Contents of volumes in the Flora of Australia, the families (current at December 1997) arranged according to the system of A.Cronquist (1981). Volume 1 Urticales Volume 7 Volume 10 Haloragales Ulmaceae Haloragaceae Introduction Cannabaceae Malvales Ebenales Gunneraceae Moraceae Elaeocarpaceae Sapotaceae Urticaceae Tiliaceae Ebenaceae Myrtales Volume 2 Sterculiaceae Symplocaceae Sonneratiaceae Fagales Bombacaceae Lythraceae Magnoliales Balanopaceae Malvaceae Primulales Thymelaeaceae Winteraceae Betulaceae Myrsinaceae Onagraceae Himantandraceae Fagaceae Primulaceae Melastomataceae Eupomatiaceae Volume 8 Combretaceae Austrobaileyaceae Casuarinales Rosales Magnoliaceae Lecythidales Casuarinaceae Connaraceae Annonaceae Lecythidaceae Eucryphiaceae Volumes 19–21 Myristicaceae Cunoniaceae Myrtaceae Volume 4 Nepenthales Davidsoniaceae Laurales Nepenthaceae Pittosporaceae Trimeniaceae Droseraceae Caryophyllales Byblidaceae Volume 22 Monimiaceae Phytolaccaceae Grossulariaceae Violales Rhizophorales Idiospermaceae Nyctaginaceae Alseuosmiaceae Flacourtiaceae Rhizophoraceae Lauraceae Aizoaceae Crassulaceae Bixaceae Hernandiaceae Cactaceae Cephalotaceae Cistaceae Cornales Chenopodiaceae Saxifragaceae Piperales Violaceae Alangiaceae Rosaceae Piperaceae Tamaricaceae Chrysobalanaceae Volume 5 Frankeniaceae Santalales Surianaceae Aristolochiales Passifloraceae Olacaceae Amaranthaceae Opiliaceae Aristolochiaceae Cucurbitaceae Portulacaceae Santalaceae Datiscaceae Volumes 11, 12 Nymphaeales Basellaceae Loranthaceae Nelumbonaceae Molluginaceae Salicales Fabales Viscaceae Nymphaeaceae Caryophyllaceae Salicaceae Mimosaceae Balanophoraceae Cabombaceae Caesalpiniaceae Ceratophyllaceae Polygonales Capparales Rafflesiales Polygonaceae Capparaceae Rafflesiaceae Ranunculales Brassicaceae Volumes 13–15 Ranunculaceae Plumbaginales Moringaceae Celastrales Berberidaceae Plumbaginaceae Resedaceae Fabaceae Celastraceae Menispermaceae Hippocrateaceae Batales Stackhousiaceae Volume 6 Volumes 16, 17 Papaverales Gyrostemonaceae Aquifoliaceae Papaveraceae Bataceae Icacinaceae Dilleniales Proteales Fumariaceae Cardiopteridaceae Dilleniaceae Elaeagnaceae Corynocarpaceae Proteaceae Volume 9 Dichapetalaceae Theales Volume 3 Ochnaceae Ericales Volume 18 Hamamelidales Theaceae Epacridaceae Volume 23 Actinidiaceae Hamamelidaceae Ericaceae Euphorbiales Elatinaceae Podostemales Euphorbiaceae Clusiaceae Podostemaceae Volume 24 Apocynaceae Volume 34 Arecales Costaceae Asclepiadaceae Arecaceae Cannaceae Rhamnales Campanulales Rhamnaceae Sphenocleaceae Pandanales Liliales Leeaceae Volume 29 Campanulaceae Pandanaceae Philydraceae Vitaceae Stylidiaceae Pontederiaceae Solanales Donatiaceae Arales Haemodoraceae Linales Solanaceae Araceae Liliaceae Erythroxylaceae Lemnaceae Linaceae Volume 35 Volume 30 Volume 46 Polygalales Brunoniaceae Volume 40 Convolvulaceae Malpighiaceae Goodeniaceae Iridaceae Cuscutaceae Tremandraceae Commelinales Aloeaceae Menyanthaceae Polygalaceae Xyridaceae Agavaceae Polemoniaceae Volume 36 Xanthophyllaceae Commelinaceae Xanthorrhoeaceae Hydrophyllaceae Hanguanaceae Rubiales Eriocaulales Taccaceae Lamiales Rubiaceae Volume 25 Eriocaulaceae Stemonaceae Boraginaceae Smilacaceae Sapindales Verbenaceae Dipsacales Restionales Dioscoreaceae