Vol. 187 Wednesday, No. 22 28 November 2007 DI´OSPO´ IREACHTAI´ PARLAIMINTE PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES SEANAD E´ IREANN TUAIRISC OIFIGIU´ IL—Neamhcheartaithe (OFFICIAL REPORT—Unrevised) Wednesday, 28 November 2007. Business of Seanad ………………………………1717 Order of Business …………………………………1718 Visit of Former Member ………………………………1727 Order of Business (resumed)……………………………1727 Third Programme of Law Reform: Motion ………………………1743 Realising Equality and the Traveller Community: Statements …………………1743 Report on Seanad Reform: Motion …………………………1764 Adjournment Matters Food Labelling ………………………………1801 School Facilities ………………………………1805 Schools Building Projects ……………………………1806 1717 1718 SEANAD E´ IREANN I have also received notice from Senator Brian O´ Domhnaill of the following matter: ———— The need for the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform to appoint a second De´ Ce´adaoin, 28 Samhain 2007. permanent District Court judge and the allo- Wednesday, 28 November 2007. cation of a second permanent judge in County Donegal to reduce the large backlog in the Cir- ———— cuit and District courts services. Chuaigh an Cathaoirleach i gceannas ar I have also received notice from Senator Paschal 2.30 p.m. Donohoe of the following matter: The need for the Minister for Justice, ———— Equality and Law Reform to clarify when the Civil Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2006 Paidir. will be presented before either House of the Prayer. Oireachtas and when it will be enacted. ———— I regard the matters raised by Senators Frances Fitzgerald, Maria Corrigan, Cecilia Keaveney, David Norris, Pearse Doherty and Brian O´ Business of Seanad. Domhnaill as suitable for discussion on the An Cathaoirleach: I have notice from Senator Adjournment. I have selected the matters raised Frances Fitzgerald that, on the motion for the by Senators Frances Fitzgerald, Maria Corrigan Adjournment of the House today, she proposes and Cecilia Keaveney and they will be taken at to raise the following matter: the conclusion of business. Senators David Norris, Pearse Doherty and Brian O´ Domhnaill The need for the Minister for Education and may give notice on another day of the matters Science to clarify the situation regarding the they wish to raise. I regret I have to rule out of playing field beside the church (details order the matter raised by Senator Donohoe as supplied) which was previously used by Scoil the enactment of the legislation is now a matter Chro´ na´in, Rathcoole, County Dublin, but for the Houses. cannot be utilised currently owing to the state it has been left in following upgrade works to Order of Business. the N7, if her Department owns this field and if so, if she has any intention of selling it for Senator Donie Cassidy: The Order of Business development. is No. 1, motion re the third programme of law reform, referral to committee without debate, to I have also received notice from Senator Maria be taken at the conclusion of the Order of Busi- Corrigan of the following matter: ness ; No. 2, statements on realising equality and The need for the Minister for Education and the Traveller community, to be taken at the con- Science to provide a progress report on the clusion of No. 1 and to conclude no later than 5 provision of the much needed permanent p.m., with the contributions of spokespersons not school building for the Holy Trinity national to exceed ten minutes and those of all other school, Leopardstown. Senators not to exceed eight minutes and on which Senators may share time by agreement of I have also received notice from Senator Cecilia the House, with the Minister to be given five Keaveney of the following matter: minutes to conclude at 4.55 p.m.; and No. 13, motion 32 re Seanad reform, to be taken at the The need for the Minister for Health and conclusion of No. 2. Children to encourage alcohol labelling in respect of calorie content on all products. Senator Liam Twomey: I look forward to a I have also received notice from Senator David very robust debate on Seanad reform. We look Norris of the following matter: forward to the Minister’s arrival in the House. In respect of what has been said in the Lower The need for the Minister for Justice, House about cancer services and the motion of Equality and Law Reform to intervene to no confidence in the Minister for Health and secure the well-being of a person (details Children, one of the comments the Minister made supplied) who is threatened with deportation. last night related to the Opposition parties work- I have also received notice from Senator Pearse ing with the Government on cancer care services. Doherty of the following matter: I take this opportunity to inform the Minister that most of the Opposition parties agree fully with The need