![Bibliographical Index](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Bibliographical Index BIBLIOGRAPHICAL ACCESS TO THIS VOLUME cArIb ibn Sacd al-Katib al-QuqubI. Le calendrier de Cordoue. New Two modes of access to bibliographical information are used in this ed. with annotated French translation by Charles Pellat. Ed. volume: the footnotes and the Bibliographical Index. Reinhart Dozy. Medieval Iberian Peninsula, Texts and Studies, The footnotes provide the full form of a reference the first time it vol. 1. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1961. 53 A~II is cited in each chapter, with short-title versions in subsequent citations. aI-DIn cAbd Allah ibn cAbd al-Rabman aI-I:IusaynL Risalah-)i In each of the short-title references, the note number of the fully cited mazarat-i H arat. Ed. FikrI SaljuqI. Kabul: Publishing Institute, work is given in parentheses. 1967. 239 The Bibliographical Index comprises a complete list, arranged al­ AwrangabadI, Shahnavaz Khan. The Maa!.l2.ir-ul-Umara: Being phabetically by author's name, of all works cited in the footnotes, Biographies of the Mul}ammadan and Hindu Officers of the appendixes, and figure legends. Numbers in bold type indicate the pages Timurid Sovereigns of India from 1500 to about 1780 A.D. on which references to these works can be found. This index is divided Reprint edition. 2 vols. Patna: Janaki Prakashan, 1979. 326 into two parts. The first part identifies the editions and translations of texts; the second part lists the modern literature. al-BaladhurI. Futul} al-buldan. Liber expugnationis regionum. Ed. Michael Jan de Goeje. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1866. 90 EDITIONS AND TRANSLATIONS OF Barros, Joao de. Asia: Decadas. 1552-1615. 256 PRIMARY TEXTS al-BattanI. Zij al-Sabi c. cAbdan. Kitab shajarat al-yaqin. Ed. cArif Tamir. Beirut: Dar al-Afaq AI-Battani sive Albatenii: Opus astronomicum. 3 vols. Ed. Carlo al-Jadrdah, 1982. 83 Alfonso Nallino. Milan, 1899-1907; vols. 1 and 2 reprinted Aba al-Fida). Taqwfm al-buldan. Frankfurt: Minerva, 1969.97, 98, 100 Geographie d'Aboulfeda: Texte arabe. Ed. and trans. Joseph Bernoulli, Jean, ed. Des Pater Joseph Tieffenthaler's ... Historisch­ Toussaint Reinaud and William MacGuckin de Slane. Paris: geographische Beschreibung von Hindustan. 3 vols. Berlin, 1785­ Imprimerie Royale, 1840. 8, 98, 170, 176, 177, 181 88. 325 Geographie d'Aboulfeda: T raduite de l'arabe en frant;;ais, 2 vols. al-BIrunI. al-Athar al-baqfyah. in 3 pts. Vol. 1, Introduction generale a la geographie des Chronologie orientalischer Volker von Alberuni. Ed. Eduard Orientaux, by Joseph Toussaint Reinaud; vol. 2, pt. 1, trans. Sachau. Leipzig: Gedruckt auf Kosten der Deutschen Reinaud; vol. 2, pt. 2, trans. S. Stanislas Guyard. Paris: Morgenlandischen Gesellschaft, 1878. 34 Imprimerie Nationale, 1848-83. 8, 96, 101, 102, 103, 143, The Chronology of Ancient Nations: An English Version of the 157, 170, 176, 177, 181 Arabic Text of the "Athar-ul-bakiya" of Albirunf, or Rommel, Dietrich Christoph von. Abulfedae Arabiae descriptio "Vestiges of the Past," Collected and Reduced to Writing by commentario perpetuo illustrata. Gottingen: Dieterich, 1802. the Author in A.H. 390-1, A.D. 1000. Ed. and trans. Eduard 157 Sachau. London: W. H. Allen, 1879; reprinted Frankfurt: Akhbar ai-Sin wa-al-Hind. Minerva, 1969. 