
An Associated Collegiate Press Pacemaker Award Winner • THE •

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Volume 129, Issue 51 . . . · www.review.udel.edu · · . . . . · ~ ~ ·-. ·;:...·.lFriday, May 9, 2003 NY Times writer shares spy secrets

B' h. \TIE GR.\-.-.0 nel.'dcd a .:hange. he began and \\anted to tell their -..torv to provided by the officers dunng that after each -.py ca ... c "·a-.. clo~ed. \ r~.:portmg on the Central -..omconl.'.·· he said ... , '' Js the intervte\\'s ''a-.. a different side to Risen said the agcnc) ·closed the \n mtell1gcncc com.~-,pondent lntelligcncl.' \gene~ for the Lo~ peNm the-..c peopic \\Trc looking \\hat he sa\\ gomg on 111 the '' orld book:-.· on the case. figuring all the forth~: :\c\\ York T.mc-, -..poh.e \n!!ek-, T1me for.·· on tclc\ 1sion. !cab were closed. ahout hi-, ,1 Otlllh \\ 1th "Pte-.. from - ··r not bored '' Hh CO\ !! thl.' Rben -..did he ''as told .. On TV ) uu get the offictal Ri ... ·-.. booh. "ill not be ~ - both the L mted St.ttc-.. and ..tbroad ccmwm) and ''a-.. intcrc-,tcd tn fa-..ctnat!l1g -..tones from CIA agenda:· he sa1d. ·· The officers published in Ru.,-.ia initial!;.. he during the (,!obal \gcnda Lecture ~omething d .. .::· he ~md off1cer-.. that had pre\ iousl) gi' c] a complete!) d1 ffcrcnt sa1d. because his publ1-.her. ~erie-, \\'edne-..da\ night m Cia) ton The -..ccret '' orld of remained untold lle published perspecti,·e of torcign policy: ·· Random House. did nut ''ant Hall intelligence. he ~Jid. i... a '' orld 111 their accounh in the ne\\ -.paper. Rtsen said the aJTest of three Ru~stan-.. to -..ec the manu-..cript Jamc Rl'>cn addrL'"ed \\ l111.:h there are no pre-..-.. but then dec1ded the) '' ould make major -.p1es. Ed'' ard Lee HO\\ a rd. before 1t \\·as publt-..hcd. appro:ximatel) 250 pel)plc about conf~.'re111.:e~ and no llllC \\ anh to a ;;ood bl)Oh.. Aldrich fl. .\mes and Robert It \\ill also bl! pub!t-..hed in ht... recent!) pubh-..hcd book. "The talh. to rl.'portcr . KGB agent... emhtttered about Hans::;cn. torccd the CIA to be able Eastem Europe and Japan. ~bin Encm): Th .. ln-,rdc- Stof) of .. It i ... an area \er: fe\\ the Cl)llalbC of the ~O\ 1et Union to piece together the mfom1ation Joachim Llterich. prol~ssor of the CIA·, Fm.d Sho,\dO\\n \\ 11h reporter~ ha\ e an llltere.,t 111 al~o came to RJ-..u1 to tell their g1Yen to the Russtans. food and resource economic:... satd the KGB." "luch dhcu-,"e" CO\ enng full time beeau-..1.' 'cry -.torie~. he said. .. There arc sttll th1ngs they he ''as unprcs-.cd by the :..ccrct c"p onagc bct\\een the L J:l!cd fe\\ -..tone-. come out of it." he ~aid. rhe KGB and the Cl \ bctra) ed that the C .S. does not channels cstabl i;;hed bet\\ ecn the . 1.rt:., and the So' 1ct Cmon. ··,Intelligence i-..] n0t .;omething I '' orkcd together more during the knO\\ :· he said ...Sp) ing is the Cl>\ and the KGB. "It·~ th.: fiN det.ttled account C\ er thought of co\ cring before I (old \\ ar. he -.aid. \ -;ecret hotlme second oldest professton. and 1t 1s Jason ~lycoff. profcs-.or of of intelligence actt\ ttic-. leadmg up got tnlll it:' bet'' een thl.' t'' ll countric-. fomtcd ~ttl! gomg on ·· poliucal sctencl.'. said Risen \\on a to thl.' collap ... c of the So' 1et \-, the Cold \\ ar "a-.. ending. a net\\ ork the agencies could use if Officiab bel1c\c there 1s a Pulitzer Pnze 111 2002 for h1s work l_;nion.'' he -..aid the CIA ''a:> gl11ng through a crisi~ C\ cr aro:>e. tourth person not yet found. Rt:..en on the ~e\\ York T1me-. ~cries ...A Rt'>en began hb JOUrnalt-..m ..,tructural dtangc... and lcttmg go ·· fhi-.. really: :..tunnetl me:· he :;aid. and he has been told there ts >:at1on Challenged.'. '' h1eh THE RE\ IE\\ Bom Zubatov career a-, a hLhllle-..-.. reporter man:- ollicl.'rs. :>~llll .. Almost no one. including an official im cstigation currently follo\\ed the Sept. 11. 2001 New York Time~'' riter James Risen CO\ ering the automotl\ e mdu ... tr') .. ~!an) ''ere bitter about ho\\ CIA otliccr". kne\\ this c'.:i-.ted." under'' a). ICITOri I attack-.. spoke about the intelligence community in Dctrotl. \Iter dcctd1ng he the: '' l.'re being -..hLn\ n thl.' door Rl ... cn ~a1d the information The CIA·~ main mistake is Wednesday in Clayton Hall. Death ofMadison Drive resident a possible overdose

BY DL\'\U-LLA P..\GA:\0 Health and Soc1al Sen icc-... :..,uti the we're ll1okm!! ,n:· d\\ arc of an} such problem with a Emergenc;. medical technicians been a recent mcre.t:..c 111 the amount ~. J ( r1l' ml.'tltcal cxamwt.r ha-.. nnt dl.'tcrmincd Ofti-:cr Trinidad .:\a\·~uTo of 'c'' lethal batch of herl)in in the area. and pol1ce arnved to find h;. "tander-, of herom oYcrdo~c.., in the \\'tlmington The death of a 1\lad!',on Dnw tf the man'~ death ,., a~ due to heroin. Ca-..tle Cnunt\ Police Public ·•J h:n e no idea where this notion attempting to resuscitate the man. arl.'a. the number of heroin u-..er.., has re-..tdent earh Saturda\ morntn!! could .. It take., four to -..ix wcch.s fur the Information said ·there ha,·c been fi\·e 1s coming from:· he said ... Jf the The man ''a" taken to Chn-..twna merea:..ed '' ithin the past three years. po-.-.ibl) h~ auribuicd to a heroin toxu.:olo!!'o :..crcen to come bach::· ~he heroin-related death:.. m 'ew Ca-..tle herotn I'> coming from Wilmington. Hospital and \\as pronoun<.:cd dead m "Heroin has made a comeback ... overdo-.c. addin!! to concern-.. ,tmon!! -..atd ...\\-c won·t kno'' unul then. hut Count) dunng the past month. then \\ h\ arcn' 1 \\'ilmm!!ton addict:-. the emergenn room. he aid. "[1l1c drug: i.., \ ef) potent 111 -..orne that a dcatll) "tram of heroin i~ pohcc ha'oe their lhpicion-.." There i no certain!\ \\here the dying?"· - Jam'e.., Larks. the dt\ tston director • ·ew Ca-..tle County:. and tt is 'cry po~5tbl) ctr, ul, •utg the a ta e\\ .trk Stmpson -.:ud the m..tn '' ..l" 1 herotll \\as bought CaLh Of the \\'ell-.. saultf 11 were known lethal fur the Dela\\ nrc Adult Behd\ wral accc-.-..tble " Poltcc atd. kno\\n herom u ... er , t tt-. ' 1t 11 " e..,, h n . -O!'e ptrsun \\ho h(.TOl'l \\ <~s bemg d1>rribut ·d. i '' ould Health Sen tc-.s C ntcr. -..ud ., , t arJ... s -., 1J the number of people Sgt Gerald R irnp-;on of the d~ath '-Uf\ 1\ ed d he rom O\ crdo~ L!auned to have been made known to the pubhc. pos 1bL .t leth.1l b.. !Lh uf hcrom rna) (.Pmmg .nto the center add1ctcd 10 t'\e\\arh: Police .ud the pectfiu. about There ~'• a plh'>tbht} the m<~r~ ha\e pur~.:ha-..ed the drug 111 Stmp..,on gave the foliO\\ ing ext-..t, hut he ha.-.. not heard an: ne\\ 'i of heroin ha.., llll·rc:•sed. the ~1adi-.on Om e re idcnt·.., death consumed ,1 dead!) batch of hcrom, \\ thlliii!!IOII. account of the :'\1adi-..on Dn\e it. ''Thirty -five percent of people "1ll not be knO\\ n unttl the Dcla\\ are \\ hich ma) be ctrculatmg out of the "I ~'mild defimteh -.a\ that the re-..tdent · s ~··.ath: 'There could be -..uch a thm!! a:.. ,1 \\ ho come in for dcto\lftcatlon State Examiner·-. office relea-..e.., <~ \\'tlmmgtun .1rca. he -..md. number of herotn death~ ha-..· increa-..ed 1'\ewark Pollee rccci \ ed a call at lethal do:..e of herotn.'· he --.atd. sen 1cc-. lt-..t herom a:.. their primar) repon. \\hich rna) take t1me. "It -i~ po-..-..1blc that there t" -..omc smce la-..t \ear:· he said. approximate!) 2:42 a.m. Saturda) that "Heroin cnuld be mixed \\ ith tmpure drug." he -.md AllisOn Ta\ lor Lc\ inc, 1\tnd of conne<.:twn there.'' tlllJbOn Lt. \Vtlliam Well~ of the a rc..,ident of ~ladi..,on Dri,·c \\a.., suh..,tanccs to make it dl.'adl\ :• commumcatton:.. director of Dcla\\ <~re ".lid. "It may be one of the angle-.. \\'tlmington Poltcc said he i-.. not unconscious. Larks -..aid although tli.:r.: has not Morris Library renovations eliminate some student jobs BY JAIME l\IARINE The resene room \\ill receive a new ... en ice. but the room ''ill he used to -..heh e

\llljj Rt'fH r r carpet, a fre~h coat of pamt. a ne\\ main the magazine..,. ~umerous change.., wtll be made to reserve desk and ne\\ furniture. includ1n!! ··-the only d1ffcrcnce with the penodicals \1orris Library thi-, summer. tmpru,·ing II~ upholstered chairs. \\ hich wi !I replace the room:· "he ... at d ...,\ill be for :..tudcnts '' ho settmg and servtces offered to students. wh1le wooden one-... new tables and workstation-. \\ant popular penodicals and new:..paper.., fur forcing others to find alternati\·e job pustttun~. \\ ith computer and Internet outleh. \\ htch ;. uu need Identification, (because they] Sandra t..tillard. project manager and '·The ne\\ lavout and furniture will \\ill nO\\ have w go to the resen e de-.J..: to a sst stant director of the I i brary. smd the provide students with a comfortable and open obtain thl.'m ·· ~ renovation project is scheduled to begin after environment in which to stud,·:· she said. Dina Gtamhi. ass1~t.mt d1rector of ,\lorn-.. June II and will contmue until the beginning In addttton to these Improvement.... Lihrar). sa tel '' htle the exact journah and of the fall semester. !\Iillard said the cop;. center office will he articles being mo\ ed ha' e not vet been Su-.an Brvnteson. duector of t..forns moved to the lower lc,cl next to thl! determined. riie1r nc\\ locatiOn \\ tli benctlt Ltbrar). -.md the renovat1om are scheduled microfurn1s office. sttH.lenh . during summer to a\vld inconvemence. "Five copier::. "ill bl.' kept m the up-..tairs ..The rc-..en e de ... k ts open longer hour-..." ·These renovations are bemg done in the re-,en·e room:· she said. ··and the rest \\ill be she -..atd "\\'e JU-..t hope to ...crYe the student-.. summer deliheratelv." she sa1d ...so it will moved lU the lo\\er le,·el along ''ith the better .md nMke the JOUrnal... and antch.•-.. more have as little effect a~ possible on students... oftice. in wh1ch students \viii have to !!o to a' ail able to them." Four major projects mclude a complete purchase copy cards or ha\ e copies made for ~1tllard ... aid beside-.. the-.e major changes. makeover of the reserve room. relocation of them·· the hm cr level 1-.. bcmg rcnH1deleti to mak.e the cop) center office. changes in the micro Brynteson -,aid tllis lllO\'C i.., occun·ing for room for the !!fll\\ tn!! 1i1edia -.cction. a.-. ''ell computing s1te and closure of the periodicals man\ reasons. ,1-.. the ne\\ offi-ce for i11c -:op) center. \\llldO\\. ···we are mo\'ing the cop) center :..o it" ill \\ 1th all thc'e ch,mges taking place. -,he Closing the periodicals windO\\ and ha\e more room:· she said ...and so \\C can ...atd -..tudcnh \\til he mcom cmcnccd as httle relocatmg the copy center wtll eliminate consolidate some position:.. and sa\'e money.'· ,1s pos..,iblc sc\ era! positions at the library. she said. Another change bein!! made to tl1e libran .. \\ lule the re ... en c room i-.. cto... ed for forcing student'> emplo)ed m the-..e areas to thi-, summer im·ol\'es n;ndensin!! the micr;l renm au on-... all th matenab. such ..t-.. JOUrnal .... find alternali\'C positions at the libraf). computing sites into two rooms: lm.t.:ad of article ... , nd re-..L'f\ eJ matenal. "ill be :'\111lard said these students have already three. and moving the sen·icl.' desk to the fnmt ,1\ailable th1nU!!h the circulation de-.k:· been notified about the termination of their of the site. :\hllard "a1d. "A~ for rc-..en ed 'ideo:... the\ job posit1ons. .. \\ e should be able to lit most of the \HII he kept m the mcdta LCnter." · One major undertaking of the renuvat.ion computers into two room-..:· :..he said ...At thi-.. Bn nte-..tlll -..dtd the ma111 goal nf the THE Rl-.VtE:.\\/Pat Toohe\ project i-. updating the resen·e room, she satd. point. tt looh like all hut four \\ill be able to renO\ at ion" 1-.. t1l)t only to imprO\ cthe libra!). Diane Smith senes a customer at her hotdog cart on East ~lain Street during "This room 1s the graveyard for old go in:· hut help -..tudenh a-. \\ell. yesterday's ''arm .May weather. furntture m the libran :· Millard said ...It has ~lillard said student-.. will also notice the "\\'c ju-..t \\ant to g1' e better ... en 1ce-. to not been renovated since 1986. ·· penodicab windo\\ \\Ill no longer he 111 the ~tudcnh;· -..he "<-~id. Traditional Senior Day venue traded for Balloon BY C.-\\IlLLE CLOWER\' thing m keep1ng up with the image of students would rather ha\ e their concerns about alcohol consumption. from 4 to S p m .. there \\til be a nmc )" 51td<''' rF the um\en.ity," :'\lorgan satd. traditional pastimes of Semor Da: :· Cniverstt) concern-.. d1d play into cun-..tnnt flow of -..tudenh and The Prime -..md this wa-.. the fiN \car Underage eruors rna) be turned Admint!>trators expre-.scd thetr Alcohol will be served at the the deosiun to move SeniOr Dav to Bailon \\ill not be full to capactt) at Dl SC pl,,nncd 'cninr Dn). \\ hich a\\ay from tht.., year' Senwr D.ty di..,-.atisfactwn with the trad111onal Stone Balloon. !\forgan said. and the the <;tone Balloon. -.he satd. However. one t1mc had pre\ Hlu-;1) been the re-.plmsibilit) festivities, cheduled for lay 23. festiVIties, <;he ~atd, but did not sa\ a small percent<~ge of ~undera!!e seniors buuklllg space on Old College and the Student-.. \\ill abo be unable to of t\\ o elected -.em or reprc-..entati\ es. Juntor Morgan Long. HCe beer truck -was not allowed. • may Ill)( be adn1ittl.'d. ~ Green was also a problem that use rlLx to bu) beer •• t Senior Da) a-. In order to ha..-e the e\ ent on pre~ident ot the Del a\\ arc ~I ani) n Pnme. director of ·'We rccogmze that senior~ under factored mto the dec1-.ion. m the past, ;\lorgan ..,aid, becau'>e the '-ampu-.. a-. in the pa-..t. -.he -.aid. Cndergraduate Student Congress, '>aid Student Center., and DCSC advi ... er. 21 will want to partictpatc with their DCSC wanted to schedule Senior machine.., arc on!) ad,tpt, blc to on­ alcohol hcen~e-.. mu~t b~ obtained. and celebratiOn \\til move from the1r .,a1d the unl\er~ltv is concemed about Day before Ma) 23. but other e\ents can pus -..ttes. the group mu-..t make rc-..en au on.., and traditional Old College location to the cla~smates," she said. "This i" a -,light an) e\ent that· 1nvolve-.. alcohol dra\\·bacl.; to the change in location ... were planned or at the ttme were Scmo1 R1chard Dre-..sel sntd he coNdinate \\ t!h 'endor:.. and Stone Balloon thts year. con umption on campus. The dec1sion is ultimately -.ubject unconfirmed to take place on Old would prefer to have Senior Da) on Ulll\ crsll) pohcc a-.\\ ell. Umvers1ty admint tr,ttors "We don't <;ene alcohol on to the di-.crettOn of the Stone Balloon College and the Green. I\1organ said. the grounds of Old Collc!.!c. e'oen Smce D SC wa-. 1n' oi\'Cd \\ ith expre-.sed concern-, c~bout student campus at student events,'' she satd. manager. she smtl. She ... aid DlJSC went ahead With thou~h the Stolle Ballotlll 1s~ a \ enue \lthcr ~'en h. plannin!! did not be<'in alcohol comumption on c.tmpu-. ''\\'e have a non-alcohol sen·1ng its secondary plan and thought the he enjoys. unttl Apnl. ..,he -.aid. - e grounds, ;\!organ ._,ud, and Pnme satd other locations on poltcy on eantpus at CD, ,1ml there 1s a Stone Balloon would be a suitahle "I frcqucm the Stone Balloon '-O "The t111ung of tt d1dn · t happen recommended the tr.tdltional beer campus were -..ugge-..ted blll rejected rea-,on for that." becau-,c of time and '-pace con..,traints. \'enue for the e\ent much:· he '>ald. "It get:.. lllOilOIOIH HIS proper!) :· Prime sa1d. "but the}· re truck not be brought back to campus :\lorgan satd DUSC \\anted to ~lor!!an said the beer truck had The Stone Balloon holds a legal gomg to the ;;amc place. with the -.ame th1-. year. domg the hc'>t the) can with the tm1e appease both the ~tudenh and the capactty of 2.000 patrons. J\1organ faces Win break tradition ''hen 1t ''They 'i

¥ A2 THERE\ IE\\ ~1<~) lJ, 2003 State appropriates 2004 funds

BY JEFFRI' \ ~ll LLI'.~ 21103. The 2004 bill ''til prO\ Jdt• cmhtrucuon and a ne\\ D1\ ISH>Il of '"'J he popul at i Ull I 11 S lhSC X na $W2 rmlhon, 111 cnntr,tst In the \;407 :\1otnl \ ehtcles t .tc!lit) tn (\n•nt) has gnm n su mu h that the Pubhc heann!!' bc!!an ~lunua\ millwn 11( 2003. lleorge!lm n. GeoJgetflWll faciht) ha' hecome to1) to Jt,Cth-. the 'tate'-. ~~nnual Bond Thl· fund' !!"en to the The 1ccomnH:~nd.ltion for srn.dl." Shock ... atd "The dit\cr'<; BilL \\ hich ''til lund lllllre than 75 Dep.trt ment of bu i I cit ng a nc\\ ltccn ... e secti!Hl \\as 1110\ ed tu dtfftrent tr.tnspmtatwn and Edue,ui,m ''ill he ------Georgctm' n D~l\ alk\ IH!C ll\ ercr1l\\ 1.lJng, .l!ld e\ Cll that con't'"u.:ttl 1n projects f11r 2lXl-L dt\lded hct\\een "Due tO the """ ~hnner·-, onh h.ts hecume m.tdcqut~te.'' Gregur) Pauer ... on. .~ppro,tmakl) 4:'\ • prop•l,al fo1 th~ I he trailer hou-.es four ~ectllllh CllnlnlUillCatwn-., utrector fDr Go\. Del:m:uc -...:hoob. econOllllC ,tllocntion of Bond 1 ne I ud 1 ng d n~ er i rnp11H erncnt. Ruth Ann :\linnet. -.:ud \ .uiou' he -.a1d. Btll tumb. he s,ud l1cen~e i~sutn~. dn\-er te-.tllll' ,mJ age ncn~., and m~ .11111 at 1on.., '' II I T h e recession faced l\\ehe mtllwn photograph~. he satd. attend the meetJng'. '' hid1 ''ill l 'nl\ ersit) ol dl11lar-. h.i\C been The nc\\ Ltcility, \\ohtdt t'i E~Tl~IATED SAR~ DEATH RATE RISES TO IS PERCE~T Cllll!tnue thn,ugh :\Ia) I~. Ill pt!t.:h D c I a '' ,, r e . this year, the .tlloc.tted r,n the cutTcntl) m the pre plannmg ph.~,c .... \\' ,\S lJ I!'\Ci'l 0'\ fhe de.Jth r ..tte trom ~evere at ute respmttor) then· propo ....ll-.. for the alloc.uwn lll Dela'' arc State "}} planning and \\ill be con,lruc.tcJ on the ext t1ng ") nd1 orne ha'i tncrca,ed sharp!) SIIJCe the cpidem1c began. anJ the new the fund-. . L'ntver-.it) and 2004 B 0 n d BI con,trUl"llOll o! the propert~ th,lt the current buildtng lung llllC"Clton l'i no\\ li.ilhng approxunatel) 15 pe;cent of \'JCtims '"Due to th ecunmnic re~·l·-. ... ion Dela\\are Ill'\\ Gcot gctm\ n occupie~. Shock 'iatU. It \\ill boast a overall. the \\\lrlcl Health Orgamzatwn concludcJ \\'cJne ... Jav faced th1' \car. the 2004 B11lld Btll Tcchnic.tl .tnd has very little fa..:tht) multiple drl\ e-through 1..111e It temc.~Ins unclc.n whether the death rate ts increa:-.mg as the Ji-.ea..,e h~t.., \Cr:- tiitlc nhlllC) a\~ulable ... he Communi!) Ken )hock., 111spcctinn. updated tcchnolog), a ... prcad'>. 01 '' hether the Inti.' death rate is -.irnpl) emergtn!!. as more data bec11me .. nailable. In enher ca ... e. the relative!\ ~hi~h death rate ,,nJ. ""Dozl.'n-. .mu dozen., of peopk Colkge \\til money customer '-oCT\ ice l.trger lnbhy and an au!ll quemng .. under-.core~ the :-.eriousne"' of the threat. \\ HO ... ru d." ~ •tre Cllmpeung for funding " reeel\e S3.5 coordmat,,r for the s;. stem to call cu-.tnmers to the '"Thi'i '"a dt-.ease that has a h1gh case-fatalit\ rate." s~ud Klau.., Stohr. The fund' ''ill go tu -.uppnrt rmllwn e,tch. available." Del a\\ arc 01\IV. ...en icc de'"-· \\'1:10'•.,. top SARS seJentl"t. ·'The case-fatahtv. rate that we're '>ectnoe tran'plntatwn. 'chllllh and man\ :-.Inn on '-'liJ. 'aid the current :\lorton ~~ud ,\ll the prOJCCt cmpha,tze, C\ en further the need to act deet\J\ch now." ... malla project-.. PatteNIll "aid. T h c - Gre~ory Pattenon, SfJOk£'\1/lllll facil!t) 1:-. mnre current!) 111 the discus'>to 11 . According to the new calculations, SARS k lis fe\\Cr than I percent The Department nf Ill\ erst!) than 30 ) ear~ old planlllng :-.tages. ha-.,,f ____....:;.... for______Gm. Rwh Ann \/inner and ha' hecnme of those 24_ ur ~ oung~r. but the death rate JUmp.., to 6 percent for age.., 25 Tran-.portatwn ''ill rccei' e $25~ Del a\\ arc '"Agenc1c-. are -.ull pttchmg tdeas to -l-L to I) percent 1or tho~c .f5 to n.f and to more than 50 percent f,)r nullwn. appm\tmatcl) SSO mlllion propn-.ed to u'e outdated and fnr fundtng.'' he "aid ''\\ e are tho'e n5 and oiJet, \\'HO ,aid ''!II go to the Department ot .$3 m11lion for the \\ olf Hall m ercn)\\ dccl wnrkmg project b) project.'" That mean' SARS ha" a death rate far higher than tho-;e of most Euucation anu tht' rematn111g )54 reno\ .ttl on. he -.Jid. and the Th~: current t aci II I) proce ... sed The tina! dect-.I!HJ" ''ill be made other rc<.,pirator~ mlection'i. The t) ptcal llu -.cason ha.., a death rate of m1llinn \\!II be dtnded among dPzen' remaining $500.000 tor ongoing more than 362.000 transaction.., in through cont!llued 'ottng by the less than I percent The devdstating Spani'h flu of 1918 to 1919 had a ol other pmjech. he --~uJ . mamtenancc. 2002 alone. he said. The dri\ er·~ BonJ Bill Commtttee. he ~aid death rate of Jes-. than 3 percent. :\hchael :\Ionon. chtet ~~r Fiscal Patll~r..,on said fundtng for the l1cen-.e section of the faciltty is The 20().+ Bond Bill is 'chcdukd SARS doe-. fl(ll appear to he a.., contagious a' the tlu. but It ts the first Ptllic) .... aid the 2004 Bond Bill ha ... Depanment of Tran-.port.l!tnn ''ill be current!) loc,ttcJ in a temporary to tal-.:c effect July I. the hegmnm!! of Jangemm. ne\\ di:-.ea-.e that can he spread directly from one person to another to emerge 111 decade .... and 11 remams untreatable. received le ... -. funding than the bill nf u-.ed matnl) tn fund road trailer ad,taccnt hi the facti II) . the ne\\ ti -.ca I ) car ··we Jon "t w~mt to add to panic:· Stohr sat d. ·'But we ''ant to show that thi.., di..,case should not be underestimated.'" The nc\1 csti mates are based on an anah w .. of the most recent data from every\\ here SARS ha ... erupted Canada. China. Stngapore. Vietnam and Hong Kong and represent the first attempt to produce a Philly teacher under investigation comprchen..,l\e p1cture of the disea ... e·s mortallt). \\'HO ... atd. An independent C'itirnate relea..,ed the Ja:- before in the Lancet medical journal. which looked only at Hong Kong. proJeCted the mortality rate B\ \IEGHA:.\ DOUGHERTY crimmal hackgmund. ~los-. s.tid. "They c.m"t 'impl) fire him.'' check-.. \ rtcr there could e\ enllmll) htt appro\tmatel) 20 percent He -,aid the onl) th1ng am'"' he satd. '"Thq need Juc proces~. "'AdJitionall). a record-. rc\ ie\1 A conncted teton hired b) the 1\.leanwhile. the C .S. Center-. for Disease Control and Prevention, ,,·as the fact that Walker li-.ted hi" He ha' the right to repre ...enrat ion ... '" ilho conducted through the under tntethC prc-.sure from \\'110. said \\ edne:-.da) Jt \\ill beg111 Phtladelphta )chool DI. reopening the my-.,ter:- of Hu:-.sem· s tate aPd whereabouts. Walker served four years in Penn-.)1\ania him. They need prnce-.-. ... '·Districb LUll hire ..:ertalll prison after he wa-. found guilt) of Sa) ing he \\ ~" ... peaking ""from mside gre..tt Iraq:· Hussein called on aii(H\-. the district Kl1ne felon-. \\hn ha\c p:ud thetr debt to felon) counts ot fraud and theft in the Iraqi people Ill take part 111 a ""secret style of ... truggle ... to kick the to htrc tndn iduals due process.'' \\'all-..er \\Ill recei\c -.ociet) :· he -,aid ""The Chtld Abu ... e 1993. encm~ out from our countr) :· The I-f-minute tape ''as apparently '' it h fe Inn\ C:m treatment. Regtstr) has p.trameter~. ho\\ C\ cr. recorded after \pril 28 becau'e the -.pcaker referred to demonstrations ··we put out a 'tatement COil\ JCillllls of -Hal ,\10\ '· clulf informatum "The ill\ es!lgation for Lc,el3 abu ... er.... \\hlch pre\.:nh that tn1 k place on that day in SaJdam · s hometo\\ n nf Tikrit to celebrate regarding Walker on Monda):· he \ iolent crime:-. fi\C them from \\1Hk1ng \\ ith children.· ht-. 66th btrthda'. ..,atd. ·'The in\estigation Js officer tor the Philadt /pilia en" u re ~ h 's c i \'tl ) ear" after the 'r rights aren't hetng Gough said Del a\\ arc ha' not TI1e tape wa; handed to a reporter of the Sydne) 1\.tormng Herald in ongomg. F t'lI era1ion oj 1 ear1 1en COil\ ICtion. violated:· he said de.dt \\ ith the 1.) pc of Ill\ e-,ttg..ttton Baghdad .\lll11day by t\\ o lraqt.., '' ho smd the) had wanted to give 1t to Hal Moss. chief information "'\\'e are Ron Gough. pending in Penn') lvania. Arah-lan!!uagc broadcatd the t\\ o men "poke '' llh accent' of the Tikrit region north of the capital but suspended'' ith pay. t-.lo-. s said de' p 1te the rule-; an e-mail mes ... age Delaware lav. situ.ltiun'i ·qmil..tr to Plulad.:-lp'm ·., "'The d!-.trtct had e\ cry nght l'.S. mtclliuenee anaJ~..,ts ber,an <;tudymg the tape\\ edncsday to try regan.hng \ wlent cnmmab v. orkmg rcquue<; teacher ,111cl C'mplo) ee<; 'l oc II bo.t d:; de\ .:lop poh~,;IC'> legally to hire him:· he -.aid to detcrnune tf II ts Hus-.em, but a senwr • dnum..,tration oJ fictal :-.atJ It 111 the ... chool di-.trict. there i:-. no \\ hn ha\ e dtrect contact with <~rolmd the c <~rca~." Gough s,ud. '' ould tak.e time bccau-.c the L .S. go\ crnment onl) ha-., a rough copy \\'alkc:r supplied all the 'uch Ia\\ perta1n1ng tn tho'e \\ ith children to undergo bl'th 'tate and necessar) information regardmg his downloaded 1rom the Auo,tralian newspaper's Internet site. felon) fraud charges. federal criminal hacl-.:ground ,\!though most Intelligence analysts have said they believe the lraqt leader sun i\ ed t\v o Ll S. air:-.tnl-.:~s aimed JJrectlv at him. on .\larch 20 and April 7. U.S. llltclhgencc agenCIC'o ha\·e nnt come to a consen~us on the \ eracit) of a \ Iueotape supposedly shot on April 9 that was said to -.how Sacldam and his -.on (Ju-.a) '' alking near a mosque in Baghdad. Changes in seatbelt laws proposed "'\\'e don't kno\\ if Saddam Hu-.-.ein i' aliw or dead,"' Whlle Hou~e press -.ecret.tr) Ari Flei-..cher 'aid \\' edne,da) . ''You can talk to BY ERl'\ FOGG be thrt)\\ n fon\ ard into the front -.e.tt. different people 1n the administration and get different opinwn:-.. but the ( l It r potentially caw.. ing senous injury tn prc-.ident ha ...... aid "c Jon 't know:· Del a\\ are re~tdenh rna\ -.non be the front 'eat pa...... engers. forced to buckle up or get pulled On Sunday, Defense Secrctar) Donald Rumsfeld said he suspected Out of 99 'chide occupants Hus,cin "ma) \er) \\ell he all\ e .. hut that he did not trul) know. over 1f a bi II passed by the State killed Juring crashc-. 'tate\\ ide m House of Representatives Tue~day. 2002. 65 \\ e;t not wearing '-.Ciltbelts. Bl SH EASI-,S SANCTIO~S AGAI~ST IR.\Q which propose-. making the ~eat helt )ummers said. SmLe stu~dies show \\ ASI:II!'\GTO;\ - Pre-.ident George \\'. Bu~h announced law a primary offen,e. is pao.,scd b) \\caring a 'ot.;ilt belt Increase.., a the State Senate. \\'t•dnesda~ the l ' nitetl State-. \\ill unilater.i'll) su..,pend Jh restriction' person· s chance of survi\ mg llcJ b\ the L nned~ Nation..,. · '"Some argue that 1t is a personal U.S. offictah :-.atd the un1lateral action-. outlined b; the done." -.he satd "'We·,·e been hoping rights hsue:· '>he said. ··That HI~ Rl~\ 11.:\\tP:u T,1ohe' to get thts bill pas'>ed -.ince 1998 ·· A proposed change in Delanare state law would make riding in · administratilln \\'edne,d.t) were .. ,,holly consi-.tent"· with the U '\ (argument] went out the windo\\ restrictions sUJd the current seat \\hen the :-.tate passed the seat belt a car u ithout a seatbelt a primar) offense. belt Ia\\ is tn:-.ufficient because not pre-empt L' .N. authon ty. law in 1992. All we are a-.km!! is to ''It prO\ iues an incentive for scat vehtcle crashe:,:· he -..aid. "The Treasur) Secretary John\\ . Smm called\\ ednesda) ·s imttatiYe ··an wcannl! a seat belt i' a secondarv upgrade the current law... ~ belt u-.e, .. she said. ··but at the -.ame bottom line '" we would -.upport an) c-.senttal ..,tep'' to remo\ e LT.S.-impo:-.ed bottleneck.., that ha\ e slowed often'>e ~and police ofticers can only The bill al'-.o ha-.. a -.ection gne a dnver a ticket \\hen he or 'he time we dun't \\ant to weaken legislation that saves live ... :· the po:-.1\\ ar recon~truction effort European eountrieo.; ha\·e pu ... hed for a allowing for a one-point reduction in punhhment gt ven to equal!) ~ \\'in:-.tead satd when lookin~ at greater role for the United l"\ations 111 lray. and LJ.S. oftictab hope this is pulled over for another reason. the penalty a driver would receive ''People know the) can't be offensi \ e traffic \'iolations '" all \ehtclc cra..,he' state\\ 1de 111 2ll02, aspect of the propo... al will reduce their opposnion. for another traftic offense. '-.Uch a ... Lt Tim Winstead of the I X percent of the occupants \\ho French. German and Rus..,tan officials ha\ e rc-.Isted the hftmg of pulled O\er for it so the) just ignore speeding. if the pohce ofticer notices Dela\v arc State Police -.aid he doc~ were not wearing a seat belt receh eJ sanction' until Iraq can he declared fully free of banned weapnn ~ .~But the lav. :· she said. all the pas-.engers are wearing scat not ~ee any dra\\ backs to the bill. a senou~ mjury. Of those ''caring a in recent da) -.. German and J·rench tlllicials h:i\ e -.aid they "ant to The current law applies only to belt-.. ~ front seat passengers age 16 or older. \tak:mg the -.cat belt la\v a primary seat belt, 4 percent receiveu a ... enous cooperate '' tth the United State' 111 helping Iraq return to nornml. Summers said there has been offeme '' ould not create a burden on mjur). Summer" said -.orne Jebate about amending the btll the police officers. and li\ cs \\ ould "\\'e~uing a -,eat belt should be - compilul !H Emerald Chn.1tupherjrum L. \ Time.1 and Washin~ton Unbelted back seat pas..,engers to remove this section. and~ ... he can are a risk to front 'oeat pas-.enger-. in be ... a\ed. an ea~) deci-;~m:· he -,atd Po.\t 1rire rt'port\ see merits 1n both sides of the "Seatbclts. \\ tthout a douht. the event of a crash, she said. In an argument. impact. a per..,on in the bad: -.cat will n,,, e been pmvcn to s:l\ c live.., 111 ,, . i; - - ;~ ...... -~ '; EE-DAY Police Reports .- ' ORECA i :.:!<"Y STUDENT ROBBED AT He ... atd the man took the dam:ige to his car is estimated at GU!\POI~T appfi)Ximately ')30 from the 'tudcnt S250. he said \ uni \erst!\ student was robbed c~t and .1 cell phone \ alued at Simpson s.tid there .tre no -.u ... pech gunpoint b) ,;n unkmm n m.tn 111 the approximate!) 200 ;1t thi .., time parl-..mg lot at Unl\ crsit) Court) ard The student \\ ,ts unhun and there Apartments at approxunatel) 2·55 are no su~pect~ at thi ... urn~.:, Simp,on CAR STOLE~ a.m. Tuesday. '\e\\afl..: Police -;aid. said. An unknt''' n person -;tole a car Sgt. Gerald R. Simpson <;,ud the parked m College Square Shopping '"o!udent wa ... \\ alktn!! aero-.., the C.\R BREAK-I~ \T HOTEL Center between approxnnatel) 10:37 park.ing lot lmhtde the SOO . I. ptop ~.500 and there are no suspect:-. at highs in the mid 70s highs in the high 70s unkno\\ n person. headed out ot the computer, \ anou' ..:omputer th1-. Ume. he ... aid. p.. nk.mg lot ea tbound on La'it eq111pm:nt. tool bag and toob arc Dehm arc A venue. Sunpson said valued at ..tpptoxunatel: '\2.000 .md Enn Fog~ ~hi\ 9. :wo~ THERE\ IE\\ A3 Breast cancer survivor struggles through· recovery

