORDS Late Miocene, polymorpha, Tetraclinis sp.). A regional vegetation reconstruction is developed Crete, based on the ecological affi nities of the nearest living relatives. Th e climate Greece, conditions are deduced from the physiognomy and composition of the Vrysses leaves, paleovegetation, plant assemblage. Th ey indicate a warm-humid climate possibly with a weakly paleoclimate. developed dry period during the summer months. GEODIVERSITAS • 2007 • 29 (3) © Publications Scientifi ques du Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris. www.geodiversitas.com 351 Zidianakis G. et al. RÉSUMÉ Une paléofl ore du Miocène supérieur de Vrysses, Crète occidentale (Grèce) et son interprétation paléoenvironnementale et paléoclimatique. Une nouvelle fl ore constituée d’empreintes foliaires a été découverte dans des sédiments du Miocène supérieur (6-7,5 Ma) près du village de Vrysses au nord de la Crète (Grèce). L’étude des restes de plantes concerne plus de 30 taxa de conifères et d’angiospermes. Des arbres feuillus décidus, tels qu’Acer pseudomons- pessulanum, Acer à cinq lobes, Ziziphus ziziphoides, “Parrotia” pristina, Populus tremula, Salix sp. et Juglandaceae, dominent cette paléofl ore. Ces plantes sont associées à des taxa sclérophylles (Quercus mediterranea, Quercus sp., Buxus plioce- nica et Pinus sp.) et à quelques éléments subtropicaux du Miocène (Daphno gene MOTS CLÉS Miocène supérieur, polymorpha, Tetraclinis sp.). Un modèle de végétation régionale est développé Crète, sur la base des affi nités écologiques des plus proches parents vivants. Les condi- Grèce, tions climatiques sont déduites de la physiognomie et de la composition de la feuilles, paléovégétation, paléofl ore de Vrysses et elles indiquent la présence d’un climat chaud et humide paléoclimat. avec peut-être une légère période sèche pendant les mois d’été. INTRODUCTION of similar age (Sachse et al. 1999) indicating pos- sibly a seasonal climate with a (weakly developed) During the last decades progress had been made in summer drought. understanding Late Neogene eastern Mediterranean In western Crete plant megafossils have never vegetation and climate. For many years the results been collected systematically so far. Meulenkamp of paleoclimatic studies were highly controversial et al. (1979) were the fi rst who recognized plant and often hampered by the lack of precise dating of macro-fossils in the laminated marls of the Vrysses plant bearing strata. Th erefore paleoclimatic recon- basin. During the last decades more fossils came structions for Miocene climates diff ered, ranging to light in small quarries where Neogene limestone from humid climates with maximum precipitation is worked for building purposes. In order to study during summer (e.g., Gregor 1990) to strongly Neogene vegetation and climate of this part of the seasonal climates with minimum precipitation island, a survey on Neogene sedimentary rocks all during summer (e.g., Palamarev 1989). Recent over western Crete was undertaken (Zidianakis climate reconstructions for the European Terti- 2002) for new outcrops containing plant macro- ary using the Coexistence Approach revealed that remains. spatial temperature gradients became more strongly Although stratigraphy and fauna of Cretan Neo- developed during the early late Miocene and must gene strata are well studied (Meulenkamp et al. 1979; have become even more diff erentiated towards the Kuss 1980; Dermitzakis & Papanikolaou 1981; Pe- end of the Miocene (Bruch et al. 2004). Studies on ters 1985; Frydas & Keupp 1996; ten Veen 1998), a well dated late Tortonian plant assemblage from vegetation studies are rare and mainly focused on eastern Crete near the village Makrilia confi rmed eastern Crete (Mohr et al. 1991; Sachse & Mohr that besides laurophyllous and deciduous taxa, 1996; Sachse 1997; Sachse et al. 1999). the sclerophyllous Mediterranean component was Th e discovery and study of the Vrysses plant as- more pronounced than in central European fl oras semblage off ers the opportunity for a comparison 352 GEODIVERSITAS • 2007 • 29 (3) Miocene leaf assemblage from Vrysses, western Crete N Settlements Road network National road Asphalt roads 4 km Fossiliferous area FIG. 1. — Generalized map of the fossiliferous locations in Vrysses basin, western Crete (Greece). with the slightly older eastern Cretan Makrilia area (Fig. 1). Th e material was collected at two plant assemblage, and thus enables us to reconstruct fossiliferous outcrops, two quarries