IN THIS ISSUE -HAYDEN ON CHICAGO -THREE-MONTH STRIKE DECEMBER 1969 $192 25* VOL. 5 NO. 11 -BOBBY SEALE FROM JAIL -LAOS: ANOTHER VIETNAM THE MOVEMENT PRESS BULK RATE II. 8. POSTAGEl 330 Grove Street P A ID San Francisco, California 94102 lir. & Mrs. Grant Cannon 4907 Klatte Road JIm Fr-,ncl_, Call'. Cincinoati, . Oh io 45244 Permit No. 8603 REP ---------- LETTER FROM THE EDITORS The Students for a Democratic Society, We have reorganized the editorial the Radical Education Project and other board of THE MOVEMENT. Our staff radical groups in Detroit, were set-up now includes representatives of various for harassment in the Detroit FreePress revolutionary collectives in the Bay article of October 30, 1969 which printed Area. (SDS, Newsre':!l, RU, the Hayward one of ouf names and several addresses. Collective and hopefully more in the The article implied that we were future.) . PHAM VAN DONG responsi.ble for the unrest in local high The basic editorial policy ofthe news­ schools this' fall. We believe that this paper will not change. We plan to con­ evasion of the real cause of discontent tinue to develop and change, as we is an obvious attempt to intimidate us for J1ave done in the past, along with the Dear American Friends, that the U.S. 'government com­ our polltical beliefs and to destroy the development of the movement in gen­ The progressive people of the pletely and unconditionally pullout right to dissent guaranteed to all Amer­ eral. We made the reorganization sothat United States have so far strug­ of Vietnam all U.S. troops and icans. the newspaper could continue to be organ- gled against the war of aggression those of foreign countries belong­ The article contained testimony of De­ -ically linked with on-going practice and in Vietnam. This fall. the broad ing to its camp, and let the Viet­ tective Sgt. Allen Crouter of the Detroit mass work. masses of the American people, namese people decide themselves Police Department givenbefore the House In the past few months you may have encouraged and supported by many their own destiny. Internal security Committee and other ll0ticed that we have fewer stories from peace - and - justice - loving The Vietnamese people deeply such committees (including the Huber Ilround the country. This is not inten­ Amt!rican personalities, have cherish peace, but a peace in in­ Committee in Michigan) serve to harass tional. Our newspaper reflects the gen­ again started a broad and power­ dependence and freedom. So long and intimidate people. They regularly eral problems that brothers and sisters ful drive in the wbole country to as the U.S. government has not release one-Sided, unsubstantiated "in_ have everywhere. When people are in­ demand that the Nixon administra­ stopped its aggression in Vietnam, formational" gossip that is designed to volved in heavy action and internal has­ tion stop the war of aggression in the Vietnamese people will ten­ make people afraid of a threatened sles, they just don't write articles. We Vietnam, and immediately bring aciously fight on to defend their loss of freedom when all along these hope that this pattern is changing and home all U.S. troops. fundamental national rights. The committees work for the people who have that people who find the newspaper Your drive - eloquently reflects patriotic fight of our people is also already stolen that freedom. They work useful will understand that it can only the legitimate and pressingdemand a fight for the objectives of peace for the people' who every day steal our remain useful U everyone supports it. of .your people to save the honour and justice you are pursuing. labor, '!>teal our dignity, decide what Support means sendingus articles anal­ of the United States and to avoid . We are firmly confident that kind of dissent is all right, and gen­ yzing your practice in a way that will for their boys useless death in with the solidarity and courage of erally keep us frustrated in our attempts be useful for sisters and brothers to Vietnam. This is also a very our two peoples, with the sympathy to get together black, brown, and . learn from. Support means also, help­ fitting and timely answer to the and support of the peace loving white oppressed people, to do something ing us with distribution. Hundreds of U.S. authorities who stubbornly people in the world, the struggle about our problems. people who used to be able to find the persist in intensUying and pro­ of the Vietnamese people and of The material presented before this pewspaper easily (in Chicago and New longing the war of aggression in . the progressive people in the committee indicates the irresponsible York, especially), can no longer do so. Vietnam, in defiance of the pro­ United States against U.S. ag­ nature