CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 16013 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Tuesday, July 13, 1982 The House met at 12 o'clock noon. Bonior Frank Lungren Russo Snyder Waxman Bouquard Frenzel Madigan Sawyer Solarz Weaver The Reverend David Howle, pastor, Bowen Frost Markey Scheuer Spence Weber<MN> Edgewood Baptist Church, Columbus, Breaux Fuqua Marriott Schneider StGermain Weber<OH> Ga., offered the following prayer: Brinkley Gaydos Martin <IL> Schulze Stangeland Weiss Brodhead Gephardt Matsui Schumer Stanton White Heavenly Father, because Your Brooks Gibbons Mattox Seiberling Stark Whitehurst Word tells us that we are to pray for Broomfield Gilman Mavroules Sensenbrenner Staton Whitley those who are in authority, we thank Brown<CA> Gingrich Mazzoli Shamansky Stokes Whittaker Brown<CO> Glickman McClory Shannon Stratton Whitten You today for our country, our Consti­ Broyhill Gonzalez McCloskey Sharp Studds Williams <MT) tution, our leaders, and especially for Burgener Gore McCollum Shaw Stump Williams <OH> our President. Burton, Phillip Gradison McCurdy Shelby Swift Wilson We pray that You will build a wall of Byron Gramm McDade Shumway Synar Winn Campbell Gray McDonald Shuster Tauke Wirth protection around the marriage and Carman Green McEwen Siljander Tauzin Wolf family of every National, State, and Carney Gregg McGrath Simon Taylor Wolpe local official. Chapple Gr~ham McHugh Skeen Thomas Wortley Cheney Guarini Mica Skelton Trible Wright We pray that You will give to them Clausen Gunderson Michel Smith<AL> Udall Wyden the wisdom and courage to uphold our Clinger Hagedorn Mikulski Smith <IA> VanderJagt Wylie Constitution, which established the Coats Hall <OH> Miller <CA> Smith<NE> Vento Yatron Republic based on Your absolute laws, Coelho Hall, Ralph Mineta Smith <NJ> Volkmer Young<FL> Coleman Hall, Sam M~h Smith<OR> Walgren Young<MO> and for strength to cast down every Collins <IL> Hamilton Mitchell <NY> Smith <PA> Wampler Zablocki law, policy, and personal example Collins <TX> Hammerschmidt Moakley Snowe Watkins Zeferetti Conable Hance Mollohan which weakens families or Your moral NAYS-25 standards. For Your Word says that if Conte Hansen <ID> Montgomery Corcoran Hansen <UT> Moore Barnes Forsythe Schroeder we humble ourselves, pray and seek Courter Hartnett Moorhead Butler Gejdenson Solomon Your face, and turn from our wicked Coyne, James Hatcher Mo~on Coughlin Goodling Stenholm ways that You will heal our land. Coyne, William Hawkins Mottl Dannemeyer Harkin Walker Craig Heckler Murphy Dickinson Jacobs Washington Crane, Daniel Hefner Murtha Dreier Johnston Yates Crane, Philip Heftel Myers Emerson Miller<OH> Young<AK> THE JOURNAL D'Amours Hendon Napier Evans <IA> Roemer Daniel, Da.n Hertel Natcher Fields Sabo The SPEAKER. The Chair has ex­ Daniel, R. W. Hightower Neal amined the Journal of the last day's Daschle Hiler Nelligan ANSWERED "PRESENT"-! proceedings and announces to the Daub Hillis Nelson Ottinger House his approval thereof. Dav~ Holland Nichols de laGarza Hollenbeck O'Brien NOT VOTING-44 Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Deckard Hopkins Oakar Horton Oberstar Andrews Derrick Marks Journal stands approved. Dellurns Applegate Ertel Marlenee Derwinski Howard Obey Mr. WALKER. Mr. Speaker, pursu­ Blanchard Fascell Martin<NC) Dicks Hoyer Oxley Boland Foglietta Martin<NY> ant to clause 1, rule I, I demand a vote Dingell Hubbard Panetta Bolling Ford <MI> McKinney on agreeing to the Chair's approval of Dixon Huckaby ~ Boner Fountain Mitchell <MD> Donnelly Hughes Pashayan the Journal. Booker Garcia Moffett Dorgan Hunter Patman The SPEAKER. The question is on Ginn Molinari Hutto Patterson Brown<OH> Doman Goldwater Nowak the Chair's approval of the Journal. Dougherty Hyde Paul Burton, John Chappell Holt Roberts <SD> Dowdy Ireland Pease The question was taken; and the Chisholm Jeffords Rousselot Downey Jeffries Pepper Speaker announced that the ayes ap­ Clay Jones<TN> Santini Duncan Jenkins Perkins Conyers LeBoutillier Savage peared to have it. Dunn Jones <NC> Petri Crockett Leland Traxler Mr. WALKER. Mr. Speaker, I object Dwyer Jones <OK> Peyser DeNardis Lott to the vote on the ground that a Dymally Kastenmeier Pickle Dyson Kazen Porter quorum is not present and make the Early Kemp Price D 1215 point of order that a quorum is not Eckart Kennelly Pritchard So the Journal was approved. present. Edgar Kildee Pursell The result of the vote was an­ The SPEAKER. Evidently a quorum Edwards <AL> Kindness Qulllen Edwards <CA> Kogovsek Rahall nounced as above recorded. is not present. Edwards <OK> Kramer Railsback The Sergeant at Arms will notify Emery LaFalce Rangel absent Members. English Lagomarsino Ratchford MESSAGE FROM THE Erdahl Lantos Regula The vote was taken by electronic Erlenbom Latta Reuss PRESIDENT device, and there were-yeas 363, nays Evans<DE> Leach Rhodes A message in writing from the Presi­ 25, answered "present" 1, not voting Evans<GA> Leath Richmond dent of the United States was commu­ 44, as follows: Evans <IN> Lee