CENSUS OF INDIA 1991 REGIONAL DIVISIONS OF INDIA ·A CARTOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS OCCASIONAL PAPERS SERIES ·1 VOLUME ·111 ASSAM F la'lnl!;g & Su )ervision Dr. R.P.SINGH ;:','5Slsknt Regi5trar Gerleral (Map) (,Hlerdl Direcliun & Edltl1g J,K. BANTHIA 1)( the ind,an Acminlslrall"f Service Registrar Genl~ral & C(,nSUs Commissioner India 'Zp", Mans ngh Hoad, N~v Delhi ' Maps included in this volume are based upon Survey of India Map with the pennission of the Surveyor General of India. The territorial waters of India extend into the sea to a distance of twelve nautical miles measured from the appropriate base line. The Interstate boundaries between Arunachal Pradesh, Assam and Meghalaya shown on the Maps are as interpreted from the North-Eastern Areas (Re-organisation) Act, 1971, but have yet to be verified . The nomenclature "Mikir" of 1981 publication is replaced by the term -Karbi" wherever appears. © Government of India copyright 2001. Abbreviations: RC Revenue Circle MC Municipal Corporation MB Municipal Board TC Town Committee CT Census Town NA Not available T Total R Rural U Urban FOREWORD "Regional Divisions of India - A Cartographic Analysis" , of each State and Union Territory Volume, 1991 is undertaken by the Map Division of this office. The project is in continuation of a similar 'Occasional Paper' published during the 1981 census. In this study, regions are delineated at macro, messo; micro and sub-micro level in each state/union territory. While delineating such regions. the physio-geographic factors are taken into account. These physio-geographic factors consist of (i) Physiography; (ii) Geological structure; (iii) Forest coverage; (iv) Cfimatic conditions and (v) Soils. The sub-micro regions are delineated within the district keeping in view the above physio-geographic factors. The regional boundaries delineated earlier at different levels are retained as such. However, the jurisdictional changes at the district level during 1981-91 were added in the respective regions. A few more tables and maps on educational level of primary and secondary schools and availability of medical facilities at the villages, have been appended in this volume. This publication consists of three parts. Part I contains the brief introductory note on Regional Divisions of India alongwith a map of India showing the regional boundaries at micro level. This part is common for all the States and Union Territories Volume. Part" deals with the description of Regional Divisions of each State and Union Territory. In this section, there are nearly 21 maps related to different themes e.g. denSity, sex ratio, growth of population, workers. literacy and scheduled castes and scheduled tribes. These maps are prepared at the sub-micro level. Part '" is mainly devoted to presentation of data and maps of the disbicts. The districts are divided into sub-micro regions of the fourth order and brief analysis of each of these sub-micro regions is written and supported by tables relating to the main demographic theme of the districts. This project is executed under the technical supervision of Dr. R.P. Singh, Assistant Registrar General (Map) and other officers and staff of the map Division of this office and Directorates of Census operations of StateslUnion Territories. The officers and the staff associated with this project are acknowledged separately. An effort is made to publish this volume on Compact Discs also for the convenience of the us~rs. I hope this publication will be useful for administrators, geographers. demographers and other interested in different fields of population study. New Delhi Dated: 30.1.2001. J.K. 8anthia Registrar General and Census Commissioner, India ( iii ) PREFACE Census is a storehouse of various data. Apart from compiling population statistics it also· perfonns another job of representing the data through graphical means i.e. data in the form of maps, charts and diagrams which has become a common theme of Census Pubtications since 1961 Census. During 1981 Census another innovative scheme was taken by this organization with the approval of the Planning Commission of Govt. of India to bring-out sectoral statistics down to some micro-physlographical regions basing upon its topographical characteristics and homogeneity to present a precise depiction of man-land relation. The present volume is the second revised edition in this series. The delineation of these regional boundaries may not necessarily coincide with the administrative boundaries Simply because each and every micro-region is governed by certain criteria that imply certain specific characteristics to the zone in tenns of geology, soil, climate, transport and communications, industry, agricultural activities, human habitation and food behaviour, etc. Considering all these attributes and summing them up into one substance is a huge task of considerable magnitude that involves intensive care and labour which will give the reader a vogue idea about the sub-micro zones in particular and the state as