ocPf73.r AI.INEX IV-2 ONCHOCERCIASI S CONTROL IN TIIE VOLTA RIVER BASIN AREA Report prepared for the oovernments of Dahomey, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Malr, Nrger Togo and UPPer Volta Atf)rEx Iv- 2 PREVALENCE OF ONCHOCERCIASIS AND BLINDNESS IN THE PROGRrqMME AREA, BASELINE DATA AND DATA SOURCES \. t Ceneva 1973 , a United Natlons Development Progranme Food and Agriculture Organrzatron of the Unrted Natlons InternationalBankforReconstructlonandDevelopment World l{ealth Organlzatron Annex IV-2 page I 1. INTRODUCTION I. The assessment of the prevalence and geOgraphrcal distrlbutlon of onchocerclaSls and blindness in the progranme area of the Volta River Basrn is based on the results of medicat and parasitological examination of approxlmately three mr.llron persons. The data were acquired from various sources, includrng natlonal and rnternational the age organizations as well as independent investiBators. In most lnstances ' and sex structure of the population samples was not known. Therefore, only the crude total prevalence estlmates of infections with Onchocerca volvulus and of impaired vision could be used for comprehensrve epidemiological analyses and for cartographic presentation of the data. 2. The present annex includes atl of the currently avarlable rnformation on the disease in the progranrme area. Although the survey is still rncomplete, It provides an up-to-date and comprehensive account of aIl indrvrdual communltles for which survey records on onchocerciasis were obtalnable. Specral efforts were made to trace unpublished records concealed in the archtves of smaller medical field stations or kept in the files of individual investigators. In the completion of this task, wHo has enjoyed the ful1 cooperation of the governmental health serl'lces of the seven countries in the programme area, as well as that of the Organtsatlon de Coordination et de Coop6ration pour la lutte contre les Grandes End6mres (OCCGE), the Office de la Recherche scientiflque et technique Outre-mer (ORSTOM) and individual scientists who have worked in the area. 3. The frequent difficulties in the identificatron of villages and towns due to either phonetically sinilar nanes or inconsistent spellings have been practically eliminated through the provision of additional geographical markers of identificatlon. This method and the listing of the villages according to the admlnlstratlve sub- divisions wiIl help the pubtic health administrators In each country to nake full use of the information provided in this annex. 4. Certain adjustment procedures had to be used to ensure a uniform presentatlon of data that were based on different diagnostic crlteria. These are descr:.bed in detail in Annex IV-I which is concerned wlth the epidemiological features of onchocerciasis in the Volta Rlver Basin area. .\nnex I \r-2 frage 2 2 . STATISTICS OF POPULATION EXAII,IINED Dahome ]' Number of communrtles visited: I93 Total estimated popttlation of communities studied: 247 577 Poputation examtned: t 5t| a72 (Ga.OO%) 0hana Number of communrtt€'s visited: 35O Population examined for onchocerciasis: in 289 communities (with census data): LO2 258 (particlpation 48'64%) rn 45 communitres (without census data)z 7872 1n 16 communities, only percentages of infection were available. Population examlned for blindness: rn 289 communltles (wrtt1 census data): 1?I 238 (participation 81'29%) in 45 communltres (without census data): 9462 rn 16 communitres, only percentages of blind people were available. Ivory Coast Number of communitres vlsited: 627 Population examrned (for onchocerciasis and blindness) : in 253 communitl.es (with census data): 1O4 O84 (par ticipation 4L.36%) rn 369 cornmunrtres (without census data): l-42 4Ag r.n 5 commtlnltres, only percentages of infection and/or blindness were avai lable. Malr Number