An Associated Collegiate Press Pacemaker Award Winner • THE • tudent designer has his Softball prepares for the own clothing line, CAA tournament, Bl B8 PRSRT TO 250 Student Center • University of Delaware • Newark, DE 19716 .S. Po-.tage P 10 f Tuesday & Friday :;\;e\"- •u·k DE Pc-m11t '\o. ~6 FREE Volume 129, Issue 51 . · www.review.udel.edu · · . · ~ ~ ·-. ·;:...·.lFriday, May 9, 2003 NY Times writer shares spy secrets B' h. \TIE GR.\-.-.0 nel.'dcd a .:hange. he began and \\anted to tell their -..torv to provided by the officers dunng that after each -.py ca ... c "·a-.. clo~ed. \ r~.:portmg on the Central -..omconl.'.·· he said ... , '' Js the intervte\\'s ''a-.. a different side to Risen said the agcnc) ·closed the \n mtell1gcncc com.~-,pondent lntelligcncl.' \gene~ for the Lo~ peNm the-..c peopic \\Trc looking \\hat he sa\\ gomg on 111 the '' orld book:-.· on the case. figuring all the forth~: :\c\\ York T.mc-, -..poh.e \n!!ek-, T1me for.·· on tclc\ 1sion. !cab were closed. ahout hi-, ,1 Otlllh \\ 1th "Pte-.. from - ··r not bored '' Hh CO\ cnn!! thl.' Rben -..did he ''as told .. On TV ) uu get the offictal Ri ... en·-.. booh. "ill not be ~ - both the L mted St.ttc-.. and ..tbroad ccmwm) and ''a-.. intcrc-,tcd tn fa-..ctnat!l1g -..tones from CIA agenda:· he sa1d. ·· The officers published in Ru.,-.ia initial!;.. he during the (,!obal \gcnda Lecture ~omething d .. .::· he ~md off1cer-.. that had pre\ iousl) gi' c] a complete!) d1 ffcrcnt sa1d. because his publ1-.her. ~erie-, \\'edne-..da\ night m Cia) ton The -..ccret '' orld of remained untold lle published perspecti,·e of torcign policy: ·· Random House. did nut ''ant Hall intelligence. he ~Jid. i... a '' orld 111 their accounh in the ne\\ -.paper. Rtsen said the aJTest of three Ru~stan-.. to -..ec the manu-..cript Jamc Rl'>cn addrL'"ed \\ l111.:h there are no pre-..-.. but then dec1ded the) '' ould make major -.p1es. Ed'' ard Lee HO\\ a rd. before 1t \\·as publt-..hcd. appro:ximatel) 250 pel)plc about conf~.'re111.:e~ and no llllC \\ anh to a ;;ood bl)Oh.. Aldrich fl. .\mes and Robert It \\ill also bl! pub!t-..hed in ht... recent!) pubh-..hcd book. "The talh. to rl.'portcr . KGB agent... emhtttered about Hans::;cn. torccd the CIA to be able Eastem Europe and Japan. ~bin Encm): Th .. ln-,rdc- Stof) of .. It i ... an area \er: fe\\ the Cl)llalbC of the ~O\ 1et Union to piece together the mfom1ation Joachim Llterich. prol~ssor of the CIA·, Fm.d Sho,\dO\\n \\ 11h reporter~ ha\ e an llltere.,t 111 al~o came to RJ-..u1 to tell their g1Yen to the Russtans. food and resource economic:... satd the KGB." "luch dhcu-,"e" CO\ enng full time beeau-..1.' 'cry -.torie~. he said. .. There arc sttll th1ngs they he ''as unprcs-.cd by the :..ccrct c"p onagc bct\\een the L J:l!cd fe\\ -..tone-. come out of it." he ~aid. rhe KGB and the Cl \ bctra) ed that the C .S. does not channels cstabl i;;hed bet\\ ecn the . 1.rt:., and the So' 1ct Cmon. ··,Intelligence i-..] n0t .;omething I '' orkcd together more during the knO\\ :· he said ...Sp) ing is the Cl>\ and the KGB. "It·~ th.: fiN det.ttled account C\ er thought of co\ cring before I (old \\ ar. he -.aid. \ -;ecret hotlme second oldest professton. and 1t 1s Jason ~lycoff. profcs-.or of of intelligence actt\ ttic-. leadmg up got tnlll it:' bet'' een thl.' t'' ll countric-. fomtcd ~ttl! gomg on ·· poliucal sctencl.'. said Risen \\on a to thl.' collap ... c of the So' 1et \-, the Cold \\ ar "a-.. ending. a net\\ ork the agencies could use if Officiab bel1c\c there 1s a Pulitzer Pnze 111 2002 for h1s work l_;nion.'' he -..aid the CIA ''a:> gl11ng through a crisi~ C\ cr aro:>e. tourth person not yet found. Rt:..en on the ~e\\ York T1me-. ~cries ...A Rt'>en began hb JOUrnalt-..m ..,tructural dtangc... and lcttmg go ·· fhi-.. really: :..tunnetl me:· he :;aid. and he has been told there ts >:at1on Challenged.'. '' h1eh THE RE\ IE\\ Bom Zubatov career a-, a hLhllle-..-.. reporter man:- ollicl.'rs. :>~llll .. Almost no one. including an official im cstigation currently follo\\ed the Sept. 11. 2001 New York Time~'' riter James Risen CO\ ering the automotl\ e mdu ... tr') .. ~!an) ''ere bitter about ho\\ CIA otliccr". kne\\ this c'.:i-.ted." under'' a). ICITOri I attack-.. spoke about the intelligence community in Dctrotl. \Iter dcctd1ng he the: '' l.'re being -..hLn\ n thl.' door Rl ... cn ~a1d the information The CIA·~ main mistake is Wednesday in Clayton Hall. Death ofMadison Drive resident a possible overdose BY DL\'\U-LLA P..