THE ©uciw fUma. CONTENTS, ).MfttON Notes and Calen-(Sch.*.l 2 and Schoolman 0dar, p. 1 to 31; > Jfcc. Diameter of the Planets, 32! 'tide Table, Equation Table PUBLIC & CHAHIT/ T ' and Chronological Table, w3 ! H&T 1 TI T I O N S . Remarkable Event* of uurV^Uf.the District »f Quebec, 1 ' own times, 3-i' Do. cn'hrce-IL c.3, T3* I Do. of Montreal, lo a CIVIL LIST OF LOWER-.'fVeenji! m-v 139 CANADA. JSchotiaastetf under 41st Ottvernor, 4,cgis*ature and Geo 3d, 1*0 , | v Executive Council, Public- . Officers and Commission. , ! M1LIT.W BLISTER firs, / X-m ^OR EIHfISH NORTH Courts of Justice, f 57.‘: A‘ v " - m--<m_ ^ w -wjjkiauV tiAt'ces pL the Peace ,? The Carnet ji * An vacates, l % \ ov a- Sc; ti«J| Nerv,-Brun.<* Public Notaries, wiefc ami ft eir Depend . Sur/ eye ’’Tre eMqij Rdipyuda, New* i Physic: anvapd Surg^rrs, 79* ftundLnt!;‘fic. - la? Trinitv Hott»u,Pilol^ Rates. ' £X Officers < the Custom*, APPENDIX. G«ieta3 poet * Ovkier 9 Geographicalr Description V * of the World, ’ | 17C , ECCI.DST \STIPAL STAT;>Account of Great Bflttvn, ITS * Op THE/ A> ADAS. List of H is Majesty * M\, %learfcr*>f toe Cl ah x^Ei.c niters, 175 lart.i, v^dd Rings of England, 17 r C’*r"v jiLfae C'.iixr- nf iGoi'crnors since 1663 17 Ju>r wuu I> and ; AN ACCOUNT of CAN A * lErirbaigrthe (T. State <1C: fl7 CteT^writoe Church ( ourt Terms. • iU9, Scotland,. IMLii** ot Baihffii, ' WesUfyip *oo- \Yeights ana Kates pf Cur- nw^i f * ujujIPr dtish | rent Coin, 2li T ConfrWro* I15jLn.lt to ti\jn oue Current'y f The sani£*v < ar.noctjan to another, *'13 \ with X 4 .gfArtQiat*» (Interest Table, iv> |l ' 115 Roads and Distances, &c li<} Bar*’»t Ministers in Upper- jTable of Duties payable ot j >< )uel ’ e? ^:^" - « — * .1 . ~T QUEBEC , *4 mmi SOf.D *V MKILSOK & COWAN, 5, afOVNTrfXN ! STKEL? mivnrrrm— i - > . THE (Siueiec Ulmanacfe, AND BRITISH AMERICAN ROYAL KALENDAR, FOR THE YEAR ft 1828, BEING LEAP YEAR. North Latitude, 46° 55' West Longitude from Greenwich, 71° 10’. QUEBEC: * PRINTED AND SOLD BY NEIlSON $ C01VAX, No. 3, MOUNTAIN STREET. 7 1 ALMANACK, 1828. EPOCHS AND COMMON NOTES, For the Year 1828, being Leap Year . Of the Julian Period - - 6541 Of the Mundane /Era - - 583 Since the birth of Chrift, according to Chro- nologers. ~ - 1832 Of the vulgar Chriftian ^ra - - 182.8 Since the Difcovery of America - - 336 Since the foundation of Quebec by Champlain 220 Of the reign of His Majefty GEORGE IV. 9 Chronological Cycles* Ember Days, Dominical Letters F. E. Golden Number 5 Feb. 27, 29, & March 1. Epaft, 14 May 28, 30, 31. Solar C ycle 1 September 17, 19, 20. Roman Indi&ion 1 December, 17, 19, 23. MOVEABLE FEASTS. Septuaga. Sund. Feb. 3 Low Sunday, April 18 Quin, or Sh. Sun. Feb. 