BY KIM BRO\\ '\ h i~ tou£h to realit.c .... he said. pholl,, are ... ho\\ n Although sa let) ts pro~thetic hips. two unequal leg S m r \t''" td that the thing~ dl1ne t11 a ) oung. the m:un Cl>nCl'nL the pla ... tic surgeon lengths, no gallbladder. and cy..,ts on Mdanit: 'oluntcer~ to go fir-.t forgivtng b11d) c,tn haw life-altering al-..o '' ,,rk.., to re-e!'.tahlt-..h Jignit). one of her fe\\ remaintng female her h~!alth msutance run-. out tn June 1mpact-.. later - and rn retro..,pect. ·•t remember gmng nll! of !the organ .... Parrish ha ... learned that Arleen·, doctor' have found ne'' those ind1\ Iduab "ill aJ,, a\ s \\onder pJa,ttc 'urgeon' "' office for the first sun·l\·rng a life-threatening di~ca~o,e cv-..t... on her O\ arie" \'ick.1 I" ""hat 1ri h.rdn · t . :· • time.'' Parn"h ... aid, "never ha' rng never immunizes vou from other.... c~ntempl..tttng an unpl.mt. ~tal) Ann Parn ... h ha.., adml!d ro"e' het an) surger) in my ltfc .l!ld I 'a1d It~> Health complic;ttton!'-. will ari ... e. '' anh help to e ... tabh'h a -.uppnrt entrre It fe !·or 'o.:::n' -.,he !!rl'\\ them. my hu..,hand]. ·1 kilO\\ he "a" teall~ relateJ or unrelateJ to an) prc\tou.., hbnlf\. CtnJ\ hate-.. bem~ bald. In a and e'er) -,pr i~g ... he "ZH1ld ... pra) p10ud nl the JObs he dtd. hut it hHlks rned i ca I hi.., tor\'. she "'II J. hu 1 d1ml). ht cir~le, tho.:'-C '' t~men ... it them \\ 1th pc..,tlctde-. ..,he tned to a ltttle ltk:e ·hanken-..tcin·, familv Jiagno'i" can "Pa;k a\\ arene-.s. -..h.mn~. lau~h111~ and ii,temm!. e.1ch '' l',ll Ion~ ... lee\es and ... pra) \\hen tt .tlhum · .. · "I fUe"s it make" )OU realtt.C ,,.11h ~~~ .1 brca-..t- ~ '' ,t.., nut "tnJ\. but ..,hl' certatnh Parri"h rcCil\Ctl'd 111 '-I"\ ''eek:.., that each l'\pl!rtcnce. you hope. Recm en 1-.. nn\\ thc1r realtt\. IK\ er ''ore 'llli.., or lace mask-.. to d;) .md hc!!an t.tktn~ the antt c...rml:!en make-. \ ou a ltttle 'tronger." Pam..,h but dt ea-..e ;, far from a memor~. het ba... k\atd gardening. drug ta~thl'\tfen t;) reduce the n-,k of said. ··~inJ enable' you t~ realtze that The-..c -..un 1' or-... '' ho ha' c facl:d ~tud1e' no'' rndicatc th.lt man) relH:currcncc. ...ed to treat hrea"t in there ) llll can pull forth what you radtatton. muttlatton and pot on. pe,ttctde' can mut.t!e cell . often cancer. tamoxifcn u ... ualh 1.., taken 111 need to deal with the ne-..t ch,dlengc. ha' c learned ren11"10n ~'· not mtmtckuH: L''troPen. The bllch ptll f\ \fill e\ er~ da) foi fi' e year .... \\ hate\'Cr It 1'>. "'nom m,m, "11h bemg ~..ured. .~b ... orb.., tlie ... c chelnrcal pc,tlcide·.., '\tudtc.., prc ... ented h) the Amencan .. , do t·1ink that "ometime ... when • T·h,, \e,1f. 11 '" ~:--..ttm.ne~l that and ..,tudte-. ..,U!!!!l'"t that normal b11d\ Cancer Societ) inJtc.1le tamo-..tt'en \ ou get faced with these health one out of e'en !-.<'en ''omen in celt-. c<~n bec~~ne c.1ncewu" i\\m·. decre:be.., thl! n ... k pf hrea-..t cancer in cri'\C\~ \llll 'tave \Ol11e fC\Cr\Cs that Del a" .ue dt.t!:!no-..ed '' tth bre::~-..t •d1e s~ud . he1 n1"e' are prett) w11men at increased nsk. vou n1av not realize are there anc.-r \\til cite 0 ne hundred Clllllllll) r\-.. Parn 'h neareJ the II' c vear becau..,e you h. Grubman s;tJ. gam't brca...r cancer and. the beth button. nne .tbo\ e. He haJ her other Jirp replaccJ. HPWC\ cr. e-;pecially young ''omen. They arc c~m ... cquentl~. sun 1\ ,t) r::tte.., ha'\ c haneq,-thi.., fat. mlhcle and ... kw. thi.., proceJure ''a~ not quite a ... getting mammograms and doing THE RE\'IE\\iCourtcs; o• \ ken l'am'h m~·re<~..,eJ mer the p::t..,t 20 year-... and \\hik keeptng the blood ,e..,...eb ... ucce..,..,ful .~ ... the tlr ... t. The new left monthl\ brea~t -,elf-exams. -;he ~aid . Sl\. and a half \Car~ nllcr her att.tched. tunnet... tt under the ..,kin. ptlhthettc hip j.., made from a and Race for the Cure r... gctttng the Aileen Parrish and her son Andrew pose in front of the tn:J.,tectom\. tod:J.\ \tleen Parri-.h thmugh the nb ca~e to m.tke a ne\\ different material. '' hich Parn..,h -..a1d mes..,.tge out there Philadelphia Art .Museum on l\lother's Da) 2001. -.,ull k! ...... c·, her ·-..on ~ooJnt~ht. ~he can fel!l popping and crunching ··cenainl'r we are on the road to brea ... t. The ..,toma~h i... strtcheJ hack older ha\ e a year!) mamnu.gram .•111 mornrng she breathe'> a sigh of relief. Dtagno,ed O\ er the~ phone~ on better. le"" debtlttattn£ tre.ttmenh ... together. re ... ulting in an impromptu rn,1Je of her The -.econJ hip annual clinical brea..,t examination She know:- the cancer can come Hallo\\ ecn 1996. Parri"h. -+8 at the replacement has abo made her left Grobman ... aid. "l think we are 'ery tumm\ -tuck. and perform monthly brea~t self­ back. and the on!\ defen ... e is lime .... at tn ' ht.r offtce alone and Fe\\ other r.-con..,truction le!! .3/-l of an 1neh lon~er than her close - something good has got to recycled procedure.:. There I' no happen soon:· exams. Women a~e" 20 to 39 "hould "h )t.ked optton.., are a variable for women '' hl) ri~ht ~ have a clintcal brea ... t exammation cure. Today. early detection as a Stn~..e 1992. Parn"h had been ha' e undergone radratwn. becau:-.e . ~ Pan'hh has been told recentl\ every three years and perform "Every day you hear ot results taktng hormone replacement'. but in means of prevention is the on!) the brea ... t n~usc.les mu~1 be in good that her gallbladder must be monthly breast self-exam .... of new studies that sound the earlv '90" there were no optron for women to -;tay alive. ~hape to ~upport ~thcon tmplants. removed, and doctors arC Ill the While earl\ Jetectwn rna\ promi~ing." she said. "but people are Wamtn!!S about the tncreased for Mammography can detect brea~t ri~k and after cancer treatment~. the process of testing new cyst~ found provide some S'olace to the 582 still gettmg diagnosed. and they are cancer as"ociated with brea\1~ muscle~ are often left damaged. on her o\ ·arre~. cancer at an early stage. \vh1ch still dying. estrogen treatment. As .;oon as the increases treatment options and people dtagno<;ed '' rth breast cancer Following the initial tram "I tell people I'm a biontc m the each dav. it doe\ ·'It's a wonderful up!Jfttng ftr~t ~ammogram found calcificatton spares lives. Delaware lead. the reconstructioii" procedure. women women ... she said. "My hu-;band was nothing for II 0 patient-; who will not expenence to be ".\here there are over lumps in her brea~t and the doctor joking wnh me and he said. ·I thmk nation with the highest percentage. re' t~tt the plastic 'urgeon to have live to ~ee tomorrow 30.000 people raising money to find ordered a biops~. Parnsh never took: 75.8. of \\Omen recei\ing nrpple~ formed and tattooed to look: if we average out \'Our ace and the Parri ... h has greeted the tive-war a cure for brea..,t cancer. But I would another e ... trogen pill mammogram'> and clinical breas~t natural. age of your ne\\' parts ) Oll :-re actuaJl )' ... urvi\ al mark 11h cour.1ge mfxed 10\ e to be able to still be ali' e to see "I ... wppeJ on the "pot." -.,he exams each year '~ Each patient'" vrsit to the docto1 a lot younger than 'ou lheJ to be!· ·· with skepttctsm She ts. for now. a a dav when thev don't have to hawl -.,~uJ . "You couldn't pay me a mrlhon \\ rth ~a prn..,thetic hrea~t molded The American Cancer Soctet'i is untque. Relc\'ant procedure' are sun 1\'lH - of m.tn\ thtn~s Each that race anymore:· dollar~ to take hormone replacement. Ji.,cus-..ed. and before-and-after from the abdomen. t\\ o dt fferent recommend~ \\omen age~ -lO and Kever. .. mght she hugs her family a~nJ every Student Handbook reorganized for efficiency

univer.,it~ to have one. e ... pectall) 8\ ARTIK \ R \ , 'GA:\' Re ... pon..,Ibili•tes" \\Ill cono;;tttute the n:l\ tg~ te." Shermey er 'atd. and policies on [the student ''\l.ttntalntng \\'eh sttes i-., regardmg di..,ciplinary -..,mction ... . Sr •t R< > rt r ne\\ guide. he .;;ard. but .til other ''Realt.,ttc,tll) tt should he U'ied .rs • handbook s] must be exact ... he ahva) s a -.h.tllenge.'' she sc~id. "To "[ thmk 11 help~ the faculty and The content... of length~ mformatton the handbook current!) reference book. and the shorter s.11d . .. \otd confu,IIJn, \\e keep [StuJ~ Official Student Handbook. contain'> "ill ..,till he u\atlaulc on 111dex aim' to make 11 e~.sier to go A tter the n<.!\\ gut de becomes Abroad! detaib to a mtmmurn on uni\ ersity more than the ... tudent....'' detathng all uniwr-,ity pohere .... wrll the Internet. through." eftecttYe. programs '' tth ltnks to the the Student HanJbook Web )otte .. ... he '>aiJ. "becau ... e then ..,tudents Sherme) er ... aid reducing the cannot l.:'omc to [the adn11nistration] be reJuced to focu:-. ... olel} un ~chool Shermc) er ... ard the ne\\ gutde Another benefit of .1 shorter student handbook will he in...trueteJ and ... ay. ·J ,,.a.., never told I could rule" and re ... pon,lbthtte 1n a ne'' will narrO\\ ih ... cope to four areas: handbook 1.., to a' 01d redundancie-, to make sure all informatiOn from handbook·, length \\ouiJ make the online publtcatton tttleJ the Student the universtt) ·, code l)f eonJuct. on uni\cNt) \\'eb stte .... he -..aiJ. the !'.tttJent h.. ndhook is updated on guttie ea-..ier for -,tudenh a well a~ not do thi".' .. the adnuni ... tratron Sophomore Cltnt Orem sa1d the Guide to Uni\er~it\ PruceJure" juJ1cral ')...tern. dt-.ctphnary Shenne~ er ~atd Study Abroad. their Web sites. Sherme) er -.aid. ··whether ... tuJenr... read it or not shorter hanJbook tmght encourage Chuck Shenn"eyer. dtrector of sanctron .... gnevanc~ procedure' and lthrary and ,tcadcmtc ... en tce' Web Dtane Henk.er. a ... ~istant StuJent Life Admini..,tration and ... pecial problem .... E\ crythmg el ... e page'> are just three of man) director for the Center for is thl!ir choice." he said. ''but [the students to read it but Joe.; not think Technolo2v .... atd the ne\\ handbook \\ill still he found on the ... egmenh uf the current student lnternatwn,tl Studies. stateJ m an e­ new handbook] cub d\1\\ n a huge students normally \\k '' hich \\Ill be taken nut to mail me-.;sagc that keeping a!: amount of the pages that ''ere once bccau ... e the uniYer ... it) ha" Ill have Ddaworh.l. the univcr.,it\··.., ~tuJent A~ of no\\. there will be no a\ otd dup!tcated information. detail-. on one Web s1te will make tt out there.'' rule .... " he ..;aid. "hut t! j, not onentation program. \\ hich begin ... poltcy changes. he said. " It I' Jouhle the \\ork for \\'eh ea~ier for parenr.... studenr... and Junwr ~legan Burg~-..s ... aid she essential to look at .. in mid-Jul\. "The purplhC of n.:dueing the page-.. ltke StuJ~ AbmaJ because facult) to find correct. current ha" never read the handbook. hut The ~ectton in the hanJbook. handbook b to make 11 ea'>ter to univer... tt) pultc1e.., un thetr \\'eh ..,tte informatron. agreed tt ts unportant for the currently labeled ··Rules and SAE car Caesura awards recognize races to promising student writers BY Lll\DSA\ HICKS awardeJ ~ I 00 for his \\ ork.. ~ R, The Elda Wollaeger Gregory Poetr) prize. Poet and author Dabne~ Stuart announced the donated annual!) by Arthur Gregor) in memot) of annual winners of three prest1gwus literary n) '' ith a graduate student who recei\'ed a $300 award for h1" poetr} reading. poem. "Sh..trk-. at Dusk.'' tourney The three awards presented to three university Gradu.ne student Alexander Long left with $300 students consisted of the Academ) f Amencan after being chosen to recen·e the second prize reward Poet's prize, the Elda Wollaeger Gregory Poetry from the Gregory family for h1s poem, ''After BY COC RT~"EY ELKO prize and the Thomas W. Molyneux Prose a,s,ard. :\leering 1\luhammed Ali at 1\larttnt' Pizza Shop. C \'e E. a• 'T m not going to say that I wish ever) one could Kalamazoo. ~1ichigan. February. 1998." and the The universtty chapter of the get a prize because I don't beheve that.'' Stuart ... aid. presttgious Academy of Amencan Poet's prize for Society of Automotive Engineers \\'tll THE REVIE\\/Counesv of Enc Benson Engltsh Professor Jeanne his poem. "Vtgll .. take tts racecar to Detroit on :\1a) 15 The universitJ's Society of Automotive Engineers will race a car Walker said the sense of ---"!',ll!'!'l~'·m-·V-e•r•y---­ "I'm completely surpri ... ed. and to compete in the annual Formula they built in a national competition in Detroit on May 15. affirmation students feel \\hen of course rIll honored ... he ... aid. SAE Competition. winning the awards helps them thankful to ·Tm 'er) thankful to Dabney for Eric Ben-;on. profes..;or of thi" for 20 year.... \\e are only on our said. hecome better \\Titers. -.electing me anJ abo the Gregory bwresource!'. engmeering and facult) fourth car and every year we Huesmann satd this year the car "It is a great honor when you D b f famtl) f11r fronting the Jough." ad' isor for SAE. aid the team tmpro\'e wa ... comtructed differently than it thtnk about the fact that they"re a ney or Long. a fir..,t-time contributor to -.tarted bu!ldtng the car over the Senior Silvra PineJa, pre..,ident haJ been in past ) car... . being selected by judges who are selecting me and Cae;UI.t. reaJ hi' a\\ ar d-\\ inning summer to prepare for the of S:\E, -..aid la~t year the group carne "In previou ... year.... the car had a the great writer..; of our culture." poem. ··Vigil," to the audience a~ competition. in 51st place. and thi.., year tt \\ants to cornpo..,ite bod) which made it light ~he ~atd. "Writing well depends also the Gregory Swan dn~ed h1" e~ e,.,. "Thts \\as the !tr-.t time we butlt break tnto the top 20. we1~ln.'' ... he ... atd. "This vcar. our on \'tsion, and studenh who feel Long has been \\rittng for 10 a car in one vear:· he "aid. ··rt u ... ualh Ptneda ... aid '>he is the frrst molZI I for the carl wa.., desiroycJ. so le ...... doubt about their ability to family for ) ear" and ha.., puhltshed poetr). take" !WI) .. · - female pre..,tdent of SAE <;ince It ''as \\ e rnadt: the frame out of ... tee) and \Hlle can often \Hite bettet." pro..,e and .-s~a) "· He was an Ben on aid the racecar ha a started at the unrver<.ity eight )Car" lthe frame I is I 00 pounds heavier:· Stu .. \ tacecar h never Jeall) done. The Thoma~ \\'. ~lolyneux :1\\ .1rd \\a~ pre-;ented Copte' of Stu.u1·~ hook: \\Cte -..old and s1gned at prite.., .. build a c.tr ,tnd go to the we are ah\ .tys working on tt." he to scnwr S.mtiago l\lont:n1a for hi' -..holl ... ton ... fhe a tl'CCplton \\here ... tudenh. faeult) anJ aJmir~r-.. met Bell'>on Silld he hopes the gmup compettttnn.'' she srud ... at d. \\'ay the Coffee Shop Crumbled." de-..crihed b) m ct .tppeuzer... . \\ill do well among the ftcld of Scntor Ktrsttn Huesrnann <,,ti d Bcn... on smd the car \\a" dri \en Stuart as a tradttwnal allegory about the selling of ·r he 200.3 edninn ,,f Cae ... ura feature' 19 ,tuJent apprO'he 1\hmtai'ia dtd not attenJ the ceremon) but\\ til be hoard \)I 'tudent eJHors Irom many .tpplt~ ani\. · 1 4 l'HE RE\ IE\\ ~l.t) 9. 2001 Students perfect art of Israeli dance

