• • / G2 G2 DIVISION , BERLIN BRIGADE INTELLIGENCE S~~'RY Period Ending - ~02400 Nov 61 (ISOM #ii- . (u) 1. (S) SOVIET FO~I 0. ; ~o"'i_t labor was used 1n the COl1strutiol1 of the obaer­ v .... tl,?n t l",i 8 : j:" East Germany opposite McNair Barracks , US Sector B~ri~_ n . 12: c .... ":' :c is similar to others around sector/sector and sector/ zonal 1orti.e":. a!?proximately 60 feet high with platforms at 15 feet and 30 feet l ~vels. Construction appears to be completed . COMMENT: Nearest Soviet unit is the 178th Indepcn6.ent Gl'f:i.:" :~S Ea~ · .;a - io!l . Tower p:"'obably Soviet observation post to permit or3e ).·\'a·~j o {l of US company size exercises and other activities in a l;d U:,--olln c: !AcUair Barracks . b. Ground reconnaissance of HENNICKENDORF forest sembly area at UT 7278 uncovered extensive network of new vehicle dugout s , networks tied- in by elaborate underground communication cables . c~ Installation 4231, KG!f Kaae:'ne 9 which hous es a Soviet signal unit ! ser.... ed as a tank park fa:,:, 41 T"54 tanks :rom late -August to 2) Se:!,)tember 61. These t"ar::r.s departed the installation and exi '~ cc :E:ast Berlin in the direction of Bernau. Speculation that the T'-54 tanks now in Bebela Platz and Installation 4154 might have come from Bernau has no real foundation. Tanka in these two locations were tracked from Berlin Biesdorf and Kar1shorst on 21 Oc~ 61. No tre~ks ~ere observed leeding from Installation 42~1 or from Barneu . The 68th Guards Tank Regiment and the 83d Moto::- j "'ed Rifle Regiment have 128 T-54 tanks between them . Most probably the tanks in Bebels Platz and Installation 4154 are subordina t e to I the B3d end the 68th. DO ...· '!lGR11DED .AT 12 YEAR INTERVALS NO:' AUTOK4.TICALLY DECLASSIFIED DOD D!R 5200.10 SPECIAL RJiNDLING REQU IRED. NOT RELEA SilBLE TO FOREIGN NAT!ONf.LS, EXCEPT UK & FR. ~,Y~UT RITY OF. • / c" . , c::----<"'. /H-t-¥l~~~ _ L u S .LJ, \'j:I.i-' IJE , Lt C'".61, G3 Page 1 of i pages . &2, Eerlin Bligade ' Copy Ij[ of ~ copies . AG BCA 837-61 G2 DIVISION , BERLIN BRI~DE , INTEL SUMfPoriod Ending 302400 Noy 61 2. (C) EAST GERMkN .RMY FORCES. 8. Recent significant activities among East German forces inclucieJ (1). Subordination of the BSP to the Ministry of Defense, and redesignation as Border Command (BC). ,~ Recall of selected reservists for the Berder Temporary cancellation of discharges, at le8st for unmarried p ~ ~son ..l until the spring of 1962. I ~) . ~lthdrawal of EG~ units from alert positions in -;::, .. r Perlin and in the vicinity of the %est Berlin border. (5). Increased number of joint Soviet/iGA exercises. ~ile all of the above activities indicate that the East Germans a~e increasing the combat potential and readiness of their military forces, the I1st is more indicative of defense preparations for i~olation of East Germany and Sest Serlin end possibly West Berlin from the weotern world than it is an indication of preparations for of·ensive warfare . (6). ,~t least hlo months will be re~uired before the newly inducted personnel can be considered adequately trained and integrated into co~bat units . Until this has occurred , the East German military forces cannot be considered at full combat strength . b. Three (3) Mechanized Rifle Divisions and two (2) Tank Divisions are capable of moving into the Berlin area 1n s very ~:~c=~ t1me • .a Tank Division asleep in a compound i8 given the capabil-~ ty of clearing the compound in 4 hours after being alerted . ~ ~otor­ ized Rifle Division could probably clear in about 2~ to 3 hours. l'snk Diviaions can complete a river crossing such 88 the Elbe in 11 hours. .d Motorized Rifle Division can cross in about 8 hours. 3. (s) G.. RRISON SECURITY FORCES. The SGP "regiment II (actually a brigade) is composed of six battalions, all of which aro located in East Berlin . The current strength of the SGP is estimated to be 4,500 men. They are well trained and equipped end are politically the most reliable of all East Ger~ a n military forces . Only one sap member has defected to the ~e6t since l} ~UgU8t. Pase -2- of ~ paso •• AG BCA 837-61 1 , 13·1,_ 02 DIVISION ! BERLnl BRIGADE , INT SL srnl! Period Ending 302400 Nov 61 4 . (S) RECLPITULoTION OF SOVIEr, EG' AND E.;ST GERJ,L,N G"RRISONED SECURITY FORCES. a. Units locally availabe in the Berlin aresl FORCE UJlIT SI ZE SrRENGTR TOT,\L EGA I Moto rized Rifle Div (V Nil Dist) 9 , 200 1 G"ard. Regiment (GHQ) 800 10, 