2016 Wednesday, June 8 Guastavino’s | New York City #EDGEAwards16 | #RisingStars16 | @mktgedgeorg | 1 WElCOmES YOU TO THE 2016 EDGE AWARDS OpEninG REmARkS Terri L. Bartlett | president, marketing EDGE | Texas Tech University Gretchen Littlefield | president, media Solutions, infogroup | Trinity University Master Of CEREmOniES Ann Nguyen | Design Whaler, Whole Whale | CUnY macaulay Honors College, Baruch | EDGE Collegiate Summits – Digital & Analytics 2013 ABOUT mARkETinG EDGE Carlos Sirotnikov | Ad Ops Analyst, Condé nast | CUnY Baruch macaulay Honors College, Baruch 2016 | EDGE intern & Collegiate Summit – Digital 2015 pRESEnTinG THE CORpORATE AWARD Megan Pagliuca | Global CEO, Accuen media | University of San Diego; Bond University in Queensland, Australia | EDGE Board member AccepTinG On BEHAlf Of mEDiAmATH Joe Zawadzki | CEO, mediamath | Harvard University | DmA Board member pRESEnTinG THE EDUCATiOn AWARD Kayla B. Mann | Employee Engagement intern, Apple | Howard University 2017 | EDGE Collegiate Summit – Digital 2015 Kenneth Ye | intern, U.S. federal Trade Commission | The Wharton School, University of pennsylvania 2018 | EDGE Collegiate Summit – Digital 2015 AccepTinG On BEHAlf Of WHARTOn CUSTOmER AnAlYTiCS iniTiATiVE Eric T. Bradlow, Ph.D. | k.p. Chao professor, professor of marketing, Statistics & Education; Chairperson, Wharton marketing Department; Vice-Dean & Director of Wharton Doctoral programs; Co-Director, Wharton Customer Analytics initiative | ph.D. / masters, Harvard University; BS, University of pennsylvania Peter Fader, Ph.D. | frances and pei-Yuan Chia professor of marketing, Wharton School of the University of pennsylvania | SB, Sm, and ph.D., massachusetts institute of Technology 2016 EDGE Awards COMMITTEE CO-CHAiRS Rob Reger, Epsilon Colleen Sugarman, Sling TV COmmiTTEE mEmBERS Liberta Abbondante, Hearst Victoria James, Victoria James Josh Blacksmith, fCB Chicago Search Consultants Claire Carpenter, media Horizons Philip Ketonis, infogroup Ginger Conlon, GingerConlon.com Paul Theriot, Alesco Data Andrea Zaretsky, American Express pRESEnTinG THE 2016 RiSinG STARS AWARDS Christine Menchaca | marketing Associate, G100 Companies | UC Berkeley | EDGE next Gen leaders 2016 Erika Tang | manager of Dashboards and Reporting, pm Digital | Carnegie mellon University | EDGE next Gen leaders 2014 inTRODUCinG THE RiSinG STARS AWARDS Kathryn Apte | Global Head of marketing, medium | University of Technology, Sydney Josh Blacksmith | SVp, Group management Director, fCB Chicago | iowa State University; mBA, University of iowa Brody Clemmer | Chief innovation Officer, n2Growth | Self-Educated | EDGE Board member Erica DePalma | Vp, Digital marketing, media Horizons | loyola University, maryland Jeannie Green | Vp, Data Solutions, Epsilon | University of Denver Marta Velasco | Vp, marketing & Business Development, JDC management | University of Cincinnati; Graduate Certificate in marketing, Southern methodist University pRESEnTinG THE lifETimE ACHiEVEmEnT AWARD – EDGE AlUmS | nExT GEn lEADERS 2007-2008 Francisco Alberini | Head of Success Engineer, Segment | new York University Kelly Gugel | market manager, Retailmenot | University of Virginia Nicole Lombardo | Account Director, Young & Rubicam | Villanova University AccepTinG On BEHAlf Of lESTER WUnDERmAn Marc Wunderman | Retired Advertising Executive | Columbia University ClosinG REmARkS – mARkETinG EDGE CO-CHAiR Gretchen Littlefield | president, media Solutions, infogroup | Trinity University PROgram DESIGN: SOUnD5.nyc WelcOME Dear friends, Welcome to the inaugural EDGE Awards. To commemorate the 50th anniversary of marketing EDGE — the only nonprofit organization solely committed to expanding and enriching the pool of trained, market-ready talent — tonight we kick off a whole new event to celebrate the future of our field. Yes, tonight is a night for celebration! A night to reflect. A night to take note of the many contributions and successes of our honorees. A night to pay tribute to their commitment to giving back through education, mentoring and the trailblazing path they have set in the great field of marketing. And, perhaps most important, a night to look forward to the legacy and possibility we are all creating — thanks to your support. it’s only fitting that tonight we pay tribute to the EDGE Awards honorees, who demonstrate Ben franklin’s famous words: “Do well by doing good.” Each one serves as a great role model for students and executives alike. it is our distinct pleasure to introduce to you the inaugural 2016 EDGE Awards honorees: lifETimE ACHiEVEmEnT Lester Wunderman, founder, Wunderman CORporate MediaMath EDUCATiOn Wharton Customer Analytics Initiative RiSinG STARS Kathryn Apte, medium Josh Blacksmith, fCB Chicago Brody Clemmer, n2Growth Erica DePalma, media Horizons Jeannie Green, Epsilon