1957 q ruba Esso Ne VOL. 18, No. 14 PUBLISHED BY LAGO OIL & TRANSPORT CO., LTD. July 13, 1957 600 Supervisor di Lago Atende600 Lago Supervisors Attend Sesion Informativo di Directiva Annual Information Sessions Descurso di Murray Sobresaliente Murray Paper Highlights Di Tres,Reunion di Tramerdia 24 Candidates "Seguridad di trabao no ta un derecho of privilegio cu directiva por Three Afternoon duna of permiti manera e ta haya bon. Seguridad di trabao ta un cos Announce For Meetings cu cada hende mester traha ariba.”’ "Job security is not a right or a privilege which management can Asina Gerente General W. A. Murray, papiando na di tercer sesion LEC Election give or allow at its whim. Job security is something everyone must anual informativo di directiva, a defini seguridad di trabao. work at.” Su descurso en efecto tabata e Twenty-four employees have Thus General Manager W. A. Murray, speaking at the third annual culminacion di e tres reunion di tres announced themselves as candi- | Management Information Sessions, defined job security. ora, como su topico di seguridad di nan cu tin costo abao door di instala dates in the forthcoming Lago His address was in effect the key- ; boilers nobo, haci cambio den mecha- Employee Council departmental note of the three three-hour meet- trabao ta uno cu ta hopi den actua- |salaries and benefits can be main- nical shops, y nos ta usando e cal- representatives election. Five ings, since his topic of job security lidad. Den su audiencia ariba e tres tained and improved only if the super- culador di alta velocidad pa permiti seats are open on the Council. is one that comes in for considerable tramerdia tabatin 600 of mas company prospers. Each supervisor cumplimento mas liher di trabaonan Constituents will go to the polls attention currently. In his audience sol for di den henter planta. has the opportunity of influencing cu awor ta costoso den tempo y sa- in a primary election July 17 and over the three afternoons were 600 ki tabata di tres anja cu e se- and contributing towards this pros- ber.” 18 to choose four candidates in each or more supervisors from all over in a worde ofreci. Supervisor- perity, since his actions are impor- Sr. Murray a menciona tambe dos departmental group. From these thé plant. tende oficialnan di compania the tant to the company’s welfare... As mashien nobo den laboratorio e five new Councilmen will be chosen This was the third year the ses- Rynalski di Refining Coordi- spectrograph y vapor fractometer modern business is run, it is a part- na New York splica hopi di e in the final election July 24 and 25.|sions were offered. Supervisors nation cual tambe ta acelera considerable- nership of company and employees. problemanan y polizanan di Lago y Candidates by departmental groups heard company officers and A. T. mente tareanan rutina, haciendo nan Each one has a responsibility, one clarifica com e compania aki ta en- are: Group A: Juan H. Arendsz,|Rynalski from Refining Coordina- den algun ora mientras antes tabata |to the other, and each one must be frenta un problema creciente di com- Mech.-Boiler; Epifanio P. Semeleer,| tion in New York outline many of tuma dianan |ready, willing and able to do his peticion contra costonan eficiente y Mech.-Pipe; Nasario Tromp, Mech.-|Lago’s problems and policies and El a clasifica e cosnan aki bao es- |part.” reducido. Oradornan tabata Presi- Boile Ladislao Mathilda, Mech.- explain how this company is faced fuerzonan pa "'seguridad di compa- dente O. Mingus, Vice Presidente Boiler. with a growing and efficient low- nia.’ Bao sguridad individuai,” 24 Candidato Ta Ehecutivo F. E. Griffin, Superinten- xroup B: Thomas Geerman, Mech.-|cost competition. Speakers were | Sr. Murray a menciona e esfuerzo- dente General Interino H. Chippen- Paint; Adolfo Arends, Mech.-Elec- | President 0. Mingus, Executive Vice nan continuo di Lago den terreno di Anuncia pa dale, Comptroller Interino A. Tully trical; Rexford O. Thame, Mech.-| President F. E. Griffin, Acting Ge- plannan di beneficio, estudionan di y tambe Sr Rynalski y Sr. Murray. Electrical; Kenneth I Gittens, neral Superintendent H. Chippen- Eleecion di LEC compensacion, condicionnan seguro, Papiando tocante seguridad di tra- Mech.-Electrical; Alwein Jap Sam, dale, Acting Comptroller A. Tully as | di trabao, programanan di entrena- | Binti-cuatro empleado a anuncia bao Sr Murray a splica cu e proble- Mech.-Administration; Rosendo A.|well as Mr. Rynalski and Mr. Mur- mento y desaroyo, y "podiser mas /nan mes como candidato pa e ve- ma tin dos specto: certidumbre pa Colina, Mech.-Machinist; Pedro M. ray. importante, nos esfuerzo pa asegura nidero eleccion pa representante- per- Thode, Mech.-Storehouse; Felix A. In speaking compania y certidumbre pa e of job security Mr. cu cada un di boso sabi precisamen- nan departamental den Lago Em- sona. Garrido, Mech.