GOVERNMENT OF HARYANA DEPARTMENT OF MEDICAL EDUCATION AND RESEARCH NOTIFICATION o\ZOZO No. o3 Dated Chandigarh the lS' le f lzarS -6v1bp Subject:- procedure for admission to MD/MS/MDS Courses in Government/Government AidediPrivate Medical and Dental Educational Institutions including those under Private Universities namely SGT University, Budhera, Gurugram and PDM University Bahadurgarho Jhajjar for Academic Session 2020-2t. he earlier 1 The Gove l to be adopted for admission to Post Graduate Courses i.e. MD/MS notificatic ns issued in this regard, I the Government/Government Aided/Private Medical and MDS for tlre Academic session 2020-2I in I and Dent al Educational Institutions including those under Private Universities (SGT UniversitY. I Haryara. Budhera, Gurugram & PDM University Bahadurgarh, Jhajjar) in the state.of _ _--_] 50%-, of 2. It i"tt ' l to the All India Merit Category of NEET PG-2020 and NEET MI)S- 2020 the seats' will be assigned | seats will be assigned under the Haryana State Merit Category of NEET and the re mainilg 50% of the I and NEET MDS- PG- 2020 2020. I passed 2 >o% seats shall be reserved (lnstitutional preference) for the candidates who have I from the Institutions located in the State of Haryana for admission to MD/MS MBBS/B DS courses I under State Seats in all Government/Government Aided/Private and MDS courses Quota I Medical/l)ental Institr-rtes including those under SGT University & PDM University (Private I Universit ies). I 0% seats shall be filled up by candidates with benchmark disabilities J seats of the State euota I in accordance with the provisions of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act,2016, bascd on the I list of ,National Eligibility-Cum-Entrance Test' and as per MCI Guidelines issued from time to merit I tirne. Thr : disability certificate issued by the designated Disability Centres notified by NBE in the I rs issued for NEET 2020 and, the Medical Board constituted by PGIMS, Rohtak will only be Prospectr I considere ,d valid for admission purpose for the Academic Session 2020-21. The dates on which the I Medical Board at PGIMS, Rohtak will sit shall be duly publicized on the Admission Web-portal and I the Webs ite of Pt. B.D Sharn,a UHS, Rohtak I 50o/o of the I t is fnrlher notified that in Private Institutions covered under this Notification, I seats wil I be filled under Open Merit category seats and remaining50% of seats will be filled under I the MantLgemest category. The seat distribution in Medical/Dental Colleges under Private Universities I willbe ar ; per Section 35 of the Haryana Private Universities Act, 2006. a collotlcl J. Paridit I hagwat Dayal Sharma tJniversity of Health Sciences, RohtaK ls aLltnorlzed to ---.--] I c centralized online counselling as per Merit of NEET PG-2020, NEET MDS-?.020 and Combint I additionr I incentive marks as per Clause 9 (lV) of Post Graduate Medical Education Regulation 2000 I in case rf in-service candidates for admission to all the Government/Government Aided/Priuut. I Dental Educational Institutes including those under Private Universities namely SCT Medical a1d I Universi y, Budhera, Gurugram and PDM University Bahadurgarh, Jhajjar located in the State of I Haryana --____-_------- -.-Aroeo '-] 4. The MD/MS/MDS Courses are available in the fbllowing Government/uovernment approval Medical,],private Medical/Dental Colleges located in the State of Haryana subject to the final from Gdvt. of lrrdia, Ministry of Healtli & Family Welfare, New Delhi/State Government/Affiliating- University:- Governlnent Medical Colleges: (i) Post Graduate of Institute of Medical Sciences (PGIMS), Rohtak. (ii) Bhagat Phool Singh GMC (W), Khanpur Kalan, Sonepat' (iii) Shaheed Hassan Khan Mewati GMC, Nalhar, Nuh' Government Aided Medical College: (i) Maharaja Agrasen Medical College, Agroha, Hisar' Private Medical College (under Private (i) SGT Medical college, Hospital & Research Institute, Budhera, Gurugram University namely SGT University, Budhera, Gurugram)' Government Dental College: (i)PostgraduatelnstituteofDenta|sciences(PGIDS)Rohtak. 1 Private Dental Colleges: i (i) Swami Devi Dayal Hospital and Dental College, Golpura, Barwala. I (ii) J.N. Kapoor DAV Centenary Dental College, Yamuna Nagar. I (iii) JCD Dental College, Sirsa. I (iv) Sudha Rustagi Dental College and Hospital, Faridabad I (u) Faculty of Dental Sciences, under PDM University, Bahadurgarh Jhajjar (a Private University). I I SGT Dental College, Hospital and Research Institute, Budhera, Gurugram (under Private (vi) I University namely SGT University, Budhera, Gurugram) | a) The tentative seat distribution of MD/MS Courses and MDS Courses in various I Governrnent/Government Aided/Private Medical/Dental Education lnstitutions including I those under Private Universities will be notified later on. The seats in each speciality/institute I are subject to the final approval from Govt. of India, Ministry