Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-00577-8 — The British Army and the First World War Ian Beckett , Timothy Bowman , Mark Connelly Index More Information Index Abadie, H. R., 20 Asquith, Violet, 90 Adams, E. S. R., 239–40 Attrition, 179, 187, 195–200, 224, 250, aerial observation, 212–13, 214, 243, 267, 259, 261, 307, 323, 330, 334, 284–5, 299, 305–6, 314, 402, 420 328–9, 374 Augagneur, Victor, 195 Africa, 43–4, 389–6, 416–17 Australia airpower, 305–6, 329–30, 343, 363, British Army soldiers from, 42–3 367–8 on Western Front, 362, 378–9 Aitken, A. E., 395 wartime executions and, 156 Aldershot Command, 210 Australia and New Zealand Army Corps Allen, Mary, 143–4 (ANZAC), 167–8, 280, 294–5, Allenby, Lieutenant-General Sir Edmund 317, 319, 336, 362–4, 367, 369, (later Field Marshal), 213–14, 378–9, 404–6 223, 312–13, 316, 317–18, 320, 406–9 Bacon, C. H., 26–7 Amery, Leo, 205 Baden, Prince Max of, 370, 375–8 ammunition, on Western Front Baden-Powell, Robert, 81 for BEF, 242 Baker-Carr, C. D., 79 in 1914, production increases for, 231–3 Balfour, Arthur, 186 in 1915, shortages of, 242, 266–7 Barker, Robert, 164 ammunition supply, 237, 240–6, 252, 266, barracks, during pre-war period, 35–6 277, 287, 295, 310, 361, 363–4, Barton, George, 69 368–9, 373–4 ‘battle of the memoirs,’ 48, 181–2 shells scandal (1915), 258 battles Andrew, William Lintorn, 140 Aisne, Battle of, 220–1 Anglo-Japanese Treaty, 173 Amiens, Battle of, 360–3 anti-war demonstrations, in Great Armentières, Battle of, 228–9 Britain, 88 Arras, Battle of, 311–21 ANZAC. See Australia and New Zealand Aubers Ridge, battle at, 242–3, 257–8, Army Corps 259–61 Archibald, S. C. M., 20 Battles of Artois, 419 Armistice Days, 168–9 Battle of Cambrai, 338–43 Army Suspension of Sentences Act battle of Cambrai, 338–43 (England), 151 Bazentin Ridge, battle at, 291–4 Arnold-Forster, H. O., 8–9, 12–13, 32 public response to, 293–4 artillery, 223, 234–6, 246, 249, 257, 258, Cambrai, Battle of, 338–43, 345–6, 347 259, 262–3, 271, 285–8, 294, 298, Beaurevoir Line, 342 306, 310–11, 314, 316–17, 323–4, Festubert, Battle of, 258–60 335, 338–9, 340, 365–6, 368–9, Givenchy, Battle of, 259–60 382, 384 Hamel, Battle of, 361–2 Asquith, Herbert, 45–6, 114–15, 170, 186, La Bassée, 238 273–4, 294, 306 Landrecies, Battle of, 216–17 462 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-00577-8 — The British Army and the First World War Ian Beckett , Timothy Bowman , Mark Connelly Index More Information Index 463 Le Cateau, Battle of, 217–18 Blacker, S. W., 69 Le Quesnoy, 374–5 Bonar Law, Andrew, 116–17, 185–6 Loos, Battle of, 242, 262–4, 265, 266–73 Bottomley, Horatio, 155–6 Marne, Battle of, 219–21 Boyle, Nina, 143–4 Meggido campaign, 408–9 Boys-Stones, G. L., 45 Messines Ridge, Battle of, 322–8 Bradford, Roland Boys, 51, 383 Mons, Battle of, 211, 213–16 Braithwaite, Major-General Sir Walter, Neuve Chapelle, Battle of, 228–9, 367 242–52, 255–7, 264–5 Bridges, Major Thomas, 218 Selle River, 371–3 Britain Somme, Battle of, 282–3, 286–7, 292–4, military strategy in, 237, 306, 307, 295, 296–306 334–5, 345–9 Somme campaign, 197, 277–8, 287, military strength 297–300, 419 in 1915, 237–8 Third Ypres offensive, 198–200 in 1916, 279 Ypres in 1917, 339–40 First Battle, 150, 213, 221–228, in 1918, 345, 349–51 231–232, 234–235, 273 British Empire. See also Australia; Canada; Second Battle, 252–255, 312 India; New Zealand Third Battle (‘Passchendaele’), 151, colonial armies during Edwardian 182, 198–200, 321–338, 340, era, 42–4 345, 347, 351, 353, 362 economic decline of, 172–3 Assault on Passchendaele, 335–336 Muslims within, 203–4 Evacuation of Passchendaele salient, British Union of Fascists (BUF), 166 1918, 360 Brocklehurst, J. H., 42 Beaurevoir Line, 342 