THE SAN FEMtGISCO GALL; SIJ^D^ DECEMBER 25, 19l6) 51 ELECTRIC AUTOIS 'BOB' THOMPSON EASY TO HANDLE SERVICEABILITY OF THE DETROIT ELECTRIC FOR SHOPPING IN HOWARD CO. Miss Daphne Glenne CLENNE; Shows Its MISS DAPHNE SNAPPED BY'THE CALL'S.PHOmCRAPHER^INf^HE^DOWNTCWN'DISTRICT. Popular Tireman WillBe Tray* Value During Busy Times. cling Representative of BuyingChristmas Gifts » Buick Company Finds It a Great Help and a Another well known automobile man \u25a0who has been identified with the auto- Source of Pleasant mobile business In San Francisco sinca 1900, is to be added to th© constantly' Recreation increasing fore© of the Howard automo- bile company. R. F. Thompson, who- has been manager for the Mlchelin ttr© company for the past three years, wllht R. R. L'HOMMEDIEU after January 1, become tha traveling 6 W ° representative , Oma dd eS nOt reali2e in California for the how^ea^rff , ? Howard company, looking after tha in-; electr^UU^b ?I tereats of that company and its variou» C CC % agencies bG throughout the state. "Bob"( ?umb ir o**T?, aot^"« £ *£" Thompson, as he ls familiarly known ta the auto trade all over California, ia de- servedly popular, and willprove a valu-« able asset to this already strong- sales- aD Ity Wlth * - organization. trie i Wh!ch the cI c "?5S handled demon- Mrltidstrated laFt\ *\u2666 by week * Miss Daphne" BUICK BREAKS RECORD the° ] ad ln the D«iiar ffiSS?9^ pens at tne Columbia WITH GOODYEAR TIRES' •omn^ MISS (,Clßht G3enne Ia an m?CinthMlMlle motorist, being .he partial to Louis Nikrent Lowers Los An» Detroit electric, and during her cte-y in the city the Reliance automo- geles-San Diego Time DUe company, agents electric, for the Detroit A. C. Leonard, local manager of tha have extended her the cour- W. D. NeweTf rubber company," has tesy of a machine. Miss Glenne was just following letter, caught shopping received the writ- last week in the De- ten by Louis F. Nikrent. which waa troit and graciously condescended to sent to the home office In Los Angeles. l»r a fexr Pictures to be taken. The letter reads in part: Miss Glenne said that it was hard to "Tuesday. December 13, Idrove tha realize how she had attended to her Buick 30 horse power car. starting manifold duties before the day of the from Los Angeles at 8 o'clock In the electric. The fact the car is al- return, ways that morning -to Sap Diego and in ready, that there is no cranking an endeavor to break the record be- «nd that there are but few things to tween Los Angeles and' San Diego for handle in operating made it a pleasure round trip. to the drive instead of hard work. "I made the round trip in 9 hours The complete control that one has and 52 minutes, lowering the former over an electric makes it so saft that AUTO'S FUTURE time/ made by the Great Western car, one feels less nervous than when riding IN of 9 'hours and 58 minutes, by 6 min- behind horses, even when driven by a utes. coachman. "The.. tires used on the Bulck were GREAT NORTHWEST the regular stock equipment of Good- year tires, driven by me In over 300 DIAMOND TIRES ON miles .of racing at the Motordrome WINNING CADILLAC and in the Santa Monica road race of L.B. Merton of Hughson &Mer- 1910:. used; in the trial trip to San "When the Cadillac lowered the rec- Diego and return, a distance of 332 ord between Los Angeles and San ton Comes to Attend An= miles, and finally in the run in which Francisco and also the round trip Ibroke the record without even a record, another record was brought puncture. The tires were deflated !to out. .It was by the tire equipment. nual Conference 35 pounds of air pressure and had In all the hard running, including the been run with the. air .first placed in first attempt, the car carried the same the tires*, and they are in as good con- pet of Diamond tir^s. and the only tire KB. Merton of the firm of Hughson dition- now as when first placed on the trouble of the whole event was one &: Merton, located in Portland, car." S puncture at the finish in Los Angeles. ar- rived yesterday for the annual confer- "William Turner Lewis, former presi- A lively story comes from lowa of a ence' and 1 is making his headquarters dent of the Mitchell interests in Ra- nan whose ine. and at pres- car was struck by a switch at the local home of engine and a crossing. The radiator the company. Mer- Rnnsla Honors ! nt in Paris after \u25a0was completely away ton is most enthusiastic out- Danv weeks of torn and the hood over the American Car | among: was so bent that it was discarded. Ex- look, and is strong in his words of ouring Eu- amination showed the motor was Btill praise over the growth of the industry opean countries. all right and would but there was in the north, especially. 