NEWSLETTER of the ICRC Regional Delegation Belgrade, covering Serbia, Albania, Macedonia and Montenegro September 2007 (PHOTO: (PHOTO: © ICRC) Families of missing on a silent protest walk in Belgrade REGION'S MISSING REMEMBERED On August 30, the International Day of They remain in limbo, suspecting their persons on the territory of former the Disappeared, hundreds of relatives of loved ones are dead, yet unable to mourn Yugoslavia in order to solicit more infor- missing persons gathered at Belgrade's and reach a sense of closure. In the mation that could help to clarify their main square to once again call attention absence of proof, they are constantly tor- fate. The first, for the Croatian conflict, to their continued plight of not knowing mented by the possibility of a miracle came out in February, then, in April, the the fate of their loved ones. Carrying red that could somehow bring their dearest 8th edition for the Bosnia-Herzegovina roses, placards with photos of their lost back. conflict and, finally, in August, the 4th edi- kin and banners which read Uncertainty Many times it is the breadwinner who tion for the Kosovo conflict. Kills - We're Waiting and Dying, they set off goes missing, often leaving wives, moth- Progress has been made in Montenegro, for a silent protest walk to the offices of ers and elderly parents to face a life of where, in March, the government set up a the Serbian Government to remind the hardship. For them, declaring the missing Commission on Missing Persons, which authorities of their obligation to provide person dead is sometimes the only way should work towards a resolution of the information on the fate of their relatives to improve their economic situation, sell issue of missing persons, address the dif- gone missing in the Balkan conflicts property, remarry, or simply hold funeral ferent needs of the families and improve between 1991 and 2000. rites. With no official confirmation of the their status in the country. The Day was also marked in a similar fash- fate of their dearest, however, very few ion in Kraljevo, Sutomore in Montenegro, families actually do so, unable to aban- The right to know the fate of a rela- and across the region. The gatherings don all hope and move on with their tive must be respected. The Geneva echoed the sad fact that of the nearly lives. Conventions, their Additional 35,000 people who disappeared in the For this reason, the ICRC continues to Protocols and the new International conflicts in former Yugoslavia in the last address the authorities throughout the Convention for the Protection of All decade of the 20th century, close to region, urging them to fulfil their respon- Persons from Enforced Disappea- 18,000 are still unaccounted for, 75% of sibilities, provide answers to the families rance clearly say: it is illegal to make them in Bosnia-Herzegovina. and speed up the search for human people disappear and next-of-kin In addition to being a tragedy in itself, remains. must be informed about captured, their disappearance also puts a terrible This year alone, the ICRC has published wounded or deceased relatives burden on the families they leave behind. three new editions of the Book of Missing without delay. For further information, visit www.familylinks.icrc.org 1 Photo Gallery - Day Of The Disappeared (PHOTO: (PHOTO: © ICRC) Banner at Nikola Pasic square reads: Open the Door to the Truth; Uncertainty Kills - We're Waiting and Dying (PHOTO: (PHOTO: © ICRC) Representatives of the ICRC, Family Associations and the authorities at a press conference (PHOTO: (PHOTO: © ICRC) Families gathered at the square (PHOTO: © FAM KRALJEVO) (PHOTO: © FAM Family gathering in Kraljevo (PHOTO: (PHOTO: © ICRC) (PHOTO: (PHOTO: © ICRC) (PHOTO: © ICRC) Families marking the Day in Sutomore, Montenegro Roses and placards left as silent mementos at Serbian government building 2 Interview 30 YEARS OF ADDITIONAL PROTOCOLS This interview was done with Prof. Dr And what happened between 1949 Bosko Jakovljevic, an international and 1977? humanitarian law doyen and disciple First, there was decolonisation, then new of Jean Pictet, an ICRC expert and one forms of warfare… The events confirmed of the foremost IHL theoreticians. The that, although still relevant, the 1949 interview was occasioned by the 30th Conventions covered only a limited anniversary of the Additional Proto- number of issues. A lot was left outside cols to the Geneva Conventions, in the their scope: like methods and means of adoption of which Prof. Jakovljevic warfare, or protection of the population was personally involved as a delegate in general as a basic principle of human- of the Yugoslav Red Cross and chair- itarian law. man of one of the commissions in (PHOTO: © ICRC) charge of drafting