000 SJP 2 Erigades t ot alling 16 Ba t allions 9,000 SGP 1 Brigade of 6 Buttalions 4 , 500 KG ~t lec.t 12 Battalions and misc ~l aneous compan i es 25 , 000 38,500 GSFG 2 ~. toriz cd Rifl e Div (6th & 19th) 22 ,800 1 Tonk Division (lOth) 9,000 1 _.rtillery Division (GSFG Trps) 4,000 35 , 800 TOT"L 84 ,300 b. GSPC Reserves and Reinforcements : The uncommitted units of 20th Guards ~I rmy, now l i sted as locally avoil able , would be available as r eserves . Elements of the remaining five armies of the GSFG ar e uvsilable as rainforcements . Sim ilarly the two Soviet divisions in Poland, Soviet !i'orces in iiestern ::11itary Districts of UStR ond Satellite forces other than East German would be considered in this role. However, none of these forces (':'6 necessary t o isolute or seize Berlin . Therefore , it i s estimated that the ~bove listed reinforcement oapob ility would assu~e sig­ nificance only in the ~vent of limited or general war. 5. (c) .. CCESS SITUI,4'Im~ l ~ . (C) Railways: Repo rts indicate East German S-Bahn em ployee s working in 'ilest Berlin will be denied passes to enter t.eet Berlin on or before 15 Decembe r 61 . ('- 3) C01'lMENT : Repo rt lends credence to pr evious information that all Esat 20ne S-Bahn emp l~yeea ~ould be reassigned from duties in West Berlin before 1 January 62 . Page ~ of ~ pages . AG BCA 037-61 SECRET ;S1-fl .- SECRET G2 DIVISION. BERLIN BRIG .• DE . INTEL SUI! . Period Ending 302400 Nov 61 Para 5 (e) (cont) b . (e) •• utobahh, Photograph coverage of the B&belsburg barriers shows the fol lowing changes. North portion of barrier , whi ch 18 closest to Berlin, has becn removed except for the post 1n center of each half of autc"ahn and the bar rier across center grass strip. t. hole estimated tc b~ 4 x 7 ft , depth unknown, has been dug jus t north of the onr r~_(,T coross center gra8s strip . .Hlso, small holes estimated to be 1 ~ 2 t".et, depth unknown, ha ve been dug just north of the post in the cent er of each half of the autobahn. TheM wos no sig­ nificant ch8~ge i n the 1' em8 ind4r of the ba rrlers at the checkpoint. c . (C) East Berlin. i,ccording to US41REUR source I East German Communist Perty f unctionaries claim numb er of West Germans visiting Eas t Be rlin has noticeably incr eased and tha t most visitors have no legitima te re88on~such us visiting r elatives . Visitors suspe.ted of c lack ma rketing, dmuggling, ebpionaga Bnd subversion . On e functionary suggested institution of preli minary application including per sona l data and r eason for vi sit . (B - 2) COYJ':EN'i' 1 Probnbly true thb t SED functionaries using visit of ~C8t Cermans in E~st Berli n for propaganda purposes. No t considered likely tha t further r estrictions agains t s uch visits ~i ll be imposed . SlmllRr r estrictions caused I nt er-Zonal Trade abrogation by Wes t Ge r mo ~y one year hgO. East Germany is still in need of West German products although efforts und erway to make East Cerman economy eventua lly fully independent of We stcra and especially West Cerman i mpo rts . Visit s to EBst Berlin by West Berliners has come to H virtual hal t due to absence of accessible f acilities for We st Berliners to obtain visiting passe • • 6. (e) HOSTILE REe ONN. ISS•• !ICE . Bostile r econnaiesance patrols continue to maintain sur­ ,"') ill an~e of install a tions in the il mericen Sector of iies t Berlin. T~e approxima t e Average continues to be about 4 Soviet veh icles per day . 7. (C) REFUGEES. During this period, en approximate average of 29 refugees per day were processed at the Karienfelde Refugee Center. This is a slight increase s ince the l e st r eport in! period. ege -!- of ~ page •• (c. G BeA 8 H-61 ~ G2 DIVISION, BERLIN BRIG •. DE, nlTEL SUM, Period Ending }02400 Nov 61 8 . (e) POPULATION "TTITUDES East Berlin public are tending more and more to believe th~t iastern Allies ero willing to sacrifice East Berlin end Ea.t Germany in order to' maintain their position in West Berlin. Genernl public in East Berlin primarily concerned with direct personel eflects of .lllied moves in Berlin question . Even recent US Bc ti 'm to e!t::ort US vehicles into East Berlin, which tompora rily raised Eset Berlin public! s h· ~'es , now viewed as move designQd to protest US interests only an~ n'~ 3$ one designed to eliminate restrictions on free travel bett'oe9n :.-:":.':' t and west Berlin.
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