-Administration. Murray pointed out that the pro- te com boso ta para y kiko ta worde |ployee Council. Tin cinco puesto Group C: Jose L. H. Engelen, blem had two aspects: security for iko ta algun di e cosnan cu nos spera di boso.” vacante den Council. Py Cat. & LE; J. W. Thompson, the company and security for the Constituyentenan ta bai vota den ta haci pa mantene Lago su posicion Por ultimo, sinembargo, seguridad Pro- 1g y segura operacion continuo salu- Cracking; Anibal Rasmijn, | individual. e eleccion primario Juli 17 y 18 pa di trabao ta depende ariba un hende Pro- 1g] dable? Nos ta revisando nos proce- cess-LOF; Norris G. Nyack, Pro- "What are some of the things we escoge cuatro candidato den cada su esfuerzonan propio. '’Kiko bo mes < sonan pa satisface demandanan no- sd ta haci pa bo seguridad di trabao?” cess-Cracking; I. C. Irwin, Process-| are doing to maintain Lago’s posi- grupo departamental. For di esaki- bo di mercado. Como ehemplo, me- LOF. tion and insure a continuing healthy nan e cinco miembronan nobo di nj Sr. Murray a puntra. "Bo ta sigui horacion di edeleanu plant, trabao Group D: Maximiliano A. Ba-| operation? We are over-hauling our Council lo worde escogi den e elec- sti sinja cosnan nobo tocante bo trabao? ariba alkylation plant y na nos faci- 4 Bo ta sinjando bo subordinadonan? reno, Commi y; Leo A. I. Chance, | processes to meet new market de- cion final Juli 24 y 25. lidadnan di haaf, pa nombra sola- Stewards; Severino Geerman, Ste-|mands. As examples, the upgrading | Candidatonan segun gruponan de- stl Bo ta tuma orguyo den e calidad y mente algun. of the edeleanu plant, work on the |partamental ta: cantidad di trabao cu bo ta entre- wards. e "Anto nos ta renoba nos equiponan Group E: John L. De Abreu, In-| alkylation plant and to our harbor | Grupo A: Juan H. Arendsz, Mech.- h pa encontra competicion di refineria- (Continua 12 na pagina 8) (Continued on page 8) facilities, to name but a few. | Boiler; Epifanio P. Semeleer, Mech.- "Then we are renewing our equip- Pipe; Nasario Tromp, Mech.-Boiler; ment to meet competition of lowcost Ladislao Mathilda, Mech.-Boiler. refineries by installation of new Grupo B: Thomas Geerman, Mech.- | Work Begins on Cultural enter boilers, changes in the mechanical Paint; Adolfo Arends, Mech.-Elec- shops, and we are employing the trical; Rexford O. Thame, Mech.- “Aruba’s Community Cultural Cen- neral Netherlands Union, which for Of contemporary design, the| high speed computer to permit more Electrical; Kenneth Te Gitténs, ter, long only a dream, is now y had planned on a building to building will be of steel and concrete |rapid handling of tasks now costly |Mech.-Electrical; Alwein Jap Sam, coming into being. In April, when serve much the same purpose. The block construction, and will be built |in time and skill.” |Mech.-Administration; Rosendo A. the building will be finished, all of two organizations joined together by Aruba Construction Company. | Mr. Murray also mentioned two |Colina, Mech.Machinist; Pedro M. the island’s cultural activities will to form a foundation whose sole pur- F. F. Zingel of Curacao is the archi-; new machines in the laboratory— Thode, Mech.-Storehouse; Felix A. be housed under one roof. pose was to erect the building tect. the spectrograph and vapor fracto- Garrido, Mech.-Administration. The official ceremonies marking meter—which also speed up greatly Grupo C: Jose L. H. Engelen, Cat. construction of the building, located routine tasks, performing them in |& LE; J. W. Thompson, Process- at the traffic circle in Oranjestad, hours where days were previously Cracking; Anibal Rasmijn, Process- took place last week when Mrs. L. needed. |LOF; Norris G. Nyack, Process- C. Kwartsz, wife of the lieutenant Those things he classed under ef- |Cracking; I. C. Irwin, Process-LOF. governor of Aruba, laid the corner- © | forts for "company security.’ Un- Grupo D: Maximiliano A. Bareno, stone, and sealed up in it various der "individual security,” Mr. Mur- Commissary; Leo A. I. Chance, Ste- documents. ray listed Lago’s continuing efforts wards; Severiano Geerman, Ste- Attending the ceremonies were of- in the fields of benefit plans, com- wards. ficers of the Aruba Cultural Center, pensation studies, safe working con- Grupo E: John L. De Abreu, In- the General Netherlands Union and ditions, training and development dustrial Relations; Egbert E. de the Cultural Center Foundation, programs, and "perhaps most im- Freitas, Accounting; Mario Franken, which is the organization doing the portant, our effort to insure that Accounting; Theodoor Croes, Medi- building, and several Lago executives. each one of you know precisely cal. When completed the center will where you stand and what is ex- Cada empleado cu ta eligible pa a ‘house a 480-seat auditorium suit- pected of you.” vota lo recibi un carchi di vota ariba r able for plays, concerts and ballet, Ultimately however, job security e mainta di e promer dia di vota- rooms depends on one’s own efforts.
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