Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly THURSDAY, 7 SEPTEMBER 1944 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy 352 Questions. [ASSEMBLY.] Questions. '· 2. The matter of obtaining addi­ tional supplies of paper for the purpose mentioned ha's been in hand for some con­ siderable time, and arrangements have now bHen made by the Controller of Paper to grant priority to the manufacture of paper for school requisites. With addi­ tional supplies of paper, provided that the necessary man-power is also made aVailable to the manufacturing stationers, it is thought that the position in regard to the issue of scholars' requisit·es will gradually improve. The Department of Public In­ struction has invoked the assistan0e of the Government P'rint·er in an endeavour to relieve the position as far as possible until regular supplies of school requisites are again obtainable.'' RETURNED SOLDIERS' LAND SETTI,EMENT. Mr. NICKLIN (Murrumba) asked the Premier- '' 1. Has agreement been reached between the Commonwealth and State Governments as to the a'ction of the State Governments with respect to land settlement schemes for discharged and d-emobilised members of the forces~ '' 2. If so, what are the terms of the agreement~ '' ::!. Will legislation be required to give eff.act to the Sta'tes' share in the schemes in question~ '' 4. If so, will such legislation be intro­ duced during the present session of Parliament~'' Hon. F. A. COOPER (Bremer) replied- '' J to 4. This matter wa's the subjrct 0f discussion at the recent Premiers' Confer­ THURSDAY, 7 SEPTEMBER, 1944. ence, and, on the suggestion of the Prime Minister, discussions are to be resumed at a further special meeting of the Premiers' Mr. SPEAKER (Hon. S. J. Brassington, Conference to be convened before the end Fortitude Valley) took the chair at 11 a'.m. of this month.'' Q;UESTIONS. NATITONAL HOUSING SCHEME. SCH()OL REQUISITES IN NORTH QUEENSLAND. Mr. NICKLIN (Murrumba) asked the Mr. MARRIOTT (Bulimba), for Mr. Premier- PATERSON (Bowen), asked the Secretary '' 1. What proportion of losses on low­ for Public Instruction- rented houses provided by the State will " l. Is he aware of the difficulty of pro­ be borne by the Commonwealth Govern­ curing in North Queensland school ment? requi_sites, such as mapping books, com­ '' 2. Have any rules been made as to merCial school books, scholars' memo. the classes of applicants who will be books, exercise books, and pastel drawing entitled to reduced rentals and as to the books~ amounts or proportions of the reductions r '' 2. Will h€ have inquiries made with a '' 3. If the answer to 2 is 'Yes,' view to increasing supplies of such school what are the rules in question' requisites and, if necessary, make representa­ tion to the Commonwealth Government to '' 4. Will any financial provision be made have extra stocks of Burnie cream laid for the building of such houses in i be paper made availabl-e to manufacturers for current financial yead" that purpose~" Hon. F. A. COOPER (Bremer) replied- Hon. J. LARCOMBE (Rockhampton) '' 1. Three-fifths of any fi'llancial loss :replied- incurred under the Government-sponoored " 1. Yes. The difficulty is, however, housing scheme will be borne by the Com­ general throughout the State. monwealth Government. [7 SEPTEMBER,) Questions. 353 ''2. Yes. tories and shops, w:hich, to the extent of '' 3. Low-income tenants will be allowed any inconsistency, would prevail over the a rental rebate equal to the differenc(' pTovisions of the corr·csponding laws of between the economic rent and an agreed this State~" proportion of family income. 'l'he method of calculating family income and rental Hon. D. A. GLEDSON (Ipswich) replied­ subsidy is as follows:-(a) The rebate ' ' 1 to 4. It is not the practice to answer shall be based on the family income, not questions involving expression of opinion.'' the income of the main br0adwinner only. Family income will include the whole of CAPITAL FOR COAL-MINING. the husband's income, plus two-thirds of the wife's (exclusive of child endowment), )lr. YEATES (East Toowoomba) asked and <me-third of each child's, with a maxi­ the 'l'reasurer- mum of 30s. per week from the income of each child. \Vhere the child's income is '' In view of the fact that, within recent less than 10s. per week, it shall not be months, the Commonwealth Treasurer included in calculating the family income. refused permission to form a £10,000 com­ (b) The economic rent of the dwellings pan:f to mine coal in New South Wales, shall be calculated according to a formula but granted permission to Messrs. Theodore to be agreed upon between Commonwealth and Packer to raise £150,000 at an interest and State Trea'suries. Provisiem for rate of 5~ per