Marta Velasco, JDC Healthcare management 4 | EDGE Awards 2016 | EDGEAwards.org As we celebrate our honorees, we also join together to share the inspiration generated through giving back to our professional community. it’s gratifying to know that while we are working hard for our own businesses, we also are cultivating tomorrow’s talent to bring new ideas to this field. Serving as an example of this future talent among the 400+ professionals here tonight are 43 students — who today completed our premier summer immersion program, Collegiate Summit — Digital. What better way to relay the power of why we exist, than having the future in our midst, exemplifying why your support is so vital. The valuable work of marketing EDGE is funded solely through donations from corporations and individuals; contributing to tonight’s benefit event is one way to help. proceeds from this evening will benefit students… those who will infuse this industry with dynamic new ideas and the talent our industry needs to thrive in the 21st century. please see pages 16-17 and watch the monitors for a list of sponsors that have generously supported the EDGE Awards. On behalf of our Board and staff, our academic colleagues and the students who aspire to be the next generation of marketing professionals leading from the EDGE, we thank you for your support! may you leave here with a greater appreciation of the work we do in partnership with those committed to furthering our mission, to Educate, Develop, Grow, and Employ college students in the field of marketing. With sincere gratitude, Christine Aguilera Gretchen Littlefield Co-Chair Co-Chair #EDGEAwards16 | #RisingStars16 | @mktgedgeorg | 5 HOnOREE LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT Lester WUNDERMAN Consultant, professor, Author, photographer @lesterWunderman | @Wunderman | @Wpp lester Wunderman is chairman emeritus and founder of Wunderman. He believes, “if there is a lesson to be learned, it is to not do anything half-heartedly. if you’re going to do it at all, give it all you have to give.” mr. Wunderman is an advertising legend and the pioneering father of direct marketing. The visionary marketing techniques he conceived and perfected over his long and brilliant career transformed the advertising industry and continue to shape the interactive marketplace. After an apprenticeship served at several agencies, mr. Wunderman joined maxwell, Sackheim & Company in 1947, where he became executive vice president. in 1958, he founded Wunderman, Ricotta & kline, now known as Wunderman. in 1967, in an address at massachusetts institute of Technology, mr. Wunderman identified, named and defined “Direct marketing” and has led the theoretical and practical growth of the industry ever since. He has received many awards and tributes from the direct marketing industry, including inductions into the Direct marketing Association’s Hall of fame in 1983, and the American Advertising federation Hall of fame. His book, Being Direct, was published by Random House in January 1997, reissued in 2004 with new information, including the first-ever Consumer’s Communications Bill of Rights and his views on the internet, and issued as an e-book in 2011, with a special message for a new generation of readers. An earlier book, Frontiers of Direct Marketing, published in 1981, and many of his speeches are now part of the Wunderman Archives at Duke University’s Hartman Center for Sales and marketing History. 6 | EDGE Awards 2016 | EDGEAwards.org mr. Wunderman became fascinated by photography many years ago, studying at The new School in new York City and working privately with several well-known photographers. Years ago, he met regularly with Cornell Capa, Carl katz and Jacqueline kennedy to discuss the possibility of a professional school of photography. And so the international Center of photography was born, and has thrived ever since. His photographs have been on display at the metropolitan museum of Art in association with his collection of Dogon sculpture, which he donated, and 50 photographs remain in its permanent collection. in addition, his photographs have become part of the permanent collection in the Dapper foundation in paris, now part of the louvre. A native new Yorker born in the Bronx, mr. Wunderman and his wife, Sue (Cott), make their home in manhattan. Lester WUnDERmAn SCHOlARSHip fUnD mARkETinG EDGE’S first inTERnatiOnAl SCHOlARSHip fUnD to SUpport nExT GEneratiOn mARkETERS in conjunction with this pinnacle award, we are proud to introduce the lester Wunderman Scholarship fund, to honor his lifelong achievements and vision. impacting countless men and women throughout the advertising and marketing field, this new scholarship fund ensures that his legacy and impact continues
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