BY CHRIS IT\\ HER:'\\, l>EZ one of the dance tihtn~o..:tor .... .,,lid barefoot and the other 111 ... neal-..er .... others can learn:· >r' ... he -,pent the la-.t ) c.u· 111 hraJ and called out the upcomtng -.t..:p ... a ... In one dance. the in-.tructor-. The It'd) -,ound-.. ot IIchte\\ e\pl.111wd tht<; form of J,mce ''a... the students -.truggled to 1-..eep up. and -.tudenh ktppt.'d mto a '>mall mtt-..tc dttlted trom the T1ah.tnt not I) ptL.tl ol (<;raelt teen-ager .... The group laughed a., they circle .tnd then met :H the center l'ni\ cr... it) Ct:ntcr \\ htlc ..,tudcnh \\ ho dat11.:e tmd.trl) io Amen can tncd. some :-.ucce ... -..fuliy and other ... before ... ~tml:- backmg av..a). tn-..idc learned the an 111 tr.tdttton,tl teen-ager .... but '' "" .t nH>re fruit]e.,.,]). to master the intrtcate Senior Lee 1\tanolf, pre-.tdent hr.tdt dance \\'edne ... d,t) mght tr.tdition.tltcchmyue lllO\emenh. of HilleL -;atd Yom Ha-atz !\b-ut is The I\\ o-hour lc-..son. "There .tre cctt,un dance --reps Juntor Br) an ~chnetdet a holiday that cekhrate-. brae! a'> a .,pon.,urcd b) H tllcl .md taught h) and routtne., for e\ cr~ .,on g." ... he -..eemed he.,itant to dan<.e with the natiOn. unt' er ... it) \tudents. cclehr.ttcd '>llld group at lir-,t. but ... atd he wanted to ··we want to educate people Israel' ... mdependcncc Ja). l'allt-d 'l he '>ongs pia) ed 'arted in learn hraelt da'lce to prepare for about the holiday:· he '>atd ...and 't om Ha all \la-ut. tempo and -.omettmes incorporated Jewish fcsttvttte:-.. includtng har teach ... tudent'> to dance and have a Ele\ en .,tudent., attended the l:lehre\\ I) no. oft'enng an endle.,., mittvah.., and wedding .... good time."' ]e,..,,ln and ''ere ftr-.t t.lllght the 'all d) of lllll'>iL for creative "I Danctng I comes up ... he Fre-.hman :-.tatt Pomeranll. three ba... Jc dance ..,tcp-.. included tn danct:r.., ~aid. "and you don't \\ant to look: -.octal director of Ke~hner. a most of the dance rout me-... Some -..tep.., induded arm I ike a fool. .. faction of Hillel. -.atd 11 '" One -..tep. c.tlled "m.t) till.·· nwtton-, that cone.,punded wtth the Fre-..hman Am) Tannenbaum. tmportant to promote Je\\ i"h rc..,emhlcd the populat American rhythm ot the nHhtc . '' ho learned I.-..raclt dance at a culture at the unl\er-.tt). ... rep known a-.. the grapt:' Inc . .t OI11.:e the grnup ma ... tercd the Jewtsh summer camp .... aid a friend .. ReI i '"on i" one of tho., e qde-stcp \\ ith cn-.. ... -cro-..s THE· RC\ IE\\ B,m, lu~a!O\ prelimtll.tr) nw' emenh at a fa\ler asl-..ed her to co-teach the cla-..s. thing'> -.truggle "llh un mo\ ements. pe~plc Students learn the ins and outs of Israeli dancing in a workshop pace. the in'>tructor., turned on t .c "It's something I enJO) college campu-.e ...... he -.aid \Yednesda~ night in the Trabant Cnher it}' Center. Fre-,hman A\t Ro ... enthali-... mthtc. The in ... tructor.... one doing ... .,he saJd, "and I hope HS unveils peace pole Today marks end H\ R \ CHEL E\ .\ "S peace here ... 1-"ergu ... on -..atd. member of SADD. -..;ud .,he "a., ' R o r "hopefull) it ''til .,pre ad across itn-olvcd '' tth the peace pole ··~ta) pca~.c ptt:\ ail on the cummunit\ :· proJeCt of nursing week eanh" \\a-.. the -..a\ing etched in Gregon· ~licolucci. the She -.atd teachers polled et"ht dtfferent la'nguaoc-.. 1111 a -..chool r'e..,t1urce offtcer from ... rudent-. to find the eight most pe';cc pl>le that \\a-.. Jed~ated by l>...e\\ arl-.. Police. said it i., popular language ... ~ to be member-.. l>f the Student-.. tmportant for people to know the inscribed on the pole BY ARIA~A HORRY be at n.,k:."' :-.he '>aid. )ratf Ht'lh rtt'r Haye ... '>atd other parts of the \gam-.t De-..tructi\ e Decl"wn-.. peace pole project began pnor to Once the lan<>uaoe-, \\ere Annual National Nurses Week. ch~aptet at :\e\\ ark High Lhool the war with lraq. selected. Duff\ ... ~td.""the off­ campaign include an outreach center k.tcked off Tuesday in celebratton and in the uni\·ersity's nursing Tue ... da\. "It shouldn't be seen as for white pole was· ordered from a recognition of the influence nurses SADD and thL high or again ... t the war." he said. special company with the saying department. \~hi c h offer'> health hav; on healthcare and to bnng screentn!!s and education for the hoor ... chapter of the ;'l.,tttonal "Tht~ ts completely dtfferent." etched tn black and in braille. attention to the nattonal nursing FF \ Orgamzatton • \ outh \e\\ark: High School's SADD then jotned forces homele.._.,~ and those suffering from shortage. chronic Illne.,~.,e., ~ agn~ultu~ral educatton iroup. pnncipal. Flore'nce Rteman. '' Ith the FPA to plan out the Evelvn Ha)es. professor of \\Orked together Ill con-..truct a -..poke at the dcdtc.ttion !!arden ... The center focuses on targeting nur:-.ing, satd this year the nur'>tng tllnes ... e-. such a ... heart disea ... e. cancer memonal ;arden in fnlll! of the ceremrgmf) peace and '>0011. Healthy Lifest)les in Delaware:· \\ endy 't) le-... "P'm"nr l)f harmon\. "The plate ... \\·ill thank: out organized the .. Kids Into Healthcare" In accurdance with the ca'i11paign tn '' htch the department the SADD chapter. ... aid it i-.. the A. ... ~t'>tant Secretan nt )t.nc donator... :· -,he ... aid ...hut thcy campaign. the department of nurstng fir-..t peace pole 111 the -..rate. Rtck Get..,cnberger ~pnke on will aho be tn memorv of I 0 \ t'>tts both clementan to talk \\ ith parent... about She -..aid ... he 1" happ) "ith hehalf of Go\. Ruth Ann ~ltnner student-.. ]that h>.,t their ii\e'>] 111 offered free blood pressure hm\ the -..wdcnr... rc.,pondc:.J to and Secretan ;.1f State Dr. the la ... t .,e, en \ear-..:· health education and prO\ tde ... creentng-. tn ~lcDowell Hall. informatton about healthcare careers. the tdca. Harnet Smith-\\'ind ... or Dufh .,;tid most of the Perkins Student Center and Trabant ··student... that I ha' e He ....:uti tt ts eas\ to "tan a ... tudents dted in car accident-.. Sent or Susan Krause. \\ ho Uni\erstt) Center throughout the admtntstered blood pres ... ure spoken to are mtngucd and "ant conflict hut dtfftcult to promote <~nd some \\ere related to drunk week.. to help out." Sty )e.., ..,aid. pe.tce. dri\ing. She '>atd student'> screentngs. -.atd the goal of Nurses Junior Stefanic Lazorick.. a \Veek. ts to rccogntze nurstng as a Ttffam Fergu-..on. a 1unwr "I hope the ... entlment \\til should remember SADD targeh nursmg student who assisted in the at , 'e\\ ark Hi!!~h Schnlil and grow and spread throughout the de ... tructi\ e decisinn .... not just profession and promote a healthy health fair. said blood pressure lifestyle. \\hich is why it is important pre-..tdcnt ot ~;\DO. satd ... he communtt\ . ...rate. nattnn and drunl-.. dn vin!!. screenings are tmplntant because ''a excited to be JO\ oh cd. \\or! d ... Geisen berger sat d. "The "\ ioleilCC ts a de-..tructi\'e IHLRL\ 11:.\\ Bon,zubatm to reach all students. man) people do not get their blood "We're taroettng the general . he -..atd -..he thtnk. ... the pole "' rema~kable and dect-..wn:· Duff) .,atJ. "\\'e just ~e\\ark High School's chapters of c ~ ~ pressure checked regularly. population by mO\ ing the locatiOn purpo-..e of the pole 1'> to help beau !I ful. .. hope It won't st.trt here. and SADD and :FFA dedicated a peace It ,., important to detect high bnng peace. Katte Duff). a junior at peace ''ill -.prcad into the ... ~hnol around campus:· she said. pole Tuesday in a garden in front of blood pres-,ure earl) and get tt under In addition to the screenm!!s. "If \\e '>tart promoting ~ e'' ark H tgh School and a and communit) :· control to reduce the chance of the school. there ''a.., a tri \ ta conte'>t 111 \\ hich acqumng a senous Illness. students were quizzed on health ltps. "High blood pressure is the lf students an..,wered correctly, the) lead111g cause of ... trokes and heart recened ltght-butter popcorn or a dtsease ... she satd. Fnsbee. City committee honors vol~nteers Sophomore Karen Slachetka. Fnsbee promotes phy steal who had her blood pressure checked. 1 actn 1t) and the popcorn ts a healthy '>atd her father suffers from high BYK\TED\\IS Humanttv. Delaware Future-... pleased to receive the ..1\\ard but Prc-..tdcntDmidP Rn-;elle food. Krau ... e said. blood pressure <;O she felt tt wa ... The department ,., promoting the ~ • R Adopt a FanHl). Rela) for Ltfe and Llid not ''ant to brag about the l\1. n .. nne Gre.:n. a<;si-..tdnt Important that -..he be checked a-.. The Ttn\ n and Go\\ n the l\lak.e a Wt-.h FoundatiOn. recognition. He dc:-.cnbed hun~elf director at the Career Sen 1cc-.. nur... tng profc-.swn. she :-o.<.IIJ. because we 11. students are not entenng the nurstng Commlltec honored 25 uni\er:-.Itv S e n i o r ~ a~ a .. hchind the Center. :-.atd tn addttion to ··You ne\ cr know when you can ...rudenh \\ 11h annual communit\· .\1 e I 1 " '> a scene" !!ll\ ... prO\ iding ,.-..-..t...rancc to ...rudLnh field as much as in pre\ ious year'> . -..en ice a\\ard... before an audtencc Cal\ an teo \\a... "This award is Hi-, ad\ Ice for looktng tor jOh'>. Career Sen ILC'> of more th.tn 50 communit\ and an a\\ard al1\ ... tudent \\ho coordinat~" \oluntcerism on Unl\er-..11\ member., :-.Ionda\. night recipient and given because I'> .llll'>Urt.' about Cttlllpll'>. at the Ctiy l\1unicipal Building. ~ ~aid '>he i'> gctttng tn\·ohcd Green. \\ ho di.,tnbuted the The committee. an per'>onally VOlUnteerS at the ,,. i I h H\\.trd-... s,tid the ceremony ha<; orgdnizatton that deal'> "ith invoh·ed 1n the \oluntecri..,m 1" been held lor approximuteh 15 relation ... bel\\eCn the Cit\ of cat h l) I i c university make "don't he afraid \Car... . :\e\\ark and the unnero.,it\. held a C a m p u s to ... rep out \)f • ·'This lf\. Rehn Newark a better )OUr comfort \Oiuntcer... at the lllll\Cr ... It\ m.tke recipient-... member-, of the for Li"fe. the mne. 0:C\\arl-.. a hett~r place to live." she unl\erstt\ ... taff and committee Hunger Banquet I t I• " The 25 s;u~l ~!a\ or Harold P. God\\ in and the '\;atJonal p ace 0 IVe. rectpicnh \\Cre Green reCO!!nized 111.111\ opened ihe ceremon) \\ith remark... Catholtc. Student nominated h\ -..tudenh from out-o-f-~tate location·.., recogni?ing hO\\ impurtant the 25 Coalttion. _ Marianne Green. £1.\si.ltllnt them., e 1 \e ...•. \\ ho gut in\ oh ed "ith ..,tudents arc to the communit\. "Thi-. "a" a felltn\ student... vuluntcertng 1n the local "These )OUng people dll a lot n I c e direcTOr (~t Career SciTiCI''i or the a!.!cncte... communtt) ue-..ptte bemg tar from to make l 'e\\ ark the tO\\ n that It appreciation for for \\hi ch they their home tO\\ n .... 1:--,.. he <.aid. the thmgs I do in the commumt\ :· Yolunteer. "Studenh help the communtt) Organizations tn ''hich the -,he ~aiJ. "1 feel both apprcctated The ... tudcnt... recet,·ed and promote good deeds on rectptents \\ere 111\ohed tnclude and honored.'' certificate·. for distingut:-.hed public campu ... :· -.he said. "Good deeds THERE\ lEW Kaue Gra~.,o the Emmau ... House, Daffodil DaY~. 'Senwr t-.1arkus Johnson. sen ice. whtch were personal!) bnng the campus .md communi!) Nursing week, which ends today, attempted to raise awareness of Battle for Ltfe. Hahttat for another rectptent. -.atd he ''a... -..igned b) Godwin and niYer-,it) together." , the nation's shortage of nurses. Christian group Bush see s funding performs drama for history classes

BY \U.REDITH \1. POLLOCK Junior :-.tarci Yandon. vtce BY CHARLES BALLARD are to build knowledge. celebrate \t ' R rt r pre-idcnt of \\'OLCM and dtrector \tafJ Rt 1 lrlt.. r heroes and challenge young people. The Word of Ltfc C.tmpus of the pia). said puttmg on a President George W . Bush t>.tany people .1re una\\'are or have f\lmtstr). an orgamzatton branched performance was her tdea. requested that $100 mtllion of the 2004 forgotten what shaped the nation· s past from the \\ ord of Liie Chri-..tian "l feel that tt ts a great and fiscal year budget be used to fund a and created it'> natiOnal iJentll). he Center tn, 'e\\ark.. debuted th different wa) to reach out to program that wi II encourage and sat d. pla). "Day... \\ ithout End ... other-. ... '>he said. strengthen the teachtng and Milan satd the prestdent also cited \\'edne ... day night in the Bacchus Y .mdon said since she .wi II be understanding of Amencan htstot") and numerou~ o.,tudte., that have tndicated Theater. taking over the role of prestdent culture Thursday. man) young Americans ha\e only a The -,huw p\lrtra}., the hfc of next )Car. she felt thts v~as an oel Milan. director of public passing knowledge ot the natton· s John Lovtng a ... he struggles to opportunity to han a leadershtp affairs fur the 'ational Endowment of history and a rudtmentar) cope with ht-.. adulterou-.. \\a}s. role in the organization. the Humanttte'>. satd the "We the understanding of the principles of a The role of Lo\ mg wa:-. played .. It was something I ''as in People'· program was fir-.t introduced democratic government. b\ I\\ o actor-,. each of whom charge of without bemg under the m September 2002 wtth a budget of The "\\e the People" utle of the represented a dtfferent -..ide of his direction of the president. .. she $25 million for the 200-+ fiscal )Car. program. taken from the preamble to personaltty, canng and angr). -.aid. However. m a press conference the C S. Con ... tttutwn. 1s '>t gmficant After cheattng on his wtfe Yandon .,aid the rea<,on the last week. the prestdent requested an because tt t'> central to American's \\ tth her be ... t fnend. Lo\"lng goes sho\\ ts "o important is because additiOnal $75 mil !ton O\ er the next nauonal tdentit\ he satd. through a period of inten ... e -..elf­ people often feel they have t\vo three ) ears. .. Thi-.. is the bcgtnning of the ptt) on the path to redemption. sides to themselves. .. Ignorance of A.mencan htstnry Con-.,tllutwn:· he -..a id. "\\ htch is the B) the play· ... end. Loving "So often there is a stde to us and ct vtc~ \\ eaken ... our ... en;;e 1lf doc.ument that pnwide'> the \\iring take'> ... olace tn God and find ... that people ne\er see:· she -..aid. cittlenship."' Bush ... atd at the pre..,., diagram for .\mericei·., denwcratlc forgivene ...... tn htnhelf and from "and sometime ... \\e think: we can conference. ht-. -,\lfe. natwn." control that other side. \\hen in t-.ttlan -.atd the LH. an Ra\ mond Wolter.... unn crsitv Senior John Lock. prestdent realtt) it ts controlling us." independent federal agcnq. will ht ... tllt) profe..,sor .... atd he \\",t., a\\ are l;f of WOLC!\1. said members of the She said she hopes students administer the funds for specific one aspect of the program that he feel... group were ex.ctted to -.tar in tht~ \~Ill relate to this mes<,age. projects\\ llhin the program. will be benefictal to both -..tudenh and play h) :-\ohel Prize-\\ inning Sophomore Amy Reddinger. The "We the People" program teacher... . pla)wright Eugene o· 'eill. who played Lovtng·s secretary IIIL Rl · \'11 ~ \\ i rh'n' Zul>ahn will be e\panded through project'> ... uch One of the pnlpo.,ed pn>Ject -.. \\til Lock. \\ ho played the canng Anne Eliot m the '>how, said -,he The \Vord of Life Campus Ministry put on the pia) "Da~s a., an annual national e.,.,ay conle'>t for make copie-.. of hi-..l\1rical document-.. tde ot JDhn Lo\img. -,aid he cho-.,e \\as both ne n Otb and excited \Vithout End'' to highlight the problems of adultery. high school ..,tuJenh \\ ith the theme ltke ~hraham Lu11:oln·., Gettysburg tht-. pia) bccau-.e of the ... pmtual about the performance. "The Idea of America" and an annual Addre.,s a\'atlable via the Internet. he trugglc it dt-;play">. He atd it ts She said the small turnout of Gardner .,aid she thought the pia) performance'> scheduled at 7 p.m. .. Heroes ol Ht-.,tor) ·· lecture. in \\hich a -,aid. one that cver)one at some potnt approximate!) 15 people dtd not \\a ... intere ... tlng and she dcftnttel) ,111 Sunda) \la) I I .1nd l\londa) scholar telb the :-.tory of a heroic figure ''It \viii be ,t great h1hll1 tn ha\e ~ocs through. .,urpnse the Ciht ">incc the opening took a pn..,ill\C me..,..age lrom the t\lol-..~ng fon,ard "It teache ... us that if \\ c stray stress that the mes<>age ol Je.,u" i ... teachers \\ tll aho he funded through reading -..umethtn!! 111 a texthllok. earch fo1 ell ts somethtng that to the upcoming perfor;nance ... :· from God he \\ill e\entuall) bnng one for all to hear:· he ... aid. thi.., program. he s.ud ... tudent~ 'v til he able ll> actual!) ... ee. people on tht~ campu... can relate us back.'' .,he satd. she satd. Bruce Cole. l\[H chamnan. satd read and di-..cu-..s th~'>e great to. 'e\vark re..,ident Alicta Lock said there are two more the three components of the program document\ ... ~Ia;. 9, '200 ~ THE IU, \ U

Sorority hosts Buddhism discussion •

B' \l l: \. \ \ \ '\lOR\ 1t " t uml!a ~ . the~ undcr-..ta11d'' trct:dorn lwm -.utknng ..., .tchtC\ t:J bcc , a In fl1lhm lllg thc I 1ghtfold P.Hh Buddhi-.m in conjunct tun '' tth \ grO\\ 1ng number 11f black '-OWn t~ member. -...1 1d then: ,u-c nwrc I he I •ghtl\dd Path '" ,1 atHllh<.:r reltgi\1n. ~u<.:h ,!'> Americ,ttb arc pr.tcu.:mg Huddhhm. than 100.000 black Buddhhh Ill the guidelint: for \\ i-.dum. cthrc,d ( hri'>tiantt). '' ch h one ,,f the rca-..t'n" Delt.t L'n1tcd \t,lles. Some famou ... L'<'nduL t .tnd mental dt:\ clopmcnt Buddh1""' do IHlt '' or .... htp .t ;ma I heta ... orortt) -.pothl'rcJ a follln\cr-. l!lcludc T1n,1 Turner and that kad' to enlightenment, I dmct: dcll) and denouncc m,ltcnalhm. Ht ddhi ... m tnl0rmat1on ... cssion actrc-. ... L1-.a Ra~. -...ud. '' h1ch coinc1dc" '' 1th m,ln) other \ll)nda) night at the <... <:nter for I he c\el1ing prl'gr,un incltllkd \ p t:r-.. on 1 -. co n t i n u ,!II ~ rcl1g10n-.. BLtd: Culture fach ahlHit Buddlu-,m and thc film rclnL'-trnatcd until thi-, -.t.lle 11t' Ldmcc said she \\as ple-t-.cd The progr,nn, .. L'ndcr:--t,mding '"Ltttlc Buddha" -,tarrtng KC'anu '\in.1na I'- re.tcht:d. she -,a,d. '' ith the turmnll. and felt it rdkcted the l nfamth,tr." ''a" one of fi,c Rcc,cs. a Ruddh1:--t h1m-..elf. rinding a balance \\ lthtn nne'-. ,1 need for more di\Cr-.it) on campus. L'\ l"nh that ompri-..:d tht: -..ororit: ·.., Follm\ mg the film. appn.)\imatd~ '>CI f' and rcciprl'Cit). the tdc:t th.lt .1 ··Therc·..., no /\stan center. and ''\Ia: \\'t:d.. " ,t -..erie-. l'f e\ t:nh 25 -.ttllknts participated Ill que-,tton pcr-,llll rcccl\ c.., ''hat the) gi' c <'lit. no 111-,panic center ... shc -.a1d. dcdtcate i to mernbcr ... lllp and ath\\ cr sc-.-.JOn about thc ongi11 ,ttL' ke) conceph 111 l3uddhl ... m ··1 hcrc·-, an Interest out thcrc fnr de\ dopm ·nt. of Buddlmm ,md ih bclte " Thom,b -..ttd Buddhr-..m I'- the SlllllCthmg di ffcrent."' Senior s andra I dmct:. '' hl' I:dmcc -,a1d a guc-.t -,peakcr ''a-, fourth largc-,t religion in the '' orld. ~cn1or Leah Bate;, ,1 -,orortt~ orgamzcd the program. -..,ud the gl1al ill\ itcd but \\as unable to ,Jttcnd. '"It'-. a'' urld relt!.!wn. '' h1ch rm:mher. -.a1d the program ga\ c her ,1 of the C\ cnt \\a ... to make -,tudenh The ultunatc goal of Buddhism rnt:an-.. thi-. rcligi

BY \DH \ H \ ROBI'\~0" at George \\ a..,h1ngton Univer-.ity. ·•)Ja, cry ts central tu what we profc:--:--or at George '\lason profe-.,sor and coordmator ot the high st:hooL the Importance of\\ h.tt ) ,, sat d. arc a-. people." he satd. "'and if it i-. Uni\'ersit). satd the publtc. as \\ell senes. said the lecture \\as thought­ really occurred be~ ond the hi stOr) Public hJ,tonans hil\ c the Horton satd the publtc ncelb to taken out of hi-.tor\. man\ ot us a" h1stonans. ~nmd ··un-.\mcncan pn)\ oktng and challcngtng to bnok 1s not taught."" he sa1d . rc-..pon-.Jbiltt) to tea~h a balanced be educated on historical tssues that \\ould be dtfferent p~oplc."" · h1stor) ·· hi -.torians and all \\ ho attended. GraJuate stuJent \\'end~ 'IC\\ of \menc,m ht-.tlH). lllcludtng arc not easth or readily dtscusscd. Horton sa1J he has learned Using statt:--tics from visitors ··People ''ere encouraged to A~hton said the lecture wa" unea..,~ .-...,ue.., IJJ...c ..,1 '1.. r). 1\\ o People. generally taJ..e an from hi:- gcncratton hm\ to giYc a who completed a tour of thmk about ho\\ the larger publ1c important to challenge hi-.tonans to ht'-lnnan-.. ... aid \\"ed'"le-.da) to optimistic viC\\ of htstOr). he sa1d. 'oicc to the voicclc-. ... - Americans ~lonticello. the h1storic restdence of 'learns his tor).· ·· she said. "'and tell the \\hole ... tory. approximate!) 35 facult) and '"Americans like to \ 1e\\ thtng~ \\ho contnbuted to histor) but were Thomas Jeffer!>on. she said the ~ast how difficult toptcs. such as "The Horton~ challenged me to graduate' -,wdcnr.. m Munroe Hall. hi..,toncally and present!) as mce."" treated .ts mnstble. He encouraged majority of " is 1 ton. had on I y a slavery. can be con\'eyed to a learn more about h1story. bc~ond "Public ht'-lllrtan'> 'trugglc to he said. "but do not like to th1nk of the next generation to dn the same. general understandmg of h1..,tory. broader publtc."· what I haYe been taught.". she -..ard. talk about -.,Ia\ er). ,1nJ the public i-, slaven· and hm\ 11 m..tk.e-. them feel '"The job of the next gcner-ttion ""1\lany said sla\'ery I'> good to Graduate -.,tudcnt Ben The -.cries was ho-.ted b~ the unclHnfort.thlc to he.tr ahnut it.'" or the· questtons It ratse" about their is to take the not-'>o-positi\'C or kno\\ about generally:· she said. Schwante-. sa1d the general public history department and co­ Jame' Horton. a ht,toncal advi-.cr herncs.'" heroic aspect of htStm~ and make tt "'but 1t 1s a di-.appointing part of doe'> not Jeep!~ under...,tanJ the .,pon ... ored b~ the Black American to numerou-. mtheum-, and Sla\ en ts a crittcal part of a v a i I a h l c t o a \\ 1 de r au d 1 e n c c . hi..,tol}. ll is worth mentiomng. but importance of \\hat has taken place and i\tu-.eum StudtC'- program-. d I'- t1 n g: Ul ... he ,l p r n L "' < r ll f h1stor~ that desenes more than a \\ hich i-. a tough ta-.k.."" he ..,a1d not often."" 111 hi-.tory. ,\mencan Stuli1e" ,md L <.., Ht'>lor) bru...,h-owr. he -,atd Lot\ Horton. a ht-.tnn Anne Boylan. a hi!>tory ··Begtnning in demcntar) to Local author Asteroid named to honor shares steps memory of Mr. Rogers B\ TYWA:\DA HOWIE 1\'eruhborhoou."· at the Carnegie Kcv1n i\lanel. Jeput) St1 t Rj 1 ont r Science Center. ~ c xecuti' e llfficer of the It's a beauttful da\ 1n the The planetarium shm\ \\'a'> \merican Astronomtcal to publishing galax). now that an aste.rotd has produced rn partner-.hip '' ith Soc1etv. said the lnternattonal been nameJ after Fred Ro!.!er-.. famtlv Comrnuntcauons. Inc .. .\stronomtcal nion i-. ... tar of the popular chtldt:-cn·.., BY ALI CHEESE:\IA'\ the n;lllJHOitt company that respon-.ible for naming solar tele\.lston show ··r-.11ster \ t Rt· produced ~lister Rogers· ")stem objects. An av. ard-mnmng '\e\\ ark author explained her practical Roger's Ke1ghborhood."" 1'\eighborhood. "They have a subdin ... wn and concrete -.,tep" to \\ ntlng to approximate!) 25 \\omen The International ~Cathy Cohen Droz. named the minor planets."' he Astronomtcal Union named Wednesda\ in theE\\ inu Room of the Perkm., Student Center. J ~at d. "They receive reports a~tcroiJ :--:o. 26858 after Clcll:i ~1urnl\. wh~ won the Del a\\ arc Press A. soctation whene,·er the\ find a new a\\ ard tm her hll\;k. ··A Pox on You."' explained the stmplicity Rogers. who dted th1-. Februarv u"teroid."" . at the of 74. · of the -.,tep-. ..,he foliO\\ ed to pubh"h three books. a~c "It would be \larvel said there ,.., a John G. Ralitilowiet. She -,aid ... he belie\ c" even one "houiJ \Hitc because each restnctwn on t) pe-. of name-,, dtrcctor of the Henry Buhl Jr per 0n ha tor~ mside .tnd 11 ts the onl~ \\a) to pa~s nice if this meaning the name-. can ne\ er mtom1at1on to future generatlon-.. Planetanum and Observatory at be more~ than one \\ord. Carne~ie Science Center in • ".\Ian t-- the on!) creature that can put \\ ords to paper and Bnan :\.larsden. d1rcctor ot he -.uggcsted an naming communicate '' nh the future."" .\lurrav satd. ··words haw a Pittsbu~gh. s~ud the minor planet center for the urcat \ aluc mdt\ tduall\ ·· · astemid be named 1n Rouer..,· -inspires [a lAC. -,atJ he had a particular - She -.aid it i.., irnl)onant to haw c,mtidence when writing. honor 111 reeo2nitton of hi-. minor planet in mmd \\hen he contribution-. ~ to the becau c \\ tthout 11. the pnJ\ e-.s becomes more Jifficult. rccei\ed the proposal from planetarium. child] to study The next -.tcp to \\ritmg. ~lurra~ said. is to ha\e patience. Radtilo\\ ICL. ··It take-. three time" a" long to gather research mforrnallon '"I prepareJ the nominatton astronomy." "'The !asteroid) "a' then w -.it dO\\ nand'' nte." "he sa1J. on·~ week [pnor to hi:- Jeath)."' di-..covereJ in 1993 and namcJ An author's effort-. to e ... tahlisn a firm understanding of TilL Rl:: \ II::\\ /Bom Zubatm he said. ··hecau-..e I knew about 1993-fR." he -,aid ··when the his conJition."· thetr topic i., one of the mo-..t time-consuming aspects of Local author Clella l\Iurra~ discussed the practical - Bnan .\fandt.>n. dirl.'cror of propo-.al w a-. maJe \\ e thought RadLi lowtcz sa1J a 13- the minor planet center for this would be a gond nne to use \Hltll - ''ays to get published in a speech \\ednesday night. member committee appro\ cd he -.aid -,he u-.cs Gouule.com for much of her research the International becau ... e of the mitiab."" b.:1..au..,e from p.tst expericnc~c she ha-. found the scan.h engme boobtorcs. the nomination of the name :\larsdcn -.atli he check.ed A \Ironnmical Union produce.., counties-. re-.ults . When deahng \\ ith traditiunal publtshcrs. ..,Jic ..,mJ 1t could "Mi-.terrogcrs. · \\'lth Helin. who di-.co\ ercd the ··fred wa-. a ternf1c !!U\. 1\lurra) ,,tid before .,he begins to write. -,he picb a topic taJ...c 18 months to t\\ o year:- before a hook i.., publi...,hed. aqeroid. and received her and working with him \\as· a she finds interc ... ting '>ll she can make it appealing to her Diana Stmmons. administrative .t-.:--istant llf Urban Affairs pcrmi-. ... wn to name the astermd audtence and Pubhc Poltc). found m ... piratwn 111 l\lumt~ ·s -.peech. but memorable experience:· he spnk.e:o.\\ nman for Famtly after Rouer., \\'hile \\ riting .... he -.aid -.he makes -.ure her work is was dtsappointed b) the small number of people who attended said. Communications. Inc .. satd the ··1 th111J.. It ''as a ven bclte\ able. unle-.s 11 1s hction. the e\ent. The International company \\ orked with the appropriate thing to do:· he Some of her other practices mvol\ e \\ nting a paragraph ··1 think. it i" a -,hame that a lot more people don"t Astronomical Umon named the Carncgtc Science Center to · :-aid. ··r remember \\hen 01\ and then gemng a proofreader to make sure tt IS clear. · parttcipate in these programs."" -.he s~ud. asteroid. which wa-, dt-.covereJ create ascript wnh Fred Rogers chi!Jren were voung and the\ Follm\ ing a logical -.equence. aided by an outline and Kathie Troutman. as .. ociate director of :\.led1a Sen ices. in 1993 bv Eleanm F Helm at for the -.k\ show watched the tcle\'tsio'n shO\\ . . estabJi...,hing a quiet \\Ork place and regular time -.chedule is sa1d for the -,hort t1me allotted for the ..,peech. it \\'.!'> especially Palomar Obsen·atorv. ··~tail\ chtldren don"t go to "'It \\ ould be mce tf thts abo e-..,ential to her writing process. content nch and informative. Last 'o\embcr the Buhl planctanu~1 shm\" because~thcy naming in-.pnc-. Ia chtld] to Pl:1netanum relea-..ed a nc\\ ~lurray -.a1d -.,he prefer" to have her work pubhshed by Clella l\turray· s speech \\a-. sponsored h) The Commtsston are ~cared of them:· she said. study astronom~ or geolog) :· 1-.thook-.. Inc. an electronic publi-.hcr that \\til pnnt on demand on the Status of Women and the SalarieJ Staff Caucus. multrmedia show. tttlcJ "The "I-red wrote a scrtpt to make when a book i.., ordered. a SCI"\' tee becommg more popular with Sky above Mt'>ter Roger's k1d-. tee! comfonablc .. Rehoboth streetscape project takes a break for summer

