Reference abstracts of KV 2/961 – 962, Part I As to prevent for a too extensive document, I have decided to divide it into two sections. Englandspiel and Nordpol affair This document contains materials derived from these latter files Its purpose: is to be used as a kind of reference document, containing my personal selection of report sections; considered being of relevance. My input: I have in almost every case created transcripts of the just reproduced file content. However, adding my personal opinion; always accompanied by: (AOB, My comment) Please do not multiply this document Remember: that the section-copies still do obey to Crown Copyright This document is of an extraordinary content; in which personal fates of many brave men have been brought at stake, due to severe ignorance on the British S.O.E. side. Please consider before studying this file: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Englandspiel English version https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Englandspiel German language version https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Englandspiel Dutch language version As to confront you with a wider spectrum in this intriguing complex matter, I would like to proceed, after Giskes’ second chapter, in due course, with: Huntemann’s Case and Schreieder’s case By Arthur O. Bauer Giskes, Obstlt. Herman (Nordpol Spiel)(England Spiel) PF 601712 KV 2/961-1, page 2 6.5.45 To S.O.E. re Oberstleutnant (Obstlt.)Giskes and Uffz. Huntemann 16.5.45 Extract from report on Huntemann re Giskes, Filed 2.6.45. KV 2/961, page 3 20.5.45 To 12th AG asking for Giskes to be sent to UK as Category A case KV 2/961, page 8 Extract from OSS X-2 Paris report dated 22.5.45 on Edmund Grosskopf (PF 601671), former member of Abwehr III F (AOB, counter espionage) Lyons and FAK 313 (Front Aufklärungskommando 307 ‘Bonn’) (AOB, where the first ‘3’ points at, of course, the operational Abwehr section III; and the third number onto the European region) This Kommando performed only line crossings and hardly brought any information. It produced in all six monthly reports with the only result of a good propaganda to deceive the Americans about the Rundstedt Xmass offensive, (AOB, Ardennes Offensive which started on 16 December 1944) ↓ ↓ ↓ KV 2/961-1, page 10 PF 601712 (Giskes) PF 601832 (Huntermann!)(Giskes deputy) 18th June 1945 Dear Major Delaforce, As spoken on the telephone this morning, I am sending you a copy of the progress Report on the case of Giskes and Huntermann. You will. Of course, be receiving the Camp 020 Interim Report when it appears. Verbeck, although important, is not being treated as urgent, so I do not imagine you will be receiving reports this week. Yours sincerely, L.M. Bingham (Miss). Major J. Delaforce S.O.E. ↓ KV 2/961-1, page 12 War Room From S.C.I. Brussels (B.S.) Subject Giskes, Herman Josef, Obstl. @ Dr. Gerhardts @ Dr. German @ Gluck We have received from S.C.I. Paris, two short extracts from the 12 AG Interrogation Report on Giskes, Obstlt. of FAK 307 (AOB, Frontabwehrkommando) .. As FAK and some of its FATs (AOB, Frontabwehrtrupp) operated for a considerable time in Belgium, we should appreciate it very much if you could send us copies of the Interrogation Reports on Giskes. Two copies of the reports would be desirable. The following pages concern FAK 307 + FAT 363 also Belgium Liege, + FAT 364 Gent (Ghent) personnel; which is in my perception not of relevance. ↓ ↓ KV 2/961-1, page 38 + 39 F.A.T. (FAT) 365 Address: Driebergen, Holland, in the buildings in which Referat III F, Ast Niederlande, was situated. After the formation and transfer of FAK 307 to Brussels, FAT 365 remained in the buildings previously occupied (AOB, Beukenhorst?) by Referat III F of Ast Niederlande. To my knowledge the Trupp remained until the last (AOB, bis zum Ende) in Driebergen. About the beginning of October 1944, the Trupp was transferred from command FAK 307 to FAK 306, so that FAK 307, from this time onwards was no longer represented in Holland. The Trupp Commander, Major Kiesewetter, was replace for reasons of ill-health, about February 1945, by younger officer (name unknown). 1 Major Kiesewetter Truppenführer. … 2 Hptm. Schoewitz Deputy Truppenführer. Came to FAT 365 in Summer 1944, from the Eastern Front. 