September 18, 1973 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 30211 system for the allocation of crude oll and tional Morgan Horse Week"; to the Commit· ginia, Mr. SCBERLE, Mr. SCHNEEBELI, Mr. SIKES, Mr. SNYDER, Mr. TAYLOR refined petroleum products, and for other tee on the Judiciary. By Mr. RARICK (for himself, Mr. of North Carolina, Mr. TREEN, Mr. purposes; to the Committee on Interstate WARE, Mr. WHITTEN, Mr. BOB WILSON, and Foreign Commerce. VIGORITO, Mr. MELCHER, Mrs. HANSBN of Washington, Mr. FOLEY, Mr. BAK­ Mr. WINN, Mr. WRIGHT, Mr. YATRON, By Mr. BOB WILSON: Mr. YOUNG of Florida, Mr. ZABLOCKI, H.R. 10345. A blll to amend title 10, United ER, and Mr. SIKES): States Code, to realine naval districts, and H.J. Res. 729. Joint resolution to prohibit and Mr. ZION): any reduction in the number of employees of H.J. Res. 733. Joint resolution proposing for other purposes; to the Committee on an amendment to the Constitution of the Armed Services. the Forest Service during the current fl.seal year; to the Committee on Agriculture. United States with respect to the offering By Mr. WOLFF: of prayer in public bulldings; to the Com­ H.R. 10346. A bill to amend the Internal By Mr. WHITEHURST: Revenue Code of 1954 to permit an exemp­ H.J. Res. 730. Joint resolution asking the mittee on the Judiciary. President of the United States to declare By Mr. BRADEMAS: tion of the first $5,000 of retirement income H. Con. Res. 300. Concurrent resolution ex­ received by a taxpayer under a public retire­ the 13th day of October 1973, and the 13th day of October of each succeeding year "Ani­ pressing the sense of the Congress regarding ment system or any other system if the tax­ the free emigration and expression of ideas payer is at least 66 years of age; to the Com­ mal Welfare Day"; to the Committee on the Judiciary. by citizens of the Soviet Union; to the Com­ mittee on Ways and Means. mittee on Foreign Affairs. By Mr. WYATT: By Mr. WYLIE (for himself, Mr. ARCH­ H.R. 10347. A bill to authorize the Secre­ ER, Mr. BEVILL, Mr. BLACKBURN, Mr. By Mr. EVINS of Tennessee: tary of Agriculture to permit the use of DDT BRAY, Mr. BURGENER, Mr. BURKE of H. Con. Res 301. Concurrent resolution to control and protect against insect infesta­ Massachusetts, Mr. CAMP, Mr. providing for the printing as a House docu­ tion on forest and other agricultural lands; CLANCY, Mr. COLLIER, Mr. COLLINS ment, "A History and Accomplishments of to the Committee on Agriculture. of Texas, Mr. CONLAN, Mr. DAN the permanent Select Committee on Small H.R. 10348. A blll to provide for the con­ DANIEL, Mr. DENT, Mr. DEVINE, Mr. Business of the House of Representatives"; tinued operation of the Public Health Serv­ DUNCAN, Mr. ESHLEMAN, Mr. FisHER, to the Committee on House Administration. ice hospitals; to the Committee on Inter­ Mr. FLOOD, Mr. GETl'YS, Mr. GOOD­ By Mr. RANGEL (for himself and Miss state and Foreign Commerce. LING, Mr. GROSS, Mr. HALEY, Mr. JORDAN): By Mr. WYLIE (for himself and Mr. HAMMERSCHMIDT, and Mr. HARSHA): H. Con. Res. 302. Concurrent resolution DEVINE): H.J. Res. 731. Joint resolution proposing expressing the sense of Congress that cer­ H.R. 10349. A bill amending section 203 of an amendment to the Constitution of the tain economizing and tax reform measures the Economic Stabilization Act of 1970; to United States with respect to the offering of shall be taken to assure through a fiscally the Committee on Banking and Currency. prayer in public buildings; to the Committee responsible Federal budget for fl.seal 1974 By Mr. COLLINS of Texas: on the Judiciary. effective action to promote national security, H.J. Res. 726. Joint resolution authorizing By Mr. WYLIE (for himself, Mr. HAYS, stable prices, tax justice, full employment, the President to proclaim the first Saturday Mr. HENDERSON, :Mr. HINSHAW, Mr. quality education and health care, environ­ in October of each year as "Children's Day"; HOGAN, Mrs. HOLT, Mr. HUDNUT, Mr. mental protection, safe and improved living to the Committee on the Judiciary. HUNT, Mr. !CHORD, Mr. JOHNSON of conditions in urban and rural areas, and By Mr. DIGGS (for himself, Mr. Pennsylvania, Mr. JONES of North equal opportunity for all Americans; to the HOWARD, Mr. MOSHER, Mr. PODELL, Carolina, Mr. KEATING, Mr. KEMP, Committee on Government Operations. and Mr. ROYBAL) : Mr. KETCHUM, Mr. LATTA-, Mr. LOTT, By Mr. HARRINGTON (for himself and H.J. Res. 726. Joint resolution to protect Mr. MCCOLLISTER, Mr. McEWEN, Mr. Mr. MOAK.LEY): U.S. domestic and foreign policy interests by MATHIS of Georgia, Mr. Mn.FORD, Mr. H. Res. 550. Resolution to investigate the making fair employment practices in the MILLER, Mr. MIZELL, Mr. MOLLOHAN, involvement, if any, of the U.S. Government South African enterprises of U.S. firms a Mr. MONTGOMERY, and Mr. MOR­ in the overthrow of the Allende Government criteria for eligibility for Government con­ GAN): of Chile; to the Committee on Rules. tracts; to the Committee on the Judiciary. H.J. Res. 732. Joint resolution proposing By Mr. MAHON: an amendment to the Constitution of the H.J. Res. 727. Joint resolution making fur­ United States with respect to the offering of PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS ther continuing appropriations for the fl.seal prayer in public buildings; to the Commit­ year 1974, and for other purposes; to the Under clause 1 of rule XXII, Committee on Appropriations. tee on the Judiciary. Mr. SMITH of New York introduced a bill By Mr. MALLARY: JJy Mr. WYLIE (for himself, Mr. MUR­ H.J. Res. 728. Joint resolution requesting PHY of New York, Mr. PARIUS, Mr. (H.R. 10360) for the relief of John H. Ryan, the President to issue a proclamation desig­ PERKINS, Mr. POAGE, Mr. RANDALL, which was referred to the Committee on the nating the week of October 8, 1973, as "Na- Mr. RARICK, Mr. ROBINSON of Vir- Judiciary. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS STATEMENT BY SENATOR LLOYD to appropriate adequate funds to provide for the location of the project in Central Texas. BENTSEN BEFORE THE DEFENSE National security while at the same time The opposition to Project Sanguine in my keeping a. lid on Federal expenditures so as State stems from three principal sources. APPROPRIATIONS SUBCOMMIT· not to wreck our National economy. First, there is considerable controversy TEE This is a delicate balance to strike and I over the possible effects Project Sanguine feel that these hearings are a definite sign might have on the environment and economy that defense expenditures are being carefully of the Texas Hill County. As you may know, HON. LLOYD BENTSEN scrutinized and that no Federal agency, in­ this Project would involve a buried grid of OF TEXAS cluding the Department of Defense, has carte radio antennas over a 1,600 square mile area IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES blanche access to the Federal Treasury as of the Llano uplift in Central Texas. (Refer to map J Transmitters would be buried at a Tuesday, September 18, 1973 some have suggested. Today, however, I am here to speak to you depth of thirty fe~t a.long the grid and the Mr. BENTSEN. Mr. President, I ask about a specific program that concerns me cable for the antenna would be buried at a. unanimous consent to have printed in and many Texans, which is Project Sanguine. depth of six feet. This grid, grounded upon Project Sanguine is a Navy communications the dry non-conductive rock of the Llano the Exten....ions of Remarks the statement uplift, would then form an electromagnetic I made before the Defense Appropria­ program which is contained in the Research and Development portion of the Defense field for the purpose of transmitting ex­ tions Subcommittee on September 12, budget. The Navy is requesting $16.7 million tremely low frequency (ELF) radio signals. 1973. this year to continue the validation phase for Texas citizens are rightly concerned about The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Project Sanguine which was approved by the what effects such a mammoth system blight objection, it is so ordered. Secretary of Defense in January 1973. have on the local environment and what ef­ My concern here a.rises from the that fects any such system would have on the use STATEMENT BY SENATOR LLOYD BENTSEN of this land .for ranching and development Mr. Chairman, I am pleased to have this the State of Texas has been mentioned as a purposes. opportunity to appear before the Senate Ap­ prime site for the looation of Project San­ On a second point, the consideration of a propriations Committee to discuss the de­ guine. News of the possible location of this Texas site was prompted by a decision 1n fense budget with you. As a former member project in the Hill Country of Central Texas January of 1973 by Secretary of Defense Laird of the Armed Services Committee, I know has caused an unprecedented public furor that the project should be located at a site what a difficult task you face 1n attempting and has raised serious questions concerning elsewhere than the present test site 1n north- 30212 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS September 18, 1973 · ern Wisconsin. Quite frankly, considering the for alarm is most unfortunate. Rather. opposition I have heard from many Texas AN ''ERA OF GOOD HOPE" DAWNS residents to the program, I am not surprised it should be viewed as an indication that IN PUERTO RICO that Secretary Laird preferred to have it these young men and women are recog­ somewhere else than in his own home area nizing the opportunities provided by a of Wisconsin.
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