17 Rogation Sun. May 11 Afh- Wednefday, Feb. 20 Afcen. H. Thur. May 15 Mid-Lent Sun. Mar. 16 WhitSunday, May 23 Palm Sunday, Mar. 30 Trinity Sunday, june l EASTER DAY, April 6 Advent Sunday, Nov. 30 * Commencement of the SEASONS . Spring Sun enters YS March 20, ioh 3m morning* Summer Sun enters Zo, June 21, 7h 24m morning. Autumn Sun enters -i, Sept. 22, 9I1 36m evening. Wj n t £ r Sun enters Jef Deer , 21, 2h 38m evening. 1 ECLIPSES. I here will this Year be only two Eclipses ; both of the Sun and neither visible at Quebec : the one will oc- cur on the 14th April, and the other on the 8th Oc- tober. Explanation of Calendar. The firfi: Column contains the days of the Month, the fecond the days of the Week, the third the Ho- lidays, &c. and the fourth rifing and fetting of the Sun. MOON’s RISING and SETTING. 6 At four days old it fets at, 1 5, at full, it rifes about and (bines till, about io in the evening. at night. 16 - at J after - 7 - - 8 5 - about - ii *7 at J after 6 - about - 12 18 - about - • 10 - about - - 1 7 at near i in the morn, 19 ing. 20 - about - - 12 N. B. This Table is fufficiently accurate for the purpofe it is wanted -that of afcertaining moon- light evenings. Of the Changes of the Moon . Many perlons, underftanding that the mean time be- tween one new Moon and another is 29 days, 12 hours, to find the 44 minutes and a fra&ion, imagine that, only to add a full or quarters of the Moon, they have and when they do half or fourth part of that time 3 to cor- not find the changes marked in the Calendar it to miftake refpond with this method, they impute It is therefore, in the calculation of thofe changes. the great inequa- necelfary to put them in mind, that the above rule ex- lity of the Moon’s motions renders in twenty, tremely inaccurate, fo that nineteen times conjun&ion or charge. it mull fail in giving the true . ECLIPSES 11 n’y aura cette anneeque deux Eclipses de Soleil, avril, 8- i i) \Msi bl es a Quebec ; l’une le 14 et i’autre le octobre. Explication du Calendrier. La premiere colonne contient les jours du moh\ la fe- conde les jours de la femaine la troijieme les fetes et la ; j quatrieme le lever et l e coucber du Soldi LesDouze Signes du Zodiaqjje* ry'Le Belier, .Aries -£tLa Balance, Libra. ^LeTaureau, Taurus. tt[Le Scorpion, Scorpio IlLesGemeaux, Gemini. £ Le Sagitcaire, Sagittarius SSL’Ecreville, Cancer. lrf LeCapricorne Capricornus £^Le Lion, Leo. ^I.eVerfeau , Aquarius. tt£La Vierge, Virgo.* >{Les Poill'ons, Pifces. Le Sol e i l avec les Sept Planetes* O Ee So’eil S Mars g Mercure If. Jupiter £ Venus 1? baturne © l a Terre Ijl Georgiuna A 3 ALMANAC H, 1828 . EPOQUES ET NOTES COMMUNES POUR L’ANNEE BISSEXTILE 1828. De la Periode Julienne, - . 