UNITED NATIONS Distr. GENERAL GENERAL A/72CO/Add .10* ASSEMBLY 14 November 1968 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH Twenty-third session Agenda item 23 REPORT OF 'I'HE SPECIAL CCMMI'ITEE ON THE SI'IUATION WITH REGARD TO THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE DECLARATION ON 'IRE GRANTING OF INDEPENDENCE TO COLONIAL COUNTRIES AND PEOPLES (covering its vork during 1968) Rapporteur: Mr. Abdul Samad GHAUS (Afghanistan) CHAPTERS XXVI-XXXI CONTENTS Chapter Paragraphs Page XXVI. ANTIGUA, DCMINICA, GRENADA, ST. KITTS-NEVIS­ ANGUILLA, ST. LUCIA AND ST. VINCENT .... 3 I. CONSIDERATION BY THE SPECIAL COMMI'ITEE 1 - 12 3 II. DECISIONS OF THE SPECIAL COMMI'I·TEE 6 ANNEXES I. ANTIGUA, DCMINICA, GRENADA, ST. KITTS-NEVIS­ ANGUILLA, ST. LUCIA AND ST, VINCENT: Working paper prepared by the Secretariat 7 II. REPORT OF SUB-COMMITTEE III 47 XXVII . UNITED STATES VIRGIN ISL.Ar-rns 48 I. CONSIDERATION BY THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE 1 - 9 48 II. DECISION OF THE SPECIAL CCMMITTEE 49 ANNEXES I. UNITED STATES VIRGIN ISLANDS: Working paper prepared by the Secre~ariat •••. 5l II. REPORT OF SUB-CCMMI'ITEE III . • 69 * This document contains chapters XXVI-XXXI of the Special Committee's report to the General Assembly. The ceneral introdu.ctory chapter will be issued subseq_uently under the symbol A/7200. Other chapters of the report will be issued SLlbseq_uently under the same symbol (A/7200) or as addenda. / ... -2- CONTENTS (continutd) Chapter Paragraphs XXVIII. BERMUDA, BAHAM.AS, TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS, CAYMAN ISLANDS AND MONTSERRAT •..••••...•• . 70 I. CONSIDERATION BY THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE 1 - 20 70 II. DECISIONS OF THE SPECIAL COMMI'ITEE 72 ANNEXES I. BERMUDA, BAHAMAS, TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS, CAYMAN ISLANDS, MONTSERRAT: Working paper prepared by the Secretariat • • • . 74 II. REFOF.T OF SUB-COl/.MI'ITEE III • • • • 123 III. REPORT OF SUB-COMMITTEE III .. 124 XXIX. BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS . 1 - 6 126 ANNEX I. BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS: Working paper prepared by the Secretariat 127 XXX. FALKLAND ISLANDS (MALVINAS) . 1 - 7 132 ANNEX I. FAI.KLAND ISLANDS (MALVINAS): Working paper prepercd by the Secretariat •• 134 XXXI . BRITISH HONDURAS . • . 1 - 6 140 ANNEX I. BRITISH HONDURAS: Working paper prepared by the Secretariat ... 141 I ... -3- CHAPTER XXVI ANTIGUA, DOMINICA, GRENADA, ST. KITTS-NEVIS-ANGUILLA, ST. LUCIA AND ST. VINCENT I. CONSIDEPATION BY THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE 1. At its 594th ffieeting, on l April 1968, the Special Committee, by approving the thirty-fourth report of the Working Group (A/Ac.109/1.454/F.ev.l), decided, inter alia, to take up Antigua, Dominica, Grenada, St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla, St. Lucia and St. Vincent as a separate item and to refer it to Sub-Committee III for consideration and report. 2. The Special Committee co~si~ered the item at its 597th, 602nd, 616th, 617th, 628th and 646th meetings between 17 April and 31 October. 3. In its consideration of this item, the Special Committee took into account the relevant provisions of General Assembly resolution 2326 (XXII) of 16 December 1967, as well as other resolutions of the General Assembly, particularly resolution 2357 (XXII) of 19 December 1967, concerning twenty-six Territories, including Antigua, Dominica, Grenada, St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla, St. Lucia and St. Vincent, by operative paragrdph 7 of which the General Assembly requested the Spei:!ial Committee "to continue to pay s:r;ecial attention to these Territories and to report to the General Assembly at its twenty-third session on the implementation of the present resolution". 4. During the consideration of the item, the Special Committee had before it a working paper prepared by the Secretariat (see annex I) containing information on action previously taken by the Special Committee and by the General Assembly, and on the latest developments concerning the Territories. 5. In addition, the Special Committee had before it the following written :r;etitions: (a) Antigua (i) Cable dated 18 March 1968 from Mr. Donald Halstead (A/AC.109/PET,916); (ii) Letter dated 19 July 1968 from Mr. McChesney D.B. George, Parliamentary Representative for Barbuda, containing a request for hearing (A/Ac.109/PET.1012); (b) Dominica Cable dated 6 July 1968 from the Dominica Amalgamated Workers Union and other organizations (A/AC.109/PET.1004); I ... -4- (c) St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla (i) Letter dated 8 May 1968 from Mr. Richard L. Caines, Secretary, People's Action Movement (PAM) of St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla, containing a request for hearing on behalf of Mr. William V. Herbert, Leader of the Opposition Party (PAM) (A/AC.109/PET,987); (ii) Letter dated 9 July 1968 from Mr, Ronald Webster (A/AC.109/PET.1011); ( d) St. Vincent .1 Eight letters dated 19 January, 29 March, 1, 9 and 11 April, 10 May, 4 June and 26 July 1968 and one cable dated 12 February 1968 from Mr. E.T. Joshua, Leader of the Opposition and President of the People's Political Party of St. Vincent (A/AC.109/PET,930 and Add.1-5), two of which (A/AC.109/PET.930/Add.1) contained a request for hearing. 