of communities vislted: 2O2 Populatron examined (for onchocerciasis and blindness): in 74 communitres (with census data): 28 827 (participation 8O'26%) 1n I28 communitles (without census data): 48 069 Nr ger Number of communltles i'islted: 59 population examrned (for onchocerciasis and blindness): in 23 communitres (with census data): 16 845 (participation 93'OO%) rn 24 conmunitres (without census data): 2127 int2communltles,onlypercentagesoflnfectionandofblindnesswere avar 1ab1e. Togo Number of communrtres rrrsited: 44 Populatron examrnecl (for onchocerciasis and blindness): rn 30 col'munrtl.es (with census data): 4937 (participation 3('.l.'?77') rn l4 cornmunlti.es (without census data): 3924 Upper VoIta Number of communrtres visited: 932 Population examined (for onchocerciasis and blindness): rn 874 cornmunttles (w:.th census data): 2 327 992 (participatlon 52'5O7') 53 communities (without census data): 8614 in were available' i.n 5 communities, only percentages of infection ancl of blrndness Annex IV-2 COUNTRY: DAHOUEY paSe 3 Ex- Popul at ron Itl th Coordrnates pected Blind nodules Source of Canton Vrlla8e % skin Exanlned sn!.ps data N E Census No equi- No No valent Son soro Sonsoro ll.05 2.46 2 557 I 803 70.5r 34 r.8 10. 3 t7 o.9 6 ,27 Fedegur Peulhs I1.03 2. e I 206 r 733 ) roo 2L t.2 a.2 8 o.4 S lnahongourou 11.07 2.47 679 443 65.24 l5 3.3 t4.4 5 o.11 San rl.02 2.44 I 215 I 383 ) roo 91 6.5 20.9 l5 o. 10 Tankongou ro.55 2.43 r 215 805 66.25 25 3.r 13.9 6 o.7 Cogounou Ba8ou et Peulhs IO.48 2.q3 IO 590 4 3e? 41.5 260 5.9 19. 9 20 o.4 Badou 1o.53 2.44 757 541 7r.46 r3 2.4 t2.L 3 o.5 Cogounou ro. 50 2. 50 948 8s2 89.9 52 6.1 20.2 6 o.7 Borodarou 10. 58 2.52 352 2?6 74.4 26 9.1 25.2 5 1.8 Gounarou 10.52 2.50 | 252 721 5?. 58 7 o.9 7.O , o.2 Zougou IO.43 2. s8 rl 065 691 6.24 63 9.1 25.2 6 o.8 Overe lo. {? 2 ..18 I O10 443 43.86 2S 5.4 18.s 6 1.3 Sor r 1o.43 2.t7 I 669 I r35 68.OO 65 5.7 19.5 13 1.1 Lougou 10.38 2. 33 375 263 ?o.13 14 5.3 18.7 5 1.9 Ouara lo. 40 2.40 7e3 4II 5r.82 31 7.5 22.? 2 o.4 Soukarou lo.{I 2..r1 255 > loo l5 7.4 22.5 4 L.I Kan t akpara 1o.43 2.44 305 360 ) 100 I 2.2 II.5 5 1.3 Banlkoara Banlkoara 11.18 2.26 3 800 2 223 58. 5 145 6.5 20.9 ll o.4 Toke-Banta 11.13 2.21 800 570 ?r.25 40 7.O 2r.a 5 o.8 Ttnt rmmou ll.14 2.2r r o50 758 72.20 45 6.9 2L.7 6 o.7 Toura et Peulhs r l. 14 2.23 3 450 3 L47 e1.21 204 6.4 20.4 2L o.6 Kommom I1.21 2. l8 450 345 76.66 27 7.8 23.2 2.O Ounet II.I3 2.24 1 700 I 312 77.17 138 l.o5 7.8 29 2.2 OuaBou r1.16 2.24 600 496 82. 66 2A 6.4 20.8 6 L.2 Atabenou ll.l7 2.23 850 ?95 93. 52 q2 5.2 18. 5 lo r.2 Derou-Canro 11.. l? 2. r8 I IOO 867 78. 8l 52 5.9 19. 9 L2 1.3 Da rouwe rou 11.19 2.2t 675 501 71.22 24 4.7 17.5 5 o.9 Soroko et Peulhs 11 .20 2.23 2 050 I 966 93.9 l2l 6.l 20.2 25 L.2 ArbonBou r1.23 2.24 I O50 640 60. e5 20 3.r I 3.9 9 1.4 Comparou tt.20 2.24 4 300 2 e66 68. e7 4!. r.3 8.6 II o.3 S rmperou tt .18 2.2e r 350 949 70.3 35 3.6 15.1 8 o.8 Somperekou tt.l9 ,rq I 400 I 34r e5. 78 35 2.6 t2.6 9 o.6 Po to I1.20 2.32 r r75 853 i 2-6 3l 3.6 15. I 13 r.5 ., Banhanrou r1.23 2.25 I 28C) I 065 a1 {o 3.? r5.3 6 o.5 Founougo Kokeye r 1.23 2.32 l 6ri, I .195 e2.31 35 2.3 r t.8 7 o.4 I Plgulre I1.25 2.34 7zr ?38 > loo l7 2.3 I r.8 3 o.4 I Founougo 11.28 2.32 5 626 5 002 88. e 242 5.6 I9.3 33 o.6 Kpessanrou rl.2l 2.2e 65r 595 91.39 34 5.7 r 9..5 b r.o N rekouban ta t1.20 2.34 5.38 3()8 14.22 14 4.5 17.1 5 1.6 Srmpere et Peulhs tl.te 2.31 L Olr.l 812 74.15 69 8.6 24.5 5 o.6 Goumon r I Coufion r I l1.ll 2. r7 I 28r I 219 e5. I6 3l 2.5 12.3 L2 o.9 Srrrkou lr.l3 2.2r I 500 L 232 82.r3 38 3.O r3.6 l9 1.5 Kok r I borou ll.t2 2. l8 9?4 947 e7 .22 39 4.1 L6.2 L2 t.2 Mondoukora 11.r2 2. l6 888 879 !,8.gtt 34 3.7 r5.3 9 l.o GbanEhanga ll.lo 2. L6 7e3 785 98. 9!' 2l 2.6 12.6 IO t.2 Dombouro rl.08 2.
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