3 Hptm.Droegsler Hilfsoffizier. … 4 Uffz. Bodens @Opdenboom … 5 Uffz. Dr. Hensel … 6 Uffz. Hüttner Came to FAT 365 in Spring of 1944, where he remained until the end (April 1945). Huntermann believes that prior to his transfer to FAT 365, he was a Sonderführer (Sdf.) in the Ast- Paris Giskes, however, thinks he might have been with Ast- Niederlande IIIc. 7 Gefr. Harger … 8 Ogfr. Schroeder … 9 Fw. Kock 1941/43 O.C. M/T with Ast-Niederlande. Sent to FAT 365 in March 1944 as Hauptfeldwebel where he stayed until the end. Was employed there in administrative work. Huntemann states that in additions to the above, there were also ten soldiers acting as drivers, guards, etc. ↓ ↓ ↓ KV 2/961-1, page 41 + 42 Funkabwehr, Aussenstelle Brussels Personnel 1 Oblt. Lorentzen O/C of the Funkabwehr in Brussels, Aussenstelle of the Wehrmacht Nachrichten Verkehr, Fu III Berlin, 1943/44. Previously Leiter of Außenstelle Paris. From Autumn 1944 in Kreuznach, then Berlin and finally Norway. 2 Uffz. Helmerich November 1944 – March 1945, was with FAT 307 as Liaison Officer with the Wehrmacht Nachrichten Verkehr. Replaced Huntemann at FAK to leave the latter free to act as instructor to the FAK schools. His mission was to run W/T deception but no such opportunity arose. 3 Uffz. Miersenann Address Amsterdam. Was already at the Funkabwehr Aussenstelle Brussels, when Huntemann went there. He did not go back to his unit on the evacuation of Brussels on 3rd. September 1944, but probably went over to the Americans or English. (Engländer). His parents, of German descent, lived in Amsterdam, where they had a fur business. Miersemann reported of his own accord on the outbreak of the war to the German Wehrmacht. His work consisted of interrogation of captured agents on their codes etc. January/February 1944, was transferred to Ast-Niederlande, III F for a few weeks as Liaison Officer to the Wehrmachts Nachrichten Verkehr (AOB, WNV/Fu III?) Seen only once or twice by Giskes. 4 Uffz. Richter Known only to Huntemann. Was already in Brussels at the Funkabwehr when he arrived there and retreated with his unit on the evacuation of Brussels. KV 2/961-1, page 45 + 46 “Some of the information given regarding Lindemans (King Kong) is new to us. There had Hitherto been no evidence that Lindemans gave away or could have given away any Allied military plan. The theory that he had been responsible for passing information regarding the Arnhem operation was based on a misunderstanding of the information from Most Secret Source (AOB, = decrypts of Enigma communication) Nor were we previously aware of the fact that Lindemans had been put in touch with agents who were parachuted into northern Dutch province. (AOB, Lindemans had also access to Prince Bernard’s Staff in Brussels, for it Lindemans passed the frontier between liberated Holland and still kept occupied Netherland). The incident to which Giskes refers may well relate to the penetration of the organisation which the S.O.E. attempted to set up in the spring of 1944, when the organisation which had hitherto succeeded was proved to be utterly penetrated. I am, however, somewhat surprised by Giskes’ statement that the attempt to play back S.O.E. agents was immediately spotted in England. An attempt was after the arrest of Lindemans to warn S.O.E. organisation in Holland of the Fact that his brother might be working for the Germans. I am not quite sure what signal was sent but so far as I can recollect it was not in the form described by Giskes. On the other hand, the guess that he was given away by another agent (no doubt Verloop) is of course correct. I realise that it will take a lot of time to complete these cases. I should, however, be grateful if progress report could be issued from time to time dealing with general III, mat??? E.g. activities of Amt VI Z (AOB, Mil Amt, the successor of the Amt Ausland/Abwehr of OKW) and the old Abwehr III D. (AOB, counter intelligence) Leitstelle III West, relations of III with R.S.H.A. (Reichssicherheitshauptamt), long term plans if any, general instructions on penetration matters, machinery for deception through controlled agents, particulars of deception plans and cases. Such progress reports on the more central III organisation, as distinct from the local activities in Holland and the FAK’s will be most useful in the interrogating Obst. Reile (AOB, once in Paris) who was just arrived at C.S.D.I.C. (AOB, = Combiner Services Detailed Interrogation Centre) (UK) 9th June 1945 ↓ ↓ KV 2/961-1, page 47 To: Major S.H. Noakes 11th June, 1945 21th Army Group Giskes and Huntemann. I sent to you on the 8th June a Camp 020 Progress Report on this case. For reasons which you will readily appreciate (understand) para No. 2 at the bottom of the first page of this report should be deleted and destroyed. The allegations are of course under immediate investigation here. Stamped 12 Jun 1945 (AOB, what might have once caused this advice? There exist two option, something concerning the way the interrogation had been accomplished, or a kind of reference which might point at MSS!) ↓ ↓ KV 2/961-1, page 53 – 57 ↓ In the case of Hermann Giskes 5.6.45 Investigation of this case commenced on 30th May 1945.
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