lHd •l*iS rrcrr )2906 t 3'J/9 *-}.; ~, 2r: H: T[. R! ,: ,,__ '.... -·A:.:; QC ! ~ Dts::_. S r ,-., -,­ - (\ .:. Rhode Island Jewish Jewish Book Month HERALD PAGE12 The Only English-Jewish Weekly in Rhode Island and Southeastern Massachusetts VOLUME LXIV, NUMBER 49 CHESHVAN 22, 5755 /THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1994 35¢ PER COPY Treaty Signed 8:09 EDT, October 26 by Alison Smith In Jerusalem, meanwhile, Herald Editor Arab protesters were in the At8:09 a.m., Eastern Daylight streets, responding to a call for a Time, this morning, Israel and general strike by P L O head Jordan signed a peace treaty at Yasser Arafat. Arafat is incensed Wadi Araba Crossing, on the over the fact that King Hussein Israel-Jordan border. will be the Arab custodian of the The site was a hot, dry stretch Arab holy sites in Jerusalem, of desert n,mning to the sea. The which Arafat feels is a betrayal of flags of Israel, Jordan and the the spirit of his agreement with United States billowed in a Rabin. Israeli police and troops strong breez-e as each nation's were keeping a low profile in the national anthem was played. hopethattheycouldavoidblood­ President Bill Clinton, repre­ shed on this very historic day. Mourning Halfway Round The World senting all of us who will be Although there is confusion Students leave a Yizkor service in memory of the victims of the terrorist attack on a bus in Tel helping to bankroll the new and doubt, and outright protest Aviv, at Manning Chapel on the Brown University campus, Sunday evening. Story on page 18. peace and resulting growth in inthepopulationsofbothparties Herald photo by Alison Smith both nations, stood tall in the to this treaty, Rabin's commit­ sun with his right hand over his ment to this treaty was finally heart. It was a golden moment approved by a 106 to 3 vote of Syrian Rabbi for everyone there, and for those confidence in the Knesset. Internet 'Cyber-Nazis' Spew watching. (Continued on Page 16) Arrives 'Home' by Cynthia Mann JERUSALEM (JT A) - Syr­ Anti-Semitic Venom Online ian Jewry's spiritual leader ar­ by Larry Kanter "It was like being attacked," rived at Ben-Gurion Airport on -Jewish Bulletin of recalled Griesman, 46, a San Oct. 18, marking the end of a Northern California Francisco software engineer and dramatic and secret exodus of SAN FRANCISCO (JTA) - the son of Holocaust survivors, most of Syria's Jews. Irving Griesman sat in front of and the experience was akin to "Only a week ago, I sat with his computer terminal enjoying having someone physically step the rabbi for three hours (in New a recent online chat with some into the middle of a conversa­ York) and he told me his dream" Israeli friends on the Internet, tion and spit anti-Semitic epi­ to make aliyah, said Uri Gordon, the vast network of intercon­ thets in your face. head of the Jewish Agency's de­ nected computer sytems that Boosters of the Internet often partment of immigration and allows people from across the claim the global computer net­ absorption, as the airplane globe to communicate with the work is creating a new kind of landed. "Now his dream has touch of a button. community- a "virtual village" come true. It's a historic day." But his conversation was in­ where dive_rse people at t~rmi­ At a ceremony inside an air­ terrupted when someone by the nals around the world can share port hall, Hamra, who arrived name of "Jewkill" logged on. knowledge, pool insights and with his wife, mother and six ''HITLER WAS RIGHT, JEWS forge new bonds of kinship. children, recited the AREPARASITES!!" Jewkillex­ But that "virtual village" - Shehecheyanu blessing - claimed over and over again. like so many actual ones - is which thanks G-d for "sustain­ Soon the computer screen home to its share ofanti-Semites , ing us and bringing us to this was flooded with the message. Holocaust deniers and white su­ day'' - and gave thanks in flaw­ ltbecameimpossiblefortheoth­ premacists. less Hebrew for the help given ers to carry on their discussion. (Continued on Page 13) the Syrian Jewish community over the years. ' He said he believed his ar­ Israel Puts on a High Tech Face rival in Israel marked the start Israel's rapid expansion be­ cannot possibly meet the de­ ofa waveofSyrianJewishaliyah gan in 1990, shortly after the mand in such a short time, Fi­ from New York, ''because this is first wave of massive immigra­ nance Minister Avraham our home." tion began, primarily from the Shochat has appointed a blue Since 1948, the AmericanJew ­ former Soviet Union. Since then ribbon committee, headed by ish Joint Distribution Commit­ the high tech field in Israel has Arnon Mantver, director