Melianthaceae Caprifoliaceae Flagellariaceae Akaniaceae Valerianaceae Restionaceae Volume 31 Dipsacaceae Sapindaceae Centrolepidaceae Volume 47 Aceraceae Lamiaceae Juncales Orchidales Burseraceae Volumes 37, 38 Anacardiaceae Juncaceae Burmanniaceae Simaroubaceae Volume 32 Corsiaceae Asterales Asteraceae Orchidaceae Callitrichales Volumes 41, 42 Volume 26 Callitrichaceae Cyperales Volume 39 Volume 48 Cyperaceae Meliaceae Plantaginales Rutaceae Gymnospermae Plantaginaceae Alismatales Zygophyllaceae Limnocharitaceae Pteridophyta Volumes 43, 44 Scrophulariales Alismataceae Buddlejaceae Volume 27 Poaceae Volume 49 Oleaceae Hydrocharitales Scrophulariaceae Hydrocharitaceae Geraniales Oceanic Islands 1 Orobanchaceae Volume 45 Oxalidaceae Globulariaceae Najadales Geraniaceae Aponogetonaceae Hydatellales Volume 50 Tropaeolaceae Juncaginaceae Hydatellaceae Volume 33 Potamogetonacea Oceanic Islands 2 Apiales e Typhales Araliaceae Myoporaceae Ruppiaceae Sparganiaceae Apiaceae Gesneriaceae Najadaceae Typhaceae Volumes 51–53 Acanthaceae Zannichelliaceae Pedaliaceae Bromeliales Bryophyta Volume 28 Posidoniaceae Bignoniaceae Cymodoceaceae Bromeliaceae Lentibulariaceae Gentianales Zosteraceae Volumes 54–59 Zingiberales Loganiaceae Gentianaceae Triuridales Musaceae Lichens Triuridaceae Zingiberaceae FLORA OF AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIAN BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES STUDY, CANBERRA FLORA OF AUSTRALIA Volume 12 Mimosaceae (excl. Acacia), Caesalpiniaceae © Commonwealth of Australia 1998 This work is copyright. Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced or distributed by any process or stored in any retrieval system or data base without prior written permission from the copyright holder. Requests and inquiries concerning reproduction and rights should be addressed to the Director, Australian Biological Resources Study, GPO Box 636, Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia. EXECUTIVE EDITOR Anthony E. Orchard VOLUME EDITOR Patrick M. McCarthy EDITORIAL ASSISTANCE Jane Mowatt Helen Thompson This work may be cited as: This book is available from: Flora of Australia Volume 12, Mimosaceae CSIRO PUBLISHING (excl. Acacia), Caesalpiniaceae. Melbourne : PO Box 1139 (150 Oxford Street) CSIRO Australia (1998). Collingwood VIC 3066 Australia Individual contributions may be cited as: Tel: (03) 9662 7666 Int: +(61 3) 9662 7666 J.H.Ross, Labichea, Flora of Australia 12: Fax: (03) 9662 7555 Int: +(61 3) 9662 7555 146–157 (1998). Email: [email protected] National Library of Australia Cataloguing-in-Publication entry Flora of Australia. Volume 12, Mimosaceae (excl. Acacia), Caesalpiniaceae. Bibliography. Includes index. ISBN 0 643 06298 X (hard cover). ISBN 0 643 06299 8 (soft cover). ISBN 0 643 05702 1 (hard cover set). ISBN 0 643 05695 5 (soft cover set). 1. Botany – Australia – Classification. 2. Plants – Identification. I. Australian Biological Resources Study. II. CSIRO. III. Title: Mimosaceae (excl. Acacia), Caesalpiniaceae. 