1 iouowing m» rcnicinent from actis"^ no run. business life, cabled to his son, Car* place to store water for cooling In speaking- of the general outlook Lewis, presi- purposes after the radiator was lo?t. tain "William Mitchell The nan a large can put he said: dent of the Mitchell-Lewis motor com- took milk and "Every line of business Is doing pany, the best yuletide present the it on the running board at the right, won- ever \u25a0wiring it so that it would stay. Then, derfully well in Oregon and Washing- executive of the big: plant had \u25a0with one piece of garden hose run from ton,* and In such lines as building the received. the milk can full of water to in- the advancement has been almost phenom- "Russian government awards Mitchell take pipe, and another run from the enal.. The conditions of business show perfect: fxhaust and extended to the milk can, grand silver medal as most fle ?et out on his Journey again. that the financial basis of this sec- popular priced car." was the. teleeranu* tion is strong and substantial. "The exhibit of motor cars in St. Pe-j Gilson, An ordinance has been introduced In "Ibelieve that the north Is.far ahead tersburg." said James W. sales! Milwaukee common council In- of any other section of the country. manager of the* Mitchell-Lewis com-4 \u25a0Jthe 1 BRINEGARRETURNS BIG government patronage- SHIPMENT pany, creasing penalty exceeding the OF fully "received the for The business of 1910 tras double czar's industrial engineers werd limit. Itis a socialist-democratic that of 1909, and the outlook for 1911 The Jpeed For the offense a of eager to exploit popular priced cars* dea- first fine seems to show that in the demand for Many invited to partlcM tiot less than $100 is provided. The be, makers w«re Present minimum is $10 and maximum pleasure vehicles there will an ad- pate In the exhibition. Our additional) i|2s. offense is to draw FROM FLANDERS vancement of 33 1-3 per cent over 1910. cablegram Information from the Rus-s A second a FACTORIES COMING that, penalty of thr«»e months in the house For commercial vehicles the /demand sian capital Is after careful considj per more, covering first cost, quality on of correction, and the third offense one "will be from.100 to 150 cent tration. K. Brlnegrar, president workmanship and material, mainte-1 year in the house of correction. The P. • of the Pl»- More than 120 E-M-P "30" and'Fla- "The demand for the latter vehicles fpeed limit to at 12 an wmmmmmmfJrrm. nance, performances, elegance of de- Is remain miles ncer automobile company, has just re- nders "20" automobiles will arrive In KEATINGNONSKIDS is just beginning to wake up in the sign, safety factors In brakes, economy north, and the only doubt in my mind power Mitchell turned from a four weeks* trip in the this city within the next few days, of and fuel. etc.. the man, ON BIG AUTOMOBILES is whether deliveries can t>© made fast easily carried off the only medal of the A.Dayton, 0.. Robert Liedorf by according name, hss Invented what he calls an to Chester N. Weaver, gen- enough.; Not only Is this prosperity kind offered by- Russia." In the Portland, Seattle, aeroplane automobile.- The inventor speaking of the trade condi- eral manager of the Studebaker Bros. v The Keaton vulcanizing works is found in cities of car tarry or through the There are only 22 motor cars in usa claims that his will two tions Binegar says: "The situation Co., distributors of the E-M-F and busy making arid applying their non- or Spokane, but all states British Guiana, in addition to flva three passengers, and that when tired Spokane, but all through the states in In, of r?otoring or when desiring to cross is now pretty well cleared up and IFlanders and Studebaker treads, seem and motor buses, which are in operation automobiles skid which to become look for.a more than prosperous year Georgetown. Of the 22 machines 11 m *:ibridged stream, the operator has predict that before March 1 there will in this part country/ popular tut to pull a lever and soar. of the as the re- more as the winter progresses. for the season of 1911." . were manufactured in America. The» be a shortage of standard cars. With recent just equipped streets of Georgetown .are wide anc* sult of his visit to Detroit.
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