certain provisions Are the Protocols still relevant? Prof. Dr Bosko Jakovljevic of the Protocols. Very much so, I'm afraid, because wars not only continue to be waged, but are What exactly happened thirty years even escalating, at least in terms of the be examined and reformulated, but ago? number of victims and methods of war- what is crucial is to reaffirm humanitari- On June 8, 1977, Protocols additional to fare. The world has not yet come to a an principles and reassert the relevance the Geneva Conventions were adopted. point when even the basic principle of of the underlying rules. This will be the They extended the scope of the Conven- the UN Charter is universally observed, task of the International Conference of tions quite significantly to include other and that is no use of force without an the Red Cross, the world's largest major rules of International Humanita- express Security Council endorsement. humanitarian forum, which will take rian Law, not originally covered in 1949 This principle is not observed and the place in November, in Geneva. The con- simply because States could not agree on response is inadequate… ference will hopefully agree that the law everything at the time. And now, by Even after 30 years and with all their needs to be reaffirmed. This is something some strange miracle, all the world's shortcomings, the Protocols still safe- the ICRC is already working on, as the countries concurred in adopting a single guard a minimum of humanitarian val- conference gathers not only states, but text on the rules of warfare - what can ues which need to be protected. Slipping also the Red Cross, which should moder- and can't be done, what is allowed and below that minimum, in my opinion, ate the work of the forum, as it repre- what is not, and what everyone should would mean reverting to the law of the sents the interests of the victims. do to achieve common goals. Of course, jungle. What would that leave us with? Although perhaps necessary, any new everyone has their own goals, but they The whole structure of humanitarian law solutions should nevertheless observe the may try to achieve them only in a way would collapse, which is something no minimum requirement that victims and that is permitted. The Protocols perhaps one would like to see, or so they say. their interests should always take priori- went unnoticed by the public, which is a ty. They've got an unwritten right to life, pity, as they continue to be relevant and What is the future of the Protocols? good health, protection of property… of vital importance even today. Surely, there are still things that need to and this is in the interest of all states. News in brief EHL IN MONTENEGRO expressing emotions in poems and from Novi Sad and Nis law faculties, the By a decision of the Montenegrin author- drawings. Learning to listen and appreci- Belgrade Faculty of Political Science as ities, Exploring Humanitarian Law (EHL) ate other people's opinions, they well as the Military and Police has been included as an elective subject exchanged ideas and worked out the Academies took part in this interactive in the 8th or 9th grade of primary schools. best possible solutions to problems. way of studying IHL. After five days of It will have 34 classes a year and its grad- acting out a case-study situation and ual integration will start in school-year 6TH NATIONAL MOOT COURT arguing their case before a mock war- 2007/08. During the programme's test- Between April 15 and 20, 2007, the crimes tribunal, the Nis Law Faculty ing phase, students have gained insights sixth national moot-court competition team came out the winner, narrowly into the basics of humanitarian law and in International Humanitarian Law beating last year's Moot Court champi- the protection it ensures for the victims (IHL) was organised in Vojvodina's cap- ons from the Belgrade Faculty of of conflict. They did this by doing role ital by the Novi Sad Law Faculty, Red Political Science in the finals. plays, reading, using the multimedia and Cross of Serbia and ICRC. Students 444 3 News in brief 444REGIONAL YOUTH CAMP DANUBE GUARD '07 CHAMPIONS AGAIN From August 15 to 21, the 10th Friendship In late June this year, the ICRC and the Red For the second time in a row, a team of Without Borders Youth Camp was organ- Cross of Serbia (RCS) took part in the the Red Cross of Serbia has won the First- ised in Struga, Macedonia, by the Danube Guard '07 - a trilateral military Aid Convention in Europe (FACE) compe- Macedonian (MRC) and Norwegian Red exercise of the armed and security forces tition, which was held in July in Limerick, Cross societies. Hosting young people from of Serbia, Romania and Bulgaria. The exer- Ireland.
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