581.994 Published by ABRS/CSIRO Australia Printed by S.R.Frankland Pty Ltd, Melbourne CONTENTS Contributors to Volume 12 vii Illustrators vii Photographers vii Flora Editorial Committee ix Introduction xi Mimosaceae R.S.Cowan 1 Adenanthera R.S.Cowan 3 Entada R.S.Cowan 6 Prosopis G.Perry 7 Mimosa R.S.Cowan 13 Leucaena R.S.Cowan 16 Dichrostachys R.S.Cowan 19 Desmanthus R.S.Cowan 20 Neptunia R.S.Cowan 21 Albizia R.S.Cowan 27 Samanea R.S.Cowan 32 Calliandra R.S.Cowan 32 Paraserianthes R.S.Cowan 33 Archidendropsis R.S.Cowan 37 Pararchidendron R.S.Cowan 39 Archidendron R.S.Cowan 40 Cathormion R.S.Cowan 49 Caesalpiniaceae J.H.Ross 50 Gleditsia J.H.Ross 55 Peltophorum J.H.Ross 56 Delonix J.H.Ross 58 Caesalpinia A.S.George 59 Haematoxylum J.H.Ross 67 Parkinsonia J.H.Ross 69 Erythrophleum J.H.Ross 70 Ceratonia J.H.Ross 72 Storckiella J.H.Ross 73 Cassia B.R.Randell & B.A.Barlow 75 Senna B.R.Randell & B.A.Barlow 89 Chamaecrista L.Pedley 138 Labichea J.H.Ross 146 Petalostylis J.H.Ross 157 v CONTENTS Bauhinia A.S.George 160 Barklya A.S.George 166 Cynometra J.H.Ross 167 Maniltoa J.H.Ross 169 Intsia J.H.Ross 171 Crudia J.H.Ross 173 Sindora A.S.George 175 Tamarindus J.H.Ross 176 Maps 179 Appendix: new taxa, lectotypifications, etc. 193 Supplementary Glossary 199 Abbreviations & Contractions 200 Publication date of previous volumes 204 Index 205 Endpapers Front: Contents of volumes in the Flora of Australia, the families arranged according to the system of A.Cronquist, An Integrated System of Classification of Flowering Plants (1981). Back: Flora of Australia: Index to families of flowering plants. vi CONTRIBUTORS TO VOLUME 12 Dr B.A.Barlow, c/- Australian National Herbarium, Centre for Plant Biodiversity Research, CSIRO, GPO Box 1600, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory 2601. Dr R.S.Cowan, deceased, formerly of 3 Bass Close, East Cannington, Western Australia 6107. Mr A.S.George, 'Four Gables', 18 Barclay Road, Kardinya, Western Australia 6163. Mr L.Pedley, Queensland Herbarium, Department of Environment and Heritage, Meiers Rd, Indooroopilly, Queensland 4068. Mrs G.Perry, c/- Western Australian Herbarium, Locked Bag 104, Bentley Delivery Centre, Western Australia 6983. Dr B.Randell, Randell Environmental Enterprises Pty Ltd, 7 Hastings Rd, South Brighton, South Australia 5048. Dr J.H.Ross, National Herbarium of Victoria, Royal Botanic Gardens, Melbourne, Birdwood Avenue, South Yarra, Victoria 3141. ILLUSTRATORS Mr Milton Andrews, 9 Sandgate St, South Perth, Western Australia 6151. Ms Anita Barley [nee Podwyszynski], c/- National Herbarium of Victoria, Royal Botanic Gardens, Melbourne, Birdwood Ave, South Yarra, Victoria 3141. Mrs Beth Chandler, c/- Adelaide Botanic Gardens, North Terrace, Adelaide, South Australia 5000. PHOTOGRAPHERS Mr Brian Carter, One Arm Point, via Broome, Western Australia 6725. Mr M.Fagg, Australian National Botanic Gardens, GPO Box 1777, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory 2601. Mr A.S.George, 'Four Gables', 18 Barclay Road, Kardinya, Western Australia 6163. Mr C.Green, c/- Australian National Botanic Gardens, GPO Box 1777, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory 2601. Ms D.Greig, c/- Australian National Botanic Gardens, GPO Box 1777, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory 2601. Mr D.L.Jones, 13 Saville Close, Melba, Australian Capital Territory 2615. Mr G.Leiper, 30 Tweedvale Street, Beenleigh,
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