2005 ANNUAL REPORT Western Australian Hockey Association Inc. Amy Gordon Craig Rowland Pearce Davies Elspeth Sharon Denning Buchanan 2005 CHAMPIONS’ Peter ROOM INDUCTEES Haselhurst Mark Hager Rechelle Hawkes 2005 Champions’ Room Inductees at the Hockey WA Presentation Dinner (l-r) Damon Diletti, Jackie Pereira, Peter Haselhurst, Elspeth Denning, Gordon Pearce, Amy Rowland, Craig Davies, David Bell (Inaugural Inductee). Absent: Rechelle Hawkes, Mark Hager and Sharon Buchanan. Damon Photo: Alex Johnston Diletti The 2005 Champions’ Room Inductees are featured on pages 20 and 21. Jackie Pereira Western Australian Hockey Association Inc. 2005 ANNUAL REPORT SPECIAL CONGRATULATIONS TO VICTORIOUS WESTERN AUSTRALIAN STATE TEAMS IN 2005: MENS UNDER 21 UNDER 18 BOYS UNDER 15 GIRLS MENS UNDER 21 INDOOR MEN’S SENIOR INDOOR WOMEN’S VETERANS O/50 MEN’S VETERANS O/50 Hockey WA Western Australia - 2005 U/21 Men’s National Champions PO Box Photo: Alex Johnston 1090 Bentley MDC WA 6983 Telephone (08) 9351 4300 Facsimile (08)9458 5524 Email: [email protected] Web: www.hockeywa.org.au Western Australian Hockey Association Inc. 2005 ANNUAL REPORT CONTENTS Page REPORTS President …………………………………………………………………… 1 Chief Executive Officer ……………………………………………………. 2 OFFICE BEARERS AND COMMITTEES ……………………………………... 4 REPORTS Development Manager …………………………………………………… 7 Competitions Manager ……………………………………………………. 8 Committees ………………………………………………………………… 9 National Training Centres ………………………………………………… 13 Australian Hockey League ………………………………………………... 15 AWARDED MEMBERS…………………………………………………………... 18 OLYMPIANS AND CHARLESWORTH MEDAL WINNERS …………………. 19 CHAMPIONS ROOM INDUCTEES …………………………………………….. 20 HISTORICAL PREMIER DIVISION WINNERS ……………………………….. 22 METROPOLITAN COMPETITION RESULTS ………………………………… 23 BRYNE & JUDGE TROPHY ……………………………………………………. 28 KYLE RUTTER TROPHY ……………………………………………………….. 29 STATE TEAMS SmokeFree WA Thundersticks ………….……………………………….. 30 SmokeFree WA Diamonds…... …………………………………………... 31 Under Age, Veterans, Indoor and Country ………………………………. 32 PREMIERSHIP TABLES…………………………………………………………. 38 Printing: Lamb Print Editing, Layout and Design: Alex Johnston and Samantha Calder Photographs: Sportspix, Alex Johnston, Samantha Calder, Alistair Park and Jocelyn Henly PAGE 1 PRESIDENT ished third on the Gold Coast. With the “babies” of our underage teams the Under 15’s saw the girls take off the Championship with a win against Queensland and Before writing my report for 2005, I read my report for our boys finishing second against Queensland. 2004 to get a feel for the progress (or otherwise) that our hockey community has achieved over the past year. Western Australia continues to not only excel in field Suffice to say we should all be very proud of what has hockey but also in the Indoor Hockey arena. Late last been achieved this year in a year that saw us continu- year, our Senior and U21 indoor teams dominated the ing to “bed down” the changes that were initiated during national championships with both the Men’s teams win- the transitional year of 2004. ning their championships while the Women finished Australian Hockey League third. The U18 Men also finished third with our Women finishing second. Congratulations to Amanda Calton, Rheannin Kelly, Kym Pradera, Fiona Young, Penny Yorke, Nicole Zomer, Jason Black, Peter Chapman, Andrew Hunt, George Watts, Graham Watts and Rohan Wilson for their selection in the 2005 National Indoor squads. In addition, Steve Sexton, Dirranie Kirby and Lisa Clarke were selected in the National Country Squads after this year’s Country Championships. Our on field successes were nothing short of extraordi- nary and they are a by-product of a great deal of work off the field. Committees Ceri Writer and Bevan George OAM present the Goundrey In nearly two years since Hockey WA assumed respon- League Challenge Challenge Cup to winning captain Jayde sibility for both the Men’s and Women’s competitions, Taylor (Westside Wolves). Photo: Alex Johnston the progress we have made is outstanding. The collective work of Committee Convenors and Mem- Whilst 2005 saw many important individual achieve- bers, a number of different working groups, staff, volun- ments it also saw a year of exceptional team achieve- teers, club officials and my fellow Board members is an ments. The SmokeFree WA Diamonds again made the amazing team effort that is taking our sport forward, in a Australian Hockey League finals, going down to very positive direction. But just as on the field and when Queensland to finish second. The SmokeFree WA in the lead, we all know not to ease off but to work even Thundersticks just missed a place in the final, going on harder, so too with the management and development to trounce Victoria in the play off to finish third. of our sport, we know there is always