a whole. The validity of this exercise lies in accurate delineation, dissection and morphological explanation of the attributes thereby constructing a meaningful idea so that the reader, data user or the planner can interact their ideas and reconstruct a base for future development. Basing upon these information even areas of small dimension like villages can be taken for fruitful planning and upliftment. It Mluld, in all its uttemess, might help the government in executing its development programmes who has of late. renewed emphasis on toeal area planning. A good number of officials both from the office of the Registrar General. India and this Directorate have generously contributed their best in completing this project. I must express my sincere gratitude to Shri J.K. Banthia. lAS, the Registrar General and Census Commissioner of India who has been untiredly pursuing the matter to set the volume see the light of the day. I am also deeply indebted to Dr. R.P. Singh, Asstt. Registrar General (Map) for his valuable suggestions and timely guidance in bringing out this volume as early as possible. I am thankful to other officials of the Registrar General of India's office also who have directly or indirectly involved themselves in completion of this project. lVJ In my Cirectorate full co-operation was received from Shri N.C. Sen, Deputy Director, who always stood iJy the staff in their need. Shri K.C.S. Bhagabati, Research Officer{Map) also deserves my sincere thanks who took all the pains to bring out the volume at any cost. I am also thankful to S/8hri K. Das, Sr. Geographer and A.J. Sarmah, Cartographer who co-operated relentlessly to ~Jet the work done in time. Besides, all the officials of the drawing section and other officials associated with this project also deserve my deep sense of appreciation for their timely co­ operation without which the project could not have been completed. Dated Guwahat~ the 1st January ,2002. Pradip Hazarika, lAS . Director of Census Operations, . Assam, Guwahati. I vi J Technical staff of RGI Headquarters and DCO., Assam associated with the Project. At RGI Headquarters: Planning &Supervision Dr. RP. Singh, Asstt. Registrar General (Map) Progress & Monitoring R.K. Chourajit Singh Research Officer (Map) (Upto 31.8.01). RN. Chhipa . Research officer (Map) (from 01.09.01) Computer mapping and other Computerised work Pooran Singh, Senior Geographer Dinesh, DlMan Anil B. DhengJe, Sr.DlMan. Cover Design Mohd. Ishaque, Sr. Drawing Asstt. Secmtarial Wcrk A.K. Jain, P.A. P.K. Ajmani, P.A. .. (VII J At DCC., Assam General Direction P. Hazarika, lAS Director General Management N.C. Sen, Dy.Director Initial Drafting, 'rechnical K.C.S. Bhagabati Direction & Supervision Research Officer (Map) Cartographic Supervision K. Das. Sr. Geographer And Analysis 01 Maps & A.J. Sarmah, Cartographer Cartographic Works Smt.S.K. Chetia. Sr. Drawing Asstt. Smt. M. Kalita, Artist Smt. B. Mahanta.Sr.D/Man Smt. R. Mazumdar. D/Man Smt. M. Kalita, D/Man Secretarial work Shri K.N. Gogoi Confidential Asstt. Shri B. Baruah, Inv.Grade-1I1 Shri B. Gogoi, L.D.C. Shri S. Mukherjee, Jr. Supervisor Shri S. Dutta. DEO-8 Shri A. Kafita, DEO-8 Shri S. Mudoi, DEO-B Proof Reading S/Shri K. Das, Sf-Geographer A.J. Sarrnah, Cartographer Printing Management B.K.Hazarika, H.P.M.O. Ramasish Roy, G,Operator. {viii"> ftEGIONAL DIVISIONS OF INDIA: A CARTOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS ASSAM STATE VOLUME CONTENTS Pages Foreword (iii) Prefa(~e (v} PART-I Regional Divisions of India - A Cartographic Analysis - General Note 3 - 6 Brief characteristics of Regional Divisions 7 -16 Phys~)-Geograohical Regions of India (Regional Divisions) PART -II Regional Divisi Jns of Assam 31-39 GENERAL MAPS Positi In of Assam in India 1991 41' Administrative Jivisions of Assam i 991 4H Relief and Dralflage 49 Normal monthl! and annual rainfall 50 Normal monthl ( and annual temperature Geok'9Y 52 ':, Soil 5", Distribution of :>opulation 1991 54 Urban density of Population 1991 (sub-micro level) 55 Sex-ratio 1991 (sub-micro level) 56 Main Workers 1991 (sub-micro level) 57 Percentage of literates to total population 1991 58 (sub-micro level) Scheduled Castes 1991 (sub-micro level) 59 Scheduled Tribes 1991 (sub-micro level) 60 PART -III REGIONAL DIVISIONS OF DISTRICTS: 1 DISTRICT CACHAR (il Regional Divisions of Cachar 63-64 (il) Data on Regional Divisions' of Cachar 67 (iti) Region-wise village codes of Cachar 68-70 (iv) Statement on Region-wise Physio-cultural details of Cachar. 71-74 2, DISTRICT KARIMGANJ (i) Regional Divisions of Karimganj 75-76 (ii I Data on Regional Divisions of Karimganj 79 (iii) Region-wise village codes of Karimganj 80 (iv) Statement of Region-wise Physio- cultural details of Karimganj 81-82 3. DISTRICT HAiLAKANDI (i) Regional Divisions of Hailakandi 83-84 (ii; Data on Regional Divisions of Hailakandi 87 (iii) Region-wise village codes of Hailakandi 88 (iv) Statement on Region-wise Ph ys io-cu Itura I details of Hailakandi.
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