gen­ tee helped sustain the Syrian been expanding at the rate of 10 eral for immigration and ab­ Jewish community with more percent a year and is expected sorption at the Jewish Agency, than $10 million in grants raised to continue to increase for at to coordinate the recruitment of Taking Root by the United Jewish Appeal. least the next three years. potential candidates. Since April ofl992 , 3,800 Jews Recent studies show that be­ Teams of company recruit­ Lesley Urgo, street tree coordinator, recently assisted some left Syria, most of them for the cause of its rapid economic ers will visit New York, Boston students of Providence Hebrew Day School in planting three UnitedStates,and 1,300ofthem growth, Israel will be faced with and San Francisco in December new trees on Elmgrove Avenue, Providence. The students were then brought to Israel by a shortage of more than 6,000 to interview job applicants and were members of Jani Rosen's fourth-grade class and the trees the Jewish Agency in a covert jobs in high tech fields as early make concrete offers to success­ were donated from the Mary Elizabeth Sharpe Street Tree operation. as 1995. Since Israel's universi­ ful candidates. The first team of Endowment. (Continued on Page 16) ties and technological institutes (Continued on Page 24) 2 - THE RHODE ISLAND JEWISH HERA~D, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1994 INSIDE THE OCEAN STATE Four Bits a Week Comes to $25 a Year Even in this uneven econ­ competing national health care omy, most people can afford to bills. donate 50 cents a week to sup­ - At the Gray Panthers, port the nonprofit community which concentrates on eco­ groups in The Fund for Com­ nomic and social issues facing munity Progress. seniors, it is enough to pay the Although that amount is too monthly office electric bill. small for a cup of coffee or a - At Shelter Services, which gallon of gas, it can provide the operates Tanner House for low­ following as determined in a income, single adults, it makes brief survey of the beneficiaries. the telephone available far all of that constant giving. For ex­ residents for a month. ample: - At Elmwood Neighbor­ - At Amos House, the hood Housing Services, which homeless shelter and food does housing and microbusi­ kitchen, it pays for lunch for ness development, it pays for a one person for one month. month's supply of copy paper. - At the Providence Family All for only 50 cents a week., Leaming Center, which trains single parents in literacy and obtaining diplomas, it covers Roses Are the cost of three General Equiv­ Always alency Diploma study books. - At the Coalition for Con­ Appreciated sumer Justice, which is working The Arthritis Foundation, on health issues, it finances RED ALERT! RED ALERT! - Signs of the times on a shelter at George Washington State Park. part of a major mailing on the Rhode Island Chapter, is offer­ ing roses, boxed, and wrapped, Herald plroto by Alison Smit/, and ready for gift-giving, for! Out of the Closet! just $15 per dozen, delivered to the buyer on Dec. 15. ' Is there on old fur Your purchase of roses helps hiding in your closet 'If You Go l"to The Woods Today ... ' For Men the Arthritis Foundation, you wish you could by Alison Smith Rhode Island Chapter raise or blood is dangerous. do something Herald Editor Who Cook much needed funds for local with? Lei us give A factor you might not have services such as support As the signs indicate in the It new l~e! We'll thought of is the danger from The Langston Hughes Cen­ groups, exercise classes and picture that accompanies this hunters. You'll notice that the put It Inside an article, our state parks are not ter for the Arts and Education elegant leolher or self-help courses. sign says you must wear 200 will hold its sixth annual Men There are nearly 40 million as safe as they used to be. square inches of phosphores­ oil weather fabric Rabies, of course, is spread­ Who Cook Festival on Oct. 30 shell, and present Americaps who have arthritis, cent orange in the woods. ing throughout the state. If you at 6 p.m. at the Roger Williams you with o fashion· and 153,000 of those individu­ That's just a swatch 12 inches Park Casino. are walking through a wooded able new fur-lined als live in Rhode Island. The by 17 inches - an orange ca p, Vincent A. Cianci, Jr. , mayor area, and a normally wild ani­ or reversible coot Arthritis Foundation is the only perhaps, and a vest - or a of Providence, is honorary mal approaches you, back off or jacket. The price? national, not-for-profit organi­ patch of cloth on your pack, or chair of the event.
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