cent. for the purposes of the charging rents other than that so calcu­ Sydney 'Daily Telegraph,' &c., will he lated should be made subject to agreement. make a r·eqnest that similar a'pplications (c) The rent rebate shall consist of the from Queensland interests be first sub­ difference betwe•en the economic rent and mitted to his department, with a view to one-fifth of the family income equal to the the prevention of such happenings in this basic wage. As the fa'mily income falls State~'' below the basic wage, the r-abat.e will be Hon. E. M. HANLON (Ithaca) replied­ increased by one-quarter of the amount the family income falls short of the basic ,' I have no knoweldge of the matters wage, the rebate will be decreased by one­ mentioned by the hon. member.'' third of the amount the family income ·exceeds the basic wage. (d) The absolute GoLDE)[ CASKET FUNDS. minimum rental is Ss. per week. "4. Yes." )fr. KERR (Oxley) asked the Attorney­ General- EFFECT OF COMMONWEALTH POWERS ACT. '' As the income and expenditure account Mr. NICKLIN (Murrumba) asked the of the Golden Casket Art Union for the Attorney-General- year ended 30 June, 1944, discloses an amount of £589,400 15s. Hcl. for appropria­ '' Will he kindly advise this House as tion repres-enting excess of income over to th·e legal effect of the Commonwealth expenditure for the year, will he explain Powers Act of 1943 in regard to the the difference between this amount and following matters:- that shown in the welfare fund under the '' 1. Does the reference of the power heading of receipts, i.e., procaeds ordinary over employment and unemployment to art unions £412,750 (1943-44) and special the Commonwealth Parlia:ment give to art union £117,600 (1943-44), making a Commonwealth industrial awards and total of £530,350 ~" agreements the effect of a common rule in this State 1 Hon. D. A. GLEDSON (Ipswich) replied- '' 2. If not, does that reference give '' The difference between the amount set to the Commonwealth Arbitration Court clown as appropriation £5891400 15s. Hd. the power to make its awards and agree­ and the amount shown in receipts Ordinary ments apply generally in Queensland to Art Unions Nos. 781-860 (part only) employers and employees who were not £412,750, and Mammoth Art Unions Nos. parties, ·either as members of associa­ 785A-860 (part only) £117,6DO is the tions or unions, or otherwise, in the amount of balance £59,050 15s. 41d. which cases in which such awards and agree­ was the balanc-e due to the Hospital ments were made~ Motherhood and Child Welfare Fund at the end of June, 1944, and paid over on '' 3 .. Does the reference in question 19 July, 1944." enable t:h•e Commomwmlth Arbitration Court to make an award applying to employees of the State Government, SEAT RESERVATIONS ON MAIL TRAINS. whether or not the ·employment is of an )Ir. KERR (Oxley) asked the Minister interstate character within the meaning for Transport- of the Commonwealth arbitration law? ' 'Will he inform the House-(a) what '' 4, Does the Act in question enable system, if any, is in operation ensuring a. the Commonwealth Parliament to make thorough a.uclit of seating accommodation laws in regard to such matters as workers' and reservations sold on mail trains, State compensation and employment in fac- and Interstate; (b) what tests, if any, are 1944-N made between stations in this regard~'' Questions. [ASSEMBLY.] M'igration Policy. HoJDL K .J. '\YALSH (Mirani) replied- '' 3. To prevent any possibility of a fall in prices due to a temporary glut on the " (a) 'md (b) 'l'ickcts are issued for all market at the time the crop ripens, will berths and seats Looked, aml the numbers he enter into negotiations with the above of tha tickets are reeorded on the dia'grams association, or any other primary producers' agair,st the reserYations made. In the case organisation, for the purpos,e of pur­ of berths and seats booked for holders of chasing the onion crop on behalf of the passes entitling them to such, the numbers State GGvernment at a price to be mutu­ or particulars of the pass are ente1'ed on ally arranged, and organising its sale and the diagram. Thus eYery reservation made distribution to consumers~'' ha's to be accounted for either in cash or requisition, or the authority for it shown. Hon. T. L. WILLIAJIS (Port Curtis) Occasional checks are made between replied- stations by inspectors.'' '' 1. Yes. IDLE CoAL-MINEs, QuEENSLAND. '' 2. It is not the function of the Stat'c Department of Agriculture and Stock to acquire and distribute produce, or to fix lir. PATERSON (Bowen) asked the Secretary for Mines- prices for this produce, and the secretary of the South Burnett Onion and Potato­ '' 1.
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