Environmental Impact Assessment of Laying Optical Fiber and Wireless Hybrid Network in Khumbu Pasanglhamu Rural Municipality

Environmental Impact Assessment of Laying Optical Fiber and Wireless Hybrid Network in Khumbu Pasanglhamu Rural Municipality

Draft Report Environmental Impact Assessment of Laying Optical Fiber and Wireless Hybrid Network in Khumbu Pasanglhamu Rural Municipality Submitted to Government of Nepal Ministry of Forests and Environment Environment Division Singh Durbar, Kathmandu Through Government of Nepal Ministry of Information and Communication Singh Durbar, Kathmandu Proponent Everest Link Pvt. Ltd. Head Office Namche Bazaar 3, SoluKhumbu Mobile: 9862928750 Email: [email protected] City Contact Office SumangalNiwash, 282 Pandol Marg, Baluwatar (in front of Prime Minister's Residence, Gate#1) Kathmandu, Nepal Phone: +977-1-4441282, 4438225, 4423093 Email: [email protected] October 2020 Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Study of the Laying Optical Fiber and Wireless Hybrid Network in Khumbu Pasanglhamu Rural Municipality ABBREVIATION AND ACRONYM 4G Fourth Generation of broadband CBD Convention on Biological Diversity CSR Corporate Social Responsibility DIA Direct Impact Zone DNPWC Department of National Parks and Wildlife Reserves EIA Environment Impact Assessment EMC Environment Management Committee EMP Environment Management Plan GDP Gross Domestic Product GHz Giga Hertz GoN Government of Nepal ICT Information and Communication Technology IIA Indirect Impact Zone ISP Internet Service Provider IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources Kbps Kilobits per second KPL Khumbu Pasanglhamu Rural Municipality LTE Long-Term Evolution of broadband Mbps Megabits per second mm millimeter MoCIT Ministry of Communication and Information Technology MoFE Ministry of Forest and Environment msl Mean Sea Level NTC Nepal Telecommunication Authority OSM OpenStreetMap OUV Outstanding Universal Value PPE Personal Protective Equipment SD Scoping Document SNP Sagarmatha National Park ToR Terms of Reference UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization VDC Village Development Committee Draft Report ii Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Study of the Laying Optical Fiber and Wireless Hybrid Network in Khumbu Pasanglhamu Rural Municipality sfo{sf/L ;f/+z != kl/ro k|b]z g+ !, ;f]n'v'Da' lhNnfdf