Western Kentucky University TopSCHOLAR® WKU Archives Records WKU Archives 3-18-1937 UA1A Students Weekly News Publishing Company Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.wku.edu/dlsc_ua_records Recommended Citation News Publishing Company, "UA1A Students Weekly" (1937). WKU Archives Records. Paper 218. http://digitalcommons.wku.edu/dlsc_ua_records/218 This Other is brought to you for free and open access by TopSCHOLAR®. It has been accepted for inclusion in WKU Archives Records by an authorized administrator of TopSCHOLAR®. For more information, please contact [email protected]. STUDENTS EEKLY Devoted to the Interests of the Students of Western Teachers College and B. G. Business University Vol. 4-No. 2:J Bowling Green, Kentucky, ltfllrch 18, 19:1i l ' UHLfSIIEll WEEKLY CALENDAR FOR '37 ,Track Mentor Western College Players RELEASED AT B. U. To Offer Comedy April 8 Summ er Terms Begin June Change from the Exchange: Some lillie ago there appeared In 6 and July 11th J. Reid Sterrett to Direct " The Romantic Ag e"; Talented t his cC/1U llln a bit of infonnlltion Cast Includes " Tu mps" Noel and Mildred Jones which ll.st.ed things that people Registration for the opening se­ coUld do without ... at MUlTaY. me ~te r" at the Bo",,'l1ng Green Eusl­ That. thing m ent:oned h appened to ness University next fall will start Western College players are now in rehearsal on their, be the first Western· Murray clash September 6, according to a. cal­ s pring production which will be presented on ThUrsday, of the ~easo n. We feel U)a t the list­ endar of activities for duration of ing was. least to say, JustiHablc. the 1937-38 :school year which was April 8. The pla)'crs have choosen one of A. 1. Milne's de­ Now we nre awakened from our rcleased at t.he unIverslt)·. trance and nnel that Ilt one time lightful and brilliant comedies, "The Romantic Age." the College News, of Murray State Thanksgiving holidays will begin • This play was presented In New Tenchers College, had what. they on the mornIng oC November 25 and continue through Nov ember 28. Ycrk a lew years ago with Leslie Rt Ule time IlO doubt c ~ nsld f red Hov.'Il.rd In Ihe lending role or Oer­ the answer tor .such thlng1 as that. Christmas vacation begins em the morning of December 18 and ends $1 400 EQUIPMENT vase Mallory, nil neatly boxed and everything. In the cast. the pla.yers Philip We hereby reproduce It: ''Things January 3, n. m. Noel. Jr., will play the charact~ l' they enn do without at Westcrn­ Registration fo r the second se­ mester will start January 23, Com­ FOR NEW OB 'ORY of Gervase Mallory, Theatre gocrs The last Murray· Wcstcrn basket­ will remember Mr. Noel for hls baH nfTrny!" And last year's SIAA mencement e x ercl ~ es will require perCormance Of the hero In "Gold In ~ournam ent, three days. The Senior banquet to Apparatus to Be Installed the Hills," U1e Call production of • • • be held Sntur~ ":lY, May 21, will In­ aUilurate ceremonies. IbccalaUl"c­ on Roof of New Bldg. Western players. U your memory Is not too short. Prom the cast I ~t fall ccmes the answer to this one Is obvious, at.c services w:lll be the nell:t. day In a local church. Class Day exer­ Plans Cor \VCI; tern's new cla ~ s Mildred J ones who In "The R0- • • • 'clses will be condUcted Monday mantic Age" Intcrprt'15 M lI lI ~ and e . And while the parade cf our building Include $1.400 worth o( morning, May 23. and the Com­ tqulpment for {In ~ervl\tor)' the romantic heroine of Milne's. friends from the '; Purch3&e" terri­ Miss Jones is a talented young ac~ tory joins the line which fonns to mencement. address will be made In which is to b ~ locat-ed on top of th ~ evening. th::! building. The appn.ralus Is of ~rt'ss who ..... as prominent in dra­ the right 011 the way to the ';\Vall­ mntlcs In Bethel Woman's College Ing Well." may I ask which one First t.crm of summer session will Lhe newcst pattern and sl'lf-rceord­ Bet undcr way June 6 and end July Ing. last year, Pete Trlmton who of you bright chlldrcn mentioned 9. second and c:ncl udlng term for scored a success lnst fall as the the 1937 SIAA and lAC tournll­ For the past few months dally the summ~r will start July 11 and observations of B,wllng Greet) bartender plays the p<lrt of Master ment~? end August 13. A brlcf holiday will Gallder Terr1 Swan a philosophic peddlar. Ncw that. the 1936-31 basketball weather conditions hal'e been ac­ • • • be observed July 4. curately