BY Al'ITHO.:--;Y PIERCE and traffic stgnals are now sitting on pnJe., Phase one has cost a total of 8 Unfortunate!\. ~~lme local \ear-round ''[t"" just real!) been ,tn S uf[R pon r tnstead of hangmg from wtres. Ferrese said. mtllion. he sa1J. State funds have prov1ded busincs..,es have tZtkcn a tinanciai hit during incon\ cnience. :-he -.aid. ··from the Pha-.e one of Rehoboth Beach's The revamped four-street stretch also for 73 percent of the cost. with the the modernization. he -.,ard. ~ lJUhide. it"s hard to even tell 1f the -..tore-. streetscape proJeCt. a rnu lti mi Ilion-dollar prov1des for a ne\\ parking system. using rematning amount being drawn from the "All the con:-.tructiun d1d ha' e a arc open.'" attempt to refurbi-..h the Cit}·.., downtown ne\\ meters. which can control se\ era I city's budget. negatt\e effect upon -.orne of the firedcrick Maueo. manager of Dngfi-.,h area. -.hould be fim ... heJ b) l\lemorial Day spaces at one ttme, he satd. Ph a "c s two an d t h r e c . \\ h i c h \\ i II bus1ne.,..,es. but we expect th,lt in the lnng Head Bre\\ inu-.. and Eah. \\ hich -.ta\ ed v. cekend. City .\Ianager Greg Ferre~e said. Thnteen new -.pots have been added. prm ide for \\ mk done from Fifth Street to run they· II all benefit."" Ferre~e -..aid. ··1 t \\as open dunng ri1e constructiOn. -,;ltd h~ i-.. ·'From SeconJ to Fifth streets on he said. Aho. some previous!) cxtst1ng the board\\ alk. will get unden\ ay in a temporary tncon\'cntcncc for a permanent l)ptimi-,ric for the bu-.) summer month' Rchnboth Av~nuc. all utility ltnes. parking spaces have been con\'ertcd to September. Fcrrcsc ... aid. solution .. ahcaJ. includmg cable. phone anJ electric have parallel parJ...mg spots. Phase two \\ill include the rnstallation Shell\• Heunnu. manager of The Ed!.!c. ··we arc llhlktn!! fon\ ard to hell1!! been put undcrgrounJ,'' he said. ··we·ve "'We have I .495 year-round re-.tdcnts of a roundabout \\ ith a ltghthouse Ill the an altcr~ative cl~othrng ~..,tore. -,aiJ l;er finished and it does In~'" much better n

BY ALI CHEESE\I.\ ..... The mam drfferences between ··E\ en home olltccs that ha\ e Prcventinn Offtce on Smokrnu and St tl<• Bo.,ton"s ban and these of r\ew · t\\ o or more employees \\here one Health. sa1d each -.tate rch~s on 'c\\ York C.tt\. Calif and York City anJ Delaware ,.., the person doe" not smoke have to be state and local efforts \\hen Delaware ha\e pa\e.d the \\a) for expense of the fines for smoking. smoke-free."" Potter satd. implementing smokmg hans. more cities and -.tatcs to JUmp on She .,aid while 'ew York City and The restaurant O\\ ncr-. arc ··with all of the information on the no-moKmg band\\ agon Delaware tend to be more expensive bracing them ... ehc" for ncgattve the 3.000 lung cancer deaths and Since ~1 Zmda). all workplaces \\lth fine-.. Boston's arc relative!) impact due to the ban. but along 35.000 heart disea-.c deaths a vear 111 Bu-.,ton no lllngcr pcrm1t -.moktng mexpcnsive with the complainh there have been in Delaware alone, someone ·wa-., m..,uJe the t>utldtngs. Bruce Potter. director of some pos1tn c com men h. he sa ill. hound to notice_.. he :-aid. Kristin O'Conner. ~1e m ber-,h 1p Se n ·i ces of the "E' eryone ts hoping for the London "aid man) -.,tates. such spoke<.person tor the Bo-.ton Public Massachu-.etts Re-..taurant best:· Potter said. a-., \Iaine. are no\\ moving tn a Health Commt-;-.ion. said as mote As~ociation. said fines could reach The cit\ ha-. been \\ orkin!! on stmtlar direction. which 'Co uld <,Cienufic mformatiun 1s publt ... hed. up to S I ,000. compared to KC\\ this ban for. the past four ye;Jrs~ and c' en t u a II) Ie ad to a nation\\ i J e more pe~>plc are bccom111g aware of York Citv and Delaware fines that tht-. is -;1mply the next phase 1n smoJ...inu ban the effcch of ... cconJhanJ smoke can cost ~p to $2,000. creatin2 a health\ en' ironment. E\'~11 if a ~tate is not aiming for and arc v.atchtng out for thetr One of the other main Potter s."iiJ. · a s t a t c '' i d c ban o n s m o k i n'ir 1 n health. Jtfferences between the bans is that Since the han was -,o recentlY publi~: places. some rcstau~ant ··1 he citv council in Hoston Boston's. hke Delaware's. applte-. enforced, he said 1t \\ ouiJ take owner'> arc takmg re..,pons1bilitv heard tesumony from I .000 people to all workplaces. whereas Nev.. se\'eral \\eek-. to sec .Jn) effect 111 themselves and banntng -.moking who ... upportcd the smoKing ban.·· York. City's ban applies to only restaurant-.. and bar\. within their indi\'tdual rc-.taurant.... THL RI \ II:\\ /k"r.:a Du<'t"l<' she -;atd, .. ,, hich helped thetr restaurants. bars and nightclubs. he Joel London. pre:-., officer for he '>aid Beginning this past i\londay. smoking was prohibited in workplaces decis1on to tmplcment the ban." satd. the Centers for Dt-.case Control and in Boston. adding to the growing number of cities with such baru . .. . ~~ ~ -- .. _,.. . --.;-....

6 firE RE\ lEW ).Ia;, 9, 2003 Spam spreads to U.S. cell phones

\lura;. am.t o..Jid J,lpan pao..-..l'd On Jan 3. 200 I. he introtluccd targeted at a spcCJtic problem ... St<1jl Rtales I ike tt h:l'• n\ crsea ~. but 1t ...... $393 come to thl.' lmtl.'d ':lt,.fL·s. me.hure-.. to "Spantmers who pro h 1 b i t ., remaino.. a po-,~tbllit). Kujiro ;'\lu .t~.tn.t, mJn.tger 1lf prl'\l.'llt .:ell plllme b tran ... mi,-.,1\lll of "\1n... t ... pam that \\I.' arl' seeing Ill CHECH OUT Amsterdam ..... $416 the \\ .t-..hmgton. D.C. dl\ 1'1on of -;pam Ill th~ o;t.IIC have een u 11 soli C II e d cell phone-.. at !he moment ha-. o..hm\ n rT Do( ll \1o In.: .•1 m.lJOr Japane'~.' 1 1 up due It' cu ... tvmero.. checking l'-maib THE/E FARE/! Rio de Janeiro ...... $536 t ll.'commumcatton-.. corpl)t~ltllm. -...ud l'.tl ifo~·n•~ sending e-mails ~l~:~a ~el:... rl'i~~.! on thetr \\ irde~., phon)'ill'llh. A.., IC\.l me.,sagmg continue ... to included. Restrictions and blackouts apply lie\ tate tl-te probkm through .1 numbl'r-.. on .1 "do .I i m gnH\ in popularit) in the nltl't combtn, liOn of Ill'\\ anu--..pam J.m "· not c.tll" rLgJo..tr) Kap ... h. llolt .., States. he o..aid. so \\ill the ltkl'lihood Uhtomer educJtlon and techntc.1: Once on thio.. •o..t. Kl iJiro Uumyama. mtma~er at communic.tlH'r s or an lllCrl.'ase or '>pam. mca-..ure-;." ad\erti.,ing SIT DoCo.\lo Inc. director. -.aid the l r the problem is not addre ... -..ed. \1u"a)ama -..:ud 'P.tlll \\til -..oon comp.tnJI.'-.. ma) purpl)Se of the bill Lar..,on -.aid spam :-.ent to indi\ 1dual 111\,tdc ll'll phutl<-'' 111 the L nl!l.'d th)t cnntal't th,·-..c rc-..Jdcnts thro 1gh •-.. to addrl's~ the issue bl'for.: tl is roo phone ... could tncur chnrge-. for tak-. and Pl"e probkm-. ti1r \\ trcJc..,., phl1nc calb or ll''\t mc-..-..age-.. ),lte fi.n \\ 1rek-,s customer-.. cus!oml.'rs. cust,mlers Rep Ru.,ft Holt. D- .J . b ''Thi-. bill is a preempti\ 1.' stnke "In the text mes:,agmg \\·orld. "Sp,ll'lltl'L'r'> \\)h) h:l\ C bl'l'n .t.:ll\ el~ tr) mg to prolubu c,· I phonl' •tgamst cell phone -.pam before it spam ts coming through." he sa1d . sCI'U ng cm:uls \\11: e\ ~·ntuall) target -..pam in the l rued "itate-. bd'orl.' n l!1e\ itdbly gro\\ ~ to the e-..; tent of C­ "But the '' 1relcss commtmity doesn't \\ trcko.; ,1-.e :· hc -.atd. ben)me... a maJor prob em. matk" he -.,aid . "Thi ... i... a "fll'cific bill ..,upp011 n."

Speaker: Jeff Gould Word Prodllctions Presents ... A public service Dragon Rising Acupuncture Sponsored by Wellspring announcement from www.udel.edu/wellspring The Review: STRESSED OVER FINALS??? Fliers around campus Then come see: invite students to use 1f ·. ·· Acupuncture ~·- . for Stress their tickets to tonight's \ Y-Chromes concert in ' · Management Mitchell Hall "to get & Memory ·· into the Pat McGee .Enhancement · concert that same night Learn the helpful uses of acupuncture Admission: FREE FREE." and try it out! Each participant \\7ill be given the chance Location: to receive acupuncture to Bacchus Theater Tonight's Pat McGee decrease stress and increase memory! (basement of Perkins) performance is at Monday, May 12th Wednesday, May 7th 7pm Sunday, May 11th 7pm Mallstock, an event 7:00-9:00 pm Monday, May 1 21h 7pm that is already free. 219 Trabant University Center Sponsored by WOLCM

11 Effective June 1, 2003, I Guilty ol a Crime ~ Student Telephone Services in Newark? O(Q) will no longer be providing That'll be$ 100,000'' What's the value of a clean record? Employers, graduate schools, the mil tory services, professionalltcensing boards- the gate keepers to a lot the long distance student of the 'good stuff' in life - look carefully at your record or lack of one. tDDJ Dance How much a criminal record can reduce your earnings over your lifetime, calling program. After June no one knows. What is known is that many students- because of stepped Party up efforts to control alcohol, occupancy of private residences, or no1se­ w/ will be arrested this spring. 5/15 Mug Night w/lima Bean 1st, students may access Most things for which you receive citations from the University or Newark D1 iVXL-i Riot I' police ore reported as criminal arrests in national and State crime reporting long distance from their Convictions of City ordinances are reported as criminal convictions. They 5116 OJ Dance Party are not like" parking tickets". And an arrest record will turn up in the future ~2.00 5/17 Alcohol Free UD event On background searches for employment. Or military service. Or graduate w/Stargazer Lily & dorm rooms using personal school. And an arrest can result in University disciplme. up to and including expulsion. Even if you complete PBJ successfully after an arrest, EVERYTHING Stepanian $1 cover w/UD ID, $5 w/out the arrest will still show on your record unless it is expunged. calling cards, prepaid cards, 1 5/21 Last Day of Classes Scrutiny of criminal records for all these purposes has Bash w/Burnt Sienna increased dramatically since September 11, 2001, as reported G) THIRD or by dialing collect. For in the Wall Street Journal on March 19, 2002. 5/22 Mug Night If you have been arrested n the past- or are arrested this spring - w/Mr. Greengenes • don't ponte Maybe you were arrested in the past, and would like to talk EYE your convenience, the about expung ng your arrest record. Maybe you have charges pend ng BLIND 5/23 DO Jance Party II now. You have the right to legal representation. I served as Newark City 5/24 OJ Dance Party Prosecutor for many years, and have for the last several years represented Tickets are only available li University Bookstore will many students m the Delaware courts. If you have been arrested and have on ebay 5/27 Big Dave's Night questions about your pending case, or your past arrest record- contact us. have prepaid calling cards Thanks to DUSC, you your parents, or both, can consult w1th us by phone 4D 3rdAnnual 5/29 Mug Night II al no charge 5/30 Kristen & the Noise II The things a cri'T'mal record can do to your future ought to be a crime If for sale in the Summer of you have questions, call or e-m01l: 5/31 Graduation Celebration w/Burnt Sienna 2003. Please check with the MARK D. SISK, ATTORNEY '- ~~ T Hughes, Sisk, & Glancy, P.A. The Stone Balloon Bookstore for further (302) 368-1200 X 15 ' $2.00 will be open every 299 East Main Street, Newark Thursday this information on prepaid Email your questions to: [email protected] EVERYTHING Or Visit us on the web at www.hughes-sisk-glancy.com ·cau:-368-2001 for more info. • www.stoneballoon.com · cards. OUI • Alcohol• Noise Violations • Overcrowding • University Administrative Pracedures1 · ::·,-~~; . -'-· t.: _115 Eas.t. Main Street • Ne~~~ · ·

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Reality TV Channel

Pcopk u ... ed to spend then d.t)' I h1" ., em ... to be the oh\ rou-.. mg 'tmg l,trrc .unounb ol 1111Pd­ mml.' for reaht) I\ L\Cr) Pthl'r ' ltenng ch ·rnlc .. Jo.; to .: c. pe tcil' !'>lOll g~.·nre ha' a d1anncl. rc.tllt\ game shll\\ '· come-d) .... cicm:e 1i\\ people c.1r 't "eem to get trctwn. Cti.. enough of 11 But ha\ cn't the R~.!l1t\ T\ \mencan pcopk h l) \\ " h ,1\ c had crlllll!!h of t'oe~,;Oil\C re.tlll\ T\ ! ~ I n ( Tt' ,\ ' I n r I ) It"-. rwt lrkc thc ... c popui.u 1n ... how are C\Cil rc ~·ent ' ar . rcalit\. I· \ 1.' r ) The·, ·' e hl'en /St4f 111.'1\\ 1HK 1' Revie\v This: cd1te.J and JUITiplng on the UIIC!llrcd 111 11rdcr h.llld\\ a!! on '' 1th to ra ... hion a more ll' 0\\ Il I ,tJ i I\ appealing protluct. ... l'nc ... If you want reality. not rcali I\ . The ne\t 'tep Real!t\; Central m the 1.'\ olution watch the news. "ill 'probably of tht' T\ anract more phenomenon 're\\ cr-. than an\ h,t, been taken. of the ne\\<. Plan-. arc rn educational and the \\urk' to p11li11cal nct\\·m b . 'tart an .!11- People will rc,lllt) n undoubted!\ tune channel. called m to '' atch ;e-run-. Reaht\ C rllral. of re.1lll\ TV Th~ h.mnel ''Ill be .t 24-huur The definition of !roin. ma\ be ... morga hurd of old epr-..ode ... of dthi' c. hut '' atehliH! .:old rcallt\ T\ 'hO\\ '· tnternat1onal reaht) ..... ecn\'o. prett) mmic. progriunmrng and a nc\\ rcalll) Reallt\ T\ ·, fate i-. ... calcd. 'J \ ... how on ho\\ the ne\\ tlwu!!h. Ii \\ill cYcntu,tlh !!II the net\\ ork. ''a... crl.'ated. \\a\ ~of one lime hit "\\ ho \\ani\ The :\'ct\\ ork. ''ill premil.'rc to Be a ~llll wn:urc ... excltr...l\ eh 111 Lo' r\n!!e]e, in But if \ nu ''ant realitv. '' atch J.mu,u~ 20()-l - the ne\\ "··not ":-.tr. Pcr,oJialrt) ... Philly Teacher A Philadelphia teacher. \\ho 1' fraud It 1-. not like hl' I'- a com ictcd ahu a con\ ictcd felon. j, 111 hot murdl'rcr and rapi-.t \\atcr for pnn1J1ng llll',lc non-existent b1.1..,. Affirmative action no different irhtcad of hi Soml' pl'oplc Sec of Defen~c Donald Rumsfcld "av1ng actual court ma) not \\ant ·way or another -.omcthrn!:! I'> not true. hardlv make' it -,;) It· from legacy admissions appomtcd , ddre"' Revie\v This: tcachl'rs to he an\thing, I -;ense more of a con-.ervati\'C bla-. Ill the rnc'li.a I \\onder rf l·hck... ha ... -.een FOX at a h.tlf"'' com 1c.t cd felon-.. Journ.t11'm .... hw-.. When I read Counne\ Emer ... on·s :-.tav 6 hou ...c · but the 1 sue ts not i\C\\.,, read the \\'ceJ...h St.tndard. the e\\ York \\ lulc rc.!d!n!! Ltnds,t\ H1c"s· \Ia\ 2 letter to the editor entitled .:.\ffirrnati\e a..:tion •.., Tht'> tOT) \\'' th:.t s•mple Post. the , 'c\\ York S~11 1~ \\'a..,hrn;:ton Time.., edtto1 ial "\\ nt~:T-.. need to "'ut tiut the bia<· I ~\ <1:-. inherent() h) pocritical and unt.ltr." I v.:a, h) peel up h) The Past crinJe~ ~hould B,u-rln" all n1 IIn' "' fn'~m for printing th1' article. Emer .... on·s leuer wa-. ignorant. arrogant. lnlJurrer. "hrch t c .1 c h i n !! \our bowl of corn !lakes. It I"> a free m.trkct. and The art1l'le cntic1zc~ h1a~ Journ.lli'h adopt. ~tereotyprcal and perhaps even raci-.t. ~ critic1zcd the a person's undermrne' th~ ihcre will be both cono.;cn.atrve and liberal 0 f com ... c The R c' i c w '' i II p r i n t an art i cl c Emcr..,on stated: "An; one learned enough to Phtladclphta IdL3S agenda ... out there ha ... cd on demantl. 1 Of crrticlnng the "liberal np1n10n .. of one reporter attend the uni ,·er... it\ (not tho ... e admitted because chool D1stnct for en1ployment. rehabilitation .tnd W c were all bJc..,,ed WIth the \ o lr twn to for The :\e\\ York Tune-.. the\' are black) undcr ... tand-. the fundamental htring the m.1n rcdcrnptton. change the channel or buy .1 different ne\\">paper. The Re' IC\\ 1' JHI::.~ 1bl:- the nw">t h; pocri.sy inherent to the applicatiOn.., of \ a rc,ult. the Cnrntnah can con ... cn ati\ el) hia-,ed new ... paper I' \'C e' cr read. affirmatiVe act1on ... The effech are not limrtetl chool dt tnct p.t) their debt to Jesse Klaproth I'm cun ... tantl) -..11\_)cked that cnllegc -..tudenh and to the creatron of a generation of dependent rnrttated a f,JIJ 'OCICt\ and Senio1 not elder!~ pnesh '' nte 11 \\ ith all the old minorit1e., who do not ha,·e the abilitv or dc'lire tn\ e-,tr!!allon ot hccom~ funct1on.t! J }.:/aproth@ hotmai/.com f~hhroned. pedantic .IIHI preachy opinion ... to effect po..,itive outcome ... 111 their 1mn li\C'l and the teacher. and member.., of the !2Cner left me. a white man. livid. Tht' ktnd of attentiOn i' not teacher doc' not de ... cne thr' lind of increase students' interest do' to do 11 .. 111 the :\hbaic scctinn. A portion of I cannot i mag1 ne hm\ I would feel if I was mcntc.>d 10 tht" c~he becau<>c thl' sh.une. the article w.1s. I felt. properly directed. \\'ith the an African Amerr~an attendin2 the Ulll\ ersll\. teacher·., fclom ~.omtcllons \\ere If ,t;J) thrng. the Phrladclph1a rnclthinn of a \\'llman \\ ho actuallv engage-. 111 Thi~ is my response to Tom :\1onaghan·.., I implore Erner.... on and ~llhers to con-... rder relatl\ el\ h::tm1lc"'· lnqum:r dc ... en c ... the ... hamc for \l'\ before marriage · ~ - He v: a<. con\ tcted ot theft and cnc;,nionaliLing thi ... -.tnr) . article \\'rttten in the ~lav 2 etlttron of The the following realit) . The rest llf-the article \\as complete(~ Rc\ IC\\. "Soap for Hope insult.... tho... e 111 other Current!\. Prc,i-Jent George \\ . Bush and preachy and pcrsnnally up-.etting. I felt countrie .... ·· other Republican"> arc trying~to -.tnk.c dov.:n complete!) alienated h) the total exclusion of Fir~t off. I would like to -.ay that thl"> arttcle affirmative action. di...cus-.,ion of !!a\ righh rc!!arding sex/marnage. \\'as \en well wntten and I was glad to sec that One applrcation of affirmative act1on I think that is~ a' mu~ch mo~·e contcmpurar~ a~nd four yc:'m, of college produced a\er) talented addre..,sed bv EmeNm and often cited b) Bu"h intere-.,ting topic rather than the re1teratron nf writer. because it -.ure didn't produce a very and other -ignorant people i .... the college WHERE TO WRITE: Catholic dogma regardmg pre-\ O\\ coitu'>. intelligent person. application proces">. The Review The lc~son from all this bla'> i"> that no ·ow I could go on and on about how I The clatrn 1-.. that under-qualified blacJ....., arc 250 Perkins Student Center JOUrn ''as the \Hiter· s mtent So rather People far! ro con ... ider that the-.,e same Newark. DE 19716 Dcfcn">c Rumsfeld was lying to CO\'er -.ometh1ng than g1 \'C this pcr... on the sat1sfactron of p1">sing ... chooJ... al-..o grant student-. fa\ or 111 the Fax: 302-831-1396 up ll). ">Omeone off and sparJ...Illg a pointlc...., admissions proce-.-. for having a parent who has abo. that the Catholic Church i ... wrong. and ">CX controversy. I offer a quick. solution to the attended the school and/or ... upported 11 E-mail: ground @udel.edu before marna!!e i-.. OK? 1\lonaghan·s problem. financtalh. You belic\c \\hat vou believe in. Hlu write He is unaware of one of the major benefits For example. Georg \\'. Bu-..h applred to The Opinion/Editorial pages arc an open forum for publrc debate and \\hat \OU heJic\'e Ill U!ld \Oll read lllUrlV things for rhe ~oap for hope dri\ c. The objectiYe 1s not Yale and \\'a" accepted CmNdcnng that he ~:-. an dhcussion. The ReYiev.. welcomes respon~es from its readers. For until -\'ou find somethm~ that nng.., true '' ith JU'>t to gather soap. but to gather interest Ill imbecile. it is clear he"'-" admitted only \eritication purpose~. plea... e wclutle a daytime telephone number with \\hat) ou believe. Oh. and critic1ze ~verythmg. I helping countncs 111 need. becau ... e hi-.. nch and Influential father had all Jette~. The editorial staff reserve~ the nght to edit all subrnhsions. 'hould hnpc college ha.., at lea-.t taught us all ln">tead of JUst a group of 30 or so people attended and ... uppo11ed Yale Sadly. the )llllnger Letters and column:-. repre~ent the idea<; and belie[., of the authors and that. runnrng the soap tlri\'e nex.t year. maybe there Bu ... h ·.., ca-.c I"> all too common should not be taken as rcprcscntati re of The Reviev/. All letters ,,·111 be 50. A more .tpprnprratc ... tatement would ha,·e become the property of The Review and may he published m print or Marisa Thompson This could continue on and on for vears to been "The fact that people like George W. Bu-..h. electronic fomlS. Alumna, Cia'' o( :!002 come. and the soap dnvc \\ ould recei\ e nauonal who have benehteJ all thc1r li\ e-, from ha' mg .\Ia rrisaann 1@ \'lilu~o. com recognition. rich. white. aftluent parenh and are now tryrng Furthermore. mavbe ... omeone ''ill gain an to -..trike duwn affirmatin~ action. 1s rnherentl) Claiming a liberal bias in the oven\ hc lrmng tles1re io help rhc .... e counrrfe ..... and h) pocritical and unfair." 111 the future could become a prominent The purpo-..e llf atfirmatl\e action 1s not hl media is a "little outdated" supporter of better healthcare program~ for shun gualrfied '' hite people \\ hilc cncouragrng countrre~ in need. the "creation of a gcncratton of dependent ·o\\' I k.nO\\ you're thrnking the chance-.. of minorities ... It's tnin!! to lc'cl the playing tield Guest colurnmst Lindsa) HicJ...s' complainh thl'> .1re '>lun to none. but I figure they arc JU"t and break the 0\ef\\·h'Cimlng inelJuitie~ facetl b) in the :-.ta\ 2 IS">Ue of The Re\ 1e\\ about liberal about as good as your chance.., of pas ... rng prc­ Afncan American .... due to a -.harneful cycle of mcdra hia~ arc a hit outdated. calculu\. racl">lll ... till present in the Umted State-.. Advertisin2 Policy for Classified and I thrnk that this conscrvatt\'C ralhnng call Don't you tl11nk tht' 1' a chance worth I \\iII clo..,e bv 'a"ng 111 Emer ... on that I am has actuallv rcsultetl in the so-called- "lihcral -..urpriseJ that "an~·onc Ic7u·ned enough Ill attend Display Ads: media" mo,·ing farther to the rioht taking. or are ) ou ..,till too cool for math? the unr\ er-.,tt) .. could h:l\ c wnttcn ~uch an Furthern~orc. ">he could find a better John Fit-:r;: ihho11.1 .1ppallt ng letter. The Review reserves the right to refuse any ads that are of example to tlemonqrall' th1' bias. If ">he had Junior acce-.<.; to Robert ,\lcFadden·~ ... ourccs. which an improper or inappropriate time. place and manner. The JU~o~(@.udel.cdu John Linthi<·u111 ideas and opinions of adverti..,ements appearing in this '' ould h,t\ c had to be C11nfirmetl by another Senior 'nurce then !lUI) he she could criticrzc his ... twdtl) jbl@ wle/.edu publication are not nece~sarily those of the Review staff or the university. Question'. comments or input may be directed to the ad\ ertising department at The Review. Send letters and columns to ground@udel. edu.

f.diturial Fditnr: \tuna~:inu .,,.,, Editu,.,.. \). Ru"o t nu·rtainm~nt hditu"': '\atiooal!Stat( ' e'" Fditor': Ju 1 DtLtur.t " \>. F;,,t J.tm~' lhmkn \n1~a \l .• ml>crt! Em ..1mp>O KJ.ra Cit.tll!1l',-chml Kdh \her' \t ;II Am• Dn,!Hnl<' -\ntor ,., \rl i'.rlilnr: >~ Cl-<•on,.; Clh "~" ' t.diwr': ~(lnrh t : I.. ( bid: 1 o~ Ule) l:lko Lrin egg r Ju-t .., iHU! l:ditur: \t•-. trn \\ h~kn • • llllOll May 9. 2003 A9 Wal-Mart ignores free speech

