6. The Barents Sea Eva K. Halland (Project Leader), Andreas Bjørnestad, Ine Tørneng Gjeldvik, Maren Bjørheim, Christian Magnus, Ida Margrete Meling, Jasminka Mujezinović, Fridtjof Riis, Rita Sande Rød, Van T. H. Pham, Inge Tappel 107 6.1 Geology of the Barents Sea 2z°EwEME 5E°EwEME 5z°EwEME 1E°EwEME 20°0'0"E 25°0'0"E ! ! ! Stappen-High ! Hoop-Fault-Complex ! Fingerdjupet-Sub°basin Mercurius-High ! ! 73°0'0"N ! Bjarmeland-Platform ! Svalis-Dome ! ! ! Bjørnøya-Basin Maud-Basin I1°EwEMN ! ! ! ! ! ! Norvarg-Dome ! ! ! ! Nordkapp-Basin ! ! ! ! Swaen-Graben ! ! ! ! Bjørnøyrenna-Fault-Complex ! ! Loppa-High 72°0'0"N ! ! ! Sørvestsnaget-Basin Norsel-High ! ! !! Samson-Dome ! !! ! Veslemøy-HighPolhem-Sub°platform ! Nysleppen-Fault-Complex ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! I5°EwEMN ! ! ! ! ! A' ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! !! Nysleppen-Fault-Complex ! ! !! ! ! ! ! Måsøy-Fault-Complex 71°0'0"N ! Hammerfest-Basin ! ! Senja-RidgeTromsø-Basin Finnmark-Platform ! Ringvassøy°Loppa-Fault-Complex Cretaceous-High A Deep-Cretaceous-Basin Marginal-Volcanic-High Hammerfest I2°EwEMN # Palaeozoic-High-in-Platform Troms°Finnmark-Fault-Complex Platform Pre°Jurassic-Basin-in-Platform 70°0'0"N Harstad-Basin Shallow-Cretaceous-Basin-in-Platform Terraces-and-Intra°Basinal-Elevations Hammerfest # Volcanics Hammerfest Basin well panel Structural elements of the Southern Barents Sea. Transect from the Harstad Basin to the Måsøy Fault Complex (AA`). A AI HEKKINGEN FM REALGRUNNEN SUBGP FRUHOLMEN FM SNADD FM Well section panels (AA`) showing gamma and neutron/density logs reflecting thickness variations of the different formations. CO2STORAGEATLAS NORWEGIAN CONTINENTAL SHELF 108 6.1 Geology of the Barents Sea BARENTS SEA N Sentralbanken High Kong Karl Barents Sea Hammerfest Basin Nordkapp Basin Gardarbanken High Platform Margin Loppa High Finnmark Platform Bjarmeland Platform Olga Basin CHRONOSTRATIGRAPHY GROUP SUBGROUP FORMATION QUATERNARY PLIOCENE NORDLAND MIOCENE NEOGENE OLIGOCENE EOCENE SOTBAKKEN Torsk ALEOGENE P PALEOCENE MAA . LATE CEN NYGRUNNEN Kveite Kolmule Kviting T E APT - ALB Kolje EARLY CR BRM ADVENT- Knurr RYA DALEN Hekkingen - LATE OXF VOL S Fuglen A MIDDLE CLV R AAL SIC Stø TOA JU EARLY HET Nordmela RHÆTIAN REALGRUNNEN Tubåen KAPP Fruholmen LATE NORIAN TOSCANA CARNIAN STORFJORDEN LADINIAN Snadd MIDDLE Kobbe ANISIAN TRIASSIC Steinkobbe SASSEN- SPATHIAN INGØYDJUPET Klappmyss Shallow shelf EARLY SMITHIAN DALEN DIENERIAN GRIESBACHIAN Havert TATARIAN Fluvial/tidal delta LATE UFIMIAN - KAZANIAN TEMPEL- KUNGURIAN FJORDEN Delta plain ARTINSKIAN EARLY SAKMARIAN Deep shelf PERMIAN ASSELIAN GIPSDALEN GZE PENNSYLVANIAN BSH ALENTER * SPK V VI ARBON MISSISSIPPIAN K C TOU BILLEFJORDEN FAMMENIAN E VONIAN E D Carbonates Shale and siltstone Sandstone Evaporites Spiculite Carbonate build-ups ** Lithost Lithostratigraphicratigraphic nomencl nomenclatureature for The Baren tsfor Sea The Pale oBarentszoic is in p Searepar aPaleozoiction (NPD). Lithostratigraphic nomenclature The lithostratigraphic nomenclature for the post-Caledonian successions of the southern Barents Sea has been a matter of discussion since the southern Barents Sea was opened for hydrocarbon exploration and the first well was drilled in 1980. N In NPD Bulletin No 4 (Dalland et.al. 1988) a lithostratigraphic scheme was defined for the Mesozoic and Cenozoic successions offshore mid- and northern Norway. Dallmann et.al (1999) suggested a revised lithostratigraphic scheme for the Upper Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic successions from the Svalbard area including the southern Barents Sea. Conceptual sketch of an early stage in the development of the Stø formation NPD Bulletin No 9 (Larssen et.al 2002) presented a formalized Upper Paleozoic in the southern parts of the Barents Sea. lithostratigraphy for the southern Norwegian Barents Sea. The official stratigraphic nomenclature for the Barents Sea is as follows: The CO2 Storage Atlas for the Norwegian Continental Shelf has followed the definitions from Dallmann et.al (1999) and suggested a revised lithostratigraph- ic scheme for the Mesozoic. For the Upper Paleozoic successions, the official nomenclature from NPD Bulletin No 9 (Larssen et.al 2002) has been used. For the Cenozoic, we follow NPD Bulletin No 4. 