of the committee which must We need people to take responsibilityfor tests of American and world pu­ grQssion will end in total victory. resort to such phoney grabbing of head­ distributing large numbers of papers to blic opinion. lines to insure the continued exercise of bookstores, campuses, meetings, andon The Vietnamese people and the Cordial greeting. its illegitimate power. the streets. If anyone is interested in world's peoples fully approve and PHAM VAN DONG The Detroit Free Press, in this in­ becoming a MOVEMENT distributor, warmly haU your just struggle. Prime Minister of the'DemOcratic stance, has served as the mouthpiece for write us now. (You can even make some The Vietnamese people demand Republic of Vietnal1i this harasssment and along with the so­ bread U you're dedicated enough) Support called public police department has also means money. Our debts are piling proven not an impartial protector of jus­ up again, so send what you can. tice and freedom, but rather a decider Power to the People. of who shall and shall not be free. We J.I. CASE _ will not be intimidated. The people will not refrain from uniting to create a society that serves and protects aU Dear Editor: students faced during the Case' strike of its citizens. The article by Reese Erlich in the last was less of having "an inflated view issue of the MOVEMENT on the strike of their (the workers') consciousness" The Rep Staff at J.l. Case Company reflects a deep­ than of having an inflated view oj your seated blindness and confusion on the part own role in the strike. It is very im. of the author - an inability to grasp the portant that workers and students engage nature of that struggle. Increasingly a­ in joint struggles - but also as an im­ cross the country and within every portant education experiencefor students major capitalist country, students are to take orders from workers and to serve joining in struggle with workers against and support workers in their struggles their common oppressor. The conver­ with the boss - on the workers' terms. THIS ISSUE IS DEDICATED TO THE CONSPIRACY. gence of these two streams of struggle The attitudes and approach toward work­ represents an exciting and necessary ers and their organizations expressed in STOP THE TRIAL! development in the struggle against Mo­ Erlich's article will put off and frustrate nopoly capitalism. This development this contact - because student radicals who raises important questions which must insist that they know what's best for be dealt with. Unfortunately the Move­ workers will not be welcomed on the pic­ ment article through blind arrogance and ket line. confusion succeeds only in moving the If workers and students are ever going discussion from a higher to a lower to get together, it is primarily the level. job of students to lay the basis for it. I can only characterize fhe thrust of If students wish to express their sol­ APOLOGY the article as slanderous - against the idarity with workers they will have to men involved, against myself, and a­ demollstrate that they are there to sup­ The cover of our last issue was sabotaged by our ex-printer, Waller gainst our union. It is a lie that "the port the workers, not to use them. Press. Some wise guy drew white eyes on the photo of Los Siete, mak­ union leadership was out to screw the White student radicals must be par­ strikers from the very beginning". It ticularly on guard against falling into ing the brothers look like zombies. We apologize to Los Siete and we is a lie tbat "one top union official white supremacisterrors in their contact warn Waller to beware the wrath of the p~ople. arranged with the Distributors Asso­ with organizations of the people. The ciation and other warehouse management sweeping moral condemnation of a union to fire Tony.· It is a lie that "In a that has an approximately 50% black private meeting the ILWU leadershipat­ and brown membership with black and tempted to strike a bargain with the brown leadership at all levels including Case stewards (Get rid of the students a black president does not sitwell coming ADDRESSES! ADDRESSES! ADDRESSES! or no helpyo. It is a lie that" During the from middle class white students. stu,:, When you change your address, please let us entire Wildcat, corrupt union officials dents must leave behind them more than jtnow. The POST OFFICE DOES NOT FOWARD the news­ were scheming behind the scenes to "silver bullets· as they ride off into papers. Once a year we find out you've moved when your make sure Tony. was fired and the the sunset in their eternal searchfor the renewal notices get returned cause you've left no fowarding strike was settle by any means nec­ pure struggle.
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