In another attempt to limn free complammg right nm\. and no one is listening to me. ~1y fnends. parents and ~pe,xh •.md turn the world tnto a bosses complain all the time. hut it falls on my deaf ears. John Marchione bunch of \ rrgtn-eyed cha-.ttty I don' I even sec what there is to complatn about. lovers. Wal-t\lan Stores. Inc. has I mean soctety. ha:-. clearly drawn the line as to what is and pulled three so-called "racy" whm i., not. Hand not over the nipple pornograph~. Hand over the nipple Now Hear This magazmes from tl<; -.helves. -clearly not pornography. What is so hard to understand') As a huyer of maga1ines that As long a~ the publi~hers adhere to these gwdelines. then there should be contam <.;cantily clad women. I am no remo' . across the front of a magazme? I am a\\ are that there probably are many men, not ju-.t women. who are in Well. I'm thmkmg ~abo.ut it right now. and- nu. I can't think of anythmg favor of the boycottmg of these magazmes. To them. I say quit your v.hining. better. Sex sells - always has and always will. So why would you pull If you don't like it. don't read it. Just because your penis has been tamed something that is a definite hot product'? by the tyrannical \lews of feminist groups everywhere doesn't mean we Wal-t\lart offictals have sa1d the removal of the magazines comes from shouldn't be treated to the lovely body of Tyra Banks (see the current issue of se\ era! complaints received from both customers and employees. who Stuff). And women. you have porn. too. disagree wtth the content of the magazme. Who are these people. and why Yeah. that'5. right. men know that Cosmopolitan and Glamour are female won't they shut up? Come on. the magazmes are already on the back shelves porno magazmes. Why can't you JUSt admit it so we can live happily together of the rach. isn't that enough? • and share in our newfound common love for soft-core pornography? The people that support \\'al-I\lan·s dcctsion \\til say women are Companies obviously have the right to decide what they want to sell and dep1cted graphrcall) and wrong!) and the; want to shield their alread; what they ,,.·ould like to stay a\\ay from. While [don't think magazines like 'iheltered children from thts type of material. Stuff. FHM and Maxim lower the standard of stores, some people mtght And that's fine. but that's vour chmce. Some of U!-. choo~e to view these behevP so, and that's fine. types of magazines. And better yet. the people "ho are tn the maganne'> So, Wal-Mart. 1f you dtdn ·t want these magazme-. on your racks. then choose to he in them. so shut up. you should have not sold them from the begtnning. Companies look stupid Thi.., nation was founded on two ideals. )OU can't tax us without v. hen they change certain practices. '' hich they carry on for many years, and representation, and tf \\·e want to. we can watch or read porn. suddenly denounce those practices when pressure is put on from an outsidd Well. maybe the founding fathers had a fe\\ more concepts then I give source. them credit for. but hopefully you get m; point. I think I can recall a similar mstance happemng at the umversity recently Free ex.prc-.sion is a fundamental right. and no matter hO\\ much n pisses -minority programs- but that i·m·t my point. you off or h(m much you think it taints the minds of children. we have the My point is. porn haters 'ihould realize that without free expression they nght to not onl) \ te\\ tt. but promote tt. wouldn't be allowed to open their fat mouths and object ro so-called graphic Whtle I will agree that \\ai-I\Iart has the nght to pull these magazmes. I matenals. dtsagree \\ tth the ratior.ale of the company Keep the men· s magazmes on the shelves: I want to read the articles. A retatl chain ts there to sell the goods. not to promote anything ehe but Well. I'm sure someone wants to read the articles. its products. They have no rehgwus affiliation to wotT) about. they aren ., an activist group so my 4uestion is why do such a thing? John lv!archione is a student affairs editor for Tlze Re1 iew. Send comments to THE RF\ 11-\\'fl)iln I 1""' ,~~ Just because people complatn. doesn't mean you listen ·ro them. I'm pnarch@ ude/. edu. Calif. laws contradict Roe v. Wade court decision

argue that Peterson should not be charged ~eeler \\as charged with after he case qutte a few other cases have Wade the court has said that the \\ith t\\O counts of homtcide. It should be struck hts \\ tfe m the abdomen resulting m established precedent that when the fetus ts Constitution does not protect a fetus. AndrewFong 4uite obv10us that the fetus \\as \Jable. a still horn child. mdeed Viable it should have ··more" rights As to the argument that the fetus is a though ma) have required medtcal aid to Kee 1er \\.as exonerated from all attached to tt. which would not conflict person it must be asked whether Guy be so. charged b) the Clltforma Supreme Court with Roe\'. Wade. law make<; sense. Roe v. Wade states. Web I will. hO\\ever. try to argue that tn 111 a 5-~ deciston that held ''human bemg" It is also worth notmg that smce Roe v. "when those trarned 1n the respective California penal code i-.. inconsistent \\'tth W~h not tu appl~ to a child until it was born Wade many Congresse., have tned to enact disciplines of medicine. philosophy and Rae v. Wade ''hen applied tn fctu-..eo; that ali\ e. various "Right to Life· amendments that theology are unable to arri Ye at any o, a the I.tst fe\\ months. \\ c ha\ e are not viahle. Th1s case was later O\ er turned hy \\ ould protect a being from the moment of con..,ensus. the judiCiary. at th1s point in the been embroiled in a \\ ar agam ... t Iraq that Califorma penal code states, ":\iurder P£ op/e \', Dans and the law was rc-\Hitten conception. development of man's kno\\ ledge is not in ha... taken much of the natwnal attention ts the unlawful killing of a human bemg. or to ''hat is as stated abo\ e. Thi'> new law. Konc of these amendment:-. have been a position to speculate as to the answer." a\\a) from. ''hat in an) other time. \\Ould ;1 fetu-.. with malice aforethought." The law ho\\ ever. does not seem to cohere with Roe rattfied by any Congres!-.. But. CalJfornw Thus. Califorma is no positiOn to make ha\C been a front-page stor). the Lact continue\. "The statute specifically 1. Wadt'. seems to have tried to ratify such a ·'Right a law explicitly attaching what would Pc:er-.on case. prm ide!-. that it doc'> not appl) to abortion'> Roe 1'. Wade deals with abortion rights to Life" amendment tn their state and amount to "personhood·· to a fetus, such I recently read a pas-.age \\ ntren by a compl)ing with the Therapeutic Abortion and privacy righb. But. the more succeeded. that \\ ould be protected legally under the friend concerning hO\\ Interested he was m Act. performed by a doctor when the death underlymg issue in Roe 1'. Wade ts the legal G1ven how the penal code apparently ConstttuttOn. spectftcally the 1-lth \\hat the medw would term the heing in-.ide of the mother \\.Us substantiall) certain in status of the fetus and what rights are \\ ork.s tn California (and other various amendment. of Laci Peter~on. \\ ould they call it a fetus. the absence of an abortion. or whenever the proteLted by th1s legal status. <.;tates wtth similar codes) one must admit While the Peterson case may indeed be an unborn child. a baby? mother solicited. aided. and othen\ise In the "Opinion of the Court'' from that there 1s a great degree of Inconsistency a slam dunk. given the evidence, the I would re~pond by ~aying medically. chose to abort the fetus .. Roe 1. Wade. persons are only protected about the legal rights of a fetus. current law and the fact that the fetus was and legall). when the being reaches 8- The penal code ..,eems irregular in po~t-natal by the ConstitutiOn and the Bill While one can make the argument that 'iable. it Js easy to see that perhaps weeks-old it is termed a feru ... . ~ow thts IS conjunction with the Supreme Court and of Rights. The brief "a) s. "In short, the it is the mother who should have the ch01ce Cal1 forma· s penal code protecting fetuses the intcre-.ttng part m the Peterson case: other courts. gt,·en ho'' they have mled on unborn have ne\er been recognized m the of aborting or not: it should not follow that needs 'to be revrsited - if not just to be bcc:lU ... e it i" alleged that Scott Peterson a fetus· s legJ.I status. lav. as persons in the whole sense." one that kills a non-viable fetus should be constant w1th the legal tarns of a fetus. killed Lac1 Peter:-.on and the fetus For example. in the 1970 case of It v.ould follow from thts that only chc. rged wtth murder. Therefore. he can be charged with two Keeler 1. Superior Court of Amador post-natal beings are "persons" that the law Murder would imply that the fetus is Andre\\' Fong is the online editor for The counh of h>>mlcide. I am not g01ng to County. \\hich was tried in California. speaks of. After this milestone. howe\er, indeed a living per<,on yet even in Roe 1'. Revie11·. Send comments to a:[email protected]. Students don't need dating sites

on a ne\\ per~on each day. don· t d1mng hall. stdcwalk. gym. part-time When it comes down to it knO\\ the last name of the person job or class. you cross paths with though. tl:ese same people are just Erin Fogg you are currently hooking up with or dozens of potential mates in any lazy and scared. You have a golden are !>O afraid of the C-word gtven week. resource at your fingertips - a (commitment) it IS enough to mak.e Why then are college students college town - and yet you are In the Fogg you vomit' wlently for hours. bhndly surfing thetr way into the stuck. behind your desk:. unable to A person 1s expenencmg a hearts of C) ber gceks/psychos/sex­ mO\e because you are too lazy and unique time in their life when they offendcrs at an astounding rate? afraid to make a move on an actual, ~aziness coupled With are in college. They arc free from Untversity students and living human bcmg. A screen name cowardice is the most deplorable thetr parents· mles but they are sttll graduates \vho started up Web sites or a profile is much more convement mix I can think of. And when it safe from the wide, frightening such as CampusFitrts.com and to mteract wtth. comes to f1ndmg romance on a expanse of the real world. They are Collegeluv.com sa\ it is because Step awa) from the computer' college campus. this pet peeve not treated like a child anymore. but college students :.have trouble GnH\ some balls and say hi to the snowballs into an unforg1 vable they also aren't burdened with all the finding dates because thev are too cute girl who sits next to you in class union. re-.pon-;tbilities a grown adult shy, stuck in their \vays or picky... or the guy \\aiting in line for a This \\ eek. C '!':.com reported cvcntuall) accumulates. Hooking up Sorry, but that'<, a load of crap. scrumptious dining hall omelette. that online matchmaking ~en·ice s may not be the first thing on every I was probabl) one of the shyest There 1s no excuse whatsoever aimed ..,pecificall) at college :-.tudents college student's mind. but love teen-agers m the world before 1 came for an average college student to arc popping up all over the \Vorld certamly tsn't etther. to thl'> universtty. and I know there resort to an online matchmak.tng Wide Web. The first paragraph of That being !-.aid. even if you m-e are a lot of shy people out there. servtce. the arttcle cla1med. "many college just Iookmg for someone to connect I\1any of my peer.., also like their Not only ts It unnecessary. but it students have a hard time finding with on an emotwnal level. someone lt\es to work in a certatn way, IS also wetrd and sad Ho\\ do you love·· and. "that fact. coupled \\ tth to have a harmles~ httle fling with or following a specific routme. Some meet. fall in love and marry someone their Internet savvy. i'> making someone to spoon \\tth on the lonely cater to tmpossible expectations due you met on the Internet? students a natural market" for this nights. a college campus io, the best to Inflated ego!-. and spoiled It Is unnatural and deplorable service. place in the world to find that lifestyles. that 'ibrant. youthful college underst.mdable route to romance. growing tn popularity all over the \\'Orld. Fir-.t of all, I \\ant to know how person. Cl\'1\'.com·s article 4uoted a ~tudcnts in the middle of their sexual t\1atchmak.tng sen ices online many of) ou untversity students Unless you lock yourself in your Harvard business ~chool graduate as prime hide behind a computer. All are also dangerou-.. They gJ\'e Cn\L)' So put down thts ne\\ spa per. reading this edttonal arc actually dorm room and your computer is saying. "tt is dtfficult t~ settle for the mtddle-aged single. divorced or people the perfect opporrumty to turn off your computer ;.tnd go meet looking for love. I would be \\ illinl! your only friend - in whtch case 1 something less than the average \\idowed people have a lot fewer taJ..e advantage of )llUr sad. ~ad state. someone for God-.akes. to bet -that out of every I 0 peopl~ strongly recommend therapy S \\ ed 1 sh-modcl-brai n-su rgco ~ ­ prospects. When you are older and While I am not onl) surpnsed read1ng thts, two of you are in a there are endless opportunities to tango-dane 1ng- i ntc II ectual-hi pp1 c­ strapped do\\ n to a JOb and kids, and that these \\.eb sites geared toward Erin Fogg is a uf) news editor for committed. loving relationo;hip. On meet people on a college campus. chic-yet-matcrnall y-i nc Iincd-best your looks are on their way out. the college ~tudents even exist. I am The Rt>1•ie1t. Srnd comments ro the other hand. ctght of you etther hit Whether it is a pm·ty. bar. dorn1. bus. fnend." Internet is a much more shocked that the) are on the nse. efo~g@ ude/.t>du

Ad• t'rtising l)lrector: A ''i~t,vi~ Bonme V.·arringlon S~ru Brunn~r Onn.1 Dul-111 250 SruJent C~nter, Newark, DE 19716 Bu,ine" Cl021li~l-l347 Onlin~ F.ditor. -\ssi<;tant F.nlertuinmtnt t:ditor: Ad\erti,ing (~02) 8~1-tJ98 Senior Sports ·Editor: AnJrew Fong Cla.~,lfied Ad•erns..ments: Caitlin .MonahJn Berh I >lwe :\e,l

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8\ \H 1 1""·\ RR \(IlFELD ~pllrb lllustr.llL'd '>\\ nnsuit i'-'>lll.'. '" helping them "I'm on m:-. ti tih band right nm\:· he sa)"· dl.':-.il:,'ll .md "ill abL' be mode ing Robithon otiginall:-. entered the utm crsn:. a-, a Sophomorc P,11 Rubm ... on -...L).., he al\\ a~.., knl'\\ "The shtrt \\ e 'rc doing is a cn.:am-CLllorcd t.mk bu ... inc ... .., maJor. but "a).., he already knc\\ about hm' h~ \\ l'uld do "l'lllcthm:; \\ .th cl,,thing .md .111 d~s1gn. top \\ ith hl'r stgnature lll1 the side," Robmson sa;- s. to run a bu-,ines-, aticr mamging a -,kate and piua he jtht d1J not kno\\ \\hat. laughing. "\\ e 'rc "orking ()11 a 'crsion for the guy::. -.hop. r\tier hrietl:-. considering a painting major. The ,111..,,\ a cam~ 111 the fonn of a punk htp-hop bccathl' her des1~'ll 1s rcall) femmme." Robinson finall) .,cttlcd on lw, current maJor. m... p:rcd clothmg :tnc f,,r the \\anna he rod. star or In Sc.,tcmber, Robinson -...tys he \\'Ill bc gomg to "Photograph) ts more uscful111 c\-cryda! lite and run-of-th~-mil1 -..k.ttcr punk a trade shO\\ 111 Calif,,rni.t and he hopes Destroyed I get to ha\ c lim '' tth school," he ""Y"· Rohin-.on. n photogr.tph~ major and Ckllhmg \\Ill bc looked upon l:t\llntbl! therc. ;\ fier Rob in~on sa! s he ah\ ay-. wanted to create a \\ ilmingtnn. Dd. n.tti\ c. "' th~ C\Hl\\ nt?r t,f that. hl' and Bmsh plan tlll 1110\ ing on to jean-.. col­ clothmg line after he graduated. 0~ gu) - g,,ud "ith d. do thi-. difTcrently or we \u A-..bun and -.,kate in ~C\\ Jcr... e). There the; "I \\'. "Then we JUst he condude... that the~ dtd "cll, but Robm~on sa;..., happen. and tf it dtd r d laugh for three~ cars straight. go back. and forth until \\C get the finaltdea." the) ha\ c bigger platb for owr thc ~ummer but hc \ '>UCh a great lllthictan. funny and a pre!ty lie ... ays the clothing is reasonably priced.\\ ith T­ "\\l''rc domg lots of tour' \\llh bands. stuff lil.;c damn tough gu~:· shtrts at :, 15 and S\\ eabhit1s bet\\een S30 and 35. that.'' he -.ay ... ''\\ ~.: 'rc '' orkmg \\ ith the bands tll1 the Robin ...on. \\ith his sptky d.trk bro\\11 hau and a Destroyed Clothing and it-. paraphcmalta can be \\arpcd Tour and If) ing to get some ... how:,. in goate~ to match .... ay<. he has al" ay s bcen a rocl\.cr at spotted allo\ er campus. Robinson says.\\ ith sntdents Lollapalooza." heart. A look at hi-. "Rock ·n· Roll" belt buckle." hieh donning the line\ hoodies. T-sh111s and hats. Hc mcnt1orh that one of th~ mNe interesting he say-, he got at the Fam1cr\ \l.trket in :\e\\ Jcr-.e) .. "It fcc Is great... he says. ") ou can see all your prOJCCh cun·uHI;. in the "llrk-. "' a T--..hirt and tank i... C\ idcnce of that RobitNm pl.t) s guitar and he ha ... h.trd \\Orkin action right there." top that \.cm.:o\ .t. the 2003 C

THL Rl \ tl \\ !1'~ P'lot

B\ JEFF ;\lA:\ monster would look like. protect John Conner (l\tck Stahl) Tlw. tunc if-, \\til "m th .md !\lanm L~m renee retcam as IIr \I ichacl La-.t \\eckemi"X2. X<\1cn Cnited·· scorcd his -.port... tilms such a-.. "\\'hite :\len Can't "Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle" (June 27) The good \\ ord: The IItle', kmd of CLlol. 1:3,1\ "hn h.t\ e h.td thetr rcccnt ... Jc\\ >fbc~d LlUI­ a mammoth , 5.,' mill ton in it-. opcmng "cek­ Jump" and "Bull Durham:· bring-. a comedic Luc;. Ltu, Cameron Diaz and Drc\\ ings. re ... pccti\ cl!. \\ 11h .. \li " '·Black Knight" end. The :\lan el Cormc:-. scJNl!ion is merely the touch to this buddy cop stof). \\·htch co-~tar ... BatT) more high ktck into O\Cr-thc-top action •·Legall~ Blonde 2: Red,\\ hite and Blonde" and "Pearl !!arbor.'' beginning of a -.,ummer dominated b) sequel... . :\laster P and :-.1artin Landau. and co:-.ntme ... in thts sequel to the 2000 block­ Reese\\ ithcr ... poon repri~c' her wle a .. Ilk ll1c had \\ ord \\ ith 2003\ hneup of big­ fan ... ":\latnx" don't need to be reminded The bad ,,·ord: Ford t:ms still \\ant "Iml: bust~r. \\ood..,, the out-of-place !Ian .trd l a\\ School time :-.c(tuek onc of them 1 bound to tlt'-ar­ about gt:ttmg "RellMded" Thursday In the 4." B.::mic ,\fac fills in lor Bill :\1urra) as grad \\hO. thi., time. heads to thc n.nwn·, capi­ poiut meantmtc. Jim Carre) fan~\\ ill be happy to sec The good '' ord: Ford fan-. \\ill get "Indy Bosk::. 's brother. \\hilc Demi .\foorc plays an tal in "Red. \\hire anJ 1:31onlle." T!.c go~>d \\ ord: 1:3uady mo\ ic ... arc hard to hh return to -,]apstick comedy in in "Bmcc 4 ·• E\enntally. ex-Angel tumcd bad. Joinmg the east arl' -;ally rield and 1:3ob mes-. up. e .. pccJJ ly 11' •t \\orked the tir-..t tunc AI might) ... \\ hilc animation ht:m ywcight Pixar The bad\\ ord: Did anyonc actually like the e\\hat1. \\ho II) Ill prc\cnt thi ...... equcl trom amund. rclea-..c-. thcir foliO\\ -up Ill ":\ 1onstcr~ Inc .... "Dumb and Dumberer: \\hen Harry \let first nne'? becoming lcgall: bland. ·'finding :\cmo." Llo)d" (June 13) !'he good word: The big screen rerum or rhc bad" ord. Did '·L eg.tll) Blonde" real­ ·•St•ahiscuif' (.Jul) 25} nd that'-, only the month of\lay. Jim Caney and JetT Daniels dLl not retum .\ loore. ly need a scqucl? One) ~.:.tr a ftc~ I obc~ \1Jg_uJre -.. Jldh:hcd th~ !I ere·:-. JUst a ta-..te of\\ hat to e\.p.:ct in the as the hilanou~ odd couple in thts sequel The good "ord: In d tc ... t,,stcronc-fi Ikd o,J:\. o!TJcc throne" nh "SpJtlcr-\l,m." the multi­ upcoming month ... and a-. al\\ ay~ in the unpre- In tht:tr placl.! are unknm\ tb look-ahkc ... Al<,o opening: "Filth G~ncratllln·· Chine-.e ... ummcr. thc female 1110\ 1egocr... "1ll -,urely find talented aLlor rclllm-.. to pia) hm e JOckc;. Red dictable \\ orld of ... hm' bu~me""· rclea~c datc ... foric Chnsttan Obcn and Derek Rtchardson. J1rcetor Chen Kaigc relca~cs his latest. th1s one ,1 sathfying relief. p,,llatd in thi' .td<~plattPP of the be-,t-..cllmg are subjec•. to changt:. \\ ho pia;. high ~chool , cr~ion ... of' H,my and ·•Together," \\ hile "Amencan Idols .. Ju-,tin book oft e -;amc name Lloyd, in this Cam:;. and Dalllel-lcs.., film. Guarini and Kelly Clarkson reuntte a-. -..pring "Pirate-; of the Carihhean: Cur'l' of the "~c.t'lhcu!t" tdb the ~ton of a pant.11ly June fhe bad \\ ord: One cannot empha ... 11e breaker... \\ho Jail in 10\e in ·•From Justin tu Black Pearl'' (Jul) 9) blmd JllCk~) (\ laguirc ). :1 "ealth~ bU..,IllL''>'>Illan "2 Fast 2 Furious" (June 6) enough the fact that Jun Carrey and Jell' Dante!:> Kell)." 1 "ickel11deon l~l\orites fhc Rugrat... Bascd on the popular Disnc) \\ orld nttmc­ '' lw los~-.. h~:-. tanul: (.lcll Bridge-, l aPd a \\lid Paul \\alka retums to the "orld of flmc! are not in this movtl.! rctu•11 for their third ouung m •·Rugrats Go tton. the tilm :-tar~ Jolmn~ Depp ""a .. ea captam hor"e \\ lw ,111 Ll\ ercome ... crutin) to ,tdllC\ e spoiler-.. and chrome- rim a-.. hh charactl'r Brian The good \\ ord: Is there one? Wild,"\\ hile honw t~ms should plan to get\\ lid "ho mu-.t sa\ e the'' orld fi·om an an~ tent cur-.;1.' glor~ O'Connor. mu t mliltrate the world of l\liami with Danny Bo~ le ·s zomb1c tlick "28 Days "Pirate.., of th~ Caribbc~m" fc.llures an l11e ba I \\ ord: .. ~l'abt~curt'' mtght he a bit treet racer.... "The Hulk'' (June 20) Later." ensemble cast of n .. in~ -..tar ... ineludmg dir.:ctor out of place among the ltkcs of'·l''l." and "Bad Ab ...cnt from the 200 I ~urpri-..e hit arc Vin Hulk smash - bo\. office records'' bic Gore \ 'erbmski ("The Ring"). Ketra Kmghtlc~ Bo~s II." Dtesel and Ja Rule. Instead. the filmmakers Bana ("Black } Iawk Om' n'') take~ on the fllle Jul~ of"Bend it Like B<.:ckham" .md Otlando Bloom fhc gl10d "ord I hc Ja,t ttme director Gan ha' c ca:,t T) re ... e and Ludacn-.. in their place. of Bmce Banner. the sctentbt \\ ho f:db "ictun "Terminator 3: Rise of the l\lachine'>" (Jul~ ("The Lord of the Ring.,: fhe 1\\L) Tcmas"L Ro-., and \!at u rc teamed up \\a" for thl' brii­ which beg:-. the quesuon. \\ ho is your t~1\ oritc to a gamma ra~ e-..:penment. \\ hich transform:-. 2) The bad" on!. fhc la't ndc that tumea uno hant leel-gt)tld tilm "Pl~.!a-..utl\ II e · bald guy and mppcr combo'? him into the incr.::diblc Hulk. Amok! Schwat-Lenegger li\ es up to his leg­ a film\\ a ... "I he Count1;. Be.tr~ ." !h.: bJd word: bpl'ct Main Strcl.!l to he With the potential to bccomc ;. ct anothl'r endm)' promise as he come... back. for the long The gtlod \\ ord: \\ alkmg ... kelcton-. and \1\o openin:,:: llrad Pat .m,l C athennc ll'ta­ tlooded \\ llh tluore-.ccnt light'> and Honda mcga-franchi-,c, director ,\ng Lee hope ... to tb­ ~1\\ ait~d third installment to the "Tenmnator" cannon" arc .t lot morc C\.l'iting than t.tlkmg Jonc... knd their \O L·cs .ll DrLanmorks' Ci,ic ... posc all doubtcrs \\ ho hm e h;?l'!l cornpl.unmg ri·ancht-.c. cubs. "~in bad: Legend of the '-,eHn ~l·a,," \\ hilc fhe good" ord: bct') one\\ iII be home for about the artifictalit) of the computer ,mimated Same deal as last time. Arnie plays a ... urnmer break creature like they K"''' "hat .t 15 foo~ grcen rcnmnatm '' ho i-; sent back through tunc to ··Bad Boys II" (.Jul) 18) :--cc STt:DIOS page B3 \ enroll .with caution

··Dadd~ Da~ ("an··· g11 to 1hc Chapm,m/\c.tdcm) Columbia The pri\ ate ac,1dcm:. apparent)). i ... the t)nl~ k·gnun.ttc Ratmg: ,'c ,'c prc ... chnnl 111 thl ...... uburh,m ncighhorhond. Run h) ,!Je­ t) runt \11....., Hamdan l \njehet~ H1"tnnl, till' children .trc fnrcl..'cl Ill "car uniform' and karn four diffcro:nt l,m­ guagc' and tai chi :\c\ cnhclc...... Charl1e a!lcmph to Ion f.. fur other ... dlolll' to -.~.:nd h1' 'on lkn fKhaman1 Cinf11n), hut tmLh U...Q ~~.~.~.• 4'Q •. ~.Jl.•# nothmg l'\Ccpt a trader park pre-school run h) ... e.u-: ~ h11:f.., and .I nice In tic hou-.e at\\ h1ch th~· pn1tcc arrl\c for .t bu ... t bcl1)rc Charlie can cnrolllkn. In .II FF \I\"' I'hc !act.. of cduc.l!,tm,JI m ... titutc' lead' Ch.1rlic to \/, I ~ If \ f_J ' r "Da~ld) D.t) Ctre.. 1, the 011 ol .. f.uml~ film" that CtllllC up \\ ith the idea llf 'L'ttlng up Dadd) Da) C1re to "ould prob.1bl~ do l·hildi\.'n mnrc h.tnn th.m got,d. gt\C Chapman a run for lh monc:. Charlie. and Phil l·pr ono.> thmg. nit thl t..id~ in the lllll\ ie arc ptH"tra)ed dcciLb, to run thl.' da;. care center in,idc Charlie·, home a ... rc.._·klc" ... o.._ Iop.tth' '' ho unl) 'en c the purpo'c 11f and the f..1d' "ho enroll arc the mntlc: '.trict~ llllC "1lllld tim mg the adult, irh.Uli.' C\pcct I rom a Hllll)" <'od pack.tgcd comcd:. Thl: nn_;Pl ..,ter of th1' IS. of C('Ur,c. Eddie ~lurph~ J'hcre ·, one gn·J \\ ho 1... much 'martcr than the other "-1d' ,lfld can read. one bo~ \\hll Ihinf.., he i' Tho: Fla,h. '' ht"i.' tciQ;et :1 rc told the~ aro.> ,( ,( ,'( Liar Liar find the ~..haracto:r ,\Jan in, pl.t~cd b~ Ste\C Z.llm. to he "nhout ,1 cllllld\ in' oh ing the lc.td character hl'lll£ faced lunattc' and c.m act uncontroll.thl) \\ ithout pcn.tlt). one of the 'a' ing grace ... of ··D,Idd) Da: Care:· \\ ith a moral ckci,ion'? In thi ... ea... e. Charlie I' l'\entuall: ,'( ,'( B ig Dadd: .II'/] \fan is a mmw~111~ \lo\m( ( duor for lire Rc rh 11 J/11 ;\1an·in is a gecf..) temp" orf..cr at tho: cereal plant'' ho offered hi' old job bact.. \\hen thc cereal head ... nl'cd a ,( Cop and a Half fltl.\1 lt'\'letn inc fruit "/Jetu r /..u( k !omorFrlt " m.ulet ng \:,unpaign for thci1 Ill.'\\ t:ollon eand' flm orcd bccnmc' the third auth11rit;. figure <.t Dadd) D,t) Care ( ,'< ,'< ,'c -'<,'()and "X2: X-1/e,, l mtul ( ,'c ,'c -'< ,(\.

""Thl·l iuic :\lcGuirt- \lo,il:" "'Rabing \ 'ictor \ "argas" \\all Oi.,nt·~ Pictun~s Samuel (;oltln ~ n Films Ratmg: ,'c ,'dt2 Rating: ,'c :c :c :c 111 Drc ..., up a prett). ) oung ~'lrl m -..omc trend) ckllhc .... add a In a ~Cihl', Pct.:r Solktt'-. "Rabing \'ictor \'argas .. ts the gl'(x! \ o1cc -.ingmg to choreographed dall\:c .... :.md the ca-..h reg­ :mtithc:-.h of .Ju,t•n lin', ··Rctto:r I uck lonmrnm:· Lm 's 1ilm bier ... tart:- to pia~ ~atch) melodic D1rcctor .lun Fall and 1hc "a... a sty Ji,ti.: ... tud~ or ... Lihurban 1l\ crachic' cr~ \\ ho ... uunbk Di ... n~.:) ere" Jr~ hoping that tho.>\\ hole~om~. llilaf) Duft\\On ·t 11110 a hfc 111 crime.\\ hilc ""Vargas"" take~ a look .t! the li' cs of b~ groping -.nakc .... gro\\ ing boob ... and ripping otfh~r clothe-.. in poor teen-agers from the Lo\\Cf f'ast-..idc or ~lanhanan \\hll a fc" )Car . d ... em cr Ill\ c in-.tcad vf drug-.. a'ld \ 10lcncc "LILZIC \k(itnre:· th.: 1ccnagc melodrama on the Di-.nc) Dull":- characto:r ailn" ~ ) llllllf! gtrb and "onJL·n to feel .1 \ tctor \ .1r~a · (\ ll"lor R.Nlk) i~ ,1 bighcatkd :--oung ... tcr "Ill) Shm 1). h1,\\ C\ o:r. a rol'uncc c~.)c ... d.:\ dup hem co:n Jud) ~hannc' ha... \\ om~n of all age-. I fting thcm-,eh c" on· of couch­ \\hole lot beltl.'r ahlllll 1hen mo-,t crnbanas ... mg moment.... '1' c" "1th hiS )Oungcr brother "nd 'ISler .llld neurotic. but car­ ,md \'io:tor.• md it 1' not the \ mt.·.l and t,>rtuw ..... f..md one can c... and mto the mo\ 1c theater for the ··The Li.rzil..' :\ kGuirc \\'hik th.:rc. :-he lllLht d~.1dgl.' her nc\\ and "'llclgr•-likl..''. mg grandmother. \\ !10 i~ IlK· head of the household. At the ...cc 111 film-, hkc ··Just \larned"" or ""HO\\ to l osc a ( 1U) 111 I 0 \ lo\1~ ... pnnc1pal. \1 t-s lngo:mlc) cr ( \k\ Borstcml to CI~IO) Ihe bl..'gmnmg of the film. the audiCIKC finds \~ctor ... ccr-:tl;. Da~ s ... Instead. "rito:r diro:ctor Peto:r Solicit goc... for llll>rc The mo' ic ... tar-, the: oung and hip Dull" .md her big-hatred athcmurcs of tho: Italian outdtlOI" on her tmn. '\one other than -..mO(lChing \\ th ··t at Donna.'' .md soon enough. \\ ord spreads authenue cmouons that Da' 1d Gordon (Jro:o:n masterful!) fn~nd (,~.,rdo (Ad.un Lunbcrg). man outragcm"' ad\\.·ntun: that hl'r kl'ell fashion Sl'llSC, blond.: lt'Cks and ugh! JC:lns f I d her Ill around the .lcighhorhtlOd that Victor has bco:n boinf..tng the c-.;udcd in .. All the Real Girb." lea\ c... audience ... \\ ith ,1 fl·cl-gOI."~d C\pcn~ncc upon departure. ILl\ c and in troubk u,;l~ g1rl of the neighborhood As1de from the rdatltm,htp bet\\l'eJ' \ 1ctor and .fuel:. there \\hen m ...chool. -..he Inc" to c..,~,lpl.' h~r trouble. t'lllC Iill' and Sumlar to man: of the cptsodo:-. 0fhcr shU\\. t ll 1110\ e has To ,h,urc e\CI)vnc ll',lt he llnly goes alier "'dime, ... \ 'ictor h also a "onder lui :-l'IN~ of gcl'uincnc" in the romances u honible little brother for a cia" trip to Roml..'. a lc ...... on to teach the aud1cnco.> member... \\ uh a chcc... : D1 ... nc;. ego 1 he pcr­ (K~\ m Rt\ cra).• md thctr) oungcr ,1blmg:-.. J::.'Tilde graduatiOn. I J/ZIC takl..'' oft" on c111 ~ducational tldd tnp to !'he Italian scene!) m the film 1' not onl;. a delight. bt..t ha:­ .,htent \ IC!Or then resort' to connmg .fud) ·" ) otmgcr bn,thcr The constant ti:ud bet\\ <.'CI \ ic.tor\ I reo: spmt and hi~ Ita!~. 'tumbling mto the gelato ..,hop. Ltaie cro:-... c... path ... \\ ith .tudio:ncc... d) mg to JUmp on a plane .tftem ard. to .aKc .1 'ac...1 to put 111 ,1 u,)ud \hlrd tor hun and 111 tun , \ ictor \\ ould mtro gr.mdmoth~r·~ old-la:-.hiOnedldC;,tb al o add~ .mother Illlcre ... t­ Ira han pop :-tar Paolo 1Yam (,ellman). "ho nnstakc ... h~r t0r h1-.. tion. ,\tier all. "-id~ aro:n't .til .tbk· to takl..' cia...... lrl!b to Rome duce l.1rlo, to Iw, O\\ n )'lnmgcr :-.tstcr. "hu Carlo, has ,1 .:rush ing and ct,mcd,e d~ JlallliC to "\'ictor \ .1rgas.'' '' hich. ulti­ olJ duet partner f,,lbdla (or Dutf\\llh black hair).\\ hen push after 'e' cmh g1~1Lle Crua rantccd. Dull" i~ .1~ '"eel a' "Dole.:" on. Jud) bc~in' to bu~ into \ 1ctor\ ehann .md ~~.:lis him he mate!::-. 1... a tilm about pe1)ple !indmg ,,11\ahon in each other come... to shO\ c. Paolo·, micnuoib are not a ... llliH>ccm a' Dutrs .md "on·t make lad1c' lllO\ c their ··c;.~bbana<' lur thc hour and can brag to all hi" lncnd~ that he is ho:r man e\ en Ihough 10 mcrcomc the har ... h rcalitic' of their h\Cs . ... miling t:1cc. a halfthat the) \\atch her they h.!\Cn't e\cn gon~; on one dJtc -, tuika ,lfamherfJ - .Jej].\Jan