more to do. I would sincerely like to thank all of our volunteers for Both teams saw the emergence and further develop- their huge contribution to our sport and for continuing to ment of some exciting young players and more im- afford our sport such a strong administrative base. We portantly, the number of national representatives select- here in the Western Australian hockey community are ed from both teams increased. Congratulations to Emily truly blessed with some very talented people. Halliday, Kim Walker, Sian Smithson, Kobie McGurk, Bevan George, Ben Bishop, Aaron Hopkins, Michael Thank You Boyce and Geoff Boyce for their selection in the respec- I must again express the gratitude of the hockey com- tive Senior and Development Squads. munity in the West to our State Government. They show the support of our sport through their regular at- State Teams tendance at our major events, through ongoing funding Our underage state teams also enjoyed success with and through the Department of Sport and Recreation our U21’s Men’s Team defeating Victoria in the final to and are a key to the success of Western Australian win the National Championship in front of a very vocal hockey. and parochial home crowd. Jono Charlesworth, Ian Burcher and Fergus Kavanagh were selected in the Junior World Cup team that finished second to Argenti- I would also like to thank our sponsors for their ongoing na. Like the SmokeFree WA Diamonds, our U21’s support of hockey. Our major sponsor Healthway, com- Womens’ Team again made the final but suffered the petition sponsor Goundrey Wines, country hockey heartache of going down to Queensland to finish sec- sponsor CBH Group as well as Cadbury Schweppes, ond. Kobie McGurk, Jayde Taylor, Kate Hubble, Fiona Gryphon, Hockey Action, Hockey International and Boyce, Rheannin Kelly and Shelley Liddelow were se- Hillcrest Litigation Services deserve our ongoing appre- lected to play in the Women’s Junior World Cup finish- ciation. I also acknowledge the many local businesses ing fourth. who support our state teams as well as valuable sup- Our U18 Men’s team repeated the success of our U21’s pliers in Rising Stars, Precision Films, WA Trophies and winning the final in Wollongong while our Women fin- Gifts and Lamb Print. HOCKEY WA 2005 ANNUAL REPORT PAGE 2 dicators shows a very pleasing result in that the majori- Hockey WA works closely with our partners, the Aus- ty of objectives have been met, with some objectives tralian Institute of Sport, the Western Australian Insti- being met earlier than anticipated. tute of Sport, Perth Hockey Stadium and Curtin Univer- sity of Technology who collectively help to bring out the A formal review of the strategic plan and our objectives best in Western Australian hockey. for the second year will be undertaken by the Board and adjustments made as necessary to ensure we are Hockey in Western Australia has a long and distin- providing the best services and structure for the sport. guished history and I would like to thank all our life members for their assistance in my ongoing education Some key objectives that were furthered this year in- in this area and for ensuring that our hockey traditions clude the competition review; determining our core are never lost or forgotten. business and initiating a corporate governance struc- Coming from a club background, I must acknowledge the role clubs, their officials and members play in West- ern Australian hockey. In many ways they are Western Australian hockey and we must always support their place in the sport. I would also like to sincerely thank my Vice President – David Miller and Board members Colin Howell, Nola Bezant, Kim Jones, Tony Leeflang, Ann Prior and Cameron Scadding for their tremendous contribution to our sport and in demonstrating the leadership that is required to ensure that hockey in Western Australia continues to grow and develop. In closing special thanks must go to our tirelessly hard- working staff. To current staff members Alison Burge, Sue Cook, Alex Johnston, Grant Mitton, Alistair Park, Jean Schonberg, Damien Todorovic, Laraine Waldron and new recruits Don Prior and Kim Rodgers and our ture review; developing and documenting elite player, previous Finance Manager – Gwyn Jones for your on- coach and officials pathways. A research survey was going dedication and fantastic contribution. This team undertaken with random participants from the Metro- of professionals are expertly led by Hockey WA Chief politan Grades with the results factoring into the com- Executive Officer – Linda Hamersley who despite being petition review. new to our sport in 2004 has fitted into the hockey world with considerable aplomb and her vision and di- Marketing is an area that requires further
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