GERMAN MENU GERMAN CUISINE German cuisine has evolved as a national cuisine through centuries of social and political change with variations from region to region. The southern regions of Germany, including Bavaria with vinegar and instead of capers, Marsh Marigold and neighbouring Swabia, share many dishes. buds soaked in brine were used. While cooking with Furthermore, across the border in Austria one will wine (as is typical in the wine growing regions of find many similar dishes. Franconia and Hesse) was known, the lack of good wine on the East German market reserved this for However, ingredients and dishes vary by province. special occasions. For these reasons Ragout fin There are many significant regional dishes that have (commonly known as Würzfleisch) became a highly become both national and regional. Many dishes sought after delicacy. that were once regional, however, have proliferated in different variations across the country into the Foreign Influences present day. With the influx of foreign workers after World War Pretzels are especially common in the South of II, many foreign dishes have been adopted into Germany. German regional cuisine can be divided German cuisine - Italian dishes like spaghetti and into many varieties such as Bavarian cuisine pizza have become a staple of the German diet. (Southern Germany), Thuringian (Central Germany), Turkish immigrants also have had a considerable Lower Saxon cuisine or those of Saxony Anhalt. influence on German eating habits; Döner kebab is Germany’s favourite fast food, selling twice as much The Eichstrich as the major burger chains put together (McDonald’s and Burger King being the only widespread burger All cold drinks in bars and restaurants are sold in chains in Germany). glasses with a calibration mark (Eichstrich) that is frequently checked by the Eichamt (Bureau of Chinese and Greek foods also are widespread and Weights and Measures) to ensure that the guest popular. Indian, Vietnamese, Thai and other Asian is getting as much as is offered in the menu. cuisines are rapidly gaining in popularity. Many of the The Eichamt is a public authority controlling all more expensive restaurants served mostly French measurements in sales, health care and so on i.e. dishes for decades. each scale in a German butcher shop or physician’s office carries a stamp from the Eichamt, including a date of expiration, to show the weight is correct. If the liquid of a served drink is below that line, the guest may refuse the drink or require a correctly filled one. A common rule for beer - with foam - is that the liquid-foam-line must not be more than one centimetre below the Eichstrich, otherwise a Munich resident could refuse the Maß at the Oktoberfest. Specialities from the Former German Democratic Republic The cuisine of the former German Democratic Republic (GDR or East Germany) differed in several ways from the cuisine of West Germany and today’s united Germany. East German cuisine was strongly influenced by Russian, Hungarian, Bulgarian and other Eastern European countries from the 1960s on. East Germans travelled abroad to these countries on holiday and immigrants to East Germany from these countries brought their dishes