6. At its 597th, 602nd and 628th meetings, on 17 April, 16 May and 21 August respectively, the Special Committee, by adopting the 122nd, 124th and 131st reports of the Sub-Committee on Petitions (A/Ac.109/1.461, A/Ac.109/1.467 and A/AC.109/L.493), decided to r;rant the requests for hearing contained in the petitions referred to in paragraph 4 above. 7. Following these decisions, Mr. E.T. Joshua and his adviser, Mr. Othniel Rudolph Sylvester, addressed the Special Committee at its 597th meeting, on 17 April, and replied to questions put to them by the representatives of Iran, the Ivory Coast and Syria (A/AC .109/sR,597). At the same meeting, statements were made by the representatives of Bulgaria, Syria, the United Republic of Tanzania, Iran and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in connexion with statements made by the petitioners (A/Ac .109/SR,597). Mr. William Herbert, President, People's Action Movement, addressed the Committee at its 602nd meeting, on 16 May, and replied to questions put to him by the representatives of Iran, Sierra Leone, the United Republic of Tanzania, the Ivory Coast, Madasascar and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (A/Ac.109/sR.602). Mr. Mcchesney D.B. George and Mr. Russell John, representative of the Barbadian people in New York, addressed the Committee at its 628th meeting, on 21 August; Mr. George then replied to questions put to him by the representatives of Madagascar and Sierra Leone (A/AC.109/SR.628). 8. At its 616th meeting, on 2 July, the Chairman of Sub-Committee III, in a staterr.ent to the Special Committee (A/Ac.109/SR.616), intrcduced the report of ., that Sub-Committee concerning Antigua, Dominica, Grenada, St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla, St. Lucia and St. Vincent (see annex II). 9. 'The Specio.l Committee considered the report at its 617th meeting, on 3 July. Statements on the report were made by the representatives of the Union of Soviet socialist Republics, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Australia, FinlQnd, Bulgaria and Venezuela (A/Ac.109/SR.617). I ... -5- 10. At the same meeting, the Special Committee adopted the report of Sub-Commlttee III concerning Antigua, Dominica, Grenada, St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla, St. Lucia nnd St. Vincent and endorsed the conclusions and recommendations contained therein, it being understood that the reservations expressed by certain members ~ould be reflected in the record of the meeting. These conclusions and recommendations are set out in section II below. 11. On 23 July, the text of the conclusions and recommendations concerning the Territories was transmitted to the Permanent Representative of the United Kingdom to the United Nations for the attention of his Government. 12. At the 646th meeting, on 31 October, the Special Committee had before it a report of the Sub-Committee III containing general conclusions and recommendations on the Territories considered by that body, including Antigua, Domi.nica, Grenada, St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla, St. Lucia and St. Vincent. An account of the Committee's consideration of that report is set out in chapter I, section XI (d) of the present report (A/7200, Part I). the report of the Sub-Committee is annexed to the chapter cited. I ... -6- II. DECISIONS OF THE SPECIAL COMMI~TEE Conclusions and recommendations adopted by the Special Committee at its 617th meeting on 3 July 196~ (1) The Special Committee recalls and reaffirms its conclusions and recommendations concerning the Territories, in particular those adopted at its 565th meeting on 6 October 1967, and approved by the General Assembly at its twenty-second session. (2) The Special Committee notes with regret the attitude of the administering Power, which has refused to co-operate with the Sub-Committee in its efforts to obtain more complete information concerning the developments in the Territories of Antigua, I;ominica, Grenada, St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla and St. Lucia. (3) The Special Comnittee reaffirms ttnt tl:e reclnrnticn en the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples applies fully to the Territories. (4) The Special Committee reaffirms the inalienable right of the peoples of the Territories to self-determination while emphasizing once again that the administering Power should ensure that the people of the Territories are informed of the various possibilities available to them in accordance with the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples. (5) The Special Committee reiterates its request to the administering Power that it take immediate measures to transfer all powers to the peoples of the Territories, without any conditions and reservations.
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