6541 De PErc du monde, - - 5831 Depuis la naiflance de notre S. Jefus-Chrift, fuivant les Chronologiftes, - - 1832 De PEre vulgaire, - - 1828 Depuis la decouverte de PAmerique, - 336 Depuis la fondation de Quebec par Champlain, 220 Du regne de Sa Majefte GEORGE IV. - 9 Comput Ecclejiajlique, Quatre Terns* d’Or, Nombre 5 Cicle Solaire, 17 27 , 29 fevrier et ler mars. 28 30 31 mai. Epa&es, 14 , , 19 20 septembre. Indi<Rion, 1 17 , , 19 20 cecembre. Letrres Dominicales f. e. 17 , , Do. du Martyrologe, p. FETES MOBILES. Septuagefime, 3 Fevrier. Pentecote, 25 Ma*. Les Cendres, 20 Fevrier. Trinite, Ier Juin. Paques, 6 Avril. Fete-Dieu, 5 Rogations, 12, 13, i 4 Mai Avent, 30 Novembre. Afcenfion, 15 Mai. Commencement des quatre Saifons de VAnnee. Le Printems, le O entre au <Y* le 20 Mars a xoh 3m m* 2.4m m* L’Ete, le O entre a <Z5 f le 12 Juin a yh L’Automne, le O entre a la -et le 22 Sept, aqh ^bmsr* L’Hiver, le O entre au le 2 1 Dec. a 2h 38m m* JANVIER le O ent. ZZ l e 20 a 7I1 12 m. Sr. O Le a a in. 12m. Matin. ([ Le 10 a 2 h. 31m. Matin. £ Le 16 a 7h. 40m. Soir. j) Le 23 a 4h. im. Soir, O Le 31 a 8h. 20m. Soir. Semaine 1 FETES. LQC I Mardi ClRCONCJSlON, d'Oblig, 7 44 5 2 Mercredi Oa. de su Etienne. 2 M 7 44 5 3 Jeudi O&ave de st. Jean. M 7 43 5 4 Vendredi O&ave des ss. Innocens. 7 42 5 Vigile 5 Samedi de FEpiphanie. M 7 42 5 6 Diman. Vac.EPIPHANIE. Oa. d'O. 7 41 5 7 Lundi - 1 7 4o s 8 Mardi 4° n 1 7 5 9 Mercredi 7 39 5 2 J- 10 Jeudi £ 1 7 3 8 5 11 Vendredi J M.emoire de s. Hygin. 7 37 5 12 Samedi 7 3 6 5 Oaave de 13 Diman, PEpiphanie. 7 35 5 s. Hilaire. 14 Lundi M 7 34 5 s. Paul, premier . 15 Mardi Hermite M 7 33 5 s. Marcel. 16 Mercredi 7 32 5 jeudi s. Antoine, Abbe. *7 7 3 1 5 Chaire de s. Pierrea 18 Vendredi Rome. &M 7 3° 5 s. Canut. J 9 Samedi M 7 29 5 2. S, 20 Diman. Nom de Jesus, M 7 2 7 5 Lundi ste. Agnes. 21 7 26 5 Mardi ss. Vincent, See, 22 7 2 5 5 Mercredi s. Raimond de Pennafort. *3 M 7 24 5 jeudi s. Timothee. 24 7 23 5 Vendredi Conversion des. Paul. *5 j M 7 21 5 Samedi s. Polycarpe.' 26 7 2° 5 Diman. s. Chryfoftome* 27 3. Jean M 7 19 5 Lundi ss. Fabien, 28 &c. M 7 17 S Mardi s. de Sales. *9 Francis 7 16 5 Mercredi ste. Martine. 30 7 *4 5 jeudi s. Pierre Nolafque. 3 1 7 >3 5 FEBRUARY ©enters H 19th 91153m M Laft Quarter, the 8th, 3 h. 11m. evening. New Moon the 15th, 6h. im. morning. Firft Quarter the 22d, 9h, 54m. morning. Ds ws. ENGLISH CALENDAR. R, • Os 1 F. 7 12 j| 2 Sa. Pur. of B V Mary. 7 IO f Sun 3 Septuagesima Sunday, Biasius. 7 9 5 4 M. 7 7 4) 5 Tu. Agatha. 7 6 5 6 W. 7 4 5 7 Th. 7 3 5 8 F. 7 1 5 9 Sa. 7 c 5 Sun 10 Sexagesima Sunday • 6 58 6| 11 M.
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