SAY Marc Grevson Vence Siherberg Lutz WHAT? .. Senior Junior Senior The Review asks "I e.tt candy. "I focus on "I like to preferably whatever watch Disney students: chocolate work I'm mo\·ies and and doing or take look at picnu·es of Cadbun\ a drive and " Elijah Creme eggs.'' listen to How do you .., \\7 ood." Improve• your lTIU'\IC• mood? "000 look at pictures of Elijah ·Wood" - Senior Greyson Lutz

Lisa Groden Adam Amy Senior Baumol Luchey Freshman Freslunan "I pur on D.\ve "I compose ''I watch a w~i.... AT Lf.AST YJE'R( '.1 \.\ Mamhews music." mone, and take a usually nap." 'Billy M.adi· "on. '.,

- C

HJL \I_ I'!or1 1 'J'! v' I hl' In· I a\\S \, ., 1() UD-1-1!;;1!.!.1 HUll.\\ "\lliW \\ \.f \\\!{h. ( I \.I \1.1 FIRS I' l :\10:\ \RE:\'.\ (215) 336-3600 li'abam l 1111 cnm ( ( 11/t r. ··chil'a~o:· flabl1 I { /Ill t1 I Ill ( tl ' I "'1 hl' \n ~~r \Jana~emtnt II 2. I 10, ''lU.4 15 ~ '' illl-Jlf!ll 7:"l0 p.m. 'il ··rhc Hccruit."" 10 pm. "·~ Rt'lTIIit... I() p n' . 3 "( 'hkagu"" 10 Journey. Styx & Reo Speed wagon. June 29. 7 p.m .. $46.50- h._.' '·'iu 'l " If~"' Bringing l>o\\n th<•lloll'•C 11·110. I ~'i 4"i0 ., '0. \n!.!IT \lana::rmrnt ft' 1 1'. ~ 00. Cl·l5 ,, ("Pl. ' $5o.50 IO·I)'i I 10. l O.J 00 Q I 'i ~em 30 4 W. 6. 1' 9·00 !he Slclllt Bal/oo11. D.l Dance Part) n/ Chka~.:o (J ~' · I 2' I ''i '' <'i. •J 1'i \.2: \.-\ lt·n l nit I'd I r I 4.". (• 4\ 9 40 ::WI 2 4:>. 0.1 E' ii·E. x p.m . .., I Dar Pt11 k Jc, , m Diatrilw 9 pIll . nn l>add) lla) l arl' II 10 I '0. 11 '0. ' lO. ' ~0 l45,645.ull 1.!-l' 1 15,h:'(l9·2(1 T\\EETER (E:\~l'E R (856) 365-1300 1 10. 4·10. 'i:OO. (riO. l l' ., 4' 'l I' 'l 4' 10: ~ lhdd) lla\ ( un: f-p '0' '· t.;; 9·20 \at 0(1 CO\l'f lloll.., 111\4·2(1. 7· u. 9 .,, 'I 00. ' l 'i ~ I 'i 910 \un ()(, l(~l. ' 05. ~ U'i, Pearl Jam. Jul) 5 and 6. 7:.30 p.m .. $39-4.3 Oct r I'M/.. lm, m D.J Ril:k Dadnl!. <) H•m'" ullfi(Hl

\1,t) ~- 200~ • T HE REVIEW • B3 M ther nature's cures for era ki es

"St John's \\ ort can take three tl' ti.n1r \\~cb to kick O\l r pre cnpt•on dmg'> 1' that the\ t) p en!!) do not h.JH' [the upplcmcnh] ar..: \\orkmg," she sa:., h~ \: t r in. hke .t prl·"·npll<'ll dntg," he ~a)'· the long-tcnn '>Hie cll'c.:t--. th.1. pre .:roptwn dmg5 c,m h,l\ e "(I thmk] th,l! ';am-c I'> JUst as ~lfel'li\C as Prlvac. and Ll\ mg the '1gorou' cnlkgc hfc r.m be challenging '\ailC\ ~lilt, the .1-.si-.,t.!\ thio:, often but herbs arc medicine...;· he h the ''orlJ 1' nlllre of.1 foe than a friend. rcla,·. .\!other \dam ... o~bo ....1), that d1e1 can h.l, c a -.igni til·ant J'Cf'\flL'Ctl\ c." -.he' l) s. '>.IV'>. ·~l' th~rc can be mtcmctton., and sidc-clfcct...." ,Iturc h:h ,t cure nnp.lL l'll llllll)(i :\ utt 'a~' she io., wnccrncd lor p.:-oplc \\ ho •gnon: their lio\\C\Cr, there arc herb., that arc entuel) sate. Gould S) h 1,1 \danh, a nutritionbt 11 \,C\\.lrk 1\;,IIural Ftlods. . ...,!' L) fthld, can make:;. ou aggrc'"' c .111d agit,llcd." problems and u-..c d1 tg ... and .1kohol .t'> an c-,..:.Jpe -.a)' there arc m.tn) natural optil'' .., hl "rep murk) 111l'lld, ~Ill' ...:1\.., 'but :-.ug.tr i~ the mam cau-...: or nlliL'd .,,, ing ... .. \d.1ms 'a)~. rcgardm!! the pldcebo ciTu:t, ,1 per on "Then: arc no 5ide etl'ceb from St John\ \\'on." he at ba) \\ hue flour and L'\CL'~" c,u·bohydratc-. can alsll cau ... e nnht hd1c\ c "h:1t the) arc t,1kmg ''ill help them m order -.,,t't , "but m.tke <;urc \OU re not al't) taking [another anti­ Sam-c. a ... ub ... tancc ') nthcsi7cd fmm an ammo .tcid in tlul u.HIOih in mnl,d, Adam-. ~ay-,. fur it to\\ ork. but natw.ll rcmcd1~.:" arc trul) efTectJ\l' dcprc..,..,,mt] .. the b,ld). 5 If rP. dcm cd from nn \tlll',m pl<~nt named \ he -.a) s ,111 ad\ antagc to taking natural 'uppkmcnt... "D•.luhk-hlind -.,tudic' hJ\ c high re-,ulh ... hm\ tng th,l! l here arc .d o no ... ide effcch from Rescue Remedy. Griifoma and St John·.., \\ ort. tlbt,uncd fmm tllL pl.mt ( JOuld sa\., H) pen cum The) c,m b cfti:ctiH' •n trc.wng ') mpt,,m.., ot lle ,,, s he doc-, not kmm of a natural treatment for dqxc..,..,ion. -,he 'a).., ~c\ ere. chm~.JI or bi pol.1r dcpres ... Hlll and recommend \d,Im.., '' ,Irn.., not ttl CPtlbinc the dcprc ... ..,inn-banlmg phaimaccutical should be u-..cd in that in ... tancc. H O\\ C\ t:r. h rb.., '' nh com cntion,il antHkpn?... ,ant... and to folkm the tor Imld dcprc sum, herb., arc a \ 1ablc option. he -.ays. dtrcctiotb on th~ b,)ttk. Gou'd '>a) ... an a(l\ ,mt.Jge to natural healthcarc O\ er JctT Gould, acupuncturi't and Chinc-.,c hcrba!i,t at \\ c-.tcrn med!cine 1s that trcatmt.:nt is unique and indl\ idu Rhmg Dragon \ cuptmcturc Ill ;\;c\\ ark. rccommcmb .Jirted. ,md \ anous fact01.., ar~ taken into account. \\berea' R~ ... ,u Rem~.:d). an alcohol-ha-.cd 'crum dcr \CJ from tradliior,al med 1cinc i-, more gencra117ed. tlo\\ cr c-. ... cncc. for ... ituatwn,tl an\ ICI) ... udl .1s an e"\am. Ull '>3)'~ that the rvot of the ailment must be \dam-. 'a) ... K,l, .1. an herb made from the ~a, ·a plant. .tddrc-. ... ed to find adequate treatment. can a! o be tbcd to treat atl\iet). "Xana;... .md \'a hum relic\ e anxiety. but not long I· or lm\-cncrg) k' ct.... \dam ... rCCl'mmcnd... Ro: a! term." ,.,IJc -..~y~ . "Jf.., not treating the core is-,ues. and can Jdl) lead to an addtetHm." "1:'-. ''hat bee... feed the queen bet: It pnn ide -., t:ncrgy \\hen corhidcnng the natural route. :"\ utt caution-. that and enduranc~ ... -.,he ~.l) ~ . the COJhUlllCI mu ... t be "ary of marketing strategies. If lack of cnt:rg) i-, .~ rc:-.ult of -,Jccplc..,..,nt::-.s. :\ dam ... ..·1 here •., ,t lot of misintormation. strong markctmg ':1)' 5-ll fP .mJ K,n a treat ubomnia. Ht'" C\ cr. pt:opk .llld plO)" confu,mg people to think there·~ a quick-iix or ..,hould be cautwus \\hen u ... ing K.t\ a. that the:. don't need 10 con-..ult -,omcone ... :-.he ,ays. "There has been -.omc comn)\ cr') latcl) about it (Jould abo recommend-, that people do not take herbs t:au-.ing II\ er damage. and the I DA ,.., lookmg mto it. .. she ca-.,u,tlh. :t)' "Don't ju'l take herb-,'' ithout -.,tud;. ing them sigmfi­ (JOuld •

e-mail message from the studio forwarded sense of 0\\ nership." he say .... ":-.o It docsn ·r ' p through the uni\ crslly reprimanding them for '>ecm likt: stealmg." The buttery -.ccm of frc-,h popcorn fill... "mfringcmcnt pur-.uant to the r.:-quircrncnt... of Ross cite-; the exhilaration of being the the ,m a ... mo\ icgocr-., chat "hile the~ hurry to the Digital :-. 1illcnnium Cop~ right Act:· lirst to se..: an unrclca~cd 111\l\ ic and the l~tct grab the be-.t "Cab. Familiar -.,ounds or cand) The D\ tC,\ \\a.., pa-....cd in l'.l9S to limit th,ll dO\\ nloading mm ie' i-.. free ,Js rea-..on-; '' r.1ppcrs and soda -,furp ... -.ct the mood for the Cl)p) right mfringcmclll liabilit) of m-.titutiOn.;; \\ h) mo\ ie pi rae;. is ... o 1)rC\ alent on college eager audience. The light... dim .... ignaling that of higher learning pnn iding the:;. !mrnedmtc- campusc .... the moment ha ... linally arriwd to 'it back. 1;. rcmo\ e cop) nghted material from their ··h t.:l') thtef has a rationale lt>r stealing:· relax and cnjo:. the "hO\\ -.en icc pro' idcr he sa\"· ~omconc clicb "Pia: .. on h1:-. \Vindm\, The -.ubscqucnt c-matl mc~~agc from the "lophomorc ,\ le\. Dougher!). \\ ho ha-. .\1edia Pia) er Ulll\ crsll) to the accu~cd "tudent incbdcs the been dm\ nloadmg mm ic ... for more than a fht:-. :-erne •~ becormng more familiar com pl •. 1111 from Urm cr ... al SIUdio' ,h ''ell a' a year, ~.~~ s he docs not consu.lcr mo\ i.: pi rae;. than C\ a m dom1s from Penn State to l C­ dcmand to cc.be the dt~tnbut1on of cop) r ,:.ht­ to be stc,IIing due to the hm quaht) ofmo\ •c, Da' 1 a mo\ ic p1r.1c) j, no longer funned to cd materi,II and <1 n:quco;t ti.1r .m c mail meo;­ copied !rom the Internet. He fed mu\ ic pua the techno-geek... ot th..: "orld. '>.lgc ot apolog~ '' nh a" urance th..tt the m<~tc ­ C) ha ... po<;lll\ L con-.cquenccs lor the f,lm \luch to the chagnn of the lilm produc­ nal ha:, been rcmm cd fn1m the computer. mdu-.tl). T' I RE\'IE\\ file PI ·•· > uon tndU~lf). "the ill ega\ dbtnbUtllln of COfl)­ Further puni,hmcnt from the Lilli\ cr.. It) "It C\pO,.,c5 1110\ ic ... to a large range of Unh ersit~ students make up t 6 percent of .. peer-to-peer" files downloaded. righted material'' or mm ic piraC) on the mcludcd t.:-mptlraf) loss of Intcrnet prh ilege-; pcoplc that m,l) then go out to ~cc ltighcr Internet. has become a rapid!) ~prcading • and an inspection of the offender's computer qualit)." he sa)s. fhc 1 sue 0f mo' 1c pi rae) hn clo~e to future malignanc). c-.peci.tll) on college campuses. m order to check the hard dm c. lim\ C\ cr. accordmg to the \\ cb ~ite for home ti.n college ... tudcnts. e ... pec•all) Ill the Bccau-;e mo\ ic -.tudios ha\ e been unable In a Congn::~-.ion,d he< r ng on tile-shar­ Ha:-.sler 'a) s both the entcrtammcnt the \lotion Picture A..,sociat1on of America. \\ akc of the '\apstcr ~candal of 2000. to take dO\\ n online distnbution companies. ing in I·..:bnlaf), Rep. Larw ':>rmth. R- Tcxa~. mduslf) and the uni\ cr... it) take 1110\ ic pi rae;. "the U.S motwn picture mdthtl) lo-;c.., an \ "uit im oh ing four colkgc ~tudcnb the mling ''ill likely mean increased prosecu­ .mnounced that 16 pcrcer t L t "'pc.:-r-to-peer" ... criou,f~. exec'' of 3 billion annually in potential \\ ho ... ct up their 0\\n ilkgal mu..,ic tradmg tion of indt\ 1dual do'' nloadcrs, hke college tile do,mload' ''ere mad.:- b) college :-.tu­ "\\'e (the uni' er-.it)] mu-.t In ten enc \\ orld\\ ide rc\ enue due to pi rae)." \\'eb "nc-, \\as settled :\la) I It \\as dccid.:-d ..;tudcnts. In addition. media t:ompame~ may dcnt-.. immediate!) ''hen \\ c recci' c an etTccll\ c Also. media anal) st... 'a) the 20 percent th,lt O\ et the nc\.t three) car .... each of the four nO\\ be forced to create their own fee-based \10\ IC -,tudio... ha\ c become h1p to th1s notification of claimed mfringemcnt," he drop 111 DVD and CD sales fmm 2001-2002 i... 'ltld~nh \\mild pay tht.: r~cordmg indu,;tr) ·~ online distribution companies in order to latc ... t college-kid scheme. dubbed "tilc-,har­ sa)'· adding that. "On!) student... arc !table tor pm1wll;. allributed to the current populanl) of trade as ... ociation bet\\ ccn I ~.000 and rcdccm contml of cop) righted material. tng." and ha\ e recent!) implemented nc\\ monetar: damage~ and ma) l~tcc ti:dcral or lntcmct piraC). 17.000 "\Vtth an:;. step fomard in technolog:.." mea... ure-., to reclaim their profih. In the past -.tate criminal prosecutions ... Ross says he i:-. s) mpathct1c \\ 1th llm\C\Cr, no mmic trading \\Cb..,ite ha ... Ross sa:;.s. "pirates are \\ aiting." 1 fe\\ months alone. thou~ands of accusatory e­ Infringement of the D:\1CA can result in Holl: \\Ood\ dllemma. though he h not ... up­ been ~ucccssfully -.,Jwt dO\\ n ;. et due to the So the battle between the tilm production mail me:.sage-. ha\ e bccn sent to uni\er:-.ities ci\ il charge~ ranging from 200 to more than porti\ e of certain measures th~ mdustr) i-. tak­ l~tet that those under ... crutin~ ''ere de..,lgnt.:d mdu ... tr) and those '' ho steal from them rages that harbor mo' ic .: .... $2.500 per all. The cnminal punishment for ing to protect thcmsclve~. such a~ Cclp) coding kgitimatcl) The online sen icc-, argue that on. gaining momentum with C\ ery click of the L nh cr-. it) student ... an: e\ en being penal­ the first oflcnst: ndudc:-. fees up to S500.000 D\'0~ . Ross bciiC\CS cop~ coding. \\ hich the) ''ere created to assist u-,cr.., 111 -.hanng mnthc. \\ ith no apparent end in ~ i g hL college ized for an act man) consider to be a nght. or impnsonment for up to tiYe ) car,. through a coding mechanism placed on indi­ lcgJ! malc'"wlm cr the Internet and cannot be dorms C\ Cf) \\here remain a fa ,·orite place to ophomore Da\ c K.oston. '' ho do'' n­ Hasslci says h~ is not cenam that the vidual DVD.., makt.::-. 1t impossible for the liable for those '' ho the the \\'cb ,jtc, to ille­ catch up on the latest box otlice blockbuster loaded mo\ ic-. t\\ o to three ttmcs p..:r "cck. total amount of mv\ ic pirac;. at the Ulll\ ers1ty O\\ ncr of a movie to reproduce p01110n' of 1t gall) di ... tributc material. Rut hm' long ''Ill this com·ement. yet Illicit. ... ay:-. he ''a...... urprised he got caught lor pira­ has decreased since th1s recent campaign for pcr-.onal u ... c. tramples on the nghts of On April 25. ,1 federal court judge ruled acti\ it) Ja-,t JS a belo,·ed college pastime? cy. e\en though he rcali7cd it \\O:b illegal. against illegal do,,·nloading has been imple­ Ia'' -abiding citizens. in fa\ or of t\\ o online :-.en ICC.., that allO\\ The -,crccn goc' black. and then the "How Lild the;. find meT he ~ay-.. mented. Ross o.,ays he i::-. unable to lcgall: cop~ u:-.cr~ to both legall: and illcg,llly ~hare 1110\ ic begins K.o ... ton is not ::tlonc. K.arl Ha-. ... Icr. as ... oci­ "I do kno\\ that not many come bJck for scenes from DVDs he O\\ ns due to copy cod­ mcdm. nam..:l) 1110\ ics. thwugh the Internet. It feel-, like paradise to enjoy a ne\\ ate dm:ctor of:t\et\\Ork and y ... tcms Sen Ices seconds," he -.a) s ing and tl1ll'> cannot use these clips in his film The hi-..tonc rultng i:-. di ... appuinti•lg for the 1110\ ic in the comfon of a dorm; there arc no at the uni,crsny. states 111 an e-mail me,sage There are man) probable reason~ as to classes. cntcrtammcnt indu~tf) and i:-. prc-.cntl~ being anno) ing di-.tractions. no uncomfortable ... cab that from the beginning of this academic year why college studcnb make up such a large Because 1110\ 1c p1racy is a rclati\ ely appealed. and, of cour... c. no ticket price. through :.larch. th~ uni\ cr~it) had proce:-.scd ponion of illegal mo' ic pirates. modem issue tor the entertainment mdu..,try. Ros:-. belte\ c.;; mo\ ic studio ... \\ill contm­ The phone ring.... I 9 allegations of cop: right infringement. Film Professor Harris Ross 'ay.. recent ne\\ de\elopmcnh on the legality of onlmc uc to fight until thc ruling is O\ crturncd, '·This b n1Yersal tudios. You're being Student ofl'ender::-. ''he dfl\\ nload movies technology makes p1rac) ~eem bemgn. distribution are constant!) being debated and though he ... ays there i~ no den: ing that the ... ucd for cop) right in fr ngernent.'' produced from Universa Studio~ recei,·c an ··studenh arc disconnected from any changed. Internet h the di~tribution mcchani ... m of the Studios load up their summer lineup

continued from B I The good ''ord: "American \\'edding" \\'ill mtbt likely understand Cho\\ \ unique l:astcm-hh comcJ: distribu­ be the last slice of "Pic'' sen cd to summer audiences. the comic book ma) hem continue-. \\ ith Scan Cor nef) in tor .\1iramax's dee1s1on to duh the ongmall) Cantone ....: lan­ guage certainly doesn't help. "The League of [ \.traord i n a r~ Gentlemen." ';m_ser "Tough LoH'' ( \ugust 1) ~land;. L\!oore contmu..: ... to prt)\e she can act better than rhc good word: Unfamiliar mo' icgoer... '' dl final!~ get \\'hen plans to kidnap the child of a tcdcral prosecutor Bntne~ in ''Ho\\ to Deal." \\ hilc director A1cx Proyas c-.:po ... ure to one of !long Kong', be ... t kept ... ccrets in ( hL'\\ go -.our. th~ mob calls in a gangster (Jcnnifi:r Lopez) to as,bt ("Dark Cit)·· l retum.., after a 5· y~.:ar hiatu:-. '' ith "Garage the on gina! hired gun (Ben Allkck) to can; out the jLlb. "S.\\.A.T." (August 8) Da~ s." Also. prep.tre lt)r a unique cinematic cxpencnce :\tartm Brest ("L\teet Joe Bl.lck") helms tht.: he~l\ il: Ba-.,ed on the '70 tde\ i-;ion ~en c .... "S \\ \.f .. :-.tars ''hen the Sp;. Kid, add, a \\hole nt.:\\ dimcn~1on to the fran­ TI IE Rf\ II'\\ Fik P>lo1o a\\ ailed OlhCn.. ·cn pamng ofHoll)'' ood\ high-protile couple Samuel l.. .Jacbun and Colin I .1rrdl as t\\ o m.:-rnbcr' ol .m chis..:\\ ith -- ~ p~ Kid\ 3-D: Gaml' o, er,'' and the game i:-. far "Sp~ Kids J-0 : Game Owr" ''ill arrive in \nth AI Pacino and Christopher \\aiken co-... tarring. chtc group mthe L \PD. from O\ cr for Angclma Jolie \\ ho return.., as Lara Croft in theaters in .Ju t~ in J-D format. 'I he bad "ord: Originally titled ··G1gll." "Iough L1l\ c" "Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life." Olh wr \ Lmincz (''l nt,nthful") pl.!) s the baddic dn1g might be an appropriate name to describe the mmored poor. lord '' ho puh up an otTer of \I 00 million fi.1r an)onc "ho h1s C\ tl hidchng~ . that t,.,, untd J.i'<'n ligures out Freddy\ plan early test screening..; of the lilm August can free him from incareewuon. L L Cool J and \ 1lchcllc and goc-., .1ftcr the nightmare-maker. ., he gond \\On!: If the tilm doc ... n·t get an~ bo' ot1icc RLldriguo al~o co--,tar. ,1 l'i •• \merican \\ cdding" (A ugust 1) l he b.Id word Jt', .tlmo ... t guarantee that the tilm 10\c. audiences will at least ha\e in Smith\ · 'Jcr~cy One of the la-,t cqueb of the summer. ·'American Kc' rhe bad \\ ord: In COil\ Cltlllg to film. T\ ~en..: ... ha\ en 't gomg to be bmmb,s and ,tll). Girl" (abo starring Alllcck and Lope;) to lonk ftll"\\:trd to \\eddmg" contmues the hwmliat1on of Jim (Ja..,on B1ggs), been bless..:d '' Hh the gt,od fortune that com1c book-, ha\ c 1 he good \\ ord !he .Judiencc for "Freddy ' s. Ja, on" later in the ) ear \\htch began m !999 \\ith "American P1e." had sec "I he ll.lod Squad'' .md "[ \p) ... pmbabl) "on 't c.m~ In tins chapter. J1m \\eds girlfriend band gcck ;,tichcllc The good '' un1: I he ca-.tirg o• the ah\ .I) amu-.ing "Shaolin Soccer" (August 8) Jackson and I .mell Cl'uld m.1kc ''') \\. \ T." the next bi!! (Alyson llanrugan). F\pect fiunilrar gu~.:-,to; at the a !lair \ho opening: \lore <;care' cn... uc a~ ",Jeepers Creeper 2" !'he ..;ports kung fi.t comcd:. that -..m,J,hcd ho:x office at:tlon fran c hi~c mcluding ~tifler (Scann \\ dliam Scott). Kc\ m ( Ihoma' Ian tnc~ to repeat the succc-;.., of the onginal. In the meantime, record-, last -,ummcr in I long Kong .~rri\ cs on \mcn~.:an 1cholas) and f-inch (E·ddic Kaye Thomas). But don't C\pCll .Iamie Lee C urti-., ... tm, m a re-make llf "F reak~ Fr id a~ • '>hore~. "hcd d ~ '"· .Ja,on'' ( \ugw.t 15) "Plc" ... t,ll"> ( hns Klein. \1ena Sman, f~u-a Reid or Natasha "bile icolas (age .mel S,un Rock\\ ell pia) the con game in Stephen ChO\\ direct-.. and ~t.trs urrcch .I son f.,un the dead to do

------~ · ~ - ~ - B-1 • 1111· RF\ n \\ • 1.) '-~ 'Orn feature forum T ree cheers for beer ng Courtney Elko L.l, e\ C t"-c! Ill Some 1-!irl" :-.h~.m a little skin nr fl1rt a~..-ross the (I 1c.~· th~c 111 ll.il mk-. .1rc agre1..·d upon. till' t.1blc .md~ "'-ll11C Ji..,tract the other team Jlht b~ • 1 1 m.t\ be t m nll1110ll, but ,i1tlcn:nt nile-. arc hemg eomph:td) ann1.1) ing. l'oLU ~d .lol'l I 1.: \\.1\. :\ lo-.t !!.iris arc nnt as "cnou-.. about beer pl11lg.