located 150 m temporal and spatial diff erences of the Cretan paleo- from each other, just a few hundred meters south vegetation and climate change and more importantly of Vrysses. to shed light on the Miocene paleoenvironment of Th e island Crete is located in the southernmost southern Greece and the eastern Mediterranean part of the Helenides orogene and has experienced region. complicated geologic processes throughout the Neogene (Fassoulas 2001). Th ick sedimentary units comprise the basement rocks, while large, tectoni- GEOLOGICAL SETTING cally controlled basins occur all over the island. Th e study area crops out at the eastern part of an Th e macrofl ora was discovered near the village elongated, east-west trending Neogene basin, the of Vrysses, located 15 km southeast of the town so-called Vrysses-Kalives basin. It is an area of low of Chania close to the road leading to the Sfakia relief that is gradually passing southwards to the GEODIVERSITAS • 2007 • 29 (3) 353 Zidianakis G. et al. Lefka Ori Mountains, the largest mountain area of component. Th e M4 horizon comprises a whitish the island with many summits over 2000 m. Th e sandy to marly limestone of an average thickness basin develops in a graben structure inclined towards up to 1 m. Th is horizon is full of mollusks, mainly the sea that fragments the same Mesozoic carbonate gastropods and ostracodes and has a moderate rocks that build the Lefka Ori Mountains (Vidakis competency and hardness. Finally, the uppermost et al. 1983). horizon (M5) is formed by a stratifi ed white sandy Th e Vrysses Formation, that rests unconformably limestone that is partly covered by soil. A few leaf on Mesozoic crystalline limestone and dolomites fossils have been found in this horizon too. of the Plattenkalk and Tripali units (Vidakis et al. Paleogeographic studies of Crete (Meulenkamp et 1983), covers most of the area around Vrysses. Ac- al. 1979; Dermitzakis & Papanikolaou 1981) suggest cording to Meulenkamp et al. (1979), the Vrysses that during the Miocene, Crete was fragmented into Formation is mainly composed of bioclastic and smaller and larger islands, some of them located at reefal, light-colored limestones and alternations of the present mountain areas. Th e Lefka Ori area was laminated shallow water, white to grayish marls. A at that times a hilly area, surrounded by shallow rich fauna represented by molluscs (mainly Ostrea) marine, lagoonal and delta environments. During occurs in the limestone beds, whereas molluscs, the late Miocene tectonic activity formed an elon- echinoderms and remnants of fi sh and plants are gated marine realm at the northern fl anks of the found in the marls. Based on planktonic foraminifera Lefka Ori Mountains that was extending eastwards Meulenkamp et al. (1979) correlated the formation to the Rethimnon area and was characterized by to the Globorotalia conomiozea biozone which traces shallow bays, reefs and small islands. During this the Tortonian/Messinian boundary in the Medi- period and prior to the Messinian salinity crisis the terranean basin (Negri & Villa 2000). According light-colored limestone and marls of the Vrysses to the mammal bio-stratigraphy the formation is Formation were deposited. placed between the MN12 and MN13 biozones. Th e age of the formation is thus regarded to be late Tortonian-Messinian (6-7.5 ma). In lignite layers MATERIAL AND METHODS of the Vrysses basin of about the same age, Benda et al. (1968) found fragments of a mastodon tooth. More than 250 specimens of plant macro-remains No younger sediments, except of Holocene riverbed were excavated from the two quarries mentioned deposits, are cropping out in the area. above. In addition, 12 specimens were collected Th e Vrysses beds are almost horizontal or slightly from stone walls in the Mediterranean Agronomic inclined to the northeast. In the study area limestone Institute of Chania that originated from the Vrysses and marls can be approached in naturally eroded quarries. All studied plant fossils are preserved as outcrops or in active quarries. Th e typical section leaf impressions. Th e specimens were studied af- in the study area can be lithologically subdivided ter careful cleaning and in a few cases mechanical into fi ve distinct horizons. Th e lowermost (M1) is preparation was applied. Unfortunately, the leaves formed by massive white limestone, normally very were in most cases fragmented, very rarely complete.
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