for the Minister for Transport to the cancer strategy and that all through 2006 and introduce measures to reduce the exorbitant the beginning of 2007, when I was Fine Gael cost of motor insurance in this State, especially spokesperson on health, we fully supported her. for young drivers. What we were looking for was an implementation 1719 Order of 28 November 2007. Business 1720 [Senator Liam Twomey.] Senator Jerry Buttimer: The Government will policy. I wish to put on the record of this House call us up. that the Opposition supports the Minister in respect of cancer services. Senator Liam Twomey: Perhaps we need The Minister has received incredible support another debate on cancer services to inform fully over recent years from the Opposition in respect any Member of this House who seems to be very of some major issues in the health service. I misled by the spin he or she is getting from the backed her in respect of getting a consultants’ Departments about what we are promoting and contract because this is the basis of all the prob- supporting. lems we are seeing. A Senator: Hear, hear. Senator Geraldine Feeney: Hear, hear. Senator Liam Twomey: Perhaps we need Senator Liam Twomey: We still have not seen another debate on this issue because what this this new consultants’ contract. I would like the side of the House supports is obviously not get- Minister to know that she has received incredible ting through to people. support from the Opposition but for some reason, We need to revisit the issue of road safety after her ears are blocked to that support. Perhaps that the terrible tragedies that recently took place. It is part of the problem. was only four years ago that I came upon an acci- dent where two young children died at the scene. Senator Geraldine Feeney: Perhaps the leader It is the most stressful situation for medical of Senator Twomey’s party should come out workers to be involved in but nobody will ever with that. comprehend the sadness and grief that families who see young children die will experience for Senator Jerry Buttimer: He is very consensus- the rest of their lives. It is horrifying and we need orientated. another debate on road safety to find out what is going on. Senator Liam Twomey: The leader of my party Concerns have been raised that the proposal to is very much aware of this issue. lower the blood-alcohol limits from 80 mg to 50 mg was included in the first draft report on road Senator Geraldine Feeney: He does not say it. safety by the Road Safety Authority but was dropped from the final report. We all know that (Interruptions). alcohol and drugs are a major cause of road acci- dents. We do not see the leadership we expected An Cathaoirleach: Senator Twomey, without in reducing road deaths. That is not connected to interruption. this terrible tragedy but we must reduce the Senator Geraldine Feeney: The leader of number of deaths on our roads. It will be a ter- Senator Twomey’s party should come out and rible year for so many families across the country deliver it. and it is time we revisited the debate. Another matter on which I ask the Leader to An Cathaoirleach: Senator Twomey, without seek clarification is the crisis in Portlaoise. It is interruption. well known that Dr. Ann O’Doherty interviewed the doctor at the centre of the crisis at Portlaoise Senator Liam Twomey: This just shows that Hospital. Can the Minister confirm that Dr. when we try to help the Government out of a O’Doherty raised concerns about the ability of mess, it cannot even take it upon itself to get the the doctor to run the service in Portlaoise during facts right. the interview and that she was overruled by the HSE, which continued with the appointment? If A Senator: Hear, hear. true, it means the expert opinion of Dr. O’Doherty on the doctor’s capability was Senator Jerry Buttimer: We are the consensus ignored. The House must find out if that is true. party. Concerns have been raised about locums in Cork and we must examine what has gone wrong with Senator Liam Twomey: We fully support the medical manpower in the health services. Government in respect of sorting out things. Senator Joe O’Toole: Last week and the week Senator Jerry Buttimer: When the Govern- before I suggested a debate on legislation that ment is in trouble, it will call us up. established the HSE, the Health Act 2004. This would allow an informed debate on the different Senator Geraldine Feeney: It has been laid out roles of people. It is crucifying to hear views in for Fine Gael. It must support it. the public debate and the Da´il debate as if people never read or debated the legislation previously. An Cathaoirleach: Senator Twomey, without Perhaps it is the trade unionist in me but I tend interruption.
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