I h1.. mk of beer pong '.11) tnun ... t.llc 111 st.llc I he\_, .t""I~!!.Ie ..... _ and their 'nice.., become !ugh •md from .,dwol to chool. p1h:hed '' lule pia) mg . I\\ 0 pmg pong r. II u f I. Rc.man! the wp \\he'lll\ dm'n ILl tour. (lf" dumt liJ .1 -,ong may be sung by a girl team, -.ur[Jcc ard beer are .1ll t 1. I ,.., 11.: ·d • I l \.:.1111 ' rL J:T.m,:!~.: t .: ..:.1p "hen n's do\\ n to three. '' hieh can :mno) not on!;. the opposmg team. but of beer p ng 1t \ OL "ll~s the [,I t-iC COlllplctel). then ) OU . ab1.1 the entire part). But '''to til\ cr•tcd t'Jc '' 11 de 1 p 1 ,1 beer h,J\<.' to d 1 k \\hat cracks me up the most about beer pong pong' ( 1HI ~.:.H' bltm the b.1ll out ot the cup. but 1s the all-impo11ant water cup used to dean Lllf I hat drunKen t .!'II 11 1 II ~· nntll. the ball 'I ~..u, I til oil the t.1hk 11 ..,uJI count:-. llf Do p~..·oplc real!;. think th1s 1s making the Ju~.: t game more samtary'! ( >hv., .. d null\ 1d ul-. ~omctm1~-. c' en make Probahl;. about -tO to 50 pet>ple at one part) •• ll 1 e m!c-; · drink out or the same cup~ that arc being used to I he\ are the people "ho "alk intL) a pat1), hold the beer die "ere .11lcgedl\ t .., ·d 1 ... te td l' )\\Ill! th' "nd t'"tl..' t.. bl.! and 1mmcdmtd: put their name on The ball falls off the table and rolls on the ball In ..,omc pl. c~-.. the 1!.·111 c "1 ll lied b~..cr tl c I t. \\ luch rca II~ mean:-. ... qul.?cting thc1r name 0111)'. beer-stained floor. sometime going under pong. 1t'' l.11led Bc1 • 1 II. 'o I II I lf!'lCr up on the li:-.1 refrigerators or couches. rhc actu.tlt. bl.: 1t '"It L J 1: 1 kc ~.:h. rll I IK'\ .m <•t.lkl..' lh the\ ,m: "ritmg on the list But all ) ou haYe to do i~ d1p the ball in the tl· 1t •'11.?_ .1rc gomg to dc'>tro~ C\ eryonc dsc on nO\\ bro\\ n \\ ater cup. and the game can contin­ th.: IJb c ue. I h•-; pe lm usuall) ha" a partner "hn b All of thc-.c aspects of beer pong are neces­ .!qu II~ enous about the game saf)·. J f e\ en one thing were mts~mg. the game I 'Cf) tJ•nc the pair make ... a -.hot. the ent1rc ,,·ould not be the -.ame. p,lrt\ hL If'> , bout II C'ould vou 11nagine a part) "ithout the deco­ he game. Once the dOJrinJting team ~~ "'up" on the mti\C plywood and red plastic cups? Pl.?oplc 1t I' ah\ .1; .t p oeeJure I !!C tl.: '3111.: <;, rt tabk. the~ Jo not le.J\e tilt.' tabk would not kno\\ \\·hat to do'' ith themscl\l.?s. ed. If )OU ha\ e the ple.t:-.ure of being friends \\ ith i-:o matter ho\\ long ago. or" ho iml.?nted it. \\ ho 1 ... uppo el1 tl• g 1 f II L t •c hu:r pttd 111 obsc cd beer pong pia: cr. then you kno\\ the game is still l.?ssential to a collq,!c part). er ~ The tc m th.ll u t 10 t. o tl ~· P.!\\ t.:ar c 111 hO\\ h.1rd 11 h to tem them a\\ ay from the table But still thl.? quest ton ha · not been ans\\ erect: mg up OPto the t 1ble J1o.:n "ho uf...~.o th ... •iN ''hen tt 1 ume to go home "hl.?rc did bcl.?r pong Clime from? hot. Do )OU keep C)e l.:Ont K: \ nl thc pcrs,m fhcr 1 .1lso the t<~sk of distractmg the otlll·r 1'111 sure C\l.?f)One \\Ould like to thank the per­ aero , the table and sl10ot at the mil tur.: or I ·t tc.1 1 son that :.:amc up "llh a simple little game of the Ill Oll'lllg team take the fir<.t rot) O\\. ~prl.., arc u-.t..lll) the culpnh of th1-. fea­ throwing a ping-pong baiL across a "ooden \II ofth1s IM :o be dcl.:Jd ·d bcfmc t JC gaPlC ture of be r pong. tabk. into a hcl.?r-tilkd cup. Cable TU gets a dose

8' S-\R\ I \\-\ '\CJH "11! ~tar tn the net\\ or!-;·, fir..,t onginal -.cne"-. Realm (entl.tl, "he <;H) • \' . ~ called "\leer the ~lakers ... a -.ho\\ about the mak­ Dcmcgr.tphic.JII\, more I, to 14-\ l.?ar-old~ Rcalny T\' fans ha\1.? pknty of program­ mg of Reality Cl.?ntral rhc .;ho" "ill tocu-.. on '' .1t...h reallt\ f\ th, n am other I\ pe of pro­ ming el.? a particular realit) -..hn\\ .111 opportti \1ilhma re' \\.I'> tht "\o I rated tele\ '"ion sho\\ turc. to ABC\ ··The Bachelor."" here 25 ''omen nit) to '' atch and let other' 'ie'' the cphodc-.. '11 r.ttmg-.. '' •th n ore h,m 40 mil'wn 'ic\\ er". a -..woon O\l.?r t>ne man and red rose Th.: bottom a gam. ··The mus. CO\ c•cd dl!mograph•c h for 1.' to line ~~ that a large number of -\mencans cra\C Rcalttv star-, such a:-. "Sun i' or·s•· nakell )4-)ca -old.,. 1 he c.h11~ \\C kno\\ our nct\\llrk realit) f\' program~. man. Hatch. as \\ell ~"' ··1 he Bachclnrcttl.?'. her­ '' ·11 be a ht ge -..ucce""· · C.tre) "aY"· \ftcr losing $1 million in thl.? 2002 \erswn sl'lf. rrista Rclm. haw .llr~.?ady "igncd on to pro­ IIO\\ C\ er, 'llan) udc'lh at the Ulll\ er,.it) of(. B~ \ ··1 he Amazing Race 2 ... 2o-: cars-old mote the net\\ ork. ex pre"~ the·r d1-.H.. c A re.tl it) programming Blaf...e \I) cnsk1e hthin~.?s-.man and contc!->tant. Other mMc rae:. mternatlonal program-.," 11: I r~s tm.m run \\eher ~a)~ he ... trnngl) tl.?amcd up '' nh 5-+-~ car-old Larry Namcr. co­ be aired a" wdl. I he: "til gi' e a nsque t\\ i"l to oppo ~ rea 'I) f \ hccau c It crnpha-.i/c-.. the founder of E! E.ntcrtainml.?nt Tclc\ ision \\'ith the real it) T\'. ~ometh ng Re.1lity Central 1hinb ''Ill b H~ l-oin • r Pit hun, ntt\ He "pecificall~ di" H 1<.1 \ II \\ 1 l'h< " increase in popularit) tor realit) -.hows. the two The ne'' cable channel Rralit) Central ''ill air reruns of ••Sun h or" appeal to 'ic\\ cr., acw..,s the Cnitcd Stall.:-., {arC) ltkcd • \1amed b) \PlcncJ ... I-ox·, ~ho" that men decided to start a real it;. -TV net\\ ork. fund­ says. :\I any of' till programs that ha' e :llred or arc let-. Amen..:.1 pia) matchmaker and ..The Bachelor" and original sho"" like "1\lrct the ;'\takers." ed by pa-.t contestant \\ mncr-. airing tll1\\ -.tartcd O\ ~:r ... l.?hman mand.1 Lee "a)' :-.he l.?njo) ~ January all the ,ho\\" "ill appeal to \mcncan audience.... \\atchmg \1 T\ ·..,'"The Re.1l \\orld." but feds the Approximate!) ~ 25 million ha~ been collect­ .. \\ ith rl.?alit) TV programming. there\\ ill be enter: 1inmcat mdu tr) 1 ,1ddmg tou man) rcah­ ed '-O far for ReaiJt) Central. both rca II:- goL)d and real!) bad shO\\ ." ... he sa\:-. t\ -ba ed "ho\\ s Brooke Care;.. crl.?ati' e director of Reality A~ far as hl.?r per:-.onal prt:ference:-. arc con­ "The) Jre g~ttmg out ofhand \\ith ~pm-offs CentraL sa)" the nl.?t\HHk ''ill include behind the cerned. Care) -.a;. s she j., addictl.?d to all L)f the of the ongtn.11 ho\\ s." she -.a) . scene ... rootage of reality TV programs... "here romance-based real it) .;ho\\-., ~ophon1<1re \1alcolm \\ .1x sa)" he hl\ e ... the arc the:- no\\ .. segment ... and wi II report on "hat ''! really liked ·The Bach~.?lorcrte' bccau ... e I tded ot rc.tltt) I\ .t'ld -.p~.?cifi.:all} enjo)" FOX's the "inning conrc:-.tants h.i\C done "ith their think it i~ more mterc-.ting to ... l.?e 25 ml.?n '1e for "'\1r. Personaht)." mone;.. Thl.? net\\ ork "ill abo broadca-.t inter­ the attention of one woman:· she sa):-. ... It's more "I IOH! the sho\\ '\1r Pl..'r"Stlllalit)' \\here all ' IC\\ s '' llh the latest stars of realny sho\\·s. natural.·· the men's fa .. e-; a1<: ... mcred b) ma ... ks," he says. Half of" hat a1rs on the network" ill con~ 1st ,\s a certain type of ... ho" becoml.?s sul.?\?c-.-.,­ "I tlnnk it i-. the '>lUpldeo;,t thmg l ha\ c I.?\ l.?r of re-broadcasted rcalny T\' programs such as ful. Care~ sa) s other producer-. and director:-. ... ~:en or he.trd of. but I JLht h,l\ e to ... .::\? \\hat kind "Sun i' or" -.cason one. as "ell as the first two want to cop~ it and Realit) C'l.?ntral \\anh to be Jt of\\ oman h \\ lilmt' to p1ck a hu band on nation­ sea-.on-., of '"The Bach.: lor." the forefront of "hate' cr dtrl.?ctlon telc\ i... ion al tclc\ • ion \\ ithout hm mg an) 1dea "hat he In additiOn. the makl.?rS or Reality Central take::.. A~ reality TV gro\\ s and changes. so "Ill look like·· 0 the arts displays work of tri-state artists

In J \\11 S BORDI '\ \ gmnt repli..:a of an ant farm. located 111 the same most of them are north of $250. , \good number of them g.lller). hang-. from a partit1on on a differem \\all. The are adorned with tiny rl.?d stickers. "hich means thl.?y The Del a\\ are C enter for the (. ontcmpc>rar) \rts IS anh arc a., big a-. human hands. grotcsqul.? and bizarre ha\"e bcl.?n sold to someonl.? "ho admired them. current!) ho.,llng more th II' 60 ''orb of a t O\\ ned ~) On the \\.111 direct!;. adjacent to the ant farm is an J\?ssi LaCo~ta. the Director of l\larkctmg & Public members of the tn t.tte Cl mmuntt). I he cxh bit, II tied intere ... ting \\ork b:. Jcnntfcr Puerta: two identical Relations for the DCCA. says 65 pl.?rccnt of the proceed-.. the Community Open, prLmi.:red A.p1ll 2'i. and \\ II nm ,, ome'1, painted from the l.?hcst up. Both ha' I! a similar. will go to the seller and 35 percent" til go to the DCCr\. through i\la)' 2'i wrlorn expre..,,ton on their face~. thl!ir red h tl·e .. oul'tn One of the mo~t intl.?rcsting pice~?-. in Dupont Gallery II is an 1tern not for :-.all.?. It i ... J dragon shaped creature made from pointed \Hlod :-.pike-.. and dark bro\\ n wea\"e. It is interesting. though simpk 111 d~.?-.,ign. and 1b f. unique ..,hape and matl.?rial causl.? on\?·.., eyes to be dr:l\\ n to it immediately upon entering the room. De~pitc lh dragon-e-.que shape. the design ~~ titled "Stl.?go~auru-.." and is on loan from a pri' .ttc colb:tllL In Dupont (,aller) I. a number of 1'-shirh and a ... ticker for "Al's On rhc Bay .• hang to the direet right L)f 111 the middle •>t 11 \\hen th.: phh co£Tie on. the planh the entrance. Though sponsoh for thl.? l.?xhibit include .;cem to come to h lc. !! O\\ Ill!' a 1f mututcd b: -,ome AstraZencca. Wilmington l rust. fhc C\11nmuntt) biz,1rre radtallun H.!l,l\\ 11 1 n clong.ned 1h l.?r rectan­ Publications. 11'\G DIRLCT. Cephalon Inc and gle\\ .th mddl \\ 'c-. lli'Lillg out from 11:-. front. 1 here arc Commerce Bank, Al's is the on!) nouceable. and "light­ .1 numbc1 of hoi,:., nun~ tu cd throu!:!hout 11. .md a bnght ly out of lace, ad' erttscmcnt ~lost of the spon..,or.; blue neon h!:!hl ... tmcs th1cu~·h tl•em opted to crl.?ate an arttst•c mailbox J"hc mn-.t unique Tht: DC( \ C onul'urlt) Op.!n i., m mter tmg dt~­ mailbox appear~ to he emerging ffllm the mouth of a pla) of the dl\ cr-.c ta'>te um' 'tit:.'Pt"' or the rc ... tdl.?nt-.. of large. angry dog. thesl.? ~urrounding -;tat\? It pro\ 1des an opportumt) for In Dupont Gallery I. though. the tlashic~t "ork 1-. ~om.: 1\1 ach1e\ c the l•fci .. H~g drc.m1 L'f ha\ ing thetr "01l t\\"1.) nl.?on s1gns hang1ng on~? abO\ e thl.? other. At tunc-... d";pla\ cct n :1 111't"l:UI'1 I \"~I other" thl.? cham·" 10 maJ..c !HI IU \ IF\\ Jam~s Bonlcn they light up. rhe top nm: Js a uniqul.? coppl.?r rect.mgk ... omc monc) b) c'llng or• omc or th If" p;untmg-.. For The Dehmarc Center for the ContcmpontQ \rts• curn:nt exhibit, Community Open, is open through ~urroundcd by green neon trimming. (1..'.\cept fnr the bllt~ e' <..'I")!W<..'. it ..., IIJ..:c'\ to h.: .t ..me ot a krnd cxpcnencc. ~ Ia~ 25. 'I ht• sho" ca"t' features surh as ..Stegosaunts" u-i~ht)

Bold: one time charge...__ Ad Request forn1 for l\1onday .... l0 am- 5pm The Re1·iew reserve~ University Rates: of $2.00 3) Email your ad to placement. Tuesday .... 10 am - 3pm the right to refuse any (studenh. faculty. staff) reviewclassy@ Wcdnesday.IO am- 5pm ads that are of an Boxing: One tin1e yahoo .com to receive If you are sending Thur<;;day .. l 0 am - 5pm tmproper or 1.00 per line charge...... of SS .00 an electronic Ad paytnent via mail Friday ...... ! 0 am - 3pm inappropriate ti1ne, Request. please address yGur place or manner. Thi Local Rates: Placing Your Ad envelopes: Our Policy includes ads containing.... There are four eas) 4) Walk-ins The Review 900 nun1bers, cash 2.00 per line wa) s to place an ad in Attn: Classifieds We are glad to have advance ads, personal The Review: All ad~ mu~t be prepaid 250 Perkins Student you advertise with The relationship ads, ad" -UD rate" are for b) the con·esponding Center Review. Refunds will seeking urrogate per. onal u~e only I) Call and request a deadlines before place­ Newark, DE 19716. not be given for ads n1others or adoptions, forn1. Fonn~ can be ment can occur. that are cancelled and ads of an explicit - t\11 rates are per sent to you by e-mail, Deadline: before the last run nature. The ideas and in~ertion: fax, or standard rnail. ***All classified ads date .We advise you to opinions of adverti e­ ~OTWEEKLY!!! are placed in our dis­ For Tuesday's issue: place your ads accord­ ments appearing in thi'-1 2) Fax a copy of the ad tributed paper along Friday at 3 p.m. ingly and rerun them publication are not -Cash or Check to (302) 831-1396 to with our award win­ al;) necessary. necessarily those of on]). ~ o credit cards receive fonn by fax. ning online paper*** For Friday's issue: The Reviews staff or accepted (plea~e follow up your Tuesday at 3 p.m. the University.

For Rent Help Wanted Services Community Bulletin Community Bulletin Community Bulletin Board Board Board ~~~ ~~~ rCr It' 1-Hh ~I J) IS: Contra Dance \\lth Su'illl HanJ..m callmg l.ift:guarding Joh,, Certification a' ail. Fie'\ annual SOWf:TO FI·S'Tl\ \L l:..XI IIB!T at the Ill the \In~ I rn111tter-man [,e,<,On' tn>m I. ~1-::!pm 1ce hou.,mg aero lr.•m L nl\ ~r,ll) ( ourt) ard ched. Competithe Pa~. Phone and f01'\: tJ011e Galler} ot GrJce United ~ kthodi,t Cburch, 'XXI Dan~e fmm 2-5. ')7 ~7~-7:!57 '6CJ- ~ 23~-1111:! "" "-"lll'P. \ugu't \I•) :!I: rt>ll.. [),mcmg \\tlh Franklm ban' 7:JO •muoreca t.ttn,pot•l,.com. 15. All media arc \\ekome \rt'''' llpm '>-147S 7'2... "\7 \\ ~~c l 'D .I 4.5 te .mr- '0:! lt'l 12 ~1.1~ :!S: Gn.-ek Dance \\'ofk,hop "tth Addt: Sl :-.1\IFR JOBS' s~, :1w Rocl.uooan Ph1 1delpho3 '' ro" hmng' .11 \\Ork 1t~lf alon~ "1th mfo.tl'>l>ut th..: mc'llium. Ah .m,J Ia' 'or Jo ~ Bau' her l( JJ4'4 (pun-.~lor' Jfeguanl,, ''\tiD in... trudor' 'port' dmlclblup for c.JUI'!C J'O' '1011' u\ .ul ..blc (610 17'i-2~67 ,rJa~­ h~ anJ th..: dcadhn..: for 'uhmi""'"' I' \Ia~ 15th peN Hl' "1th dcpre""'n or b1polaJ tlNln.kr a11d tor Hou" fo· Rent June I On Carrrus (Seuth ... amp .. t ao1 com \II ""rk' a~.ccptoo li•r the c\hih1t "ill~ or. -ak thc·r f.mllhl'' nation gnmg to\\,U\1' our \\ork to p~ut1c pant- li\lm DE. PA. '\J, and :I,JD. Crxommg (l01J47-i-7100 \ln\i~ ~.'\lnl\ 1.\lodcl., '\crdl·d! Earn -.t5U- Jo,mantl~ r.ll'i,m. Forentr: fonn' or for more 1nfiJ upport m~ttng' for \lit~ \I ill he held :\londa~ 'O()ft da~ 1()(1, of po,ilion., ttl ht· filled. I ot1.11 Car Crrte!l aM ~ Trdi!ll call the Pa,'em Terri' ollice .11 '302 65t• 272 I \1,1) 121:1 anti \londa~ \Ia~ llJth at Alder-gate lnterc,ted in ··ha"le-frc<'" off-t·ampus thing? 'aqin!!'· '\o experience lll'l'l''.ar~! Call I-NS mn-r~-mlrr1iCJr #~~ \ktlmdi't l11ur.:h <\11 Concord Prke (Route 20~1 in k·urni,hed hou'c' :!-3 bdrm conHnicntl~ local- '~ll-0164 ,9M. A lawn mower Power llle Je\\ '11 C lllltl umt\ Ce'lter \:e\\olrk • L'fln \\ 1lmmcton Rcgo,tr.tUon hcgut ..t6:4 'ipm and tile d near t•ampu,.-,. L!OII- OSO mo include' aU ~ 1\mCttTrnrs !Uik-'t!Of \\lth remple Bc•th rd, l D IA-pt of .le\\l.. h 1 It:!: I J L't J tools Recorded mustc juti. heat and central \C. 'landard cahle" ;tn. \I "l \l\11:1{ JOH! \\uri.. \\t:c'-da)' ~ Studie' 11 el and ( 1Jabad H, 1use arc pte sed •o first 111<.>et -~and '-:! tnr uh-,equent t~ling' arc ·nterntt acce"· local phunl· pacl.acc. \1 " car- 1:1\e •our \\Ctl..end' free:! II office help need- t 00.255-0666 reque,tcd to ddr.ty ~\pen..e'. For more into call througr- hPadprones. k>et. \\ D. mkrn"a•e.la\\n care. free parking, ·d mid-june through mid- \ugu't for rl'ccptinn prc't:nt Phcl!o-llmnon't f1a.,It Ro-.enbcrg ~ ' l>olo>n:s dl ;(12-:!S6-lllll or June .u61{1-~65-159.<. ~act..~ard. Call Pat lliH-53:!-9731. )pinj!. meetinj! &. tra•el -chedulinj!. (;oud dclightlul..:\enmg \\Ill he Samnho~ \l,l) 10tr .u L1ve mus.c wilhoJI ·omputer. communication &. org. '>!..ill' nt:cded. ~.'Opm m Ktrkhrid..:- I !all on the l' D L.mlpU> headphones RepE:'ated l\tadi.,on Orhe lm•nhou'c for rcnt.JHR.IB \. ";reat pa~! Fun up heat •lffitt: in comcnit:nt f1a.,h Rosen~~~"" n.ttl\e :-\e\\;u-~cr md l'D lhc \!other Goo-e Jazz Btiaoa location. !mail dhan,onra health- graduate ,,tin h~b tiiUn'd natocm.11l~ and "•'' \otcd Gr.mtl Operd flou-.e. XI X:>.: \liirl.t:t St nn Sunda~ exposure !o these noise 3HZ- 753-9~110. ·ore.com . .\02-6:!3-11512 "" \\.hcalthcore.com. Community Bulletin "Lo.. al C'oi"1L"than \I,N L.i~e1\ to :-.tJ'-e 'lou I au<-' ~~J~ ,."tl• :u ~pm. lid.ets ure Sl::!. SI5 a11d '>IS: L"ntilot Hurt- from h~r d11l~ fe;otun: on the discounh are u1ailable li>r 't:nior-. 'tudent-. and levels 185 dec1belsl ca11 B~l \alue. ( o' .ge P k TH tPr-. a aol 6 I (ll L OOKI~G FOR \JOB 'PT ~ d F T tJO>~II<•n' Philaddphia public mdin 'wtion. Parent' wke ~'Toup'. li• purcha.-c ucker- or for more mto call Board cause gradual or sudde'l Ex• •nnd • \\ D. A(, ilmpk par!. mg. bad.• or. Sale and ~lark<"ting, trainmg pro\ 1d.:d Call I u<.h.mtag..: ol Kid\ :\o_cllt Out hy Jroppin~ ~our (10~)65~- 5577 or toll free at (l'{XlJ~7 - GRA'\D park l01 717 JTI l)() ~II 1202 E~t 5340 for IOICT\IC._.. Free lntrodu.:tOf} \\ur~"'"P pr~'cnted h: children off el\'~'· rt~ket' are" I X l.:, ~ 10\'E­ 'tudent,, Call ( '1(.12 1lhS-lJ 17> li>r m~>n- mti1 and t" n1c DSO '' pre-.en1mg a Beethmen d!1uhle hill a dtsh•-. her u d \\.11 6 I 790 ::10 C -l - ~IF'T'l 0 : reduce pam. rcc ><·e tcn,ion thruugh purcha-.e t~el.cl,. unique oppnrtuna~ to Cl'lnpan' the \\ork of tile 7-!00 Amertcons For on out the bod~. rcdu..:e mu''-k ttghtn~"- and ma,ter fn•m the hegmmng nt h" •=r to the end. impro'~ Saturda~ llcx1biltty. :-.Ia) lOth from Autl1or <~nd ho,tnril \lui! -o~ Dr 9:!5 \\ \ C, ~1\aol Announcements lOam noon at :'\e\\ ar~ branc·h :\..:" Ca,tle ll!>U'< Gu.:,t conductor" Hcnr: Charlo:' Smith: -I a: 21 -'ll7 h.- current hook. A \\ildeme" 'io Immen-c·llte levels If' your work or Publ11: LihrJr:. Lmutctl ~nmllr.tent. pte regi,tm­ l.ou"iaJJa Pun.ha'c and the Dc,tm~ of \meliL~I. ,11 gueL'h .ue -,.>prano \\ mtfnxll·a1"1. Bnm n. tron reqUtreJ ( >0~1 5~7 792X. hotl~mmdmetll­ CLE "house's C!Jap (1e, r l.<."C llenning.lxuitone Philip Krau,. and home environment. and for Bah~-~iner loo'-ing for job- mailable \1. Tb. cmt:ail­ 10113 moH in call- \lain Street Court ((i 368- The :\auona.l A''o.:iatit•n ''' Letter Carrier- in RcgostMllln i' 1\.'qUircd.contact !302il'>:'i!i-24!Xl" Grand Box Oftice at I ~m 37 GR,\'JD or of your heonng healtr. co able. Call 1Jll21 355-6430 and a~t.. for Caitlin. ~7 4li for detaih. conjunction "ith the Cm1ed State' Plhtal 235. To attend. u-c tl1e Bucl.. Road Eld tllt:dali't Sarah Hughe,, the AFL CIO. PIIO'I,E C0\1\JEYr LI:'I.E- Call the "com­ [n,h Danc:e: Learn ln'h Ceili dances\\ h1ch arc the oudtologisl 6 '7< r..:h 73~- 7-V.lO. America\ S.:..:ond Hanc,t. and the l.!ntted \\'a). jment line"" ith que<,tion<,. commem~. :md 'or The JCC :\.:"ark" oflering a FREE Henun \krt tradiuunal rtluntl' or group d;mc:e' frum Ireland ''til ~ colle.:tmg non-pen,hahle fll< ttem' on more .nformotion, Uj!j!eo,tion., about our 'en ices IBl-.<898. Edu ..-:.lrinnal Program on \ lonJa) \ Ia~ 12th !rum Open to peNms 1.< and O\t:r. da." is hdd 4 bt-droom tuu ou' . ~IJdo,on Dr. ~xed cond. Saturtla) :-.Ia) lOth to Stamp Out Hunger' Plca'e 7-8:30pm. &lucatton "ke~ to l.eepmg ow· chtldren \\'edne..Ua) \Ia) 14- Jul) 2 from6::-o-730pm at \\&D. D\\.u ,\( back' to park . .:~IT 'lrect p:!!~ contacl the Amencon >J{tG'\ \Yf? L-\1 t A '\U \\ORR I H)'! plaLc food donation' b) ~our m~ulbox and )our ah\e Come to the" J" aJld learn about h<:nlln·, the :\e\\ark Semor Center. c,..,, i, S50 f1>r l"t:\\iirl. mg 3\,uiiJ J.'?:'O~, 731--l'\7~. 'regnant~ teo,ting. oplioru, counseling and con­ Letter Camer "ill pkk tt up for ddiYe~ to the dangen>u' Ji,b and indicator' of u-.e Olti..-er re'1d.:nt' ;mJ '\)5 li1r non re,i.JcnL,. For regNmuon Speech-Language-Hearing ~~7...... - ..... ,...,. raception U\ ailahle through the Student Food B~ml. of DE. II ~ ou are a Po't Office Bo\ ink> call :\e"ark Park_, S:. Ra:reauon at 366-70fll.l. Burtin of the :\e" Ca,tle Count) Polit:e Will .tho Assoc10tcon at 1-800-638- !Health 'len ice (;y:-. Clinic. For information or holder or ~nu with lll hrin).! ~our Jonation to tht: AN ALTE~NATIVE TO DORM,Ln=E! ; teach ~ nu "hat ) ou can Jn to help so111<.•one "h<• '' ~ ' ~'. ': pn appointment. ca11831-8035 :\londa~ throu~h Po't Oflke. ,pedal con tamer- "til ~ proYided u'mg. Call Jtxli Sm1th ,ot (302)31\.'i-917~ to re'>CT\e S\\ mg .md Rll) thm Dance: Learn the late't ~md TALK or VISII www osha o•g 1"rida) 11:.30- Hand I :00- 4:00. Confidential in the lohh) La't ) ear. nation\\ ide. carrier' col- '-'ictoria l\1c,vs a -.eat. mo't p<.•pular "'ing and rl1~tl1m dan,e,. Open to en ices. 1.-~ted tl\ er 6:! null ion p<.lllnds of t(xxl Stamp )0~-l'·S-2157 D;.~ couple' I~

-- -- ...... "" B6 • THI IH \IE\\ • t\l .t~ lJ. 200.' tudent Television NetworK TN 49 Frida~ ~aturda) - ~und~ 1\londa) ...... -:luesda~ \\ ednesda) lj Thursda) _ S__ \la~ 9 \Ia)_ 10 i :\ll!L11 + :\Ia~ 12 :\[a, 13 \Ia\ 1-t Ma\ 15 -1 noon-lpm CT:\ CT!\ CTr\ Documcnt:u; I Dlli.UI'll'ntal} Dn<.'um~ntal) Dlx·unll·n~ lpm-3pm Burh ltlo Burl\ ) Burl) Bear Zi lo Burlv Bear Zilo

,___~pm 4pm Bear Bear 4pm­ Center Biooc(\' Harry Semester Biweekly \\'bat In Biweekly -t:.,Opm Stage Sundtty With Us Show The Show Hall'?! 4 30pm=---' Jona '3) Good Talk This 5pm Question Way I ~9 News

--I ------!- - prn- Chris I Party 1 Center \\'bat In 1 5·30pm Quinn Ware­ Stage The Hall?! 5 .,Opm- Talking house Semester 6pm With t.;s Green to With Us Think 6pm­ CTN CT:\' CT!\ College College College !1 - OOpm Tele\ 1~1011 Telc\tsron I Tele\i'iion f------1 I -:oorm- Liberty Far From l\etwork ::\etwork College Network - 30pm Heights Heawn Tele\ ision -. 'Oprn- :\'etwork pm Spm­ Tcttlpolt! LIVE Hen Zone 49 News 49 News .30pm 1 Hen Zone ~ -----~~~~+------4------~ . SJOpm­ Tadpole Rab/"lit Pr{}(if Gimme Dancer. TX IOpm Fence Shdter IOpm- Center Far From LIFE Center Biweekly 10:30 Stage Hearm Biweekly What in Stage Show DEWEY BEACH Show the Hall?! 1 t-·10 30-11 Good Talk This DELAWARE pm - Question llpm Hen Zone Party 11:30 Ware­ house ------1 II 30- Talking 49 News I Semester midnitc With Vs With Us N W HIQIN mrdnit~- Bloody Ztlo I Burl) White Below Rabbit I 2.un Sundcty Bear Olfander 1 Prouj Notice Bar/Wait Staff i Fence 2am- Center Harry White I Biweekly ~ \Vhat in Center Biweekly Bartenders 2:30am Stage Porta Oleander I Show I the Hall?! Stage Show and the> 1 2 ~oam- Jonasay Chamber Good Talk This I Green to Talk This Bouncers 3:1111 Question I Way Think Wal ~-----! nf Secrets 3am- l Hen Zone Party What In ~:~Oam Ware­ The Hall?! Call Tracie at 325- 680 I 3;30am­ Talking house 49 News Semester I ·kim With Vs l With Us r -l am-6am liberty CT:-\ CT:'\ Home Clotkwork Gunme Big'I Heights Le b011-'Ski grown Orange Sht'lter t-----+--...:.t...... ----1 6am- noon CT~ CT~ CT;\ CTK CT:\1 I Ever had