cjl:yt Pe/]i6 ln+s Kf|f= ln=n] o; clK6sn kmfOa/ tyf xfOla|8 g]6js{ kl/of]hgf -o; kl5 “kl/of]hgf” dfq}_ o;} lhNnf cGtu{t v'Da' kf;fu+ Nxfd' ufFpkflnsfdf ug{ elg kl/of]hgfsf] jftfj/0fLo k|efj d"Nofs+g ub}{ o; k|ltj]bg ;DalGwt lgsfo / k|s[of dfkm{t l:js[ltsf] nfuL cl3 a9fPsf] 5 . o; kl/of]hgf dfkm{t ;f] ljs6 tyf ko{6sLo If]qdf OG6/g]6 / cGo ;DalGwt ;]jf k'of{O{ ljsf;df 6]jf k'of{pg] nIo klg lnPsf] 5 . Pe/]i6 ln+s ;g @)!$ df :ylkt eO{ gfDr] ahf/df cjl:yt 5 . cfjfZostfdf /x]sf ko{6s, :yflgo tyf ;+3 ;:yfgdf l;ldt OG6/g]6 ;]jf k'of{O/x]sf] o; ;]jf k|bfos ;+:yfn] o; kl/of]hgf dfkm{t If]q el/ g} tf/ / tf/ /lxt pRr :t/Lo b|'t OG6/g]6 ;]jf lbO{ ;f] If]qsf] xfnsf] ko{6g, ;+/If0f, lzIff / :jf:Yo If]qnfO{ cem k|efjsf/L agfpg] dxTjsf+Iff /fv]sf] 5 . o; kl/of]hgfdf g]kfn ;/sf/sf] u|fld0f e]udf O{G6/g]6 ;]jf k|efjsf/L agfpg] gLltdf ;xof]u k'Ug] b[li6sf]0f klg /flvPsf] 5 . k|:tfljt kl/of]hgfsf] jftfj/0fLo k|efj d"Nof+sg k|ltj]bg Pe/]i6 ln+sn] lj1x? s/f/df lnO{ tof/ u/]sf] 5 . o; cWoog ug'{ cl3 Pe/]i6 ln+sn] tTslng jg tyf e";+/If0f dGqfnosf] ;xdlt lnO{, ;f]xL dGqfnosf] ;'emfjdf o; cWoog cl3 a9fPsf] xf] . k|ltj]bg tof/Lsf] ;Gbe{df jftfj/0f ;+/If0f P]g -@)%#, ;+Zf]wg @)&%_ jftfj/0f ;+/If0f lgodfjnL @)%$ / /fli6|o jftfj/0fLo k|efj d"Nofs+g lgb]{lzsf @)%) nfO{ d"Vo cfwf/ agfO{Psf] 5 . kl/of]hgf :yn ljZj ;Dkbf leq kg]{ ePsf]n] jftfj/0fLo k|efj cWoog k|ltj]bg af6 klg k"g/fjnf]sg u/fO{Psf] 5 . cWoogsf] s|ddf b]z UNESCO/IUCN ;l3+otfdf hfbf gofF gLlt lgodx? aGb} hfFbf, pknAw ePsf ;DalGwt P]g sfg"gx?sf] k"g/fjnf]sg o; cWoogdf ul/Psf] 5 . @= cfof]hgf ljj/0f clK6sn kmfOa/ k|ljlwdf k|sfzsf] ls/0f dfkm{t ;'rgf l;;f jf kmfOa/sf] kfOk dfkm{t Ps :yfgaf6 csf]{ :yfgdf k'of{pg] ul/G5 . xfn :j:Yo pkrf/df clK6sn kmfOa/ k|of]u u/L z/L/sf] leqL efux? x]g{] ul/Psf] ;j{JofkL g} /x]sf] 5 . ;+;f/df ;a} eGbf pRr :t/Lo b|'t ultdf OG6/g]6 ;]jf lng ;lsg] eg]s} clK6sn kmfOa/ g} xf] / eljiodf klg /lx/xG5 . OG6/g]6sf] clK6sn kmfOa/df ;j{JofkL ?kdf &%) b]lv *%), !#!) / !%#) b]vL !%^) nm wavelength ePsf] k|sfz t/+u k|of]u ul/G5 h'g dfgjn] b]Vg] k|sfzsf] t/+u eGbf nfdf] -Infra Red_ t/+u xf] . lagf s'g} k|fljlws ;jnLs/0f wft'sf] tf/df ;"rgf ;+jfxg @ jf # ls=ld= ;Dd hfG5 eg] clK6sn kmfOa/df lagf ;jlns/0f ;+jfxg k|sfzsf] ultdf !)) ls=ld= ;Dd k'Ug ;S5 . Pp6} clK6sn kmfOa/ leq ljleGg ;dosf] km/sdf w/} ;"rgf k7fpg ;lsG5 . o; k|ljlwsf] ;oGqdf ljB'lto ;'rgfnfO{ k|sflzo ;'rgfdf abnL clK6sn kmfOa/ dfkm{t k|sfzs} j]udf csf]{ 5]pdf k7fO{ km]/L ljB'lto ;'rgfdf kl/jt{g ul/ ;'rgf ;+rf/ ul/G5 . o; kl/of]hgfdf clK6sn kmfOa/ / 6fj/ dfkm{t tf/ /lxt Af|f]8a]G8 -Wireless broadband_ b'j} k|of]u ul/g]5 . ;}4flGts ?kdf OG6/g]6sf] j]u clK6sn kmfOa/df !))) Mbps ;Dd x'G5 eg] tf/ /lxt a|f]8Af]G8df OG6/g]6sf] j]u !