34 )Abbar a?-Sfn wa I-Hind: Relation de la Chine et de I'Inde. Ed. ---. Kitab al-qanun al-Maludi fi al-hay)ah wa-al-nujum. and trans. Jean Sauvaget. Paris: Belles Lettres, 1948. 90 Birunf's Picture of the World. Ed. Ahmed Zeki Velidi Togan. Albuquerque, Afonso de. Cartas de Affonso de Albuquerque. 7 vols. Memoirs of the Archaeological Survey of India, no. 53. Delhi, Lisbon: Typographia da Academia Real das Sciencas, 1884-1935. 1941. 9, 94, 141 256 al-Qanunu)I-MasCudi (Canon Masudicus). 3 vols. Hyderabad: Alfonso X. Libros del saber de astronomia del rey D. Alfonso X de Osmania Oriental Publications Bureau, 1954-56. 98, 141, 175, Castilla. Compo Manuel Rico y Sinobas. 5 vols. Madrid: 176, 179, 180, 182, 183, 184, 188 Tipografia de Don Eusebio Aguado, 1863-67. 28, 29, 42, 45, 60 ---. Kitab al-tafhim li-awa )il ?ina Cat al-tanjim. CAli ibn clsa al-AsrurlabL Kitab al-camal bi-l-a?tur1ab. The Book of Instruction in the Elements of the Art of Astrology. "Kitab aI-Carnal bi-I-a~rurlab Ii-CAli ibn clsa." Ed. P. Louis Ed. and trans. Robert Ramsay Wright. London: Luzac, 1934. Cheikho. al-Mashrlq 16 (1913): 29-46. 26 35,58,36,142,147,178 Anquetil-Duperron, Abraham Hyacinthe. Zend-Avesta. 3 vols. Paris: Kitab al-tafhim li-ava )il ~ina Cat al-tanjim. Ed. Jalal aI-Din N. M. Tilliard, 1771; reprinted New York: Garland, 1984.325 Huma)I. Tehran, 1974.75, 76, 77, 80 Apastambiyasulvasutra. --. Kitab tal}did nihayat al-amakin li-tasl}il} masafat'al­ Apastamba-Sulbasutram. Ed. Satya Prakash and Ram Swarup masakin. Sharma. Trans. Satya Prakash. Dr. Ratna Kumari Publications Ed. with introduction by Mu1)ammad TawIt al-TanjI. Ankara, Series, no. 5. New Delhi: Research Institute of Ancient 1962. 184 Scientific Studies, 1968. 308 Ed. P. G. Bulgakov, ver. Imam IbrahIm Abmad. In Majallat Apian, Peter. Horoscopion generale. Ingolstadt, 1533. 62 Machad al-Makhtutat al-CArabiyah Oournal of the Institute of 521 522 Bibliographical Index Arabic Manuscripts of the Arab League), special no., vol. 8 vols. Oxford: Theatro Sheldoniano, 1698-1712. 8 (pts. 1 and 2) (Cairo, 1962). 184 Ghiya~ ai-DIn YazdI. Kitab-i raznamah-'i ghazavat-i Hindastan Ed. P. G. Bulgakov and rev. Imam IbrahIm Al)mad. Cairo: (Diary of Timt1r's trip to India). With an appendix of MatbaCah Lajnat al-Ta'IIf, 1964. 80, 105 corresponding fragments from the Zafarnamah by Ni?am aI-DIn Abu Reihan Biruni, 973-1048: Izbrannie Proizvedeniya (Selected ShamI (fl. 1392). Ed. L. A. Zimin and V. V. Bartol'd. Petrograd: works). Vol. 3, Opredelenie Granitz Mest dlya Utochneniya Tipografiya Imperatorskoy Akademii Nauk, 1915.245 Rasstoyanii Mejdu N aselennimi Punktami (Kitab talJdfd Gilles, Pierre. De topographia Constantinopo/eos. [Lyons, 1561]. 250 nihayat a/-amakin li-ta~lJflJ masafat al-masakin) Geodeziya (Geodesy). Investigation, translation, and commentary by P. G. J-:lafi?-i Abru. Ta'rfkh-i 1fafi~-i Abra. Persian text ed. S. Maqbul Bulgakov. Tashkent: Akademia Nauk Uzbekskoi SSR, 1966. Ahmad. Unpublished. 