of Health & Farnily Welfare, I New Delhi/State GovernmenVAffiliating University. Accordingly, the final distribution of I seats may vary depending upon the sanction/decision the Govt. of India/MCI/DCI/State of I I Government/Affiliating University. I b) Roster for all categories of seats including PWD, EWS shall be maintained by concerned I college which will be verified by Pt. B.D. Sharma University of Health Sciences, Rohtak for l allotment of seats under reserved category. I 6 The State Reservation Policy shall be applicable for admission to all State Quota Seats in I Government/Government Aided Medical/Dental Colleges and for 50% State Quota Seats in Private I Medical/DentalColleges affiliated to Pt. B.D. Sharma University of Health Sciences, Rohtak. I Reservation for EWS Category sliall be provided as per Haryana Governrnent Notification I dated 25.02.2019 (Annexure-I). The candidates will be required to submit lncome and Asset I Certificafe issued from-- Competent-- I--'- AuthorityJ as per' Annexure-I of the said Notification dated I 25.02.20tg. I 1. It is further notified that all the students desirous of seeking admission to MD/MS/MDS Cor,rrses wi ll I admission web portal. The detail of the web portal have to get registered online through authorized l and counselling schedule and online counselling scheme shall be duly publicized as well as Lrploaded I on the admission web portal as well as website of Pandit Bhagwat Dayal Sharma University of Health I Sciences, Rohtak i.e. www.uhsr.ac.in and on the website of Directorate of Medical Education and I Research i.e. www.dmerharyana.orq I The candidates are required to regularly visit the websites as stated above for updates. 8. Eligibili{y Criteria: --_l ___l A candidate for admission to MD/MS, MDS courses in Govt./ Govt. Aided Medical & Dental I Institutions Seats/Management Category seats in Private MedicaliDental Institutions and State Quota I will be etigible if he/she: I i. is a citizen of India. I ii. has passed MBBS/BDS examination from recognized University/lnstitution situated in I Haryana as a bona fide resident of Haryana or has passed MBBS/BDS examination from any I Council of India other Medical/Dental College/Institution recognized by the Medical/Dental I and who/ whose parents produce(s) a Haryana Resident Certificate as per Government I instructions given in Annexure II, and IV or any modification issued by competent ilI I authority from time to time. I iii. For candidates applying under management category, candidates from all over India shall be I eligible irrespective of their state of domicile and place of study' I iv. Should have completed satisfactorily one year compulsory Rotatory lnternslrip from I Institr-rtions recognized by the Medical/Dental Council of India for this purpose by I l1 .03 .2020. However, the candidates who had passed their BDS course prior to I 99 I and hold I a BDS degree from a Dental College recognised by Dental Council of India and have obtained I permanent registration with the State Dental Council shall be exempted frorn the applicability I of tliis pre-condition. Internship of 12 months period shall not be condoned in any case or I circumstances except for the students of BDS batch admitted during the academic session I 2007-08 (as allowed by Dental Council of India) and have completed 4 anda half lear BDS I course along with 06 rnonths of compulsory Rotatory Internship. I The candidate should be registered with the State Medical/State Dental Council/MCl/DCI. v. I (Gelera1/SC/BC-A/BC-B/Benchmark disabilities/EWS/EsM/FF) desirous of vi. All candidates I peeking admissions in any category of seats should fulfill the minimum eligibility { criteria as prescribed in the information bulletin for National friteria/qualifications/qualifuing I (NEET) issued by NBE for the Academic year 2020-21 and as F,heibititv-cum-Entrance Test I issued from time to time. ber r"eulations of Medical Council of India/Dental Council of India I 2 No candidate who has failed to obtain the minimuni eligibility marks (as spccifiedsp in NEET PG-2020 and NEET MDS- 2020) shall be eligible for admission to MD/)/MS/MDS Courses. Note: The candidates who liave been provisionally allotted seats will have to bring, in originaral, all the relevant cerlificates/documents at the time of document verification without which admissionac to P.G. course shall not be granted. Attested photocopies of certificates/documents wivill not be considered valid for the purpose of admission and the seat allocated to them onlinee shall be cancelled. 9. A student who is already adrnitted to any PG course including PG Diploma course in any Insl itution is not eligible to apply till the completion of the course. An undeftaking to this effect shall be given by the candidate. Concealment of facts would invite disqualification without assigning any reaso r1.
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