109 6.1 Geology of the Barents Sea The Barents Sea is located in an intracratonic setting The area evaluated for CO2 storage is defined to Finnmark Fault Complex); to the north against between the Norwegian mainland and Svalbard. It the west by the N-S to NNE-SSW trending Ringvassøy- the Loppa High (Asterias Fault Complex) and the has been affected by several tectonic episodes after Loppa and Bjørnøyrenna Fault Complexes, to the Bjarmeland Platform. Internally E-W to WNW-ESE the Caledonian orogeny ended in Late Silurian/Early south/southeast by the Troms-Finnmark Fault Complex trending faults dominates. Devonian. and the Finnmark Platform, to the north by an east- The basin was probably established by Early to Late There is a marked difference, both in time, trend west line approximately along the 73o N parallel, and Carboniferous rifting. Two wells have penetrated the and magnitude, between the tectonic and stratigraphic to the east by a north-south line running approximately Upper Paleozoic succession. Well 7120/12-2, drilled on development in the western and eastern parts of the along the 28oE meridian. the southern margin, penetrated a 1000m thick Upper southern Barents Sea. This boundary is defined by The southern Barents Sea shelf is divided into sev- Permian sequence overlying Lower Permian dolomites the dominantly N-S to NNE-SSW trending Ringvassøy- eral main structural elements. The most important and Red beds resting on Precambrian/Caledonian Loppa and Bjørnøyrenna Fault Complexes. The area to ones are: The Hammerfest and Nordkapp Basins, the basement. Well 7120/9-2 in the central part of the the west of this boundary was tectonically very active Finnmark and Bjarmeland Platforms and the Loppa basin reached TD 117m into the Upper Permian Røye throughout Late Mesozoic and Cenozoic times, with High. There are also several smaller structural elements, Formation. deposition of enormous thicknesses of Cretaceous, like the Polheim Sub-platform, Senja Ridge, Veslemøy, Major subsidence occurred in the Triassic, Jurassic Paleogene and Neogene sediments in the Harstad, Norsel High. Bordering and partly defining the main and Early Cretaceous, overlain by a thin, highly Tromsø and Bjørnøya Basins. NNE-SSW, NE-SW and structural elements are a series of complex fault zones: condensed sequence of Late Cretaceous and Early locally N-S trending faults dominate in this western Troms-Finnmark, Ringvassøy-Loppa, Bjørnøyrenna, Paleocene shale. There is no evidence for diapirism part. In contrast, the southeastern Barents Sea is domi- Måsøy, Nysleppen and Asterias Fault Complexes. of Upper Paleozoic evaporites as seen in the Tromsø nated by thick Upper Paleozoic and Mesozoic sequenc- The Hammerfest Basin is fault-controlled: To the Basin to the west and the Nordkapp Basin to the east. es, where E-W, WNW-ESE to ENE-SSW fault trends domi- west against the Ringvassøy-Loppa Fault Complex; Internally the basin is characterized by a central E-W nate. to the south against the Finnmark Platform (Troms– trending faulted dome-structure, related to the Late I A A Ringvassøy 7 Polheim Sørvestsnaget Basin Veslemøy High Loppa High Bjarmeland Platform Nordkapp Basin Finnmark Platform Loppa Fault Sub7 Norsel High Nysleppen Complex platform Fault Complex Måsøy Fault Complex TA° TQ° TU° Tc° Tw° W4° WT° WW° W(° W)° WA° WQ° WU° Wc° Ww° (4° (T° (W° T W ( ) Quaternary Triassic Neogene Upper Permian A Paleogene Lower Permian Upper Cretaceous Carboniferous Lower Cretaceous Basement Upper Jurassic Salt Q Jurassic TWT °s1 UWT4 7 UUA UW4U(4 7 c) UWT4 7 UQ UWT4 7 Uw UWT4 7 UQ CO2STORAGEATLAS NORWEGIAN CONTINENTAL4 T4 W4 (4 )4 A4SHELF km 110 6.1 Geology of the Barents Sea 16°2R2AE 02°2R2AE 06°2R2AE 32°2R2AE Jurassic tectonic episode. western part of the platform was transgressed. Edgeøya Platform Kong Karl Platform Kong Karl Platform Sørkapp Basin Gardarbanken High The Nordkapp Basin is fault-controlled and Late Permian and Late Jurassic movements fol- Sentralbanken High "6°2R2AN located along a SW-NE trending Upper Paleozoic lowed by Cenozoic tectonism, and uplift result- Gardarbanken High rift. It is bounded by the Bjarmeland Platform ed in a gentle northward tilt of the Finnmark Hopenbanken Arch to the northwest and the Finnmark Platform to Platform. In the northeastern part of the Stappen High "5°2R2AN the southeast. The northwestern boundary is Platform, thick sequences of Mesozoic, mainly Bjarmeland Platform Vestbakken volcanic province Hoop Fault Complex Fingerdjupet SubEbasin defined by the Nysleppen Fault Complex, and Triassic rocks have been drilled. Mercurius High the southeastern boundary is defined by the The Bjarmeland Platform is part of an exten- Svalis Dome Bjørnøya Basin Maud Basin "3°2R2AN Måsøy Fault Complex. sive platform area east of the Loppa High and Norvarg Dome Nordkapp Basin Swaen Graben During the Late Paleozoic (Late north of the Nordkapp Basin. The platform AR Loppa High Norsel High A Carboniferous to Early Permian), thick sequences was established in the Late Carboniferous and Sørvestsnaget Basin Composite Profile "012 Composite Pofile "0°2R2AN Veslemøy High BR Nysleppen Fault Complex of halite were deposited (Gipsdalen Gp) giving Permian, but subsequent Paleogenetectonism Nysleppen Fault Complex Hammerfest Basin rise to pronounced salt diapirism, beginning
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