March 29, 2017 Reference No. 11139589 Mr. Scott Patterson Labreche Patterson & Associates Inc. Professional Planners, Development Consultants, Project Managers 330-F Trillium Drive Kitchener, Ontario N2E 3J2 Dear Mr. Patterson: Re: Environmental Noise Impact Study 460 Weber Street North, Waterloo, Ontario 1. Introduction GHD was retained to complete an Environmental Noise Impact Study (Study) in support of the approval for a proposed child care centre at 460 Weber Street North in Waterloo, Ontario (Site). The proposed child care centre is part of a 6-storey commercial development at the site. GHD evaluated the overall acoustic comfort and the minimum acoustic design requirements to ensure that the day care meets the Ontario Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change (MOECC) and Region of Waterloo (Region) requirements. The Study is required in support of a Zoning By-Law Amendment Application to the City of Waterloo.The Study characterizes the existing noise impact exposure due to adjacent commercial developments as well as road traffic and compares the noise exposure with the noise limits defined by the Ontario Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change's (MOECC) land use planning policies and guidelines detailed in Publication NPC 300 "Stationary and Transportation Sources – Approval and Planning", August 2013 (NPC-300). This Study has determined that the stationary noise impact from the adjacent commercial developments meets the NPC-300 requirements at the site but that the potential environmental impact exposure from road traffic is significant. The proposed Child Care Facility will require a provision for central air-conditioning and a Type C noise warning clause that is specific to the Development concept to meet the applicable noise criteria. Noise control requirements for the Site were based on road traffic volumes forecast for 2026 by the Region. GHD has reviewed the proposed development plan for 460 Weber Street North received by email on February 16, 2017. Any changes made to the plan may require further analysis and a Study update. The study was prepared consistent with the following guidance: • NPC-300, "Stationary and Transportation Sources – Approval and Planning" August 2013 GHD 651 Colby Drive Waterloo Ontario N2V 1C2 Canada T 519 884 0510 F 519 884 0525 W www.ghd.com The following attachments were included in support of this Study: • Attachment A – Site Plan • Attachment B –Traffic Data & STAMSON Traffic Model Outputs • Attachment C – Noise Modelling Results • Attachment D – Stationary Noise Impact Source Table • Attachment E – Consultant's Declaration • Attachment F – Owner's Statement 2. Land Development and Site Conditions The site will be developed for a 6-storey office building with the child care centre occupying the East portion of the main floor. There are various commercial developments to the North, East, and South of the site and a residential neighbourhood to the West. FaithLife Financial is the closest adjacent commercial building directly to the North followed by Parkway Ford Sales and Intelligent Mechatronic Systems Inc. to the North-East. The site is located in an Acoustical Class 1 area defined by NPC-300 as an area with an acoustical environment typical of a major population centre, where background sound level is dominated by the activities of people, usually road traffic. Self-contamination noise impact was also evaluated from rooftop mechanical equipment and discussed separately. 3. Sound Level Criteria The Class 1 criteria for stationary noise sources are defined by NPC-300 in Tables C-5 and C-6 as follows: Table C-5 – Exclusion Limit Values of One-Hour Equivalent Sound Level (Leq, dBA) Outdoor Points of Reception Time of Day Sound Level Limit (dBA) 07:00 - 19:00 50 19:00 - 23:00 50 11139589Patterson-2 2 Table C-6 – Exclusion Limit Values of One-Hour Equivalent Sound Level (Leq, dBA) Plane of Window of Noise Sensitive Spaces Time of Day Sound Level Limit (dBA) 07:00 - 19:00 50 19:00 - 23:00 50 23:00 - 07:00 45 The MOECC also defines noise levels for transportation noise originating from road traffic sources as follows: Receiver Category Time Period Road Traffic Criteria Outdoor Living Area (OLA) Day = 7:00 to 23:00 Leq = 55 dBA Indoor Living Area Day = 7:00 to 23:00 Leq = 45 dBA Indoor Living Area – Sleeping Quarters Night = 23:00 to 7:00 Leq = 40 dBA 4. Road Traffic Analysis 4.1 Road Traffic Noise Modeling Methodology The road traffic noise impact was conducted using STAMSON, the MOECC's computerized model of ORNAMENT. The Application of the model for the site was consistent with the ORNAMENT technical documents. The computer model input parameters include, among other data, the number of road segments, number of house rows, the positional relationship of the receptor to a noise source or barrier in terms of distance, elevation and angle, the basic site topography, the ground surface type, traffic volumes, traffic composition and speed limit. The predicted sound level is based on the 1-hour equivalent sound level, designated as Leq, and is adjusted by the STAMSON program to the 16-hour daytime and the 8-hour nighttime equivalent sound level. The applicable noise criteria for noise sensitive spaces are specified in terms of the 16-hour daytime period (7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.) and 8-hour nighttime period (11:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.) enabling a direct comparison between the STAMSON model output and the noise criteria. 