=% Mbps ;Dd x'G5 . Afhf/df pknAw / Ifdtf cg';f/ o; clK6sn kmfOa/ kl/of]hgfdf !@ sf]/sf] -GYTA53/ExiFiber, YD/T 901- 2009/IEC 60794-1 standard_ jf ;f] ;/x k|of]u ul/g]5 . kmfOa/nfO{ v'Da' kf;fu+ Nxfd' ufFpkflnsf leq / ;u/dfyf /fli6|o lgs'Gh leq /x]sf uf]/]6f] af6f]sf] 5]p -eL/lt/ geO{ 8fF8f lt/_ )=^ ld= ulx/fO / )=$% ld= rf}8fOsf] vf8ndf laR5\ofOg]5 h'g hldg leq x'g]5 . vf]nf vf]N;fx?df eg] ePsf] k'n d"lgaf6 nlug]5 . tf/ /lxt OG6/g]6sf] nfuL @! 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Draft Report iii Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Study of the Laying Optical Fiber and Wireless Hybrid Network in Khumbu Pasanglhamu Rural Municipality kl/of]hgfsf] ultjLlwx?df d"Votof lgDg a'bf+ut s[ofsnfkx? /xg]5g\ . @=! lgdf{0f cjlw • Uff]/]6f] tyf 3f]8]6f]x?dfsf] 8fF8f -dflyNnf]_ 5]pdf vfN6f] lgdf{0f -)=^ ld=ulx/fO{, )=$% ld rf}8fO{_ ug]{ • vfN8f]df clK6sn kmfOa/ la5\ofpg] tyf kmfOa/ :kNofO; aS; -Fiber Splicing Box_n] kmfOa/x? hf]8\g] • vfN8f]af6 lg:s]sf] df6f]n] km]/L vf8n k'/L uf]/]6f]x? k"g:y{fkgf ug]{ • tf//xLt OG6/g]6 ;Dafxgsf] nfuL 6fj/x? 8fF8fx?df :ylkt ug]{ -@! j6f_, uf]/]6f] af6f]x?af6 clK6sn kmfOaf/ 6fj/;Dd uf]/]6f] af6f]s} t/Lsfdf uf8\g] . lgdf{0f cjlwdf b}lgs #)) ld= nDafO{sf] b/df ul/g]5 . lgdf{0fdf lgtfGt :yflgo kbfy{ / ;fdfu|Lx?g} k|of]u ul/g]5 . O6f, l;d]G6 / afn'jf geO{, :yfgs} df6f] / 9'uf+ k|of]u ul/g]5 . uf]/]6f]x?df vf8n vGbf s8f r6\6fgx? kg{ uPdf vf8n r6\6fgnfO{ 3'dfP/ j/k/af6 vlgg]5 . Tof] klg ;Dej gePdf clK6sn kmfOa/ ;tx dfyL g} /xg]5 . vf]nf / vf]N;fx?df /x]sf] k'n d"lgaf6 kmfOa/nfO{ afwL jf/kf/ ul/g] 5 . clK6sn kmfOa/x?sf] e08f/0f glhs / kfos kg]{ j:tLx?df ul/g] 5 / ;f]xL glhs j:tLx?af6 pknAw hgzQmL k|of]u ul/g] ePsf]n] c:yfO{ 6x/f -camp_x?sf] lgdf{0f ul/g] 5}g . hf8f] ofddf tyf pRr ko{6sx? lelqg] ;dodf lgdf{0f sfo{ ug{ g;lsg] ePsf]n] o; lgdf{0f sfo{ # b]vL % jif{df nueu !)) ls=ld= la5\ofO{ lgdf{0f ;DkGg x'g]5 . @=@ ;]jf ;+rfng cjlw lgdf{0f k'/f ePsf] j:tLx?df ;]jf t'/Gt z'? ul/g] 5 . ;fy} o; cjwLdf lgs'Ghsf] nfuL :yfgx?df l;Q}df OG6/g]6 ;]jf tyf cGo ;'ljwfx? klg pknAw u/fOg] 5 .

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