\GA:\0 Health and Soc1al Sen icc-... :..,uti the we're ll1okm!! ,n:· d\\ arc of an} such problem with a Emergenc;. medical technicians been a recent mcre.t:..c 111 the amount ~. J ( r1l' ml.'tltcal cxamwt.r ha-.. nnt dl.'tcrmincd Ofti-:cr Trinidad .:\a\·~uTo of 'c'' lethal batch of herl)in in the area. and pol1ce arnved to find h;. "tander-, of herom oYcrdo~c.., in the \\'tlmington The death of a 1\lad!',on Dnw tf the man'~ death ,., a~ due to heroin. Ca-..tle Cnunt\ Police Public ·•J h:n e no idea where this notion attempting to resuscitate the man. arl.'a. the number of heroin u-..er.., has re-..tdent earh Saturda\ morntn!! could .. It take., four to -..ix wcch.s fur the Information said ·there ha,·c been fi\·e 1s coming from:· he said ... Jf the The man ''a" taken to Chn-..twna merea:..ed '' ithin the past three years. po-.-.ibl) h~ auribuicd to a heroin toxu.:olo!!'o :..crcen to come bach::· ~he heroin-related death:.. m 'ew Ca-..tle herotn I'> coming from Wilmington. Hospital and \\as pronoun<.:cd dead m "Heroin has made a comeback ... overdo-.c. addin!! to concern-.. ,tmon!! -..atd ...\\-c won·t kno'' unul then. hut Count) dunng the past month. then \\ h\ arcn' 1 \\'ilmm!!ton addict:-. the emergenn room. he aid. "[1l1c drug: i.., \ ef) potent 111 -..orne that a dcatll) "tram of heroin i~ pohcc ha'oe their lhpicion-.." There i no certain!\ \\here the dying?"· - Jam'e.., Larks. the dt\ tston director • ·ew Ca-..tle County:. and tt is 'cry po~5tbl) ctr, ul, •utg the a ta e\\ .trk Stmpson -.:ud the m..tn '' ..l" 1 herotll \\as bought CaLh Of the \\'ell-.. saultf 11 were known lethal fur the Dela\\ nrc Adult Behd\ wral accc-.-..tble " Poltcc atd. kno\\n herom u ... er , t tt-. ' 1t 11 " e..,, h n . -O!'e ptrsun \\ho h(.TOl'l \\ <~s bemg d1>rribut ·d. i '' ould Health Sen tc-.s C ntcr. -..ud ., , t arJ... s -., 1J the number of people Sgt Gerald R irnp-;on of the d~ath '-Uf\ 1\ ed d he rom O\ crdo~ L!auned to have been made known to the pubhc. pos 1bL .t leth.1l b.. !Lh uf hcrom rna) (.Pmmg .nto the center add1ctcd 10 t'\e\\arh: Police .ud the pectfiu. about There ~'• a plh'>tbht} the m<~r~ ha\e pur~.:ha-..ed the drug 111 Stmp..,on gave the foliO\\ ing ext-..t, hut he ha.-.. not heard an: ne\\ 'i of heroin ha.., llll·rc:•sed. the ~1adi-.on Om e re idcnt·.., death consumed ,1 dead!) batch of hcrom, \\ thlliii!!IOII. account of the :'\1adi-..on Dn\e it. ''Thirty -five percent of people "1ll not be knO\\ n unttl the Dcla\\ are \\ hich ma) be ctrculatmg out of the "I ~'mild defimteh -.a\ that the re-..tdent · s ~··.ath: 'There could be -..uch a thm!! a:.. ,1 \\ ho come in for dcto\lftcatlon State Examiner·-. office relea-..e.., <~ \\'tlmmgtun .1rca. he -..md. number of herotn death~ ha-..· increa-..ed 1'\ewark Pollee rccci \ ed a call at lethal do:..e of herotn.'· he --.atd. sen 1cc-. lt-..t herom a:.. their primar) repon. \\hich rna) take t1me. "It -i~ po-..-..1blc that there t" -..omc smce la-..t \ear:· he said. approximate!) 2:42 a.m. Saturda) that "Heroin cnuld be mixed \\ ith tmpure drug." he -.md AllisOn Ta\ lor Lc\ inc, 1\tnd of conne<.:twn there.'' tlllJbOn Lt. \Vtlliam Well~ of the a rc..,ident of ~ladi..,on Dri,·c \\a.., suh..,tanccs to make it dl.'adl\ :• commumcatton:.. director of Dcla\\ <~re ".lid. "It may be one of the angle-.. \\'tlmington Poltcc said he i-.. not unconscious. Larks -..aid although tli.:r.: has not Morris Library renovations eliminate some student jobs BY JAIME l\IARINE The resene room \\ill receive a new ... en ice. but the room ''ill he used to -..heh e \llljj Rt'fH r r carpet, a fre~h coat of pamt. a ne\\ main the magazine..,. ~umerous change.., wtll be made to reserve desk and ne\\ furniture. includ1n!! ··-the only d1ffcrcnce with the penodicals \1orris Library thi-, summer. tmpru,·ing II~ upholstered chairs. \\ hich wi !I replace the room:· "he ... at d ...,\ill be for :..tudcnts '' ho settmg and servtces offered to students. wh1le wooden one-... new tables and workstation-. \\ant popular penodicals and new:..paper.., fur forcing others to find alternati\·e job pustttun~. \\ ith computer and Internet outleh. \\ htch ;. uu need Identification, (because they] Sandra t..tillard. project manager and '·The ne\\ lavout and furniture will \\ill nO\\ have w go to the resen e de-.J..: to a sst stant director of the I i brary.
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