made by Jamul H. Lorn, Others In the cast are Alice Hart, AS the so und and fury from thl, ~ea : c.n Is history track Is one of Eunice Sionn, William Egbert, Ir­ the sports due to be In the IImt ­ Western student. and Dr, Judson brainstorm subside to the UBual Grimlh, Ca culty member, w,ho ving Jackson, Millard Quillian, nnd calm ,take a. look at the "news re­ light fo r the next tew we~ks. W. Miss Eubank. L. "Gander" Terry, above, is West­ maintain a statton which Is one of leQSe" of March 12, which was r e· 'FOUNDERS DAY' the few ccmplete ob.en'aUon sta­ The scenic e1fects of "The Ro­ lelUlCd from Murmy and appears ern's track coach. Mr. Terry is an­ mantic Age" under the direction ticlpatlng a strong team to reprt'­ tions to be found at nn educational elsewhere In this paper, (If the Institution d the clB.!8 of Western of the Art. Department and a. group editor does not change his' mind, SPEAKER NAMED sent West.crn In this fi eld of ath­ of selected artists promise to afTer letic endeavor. Teachers College. Should such R sad event occur , try Dr. Griffith, who teaches and the most claborate setting yet to a scavengcr hunt Instead.) be seen on any amateur tage In Program Set for April supervls~s cla<scs at Western In • • • me'eorology and In various phe­ Bowling Green. Boulder dllm will CQ~t $165,COO,- Arran gements Being 1;1KLEIDERER TELLS nomena rElated to weather condl­ The second act which Is in a. 000 when completed . which lions. is deeply Intere5ted in the wood will demand all the creative stage one of you liberal patrons of the Rapidl y Completed work and has plans for addltlon ~ talent of nrUsLs, crew, and arls and sciences wallLs to noat II 'TALISMAN' NEWS to the prtsent equipment. electrlclan1 of the Western Play­ 10lln to Ule writer to purchase a The Rev. Dr. Charles E . Wetch. Mr. Lorn, member of the s~llto r ers. pack of smokes and a box ot pastor of the Fourth A\'enue Pres­ class, maintains "The Weathcr" The play Is again under the per­ matches? by tl'rian Church at Louisville, hIlS Plans for Annual Sales Con· feature In the Dally News. sonal dlrt'ctlon of Professor J . Reid • • • accepted an Invitation to deliver At the present time, the station Sterrett who In the past throe Back to the galleys. slave_we the prinCipal addrt'ss at the annual test Include Cash hcuscs a maxim um and minimum years has presented such a worth­ feci unable to turn o\'er a new leaf Ogden Founders Day program April Ulermometer, from which dally white and artistic progrom of tills week, 1\0 we will JUSt trot out 1 at Western Teachers College, Award s maldmum and minimum tempera­ spoken drama as "MiSS Lulu Bett," a new "page," The Rev. Dr. Wclch, who is na ­ tures are read: n. thermoguph, "Importance of Being Earnut," "To • • • , By e lIAS. W. KLEmERER which automatically record a con­ The Lodlcs" and t ~ : ld In the tionally recognized as a leader In Hills." With April 8 only threo (Please excuse 50 called pun or the Prt'sbyterian Church, formerly TaUs man Bus. MIT. tinuous t.cmp~rature record for the punishment . author not In best attended Ogden College. The Western Cl ub pictures to be weck; a barograph which also au­ weeks ott the ptay goers of Bov.'l­ of Ilealth at time of writing and Annual Founders Day programs tomatically records the air prcssure lug Green nre urged now to pl!'11\ wishes his nudlence to have sOlne taken wmorrow afternoon Include to tee ~hts unUBua l and charming arlglnat.ed at old Og~m College for the week: and a sling psychro­ the Physical Education Club at I well Idea. of how he feels,) meter. an I n ~ t r ument used tel meas­ play from the pen of England's here with exercises on eRch April known c1ramaUst, A, A. Milne. • • • 1, the blrthda ~e of the late Robert o'clock. '·W" Club at 1:10 o'clock; ure the amount of water \'ap:r Back to the paragraph on the W. Ogden, Debate Team at 1 :40 o'clock and present in the atmosphere. pngc-our stooge "X I ~4" Informs us The CUBtom has been contlnu!d Music Club at 1:50 o'clock, All p lc~ The mercurial barometer , Crom FROSH DAN CE-PARTY thnt one Hugh W. Page left the wi th annual programo: at Westcrn which the air pressure is rcad, Is BOwling Green pastures for the tures will be taken on the State since Ogden merged wit h Western Strect side at the Training School, Jf)cat ~ d In the Administration SLATED FRID AY NIGH T h OlllC back yard over Ule week_end.
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