170 184 Halma, Nicholas B. 8ewvo~ ~Aeeavt5pew~ ·Yn:b/lv11J.1.a ei~ rob~ llroAe/lalov The Determination of the Coordinates of Positions for the IIpoxelpov~ Kavbva~: Commentaire de Theon d'Alexandrie, sur les Correction of Distances between Cities. Trans. Jamil Ali. Tabies manuelles astronomiques de Pto/emee. 3 vols. Paris: Beirut: American University of Beirut, 1967. 80, 141, 178, Merlin, 1822-25. 96 180, 182, 183, 184, 324 J-:lamd Allah Mustawfi. Tart-kh-i GUZfda. Ed. cAbd al-Husayn Nava'i. --. Ta'rfkh a/-Hind. Tehran, 1958-61. 242 Alberuni's India: An Account of the Religion, Philosophy, al-HamdanI. Sifat Jazirat a/-cArab. Literature, Geography, Chronology, Astronomy, Customs, Geographie der arabischen Ha/binsel. 2 vols. in 1. Ed. David Laws and Astrology of India about A.D. 1030.2 vols. Ed. Heinrich Muller. Leiden, 1884-91; reprinted Leiden: E. J. Eduard Sachau. London: Trubner, 1888; Delhi: S. Chand Brill, 1968. 103 [1964]. 103, 148, 336, 360 al-J-:lamidi. Kanz a/-walad. Ed. Mu~tafa Ghalib. Wiesbaden: Franz Budhasvamin. Brhatkathas/okasamgraha: A Study. Ed. Vasudeva Steiner, 1971. 75, 83 Sharana Agrawala. Varanasi: Prithivi Prakashan, 1974. 321 Hamilton, Francis Buchanan. An Account of the Kingdom of Nepal al-BukharL SalJilJ al-Bukharf. 7 vols. Ed. Mul)ammad Tawflq and of the Territories Annexed to This Dominion by the House CUwaydah. Cairo: Lajnat Il)ya' Kutub al-Sunnah, 1966/67-1976/ of Gorkha. Bibliotheca Himalayica, ser. 1, vol. 10. First published 77. 72 1819; reprinted New Delhi: MafijusrI, 1971. 430, 431 al-Buni. Shams a/-macarif a/-kubra wa-lafa 'if al-cawarif. Cairo: al-HarawI. Kitab al-ziyarat. MatbaCat Mul)ammad cAlI SabIl), [1945]. 54 Guide des lieux de pelerinage. Trans. Janine Sourdel-Thomine. --. Shams al-macarif wa-lafa'if al-cawarif. Cairo: MatbaCah Damascus: Institut Fran~ais de Damas, 1957.239 Mu~!afa al-BabI al-J-:lalabI wa-Awladihi, 1926-27. 81 J-:laydar Amuli. Kitiib jami Cal-asrar wa-manbac a/-anwar. Buzurg ibn Shahriyar. Kitab Caja'ib a/-Hind. In La philosophie Shi'ite. Ed. Henry Corbin and CUthman Yal)ya. Livre des merveilles de I'Inde. Ed. Pieter Antonie van der Lith. Paris: Librairie d'Amerique et d'Orient, Adrien-Maisonneuve, Trans. L. Marcel Devic. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1883-86. 90 1969. 87 ---. al-Muqaddimat min kitiib na~~ a/-nu~a~ ff sharlJ fu~a~ al­ Caussin de Perceval, J. J. A. Le livre de /a grande table H akemite. lJikam. Paris: Imprimerie de la Republic, 1804. 179, 180, 181 Le texte des textes (Nass al-nosus). Ed. Henry Corbin and Coecke van Aelst, Pieter. Les moeurs et fachons de faire de Turcz. CUthman Yal)ya. Paris: Librairie d'Amerique et d'Orient, Antwerp, 1553. 237 Adrien-Maisonneuve, 1975. 74, 87, 88 Correia, Gaspar. The Three Voyages of Vasco da Gama, and His Heron of Alexandria. Opera quae supersunt omnia. 5 vols. Leipzig: Viceroyalty: From the Lendas da India of Gaspar Correa. Trans. Teubner, 1899-1914. 175, 176 Henry E. J. Stanley. London: Printed for the Hakluyt Society, aI-HindI. Kanz a/-cumma/ ff sunan a/-aqwa/ wa-al-afcal. 16 vols. Ed. 1869. 256 Bakrl al-J-:layyanI, Safwat al-Saqa, and J:Iasan Zarriiq. Aleppo: Maktabat al-Turath al-Islami, 1969-77.72 al-DimashqI. Nukhbat a/-dahr ff Caja'ib al-barr wa-al-balJr. fJudad al-calam: "The Regions of the War/d." Ed. and trans.
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