Rinaldo Fary Lehman Ritter nicated to the House by Mr. Saunders, [Roll No. 1771 Fazio Lent Roberts <KS> one of his secretaries. YEAS-363 Fenwick Levltas Robinson Ferraro Lewis Rodino Addabbo Atkinson Benedict Fiedler Livingston Roe Akaka AuCoin Benjamin Findley Loeffler Rogers REV. DAVID HOWLE Albosta Badham Bennett Fish Long <LA> Rose <Mr. BRINKLEY asked and was Alexander Bafal~ Bereuter Fithian Long <MD> Rosenthal Anderson Bailey<MO> Bethune Flippo Lowery <CA> Rostenkowskl given permission to address the House Annunzio Bailey CPA) Bevill Florio Lowry <WA> Roth for 1 minute and to revise and extend Anthony Barnard Biaggi Foley Lujan Roukema his remarks.) Archer Beard Bingham Ford<TN> Luken Roybal Mr. BRINKLEY. Mr. Speaker, it is Ashbrook Bedell Bliley Fowler Lundine Rudd Aspin Beilenson Boggs with great pleasure and pardonable D This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., D 1407 is 2:07 p.m. e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor. 16014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE July 13, 1982 pride that I introduce today's guest The SPEAKER. Objection is heard. H. RES. 518 chaplain-my close friend and pastor, Whereas information has come to the at­ the Reverend David Howle, of Colum­ tention of the House of Representatives bus, Ga. INTRODUCTION OF RESOLUTION that the Department of Justice and other As minister of my own church, Edge­ AUTHORIZING INVESTIGATION law enforcement authorities are conducting wood Baptist, for the past 10 years, BY COMMITTEE ON STAND­ investigations of- David has brought the sunshine of ARDS OF OFFICIAL CONDUCT (1) alleged improper or illegal sexual con­ duct of Members, officers, or employees of faith into the most desolate of lives. <Mr. STOKES asked and was given the House; A graduate of Samford University in permission to address the House for 1 <2> illicit use or distribution of drugs by Birmingham, Ala., and Southern Semi­ minute and to revise and extend his Members, officers, or employees of the nary in Louisville, Ky., Reverend remarks.) House; and Howle served as a Baptist missionary Mr. STOKES. Mr. Speaker, on <3> the offering of preferential treatment to Korea for 7 years. behalf of the gentleman from South by Members, officers, or employees to em­ His lovely wife Carol and 12-year-old Carolina <Mr. SPENCE) and myself, I ployees of the House, including congression­ daughter Holly are with him today. have today introduced a resolution al pages, in exchange for any item referred But they are just the tip of the ice­ which authorizes and directs the Com­ to in subclause <1> or <2>; and berg, since the Howles have four other Whereas clause <4 >< e )(1 > of rule X of the mittee on Standards of Official Con­ Rules of the House of Representatives en­ children and four grandchildren, as duct to conduct a full and complete in­ trusts the Committee on Standards of Offi­ well. The Jim Harford family is ac­ quiry and investigation of alleged im­ cial Conduct with the authority <1> to rec­ companying them. proper conduct which has been the ommend to the House of Representatives David Howle's steadfast service to subject of recent investigations by the from time to time such administrative ac­ his fellow man has earned him the Department of Justice and other law tions as it may deem appropriate to estab­ love and respect of each and every life enforcement agencies. This investiga­ lish or enforce standards of official conduct he has touched, and we are, indeed, tion is to determine whether Members, for Members, officers, and employees of the fortunate to have a man of his uncom­ House of Representatives, (2) to investigate officers, or employees of the House of any alleged violation, by a Member, officer, mon commitment and eloquence open Representatives have violated the code or employee of the House of Representa­ our session today. of official conduct of any law, rule, tives, of the Code of Official Conduct or of He loves tennis and the Auburn Uni­ regulation, or other applicable stand­ any law, rule, regulation, or other standard versity football team; he is a comforta­ ard of conduct with respect to improp­ of conduct applicable to the conduct of such ble man to be with, except I would er or illegal sexual conduct of Mem­ Member, officer, or employee in the per­ rather he be for the 1980 national bers, officers, or employees of the formance of his duties or the discharge of champions, the University of Georgia. House; alleged illicit use or distribu­ his responsibilities and, after notice and Most importantly, David is a bearer of hearing, to recommend to the House of tion of drugs by Members, officers, or Representatives, by resolution or otherwise, the good news. Welcome, David. I am employees to employees of the House, such action as the committee may deem ap­ proud of you and your life in the serv­ including congressional pages, in ex­ propriate in the circumstances, and <3> to ice of our Father, rendered to your change for the aforementioned.
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