4.2 Road Traffic Model Input Parameters This section describes the STAMSON model input parameters used to predict road traffic noise impact for the Site. Based on traffic data obtained from the Regional Municipality of Waterloo the information below was used to calculate the noise impact for Weber Street North. The forecasted values were generated by the Region and they are valid until December 31, 2018. 11139589Patterson-2 3 Weber Street North • Current AADT (2016) 15,300 • Forecast AADT (2026) 18,200 • Commercial vehicle rates: 1.5 percent medium trucks and 1.3 percent heavy trucks • Posted Speed Limit: 60 kilometres per hour (km/h) • Day and Night Splits: 90 percent day and 10 percent night These values are the foundation of this analysis and if changes or adjustments are made, recalculation of the noise impact exposure for the Site will be necessary. The Region of Waterloo AADT Forecast for Noise Studies reports have been supplied in Attachment B. 4.3 Road Traffic Noise Modeling Results GHD calculated the Plane of Window ("POW") noise exposure for each façade and storey of the proposed office building, for the separate daytime and nighttime periods. The summary of the road traffic noise modelling results is presented below and in Table B.1. The STAMSON road traffic model outputs are provided in Attachment C. Point of Reception Modelled Impact Day/Night (dBA) Development – West Façade 63/57 Development – South Façade 59/52 Development – East Façade 42/36 Development – Outdoor Living Area 52 4.4 Noise Control Requirements Daytime Outdoor Living Area Assessment (NPC-300, Section C7.1.1) NPC-300 section A5 Page 13-14 defines an Outdoor Living Area (OLA). This definition includes front/rear yards and terraces as well as unenclosed balconies and elevated terraces with a minimum depth of 4 meters. NPC-300 states that if the 16-hour equivalent Sound Level (Leq) is greater than 55 dBA and less than or equal to 60 dBA then noise control measures may be required. The Site plan provided in Attachment A includes the construction of a 2-meter tall L-shaped acoustic barrier wall around the OLA area which blocks the direct line-of-sight of the OLA to Weber Street. The modelled impact to the OLA is 52 dBA and therefore no additional noise control measures are required. 11139589Patterson-2 4 Plane of a Window – Ventilation Requirements (NPC-300, Section C7.1.2) The daytime and night-time POW noise impact assumes a worst-case and direct line of sight noise exposure to Weber Street North. The following summarizes NPC-300 POW noise impact requirements: Daytime Level Nighttime Level Ventilation Requirements and Special Building (dBA) (dBA) Warning Clauses Components 55 50 Not Required Not Required 55 – 65 50 – 60 Yes with Type C Warning Clause Not Required 66 or more 60 or more Yes with Type D Warning Clause Yes NPC-300 states that if the night-time sound level outside a living area exceeds 51 dBA or if the daytime sound level outside a living area window exceeds 56 dBA the building should be designed with a provision for the installation of central air conditioning in the future, at an occupant's discretion. The modelled daytime impact is 63 dBA therefore the following Type C Warning Clause is recommended by NPC-300: Warning Clause Type C: "This unit has been designed with the provision for adding central air conditioning at the occupant's discretion. Installation of central air conditioning by the occupant will allow windows and exterior doors to remain closed, thereby ensuring that the indoor sound levels are within the sound level limits of the Municipality and the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change." Table B.1 summarizes the predicted worst-case day/night sound levels and the requirements for the units that require warning clauses and provisions for air conditioning. Indoor Living Areas – Building Components (NPC-300, Section C7.1.3) The building must be constructed to standard Ontario Building Code requirements. Improved building components are not required as summarized in Table B.1. 5. Stationary Noise Impact Analysis The stationary noise impact modeling results are summarized in Attachment C. Figure C.1 documents the on-site equipment as well as the evaluated sensitive points-of-reception (POR) receiver locations.
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