with them. A typical dish that came to the East German kitchen this way is Soljanka. Another dissimilarity was the lack of certain spices in the GDR. Oregano, for example, was totally unknown and the price of garlic and Worcestershire sauce reached extremes. Lemon juice had to be replaced BROT UND BREZEN | BREAD & PRETZELS ေပါင္မုန္႔မ်ား BREAD The Old English word for bread was “hlaf” which appears to be the oldest Teutonic Old High German name for bread “hleib”. Modern German Laib derive from this Proto- The Bread served here at Mahlzeit is developed by a Germanic word, which was borrowed into Slavic German Master Baker and all freshly baked in-house. Finnic Finnish Estonian languages as well. The For that we use our own, 10 year old, Sourdough Middle and Modern English word bread appears starter and imported German Rye Flour to provide in Germanic languages, such as West Frisian brea, an authentic taste. Feel free to buy a loaf next door Dutch brood, German Brot, Swedish bröd, and at our bakery. Norwegian and Danish brød. Brotkörbchen - Bread Basket Butter 500 Kyat အဆာေျပ ေပါင္မုန္႔ျခင္း ေထာပတ္ 1 Person 1000 Kyat 2 Person 2000 Kyat 4 Person 4000 Kyat Obatzter 1000 Kyat 8 Person 6000 Kyat A Bavarian full flavoured cheese spread to eat with Pretzel Bavarian ခ်ိစ္အနွစ္ Prices are subject to a 5% tax and 10% service charge MAHLZEIT SHARING PLATTERS အသားျပားေၾကာ္ ပြဲၾကီးမ်ား 1. Schnitzel Platter 34000 Kyat A selection of our best Schnitzel to share အသားျပား အစံုေၾကာ္ ႏွင့္ ေဆာ့အနွစ္ 2. Schmankerl Platter 37000 Kyat A true feast platter with items from our menu, recommended for two persons သံုးထပ္သားျပားေၾကာ္၊ sausage Schnitzel အမဲသားျပားအစာသြပ္၊ ဂ်ာမန္ေခါက္ဆြဲ၊ ေဂၚဖီခ်ဥ္၊ ဂ်ာမန္ေပါင္မုန္႔ေပါင္း brown gravy sauce Prices are subject to a 5% tax and 10% service charge MAHLZEIT SHARING PLATTERS အသားျပားေၾကာ္ ပြဲၾကီးမ်ား 3. Cold Cut Platter 34000 Kyat A selection of imported cold cuts served with homemade bread ခ်ိစ္၊ ၀က္ဆားနယ္၊ ဆလာမီ၊ sausages၊ ဆယ္လမြန္ က်ပ္တိုက္၊ အရြက္စံုသုပ္္ 4. Mahlzeit Platter 60000 Kyat The ultimate feast platter ideal for groups of four to five people ၀က္လက္အၾကြပ္ကင္၊ ၀က္အူေခ်ာင္းအစံု၊ Cream Cheese အသားၿပားေၾကာ္၊ အမဲသားလိ္ပ္၊ ၀က္သားကင္၊ ဂ်ာမန္ေခါက္ဆြဲ၊ ဂ်ာမန္ေပါင္မုန္႔ေပါင္း၊ ေဂၚဖီခ်ဥ္ တို႔စံု လင္စြာပါ၀င္ေသာဟင္းပြဲၾကီး 5. Sausage Platter 24000 Kyat A selection of our best sausages with mashed potato and Sauerkraut ဂ်ာမန္၀က္အူေခ်ာင္း အစံုပြဲၾကီး၊ ေဂၚဖီခ်ဥ္၊ အာလူးေထာင္း Prices are subject to a 5% tax and 10% service charge HAUPTGERICHTE | MAIN COURSE (အဓိက ဟင္းလ်ာမ်ား) 6. Currywurst 13000 Kyat mit Pommes Frites und Mayo Red grilled sausage with curry sauce and French fries ဂ်ာမန္၀က္အူေခ်ာင္း၊ အာလူးေခ်ာင္းေၾကာ္ 7. Döner Kebap mit Pommes Frites 11000 Kyat Chicken Shawarma in a pita bread with French fries အာရပ္စတိုင္လ္ ၾကက္သားမုန္႔လိပ္၊ အာလူးေခ်ာင္းေၾကာ္ 8. Leberkäse mit Spiegelei und Kartoffelsalat 10000 Kyat Corned beef, pork, bacon and onions: finely ground and crispy baked, fried egg potato salad ၾကိိတ္သား (ၾကက္၊၀က္)၊ ၾကက္ဥေၾကာ္၊ ဂ်ာမန္အာလူးသုပ္၊ အမဲသားေဆာ့စ္ 9. Fleischpflanzerl mit Kartoffelsalat 10000 Kyat und Zwiebelsauce Minced Pork Meat patties with onion gravy and potato salad ၀က္စင္းေကာၿပားကင္၊ ဂ်ာမန္အာလူးသုပ္၊ အမဲသားေဆာ့စ္၊ မုန္ညင္းေဆာ့စ္ Prices are subject to a 5% tax and 10% service charge HAUPTGERICHTE | MAIN COURSE (အဓိက ဟင္းလ်ာမ်ား) 10. Schaschlik mit Reis 14000 Kyat und Letscho Sauce Grilled skewers of pork with bell pepper, onion, mushroom and tomato ဝက္သားကင္တုတ္ထိုး ထမင္းျဖဴ၊ Letscho ေဆာ့စ္ 11. Käsespätzle mit Röstzwiebeln 10000 Kyat Hand shaped noodles with cheese and fried onions ဂ်ာမန္ဒိန္ခဲေခါက္ဆြဲ 12. Rinderroulade 22000 Kyat 13. Wiener Schnitzel mit Bratkartoffeln 18000 Kyat und Preiselbeeren Beef roulade with bacon, red cabbage and mashed potato Vienna style Schnitzel with fried potatoes and lingon berries အမဲသားလိ္ပ္၊ အာလူးေထာင္း၊ ေဂၚဖီနီ Vienna စတိုင္ အသားျပားေၾကာ္၊ အာလူးေၾကာ္၊ လင္ဂြန္ဘယ္ရီေဆာ့စ္ Prices are subject to a 5% tax and 10% service charge HAUPTGERICHTE | MAIN COURSE (အဓိက ဟင္းလ်ာမ်ား) 14. Hähnchenschnitzel 18000 Kyat mit grünem Salat und Gemüse 15. Jägerschnitzel mit Pilzsauce und Spätzle 18000 Kyat Chicken Schnitzel with vegetables and salad Hunter Schnitzel with mushroom sauce and Spätzle ၾကက္သားျပားေၾကာ္၊ အရြက္စံုသုပ္ Hunters ၀က္သားျပားေၾကာ္၊ ဂ်ာမန္ေခါက္ဆြဲ၊ မိႈေဆာ့စ္ 16. Schweinebraten 17000 Kyat mit zweierlei Knödel und Sauce Pork roast with two dumplings, Sauerkraut and beer gravy ၀က္သားကင္ဟင္းလ်ာ၊ ေဂၚဖီခ်ဥ္၊ ဂ်ာမန္ေပါင္မုန္႔ေပါင္း Prices are subject to a 5% tax and 10% service charge EINTOPF | STEWS စတူးဟင္းလ်ာမ်ား ႏွင့္ စြတ္ျပဳတ္မ်ား EINTOPF Eintopf is a traditional type of German stew which can consist of a great number of ingredients, the term refers to a way of cooking the ingredients in one pot. Most commonly, ingredients include pork, beef or chicken along with a variety of vegetables such as carrots, peas, beans, lentil, potatoes, cauliflower, kale, celery, onions, asparagus, or garlic. Fish is 17. Eintopf mit Linsen und Würstchen 8000 Kyat also sometimes used. Lentil stew with bacon and smoked sausage ၀က္သား (၀က္အူေခ်ာင္း၊သံုးထပ္သား) စတူးဟင္းလ်ာ 18. Eintopf mit Würstchen und Kartoffeln 8000 Kyat 19. Ungarisches Szegediner Gulasch 10000 Kyat Potato stew with bacon and smoked sausage Hungarian style beef goulash with potatoes, Sauerkraut and sour cream ၀က္သား ဆလာမီ၊ sausages၊ ဆယ္လမြန္ က်ပ္တိုက္၊ အရြက္စံုသုပ္ အာလူးဟင္းရည္ ဟန္ဂရီစတိုင္လ္ အမဲသားႏွင့္အာလူး ဟင္းလ်ာ၊ ေဂၚဖီခ်ဥ္ 20. Fisch Soljanka 6000 Kyat 21. Erbseneintopf 8000 Kyat Fish soup with vegetables and salmon Pea soup with bacon, sausage & potatoes ဟင္းရြက္စံု Salmon ငါး စြပ္ျပဳတ္ ၀က္သား (၀က္အူေခ်ာင္း၊သံုးထပ္သား) ပဲစိမ္းဟင္းရည္ Prices are subject to a 5% tax and 10% service charge FLAMMKUCHEN | GERMAN FLATBREAD (ဂ်ာမန္ ပီဇာမ်ား) FLAMMKUCHEN Flammkuchen is an Alsatian/ Palatine/Alemannic German dish, speciality of the Alsace, Baden- Württemberg and Rheinland-Pfalz region (Northeast France, South Germany). It is composed of bread dough 22. Vegetarischer Flammkuchen 8000 Kyat rolled out very thinly, in the shape of Potatos and mushrooms a rectangle, which is covered with fromage blanc or crème fraîche, thinly ဂ်ာမန္စတိုင္္ အာလူး၊ မိႈ Pizza sliced onions and lardons. Called Flammekuechle in Alsatian, Flammkuche in Lorraine Franconian, Flammkuchen in German, which means “flame cake”, or in French tarte flambée, which translates as “pie baked in the flames”.
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