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hum!) has abo pla;cd an llnpor­ tant role in Ste\ e \ :-ucccss a ... a player. Delaware slugger's transfer a ... his t.1lent I'm ha ...ehall ll.llh tn hi., gene". "1 thmk he gets hi.., athletic ahtht;. fnnn Ill) "tde ol the fatntl).'. "aiJ from Georgia has paid off Ste,c\ dad. Stephen \'an l\otL "Hi.., gr:mdfathcr played football and ha ...e­ hall. and even pla)ed ha:-ehall '>emi-pro H\ liS.\ \I \RU DA '-IU.S '['\lib." he sard "[ rcall) It ked Ucmgw. :-\',J. 7 ttl the cuuntr~. for a \\ htle. and I played bao,ehall \ hut [ al"l rcall;. hke playmg haschall Sull. hcmg pan nf a \\inning team l ,11· \ tt:\C \,m ~ nrc. center hcldcr thmughout lugh school. .. he said. and I \\,L'>n·t gettin~ to pia).'' didn't mean much when he \\asn 't able for DeL' are " ba,chall team. hcmg a Stephen van 'ote i.., also qLuck to \an \1te ...:ud when he,,.~.., being 10 pla;. a lot. Hen1' much lhfft•rent trom the )eaP.> he account for hi' o.,on 's other trath rccnut~d h~ Georgia. the.: coach told him \\hen he dc.:l.:iJed to s\\ ttch 'TX'nt a.... a Georg1a Bulld1>g. "Of course. his bram'> and gooJ nne tlf the ourtieldeP.> ''a... going to be ...chnob, \an :-\'otc ,;ud Deltm :lfe \\as One thmg that ha'n 't changed. looks come from hts mother:· he JokeJ. drafted. meaning he would ha\C been an oh\ ious choice bc.:au ... c it ,,.a.., close be ... Jde ... hh 1,>, e fnr the.: game. i.., Ius Stephen Van Note sd.id from an abk to repla~-e htm m the .,tarring !me­ to hlltnC and had been a successful base­ ... u~r tJtJon .... carl) .tgc. hts son ah\ ays showed an up. As it turned out. the pia) er ball program for year'>. "I ah\ .t;.' \\ cai· thl" red -..Jurt from mtercst Ill baseball returned for Ius "cmor year. allowing "I jtht called up coach 5hennan h1gh ... .:hoot under 111) umfonn e\ ery "\\hen he was about ti,·e. he \ ,tn l\otc little to no pia) ing time. ,md told him I \\a.-. mterc ... tcd m pl.t) mg game:· he.: 'au.J "AJ,n. het\\cenmning.... alway.., had a ball 111 hio., hand.'' his dad "bel) coach h.1.., a drlfercnt \\ ay for hun:· he said. "The coach met with I ah\ a;., put m;. gill\ e and hat do\\ n l>n recalb. "He alway'> '' tmted to thfll\\ 1t of mnning hts team." he satd "At me. and after that meeting. l decided the tx·n.:h m the.: ,,une "fX>L around and plaj catch ... Georgia. the coach \\anted to usc the transfernng wa... a gnod chmcc to "\\h 1t L.m I ....t;.? It', luck.;. ·· Hio; talent for the game \\LIS appar nwre e-..perienced pia) crs. make:· \ a'1 '-1•k. '' h11 tran..,ferred to One pct..,on who should have been em right frnm the beginning. when he Dcl.t\\ are l,t,t ;. e.tr. i' making the most '>tarted playing tee-ball around age 7 excited about his mo\'e to Delaware t>t hh JUnlllr year. .t... he has onl) one "You could tell "You could tell Steve \\Lis different ''a... his t\\ m sister. :'\ rcolc Van '\ote. b) the way he ... wung the bat and from THl Rf·VIl.:.\\/f·lle Photo ~ear of ehg1bllit;. left tn pia) ba ... eball '' hn i... a ... cninr at the unn erslt). La.'t ) e.lf. he batted .31 0 and ued Steve was other technr4ues he possessed.'' hi'> dad Delaware outfielder SteH \'an l\ote rounds third base and heads 'To tell you the tmth, I actuall) for home in a game earlier this season. ... aid "lt \\as cle<.lf to everyone who for the team lead in home runs \\ ith 12. different by the dlm·t think: she \\as too thrilled when l Th1' ;.car. he 1, second on the team m \\atched him pia) that he \\a'> a lot bet­ Stew ''a... on second base." "he o.,;ud "I'm look.mg fon\ard to ha\ mg a told her I wa.... tr~msfcning here:· he ter than the other kids." "TI1e hatter kept hutmg foul bait.... 'l> .,trong ... em or ) e;lf. and makmg it to the homer' "Hh ., \ er way he swung the laughingly admitted. ··I don't think she Greg .\lamula. a... sr ... tome he was better than first. she \\a.... tpprehensive Llhout her '>te\ e i" one ot thtN~ r.lfe talento., ... TI1e carl) preparation seemed to ning back that he ran the \Hong \\a;..'' da). Although a long 'hot. it I'> not brother tran'>tenng here. but nm\ thor­ he .>!d. "He 1' a 'cry• :-table player. and ha\e pard oft·. a:- Ste\e entered Atlanuc she -,aid. laughmg at the memory. Impossible. The St. Lotti'> Ca.rdmab the other kids." oughly en_1n;. s hanng him on the same can be cnunt..:d on to hll well and "teal Cit) H1gh School m >\tlantic City. ·.1. "\\ hene\ cr I thmk: hi ... head is get drafted hi.., friend ,mJ forn1er teammate campu ... ba-.e .... a good combmatron to han! in a There. he excelled as the shortstop on tmg tno hrg. I pullout that story to bring Retd Gored.i juo,t ],l'>t ;e:u: -Stephen Hm Note. StC\ e :,·father "It wmkcd out reall;. well.'' she athlete.: .. h1s high school team. pl<~ymg v.lf'>ity all him back.'' "A~ long as I'm dreaming. I might said. "It'-. really convemcnt ha\ ing htm Hmltng trom the beach town of four years and carmng the :-.tm.t Hm\ C\ cr. from hts teammates a.., well arm to pia;. fot m;. fa\ orite "There. 11 '' a ... n't about talent. it here becau'>e he\ somcune I kmm I can Bnganrine. :\.J . \"an :\ote ''a' recruit­ \aluahle Player aw~lfd four year' m a Yie'' pnint. Van 1'\ote ts about a ... humble team. the Cle,eJand Jnchano..." he -.aid. ,,a.., about semority. and when l \\Us ]at ah\ a\ s count on. I mean. he ,.., 111) ed out of hrgh '>Lhool to pl.t) baseball fO\\ as a player can he Regarding hi... tr,m~fcr to Georgia]. there happened to be a lot of brother." for Georgw and recei\ed an athletic He was scouted profcssronally. but Jumor ~like ~1ihahk:. pitcher for DeJa\\ are. \an l'\1>te -,aid he i ... plea ... ed uppcrclassmtm on the team. .. Steve Van ~ote ha'> a lot of ... upport .:hol~lf-.htp co\·ering almost 90 percent ne\ er drafted. It wa.~ then he accepted the Hens and \'an i\ote \ ro1)111111:.1te. '' ith the dect,ion Van Kote sard the dec1s10n to fmm hi' l~untl) Hi., parent.... as well ~h of ht' tuttton. the offer to pia;. baseballm Georgra o..fer schllo].., \\a... dtfticult at tir... t. hts "ister cnme to ,thnost all of hi' Howe\'er. past th,tt lw. o.,ister \\til not let job helping them out Lind gt\ mg h..:.:ome.., a JOh. I'll -..top pia: in g. hut for Bulldog ... m.tde n to the Cnllege \\ orld good to ... ec them m the 'lands llll game reall;. good. the ... ocr..tl ... cene \\a<; cool him forget. advice.'' Ste\ e ... :ucl he is alread;. think­ nght nO\\. I'm reall: enJO) ing m;. .,elf." Senes in his -,econd ye

BY ROB MCFADDEN Retrievers shortstop Brad Van I\'otc then lle\\ out to left. has played m 210 game... at the uni­ 'if• Iff Ntport< r Glascod. then bobbled a grounder scoring Dufner. \ er-;it). three game... '>hy nf the team After C•Jming from bchtnd by senwr desit!nated hrtter ~1att The Hen... have \\on tour of record, and is on pace to tie the Tu.!,da) to Jefeat l ·~tBC hy a score Wtmer.• dlowing Wimer to reach the1r last six game:-.. commg from record m Saturdav·., \\'1lliam and of 4· 3. the Del a\\ are baseball team fir:-t and DeCarlo to o.,core behind in each of their last I\\O \\tth M.tr:y ;ame. has ju:-t stx games left m the 2003 The next Delaware hatter. \'ictories oYer U.\lBC and Hofstra. Senwr short~top Kn ... Dufner. at season. \\ l11ch resume:-. tllua) <~t freshman catcher Brian Valichka. :-I ext up t~>r Del a\\ are is a three­ 209 c.arcer game.,, r... ju ... t one game Wilham & !\[ary. grounded into a fielder's chotec. game series at \\"illram ;:.nd ~fary behind Harden. Semor Ryan Dulaney ( 3-1 l took Eitelman ... cored on the play. (27-16. 10-3 CAA). their last CAA Harden and Dufner. hllth w the the 't<.:ll>r) for the Hen.., ( 18-30. fi-ll tying the game at three. series of the season. final qrctches of their college Colonial Athletic Association l. sLat­ After Dulaney kept UMBC oft' Thursday's opener ended too career-.. h:l\ e alrcad) stamped their tenng se\ en hi to., whde going the dt'i­ the board in the bottom of the sev­ late for the result'> to he included in name.., on um' cr... it) record b,)oko,. tance for the second t1me this sea­ enth. semor shortstop Kns Dufner this is•mc. Harden rank.., I Oth all tune at THERI::.\11::.\\ hie Photo son. started the eighth mning by '>111gling Addmg tn this weekend\ LOn­ Dela\\ arc '' ith 32 home runs. v.h!lc The \\ mnmg run was dnvcn in A Delaware runner leads the pack in a meet earlier this season. 10 nght field and ad\ ancing to sec­ ference riYalf) 1s the anticipation of Dufner has 11.2 \\ alk.s and 222 hlfs The Hens are splitting the squad and sending the two teams to on c out their "ea..,on. Sentur right fielder Doug game, fielded the ball cleanly but for o.,even year:-. pnor to his arri\'al at The Mary land game '' ,t.., sched­ ELtelman then doubled to cl!nter. threw wildly to first, allowing the university. uled for Wednesday. but wa~ rained scunng Van l':ote and advancing Dufner to advance to third. Senior infielder Steve Harden out and pl>stponed until !\ Ia) I fi. two big meets DeCarlo to third.

BY JO~ DEAK.l'IS travel to Towson tomorrow to compete \ lf Rt.., , in the Towson Invitational. The oppt>rtuntt) arose. and the According to John Govern. track Delaware track: and field team decided and field coach at Towson. man) to run with it. teams bnng in split squads late in the Literall). season to try and qualify athletes for The Hens are -,plitting thetr squads reg10nals. Including the split squads. to compete Saturda) at both Penn there will be more than 20 schools State and TO\•·son competing on Saturday. he said. The ongmal schedule had the Hens Delaware women's head traveling to the Princeton lm ttatmnal coachSusan McGrath-Powell said the this )Car. but the Penn State meet Hen!> are ... till trymg to quaht) -;ome opened up and Delaware could not athletes. pass up the opportunit). said men's ··standards are set high for the head cnach Jim Fi ... cher. regtonals:· .,he said. ··some kids are on The United States Track Coaches the bubble aml \\ e would ltk.e to get A,.,o,!iation meet at Penn State will them qualified." gi-.e the men's squad a second chance Dela\\are is only about a dozen of to wntend \\ tth the 1\:ittany Lions this its top athletes from both teams up to ... ea ... on. Penn State domrnL~ted the Penn State. Fischer said. Colonial Relay.., on Apnl 5 to take first Semor captain.., Pat Boettcher. Ben place overall. Thuma and Jon Dil':o?Zt lead the The Hens fim..,hed 15th out of 22 men·.., team. But Dcla,,are wtll be ... choot... competing that afternoon. wrthout two ot tts top competitor... thi.., ·There\ no doubt the level of com­ weekend m Sidney Haugabrook and petition h htgher:· Fischer said. "That Roger Brown. who ha\'e obligations as b \\ hy we are splitting the squad and schol t'> extremely time consum­ Athletic Assocration wm, a big step. ing. especially '' ith spring football just "\\'e fini.,hed second in the [CAAI ending and finals coming up. Those championships out of '>even teams. t>vo have to focu.., on their studies." That\\ a... good." he saJd. ··But \\!e want Delawme I'> commg off an rmpres­ to be •o. 1. William .\lary ha'> an out­ sive perfonnance on ~1ay 3. where it :-.tandmg team thts year and fimshed had 1-l fiNiPiace fimshers. The Hens. well ahead of us. We want to be where who hosted the meet. competed thev are:· against Dela\\ are State. Tow.,on. To put this Saturday\ meet at State Mtller'>HIIe and Whe<~ton College into p..:rspective. William and Senior., Erin Gemmell and Cristin .\1ary ho'>ted the Coloma! Relays on Romano and JUntoro. Je:-sica Lrbonas April 5 and finished a di'>tant -,econd to and Tyechw Smith lead the women's Penn State. team. THE RL\'IL\\ihk Photo The other half of the men and Both meets begm at 10 a.m. ­ Hens freshman infielder Brent Rogers winds up to throw an opponent out at first base in a game earlier this season. women's track and field team will row. l D Facts, Figures and ~otes • Baseball and tn1ck cowr­ lJtl.l\\.lfC head soltball coach B.J. age f-erguson \\ .t5 Jt.tmed <.. olonJal • Spotlight on Van ote Athletic A sociation ofthall C

1\;lay 9, 2003 • B8 Commentary Bob Thurlow Softball drops playoff opener

The Dela\\ are softball team lost day off ,Ind then hit t'w field again it-- opening game of the Coloma! flH pracuce tarung Tuc,day. The Athletic As..,octatton pla)'off~ to focus o1 practice thh \\ cek ha.., heen George ~1a.o,on. 2-1. Kelle) Pastic bat­ emph on hllttng and dctensc. ted home the Hens· lone run and '" nll"e Villanma [on .\pnl 23]. Patriot-.. pitcher Dianna Austin went the \\e've playeJ -..olid. defen"e \\hJch distance. striktng out t1ve. Full game has gotten us out ot man) jams."' story to come 111 Tuesd1) ·~ edition of Ferguson -.aid ''Things ju'>t seem to No, cry The RevJc\\ he falling Into place:· 8\ KE\ J'\ .\IC\ E\' But the mam emphasi" appears • ' R ... to be on the team a" a \\hole . \\'ith t\\"O \\Ill" la'>t \\ eek.end. the Fergu..,on -..atd th~ Hens cannot look me a nver Dela\\ are softball team put the '>ea­ up to .1 u-.t one or t\\ o role-players '-On behind it and headed into the dunng th1" tournament. hat·-. It folk-. Pack your ··second -.eason ·· -- the Coloma! ··E,cr)one of them has to step bag'. Get out of to\\ n Athletic A..,..,ociatLOn tournament. up mm :· ~he ... aid. "'We have come Sp\lrh .b \\~ kno\\ 11 i.., ""\\'e no\\ \tart off \\ ith a clean t!us far as a team:· -..'-'---' cotmng to an end. ~l ate." head coach B.J Fergu..,on \\'ith no game., ... ince Sunday. ~~n. rm lllll tall-.mg about the end ~.11d. referr1ng to the team·., status as uf the 'pnng ... ea,on. rIll not talk.mg Delaware ha-. had ample amount of the :\o. J \eed out of four 111 the tour­ abllUI all of the coachc' '' hll h.n e time to prep..tre for the tournament. .1kohoJ/-.e\ problem-.. ln lad. the nament The CAA tournament 1' double onh 1ea,on I'm mad .It lm\, '-lt.Jt~ ferguson he lie\ es the -;ceding elim1natwn. '-ll the Hens c..tn afford ha-..h:ethall Cllach Larr:- Eu-..tach:- 1-.. dtlt?\ not mean much ... ince not one of to lose one game. but it would cer­ that he got to go to a party that l the teams seems to be dominant over t:.Jinly not help the1r chances m pro­ \\ a:-n "t Ill\ iteJ Ill. the other. gn:ssing. The end I am referrin!: to ""[The tournament] I.., \\ide L nfortunately. :\'CAA rule-. 1mohe' Ju,tin Timherlak~. open:· she -..aid. ~tall' that e\ en thl' team that ''in-, the Yeah, l'hll ' nght. e\ er) hoJy"s Lt'>t o,eason. the Hens fimshed fa, onte '\ ~ '\ ~C -er ha-, JU't ruined CAA conierl.'nt.:e may ..,tiiJ not get a 5-9 Ill) hk. 19-27 and In the C.\A. De-.p1te berth 111 the regional-... The CAA He just '1gneu a ueal \\ 1th Turner their les:-.-than-par record. the) made Lonference doe" not automaticall) Spurt,. anJ that mean:- he \\ill be the tournament. though they were A Delaware softball player dives into second base in a game earlier this season. get a berth. as ad\ ancement Is deter­ opening game of the CAA tournament 2-1 to George 1\lason. ar.nnuncing -,porting C\ enh for both ehminated on the o,econd da) h) mined h) tnurnament performance T.:-\T and TB. George ~lason. their fir'ot opponent h) and lJ.rge. ha" undoubtedly hcen relief in Delaware\ final game of Jo-.epiT explamed th.tt control Is and o\·erall record. What gl\ e'? I o.;uffereu through this week. the <.,ucce"" 11f the Hen\ pitching. last year"-.. tuurnaml.'nt. and June" i... also ,1 key part in the tournament In an~ playoff-.. it i-. common Denm-.. ;\Idler on ~tonLia) i\'ight [f th1-. sea..,on·.., recorJ i" any Sophomore J~nn Joseph and pn'paring for he1 first tournament. "Thl.' big thmg right 110\\ is knm\ ledge that the team that is on a Football. I l..'lllllJ bare!) get through mdtcation. Dela\\ arc -..hould be in for fre..,hman Lind\a) Jones haYc Jone-.. -.aid she been working on Bill \\'alton and D1ck Vitale·~ com­ kcepmg the ball out of the middle of hot streaJ.. going into the playoff., has mentary during the l\'"C AA ha..,ket­ more succe"" than last season. '>par!...eJ the Delaware '>taff. postmg the moo.;t important aspects of pnch­ the pl.ttc:· "he -.aid. ··,\-. of late. the ad\ antage ball tourney. ;>..'tm I" m expected to The Hens ti1mhed the season ERA" of I 59 and 2 16 re-..pectt\ely. mg. \\e"rc hitting rl.'ally \\"ell and \\·e ha\e Del., ware ts ht t. \\inning four of sit through a former 1\.lou-..eketeer 21-19-1 and 8-7 111 the CAA. tymg ferguson d1)e' not tell the pttch­ ··r' e been '' orkmg on my to kel.'p doing that to hme ... ucces-..:· its la..,t five. talk111g ahout the :\'BA Playlltf, and Tm\ -.on and fini-.,hing on I) one game ers \\ ho \\ill he o.,tarting. so both mechantc-. anJ keepmg them fre-.h she ~.uJ. The llem. will indeeJ need to Atlanta Br~ne,· game,!! Thi-.. Is behmd the Patnoh. Jo..,l.'ph and Jone' ha\e heen in prepa­ and con' i stent.'" ..,he ..,,ud ··r t".., the After Sunda) ·.., f111.lk .tgam-.t \lay on that -.treak as they fact' the ndiculou ... ! The ke) to Del a\\ arc·-. ... uccess. ration thi.., ''eeL Jo-.eph pttched in make-or-brectk part of !11) pitchmg ·· Tm\ son. the Hen-. had a mand.ttor:- hest teams 111 the conference the re ... t He), ) ou can like me ur hate me. d this wel'L but thi-.. is a "tup1d 1dea. Apparent!). the big-\\ 1p at Turner feeiLhfferentl). ··Ju,tm"s intere:-.t and enthu..,ia ... m not only in the 1'\BA. but 111 all -.pun-... should help provide our The 'ultimate ' sport broadcasts \\ ith a new. fresh appro.1ch:· Turner pmh executive produ er ~hJ..e Pearl 'aid 111 an inter­ BY .JAE\IE :\L.\RI:\E that eaLh team re p~cb the otlh.r. "L .tum,!\; t'- all ,lbout ha\ mp VIC\\. 'lru/ Reporter Senwr Alison Jo) nt. co-cap­ a good time and \\01 kmg hard:· he Superfresh kno\\ s tresh. The ... core 1.., tied and all the tain ufthe \\omen'-. team. \\hich I'> satJ. ·'While it 1.., helpful for ne\\ Dunkin· Donuh know" fre ... h. work done during the season the first Delaware ultimate disC people to ha\ e playt:d -..port:- in the Timberlake does not. come-. down to this game. team to maJ..e the :\'ationab tour­ past. so they ''Ill ha\'e some ath­ He J..mm' ho\\ to dance and sing. Players are giving it all they nament. '>aid ... he agree" that the letic abth I). we on!~ require them i\'o one ever put .\1ichael Jack...on in have. argmng over calls. laying the booth \\ tth Harry Cant) at a tnendl) competitiun i" one t)f the to work hard and h:n e a good atti­ Cub' game.... o \\ hy mix -.ports and out to make catches. sacnficmg ke) aspects of thi-. sport tude:· the1r bodie.., and ignoring the ache" mu. ic 110\\? ""Spint of the game I'- the Jo) nt -..~ud one of the toughest anJ pains that comc with hittmg I can JUSt picture Ju..,tin doing his mo ... t import.lnt pan of ultimate.'" p..trts of thl' sport to learn i:- hO\\ to tir\t ha-.chall game with someone the ground in an attempt to catch "he satd. ··It i:-. \\hat maJ..e~ it -.uch pia) the different positwn-.. hke Bob Co-,ta ... : the di..,c. a respect filled sport.'' "The tech111cal ;.bpects .tre the ·And the pitch is ~oim~, ~:oinsz ... At the end of the game. there \\'hile Dl'la\\ are ·s men·.., and h..trde<>t to le.un:· shl' "a1d. "It just it ain"t no lie, baby. bye, bye. bye. i" no re~entment or hnsti Ill) \\Omen·., ultimate dtsc club ... are taJ..e-.. a \\hlle. anJ \\lth 'practice That '5 a home run!" toward the winning team. THE RL \'IL\\ lhk Photo Then in the next 11111111g. he tnes not well known around the uni,er­ you learn where )\lU.re ..,uppm.eJ Members of the Delaware women's rowing team make their way Instead. there are hand..,hake-., to plug ht-. album. "it) communit). the club., have to be and ho\\ to sa\e your encr­ down the water in a race last season. and laugh.., because. while they "It Iouks like the Ror:er Clemen\ been act1Ye for approximately I 5 g~.-· nothin~: may be opponenh on the field. hit hun on fllll"f}(J\e. There i5 year~. She1ngold ::.atd thl.' only way that 'Jusufied' that pitch." they arc abo friends. She111gold said \\ htle the sport to imphl\C onc"s sktlb i~ to Dunng haskethr,ll game,.. he Such is the way of ··ultimate is still 111 ih gr~m tng \tages. it IS actively take part in a game. Big Dad-dy: Hens \\ ould probably try to dance with the d1-.c ... a popular sport acro\s col­ beginning to ga111 \\Urldw1de '"It is a progressive game:· he dancer-, during halftime. and I thmk lege campuses. which combines I -.peak for every ba... kethall fan. recognition. sa1J. •-you just keep getting better facets of football. lacrosse and ·'The "port is not well known and better.·· lea\e tho-.e girh alone. \Occer. But, after 'ome qUJck detectiYe anywhere. hut it is gnH\ ing fa-.r:· While the '\·omen·s team ha ... to race in Dad Vail ··That is hO\\ ·ultimate" at work. I think I ha\ e figured out \\ hy he -.a~J. '"there is even talk about it head coach Kelley Johnson to Delaware works:· sophomore Joel he \\a-., hired. Ju-.tin ts a high profile becom111g an Olympic ~port. .. a-..si..,t the co-captain.., \\ ith th.:ir BY 00.\IH\IC A:\ 1"0:'<010 high."" gu) \\ ho ha-. connection ... with <.,Ome Sheingold. next year·-, men·., co­ Jo) nt .,aid when people are dutie\. the men"s team runs a little \lema ,,.. \t' 11' Fd '" of the top women. and Ted has an captain. said. ·'Jt"s cool that you AccorJing to ~1clnturff. there unfamiliar wnh the ... port many h1 t d1 fferent. The current of the Schu) I kill on-and-off relation-..hip \\ ith his can compete hard with someone ''Ill be mer 130 teams from all more mtsconceptions arise. Rtvcr m PhilaJelphia \\ill be extra \\ ife Jane Fonda L think Teddy boy ··The co-captams coach the than the countr) competing in the and then ''alk off the field and -,rrong thi-. weekend as thl.' Del:m are thmk.., Timberlake wtll be able to <,et ··rf people ha' e never heard men's team:· Shemgold ... aid. ··our Dad \ail Regatta and Delaware "Ill laugh \\ith them." \\omen"-, nm mg. team t.tke" to the him up with eligible women like of ultimate disc. they"re like ·wo\\ re<>ponsibiiities are directing prac­ face -.,omc tough comp~t1t10n. In an inten'oe "port. that Bruney Spear.., and Christina ultimate disc. do you play with tice. leadmg on the field. calling '' atcr to compete in the O.td Vail "'The hc;l\) \\"eight"s main com­ re4uires its player... to pass a di..,c Regatta Aguilera. \\ ho goes on tour \\ ith dogs'?" ·· she s line-.. and having the tina! ~a) in petition \\ill be \\'e-.,t V1rgima. Justm this summer. acru"s a fielu 70 yards long and 40 In addition to competing in the just thnm ing and catch mg. they ream dec1..,10ns. as \\ell a' dumg U~la~-.. and Boston College:· -.he lt\ nut that I hate Timberlake. l yards wide '' hile attempting to Jon"t realize that there are differ­ \\ hatever \\ e can tn help take Dad Vail r.tce tht-, \\ cekcnd. the Hl.'n" ... aid "Our hght\\ e1ght squad \\Ill don't e\en knO\\ him. I just hate the score in the end zone. Sheingold ent types of offenstn~ and defl'n­ Del a\\ are ultunate to Nat10nab \\Ill also trmel to Pnnceton. :\.J. on idea of a pop -.tar coming into o,ee some tough competitinn from 'oatd the camaradene between -.ive o.;kdls."" Suntla) Ill take p.trt 111 the L:.a..,tern sport-.. In my opinwn. the) ha\e next year."' Central HoriJa. BucJ..nell and teams is credited to a key principal Collcgi.1te Athletic Conference 'ere\\ ed up the music indu ... tr) and I While there are man) techni­ With the men·-. team looh:tng George111wn." in ulllmate disc known as ··spirit Ch.1mpion-.h1ps . JU-..t don't want them to -.,crew up cal aspects to this "port. She111gold tO\\ anh next yl.'ar and the :\lclnturlf -..mJ the team reali:-.ti­ of the game." Deld\\ are jun1m rower Ellzaheth an) thing else. There i-. ..t big dtffer­ -.aid. student... <>hould not he appre­ \\omen·.., team headlllg to Austin. calh thinJ.., that 11 can tirllShlllg well \\ hile the principle allows ence between seeing Yanni at a hensive about joinmg the club. Texas for 1\'"ationah one thing I\kinturff o.;aid she doe-.n't lee! h,l\­ at Dad \'ad. Demer Nugget-. game than seeing pla)er" to act as the1r own referees ing huth race.., in the ,.,,une \\ eckcnd which recruits every fall at acttvi­ remains certain This \\ell-kept •·J~\"el") one I'> hoping fm top 10."" him 111 the booth. and decide If the calls are valid. it \\Ill affect the team·-. performance ties mght. reg.mlless of the secret '" about to gam "ome ulti­ she s,tiJ. ··1 thmJ.. that ewr~ boat has also dictate-. the manner in which If Ju-..tm does a half\\ a) -decent amount of h:no\\ ledge they have mate e\ posure. ··oh, tou-,1) \\ e ''Ill be !Ired. · job. all of the other networb \\ill the game Is played and ensures a good chance at fini~h111g in the top abolli the "Pllrt o.;hl.' 'aid ··But racmg 1-.. so fun that Sl\. -.tan lookmg to the mu<>Ic indu..,try \\e \\ill he pumped up and excited for color commentators. ESP~ \\ill Burke sa1d -.he thinJ..s the team for both e\ ent<> and the ~ffet h \\(Jfl.t go alter the older audience and -;tgn Will do \\ell .tho be that large. Eric Clapton to do football games. I '"The1e I'- uefimtcl) a good po!>­ thmk that \\Ould work: better than ''It \\ill he a ton ot fun." ..,lhilll). · o,he -..aid. ··If we haYe a Timberlake. I mean. at lea-..t Clapton Hens '-l'llior lightweight nmcr golld race anJ e\ er) thing goe" ~b has <>ungs like ··cocaine·· and ··r Dcm e Burke ,,lid the team o.;hould planned '' l.' \\ill d,) \\ell."" Shott ' ShentT" that relate to many he ahle to h.mdle the trathltion Burke satJ the member~ of the of the player-.. bet\\ een race~ prt:tt) \\ell FOX team ha\ e heen ea:-.ing oft 111 pr.tctice In order to fight hack. will "'\\ c are JUst gomg to take one go after the younger demogn.ph1c~ mer the pa ... t week m llrder to C<111- race ,\t a tune anJ -..ta) tocused." -.,he and stgn someone like Avril Lavigne 'en e theJr o.,trength for the \\ eekend. ... .~id. to do ba~ehall I can onl:. imagine "'1his \\ eeJ.. \\ e h3\ e been taper­ what Joe Buck and Tim t\lcCarYer .\lclnturff ~a1d the race<; till~ ing.'' ,he ... aid '"\\'C" \\ere ea-.mg off \\eekend \\ill more th.lll hkel) be the would say about her stupid tie. on the \\ orkt~ur... \l) that 1H1 race day This IS ju-.t one more \\a) how team ... la ... t competttion for the se.tson \H' \\ 1ll ha\ e all of 11ur energ) built ~lTV has rumed the world. anJ slw llllpe<; tlu.t the tt>am \\Ill do up.·· \\ell for the gr.. duating <.cmor-;. .\lclntm ff .... ud -.he fel.'b some nf "'\\ e h,IV(' J3 t ··