Brodrick, John, 32, 90, 173 Beauvoir de Lisle, Major General Sir Henry Brown, J. S., 83 De, 233–4 Browning, Francis, 132 BEF. See British Expeditionary Force Bruce-Williams, H., 51 Belgian forces, 214–16, 227–8 Brunshill, G. S., 24 Belgian option, 177–8 Bryant, F. C., 390 Belgian soldiers Budworth, Major-General C. E. D., 266, British soldiers’ exposure to, 143 285–6 wartime executions of, 156 BUF. See British Union of Fascists German invasion of, 171 Bulfin, Brigadier-General Edward, 223–4, soldiers from 227, 272 British soldiers’ exposure to, 143 Bulgaria, seeks armistice, 409 wartime executions of, 156 Burnell-Nugent, Frank, 51 Bell, E. N. F., 71 Butler, Brigadier-General Richard, 347, Bennett, Winifred, 192–3 354 Bethell, Hugh Keppel, 383 Byng, Lieutenant-General Sir Julian, 31, Bickerstaffe-Drew, F. D. B., 37 311–13, 314–16, 320, 338–40, Bigland, Alfred, 97–8 353, 357, 360, 364–5, 405 billeting, soldiers and, 142–3 Billyard-Leake, C. R., 58 Calais Conference, 308 Birch, J. F. N., 312–13 Callwell, Charles, 49, 183 Birch, Major-General Sir Noel, 266, 286, Cameroons, 390–2 312–13 Campbell, David, 62 Birdwood, General Sir William, 375 Canada Birrell, Augustine, 411–13 British Army soldiers from, 42–3 ‘bite and hold’ operations, 187, 250, 251, on Western Front, 311–13, 363–4, 313, 334–5 378–9 black soldiers military veterans in, 167 under military conscription, 123–4 Soldier Settlement Act in, 167 in ‘officer corps,’ near-exclusion of, 80 wartime executions and, 156 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-00577-8 — The British Army and the First World War Ian Beckett , Timothy Bowman , Mark Connelly Index More Information 464 Index Canadian Expeditionary Force, 312 Clemenceau, Georges, 278, 358, 359 1 Division, 254–5, 261–2 clergy. See chaplains and clergy Canadian Corps, 280, 311–12, 314–16, Clive, Sidney, 347 336, 363–4, 370, 373, 379 coalition politics, military strategy Capper, D. S., 17–18 influenced by, 194 Capper, Major-General Sir Thompson, Cobbold, W. N., 58 221, 222, 227, 247, 270 Colonial Conference, 173 Carden, Sackville, 400 Colyer, W. T., 64 Cardwell-Childers regimental combat engineering, 385 system, 34–5 command and control Carrington, Charles, 71, 137 commissions, for officers, 21–2 Carson, Sir Edward, 45–6, 72, 108–10 expansion of, 27 Carter, C. H. P., 392 for medical officers, 74–5 casualties, 254–5, 259, 260, 267–9, 272, post-commissioning opportunities, 287–8, 291–2, 299–300, 314–16, 27–30 318, 327–8, 336, 337–8, 343, Committee of Imperial Defence (CID), 355, 379 175, 182 on Eastern Front, 136 communications, 285–6, 301–2, 382, in officer corps, 47 384–5 press reports on, 141–2 Comrades of the Great War (CGW), 164–5 cavalry, 381, 385–6, 387 Conan Doyle, Arthur, 130 Cavan, Lieutenant-General Lord, 299, Congreve, William, 288 330–1 Connolly, James, 411 Cecil, Robert, 116–17 Connolly, W. E. G., 83–4 CGW. See Comrades of the Great War conscientious objectors, 125–6 Chamberlain, Austen, 116–17, 203 conscription, military, 113–21 Chamberlain, Joseph, 173 age as factor for, 128–9 Chamberlain, Neville, 117 Army Council and, 117–18 chaplains and clergy. See also morale civilians and, 141–2 during Edwardian era, 37 classifications for, 121 military recruitment influenced under Derby Scheme, 114–15 by, 100 exemptions from, 120–1, 124–8 as officers, 75–6 for conscientious objectors, 125–6 Charteris, Brigadier-General John, 309, for grounds of conscience, 126 335, 346–7 by occupation, 126–8 Chaulnes-Roye line, 363 through tribunals, 124–8 chemical warfare under Volunteer Acts, 130–1 French’s interest in, 264 extension to Ireland, 120 Haig’s interest in, 264 institutional implications of, 142 on Western Front, 252–3 Lloyd George’s support of, 113–14, by Germany, 254–5 116–17 Christmas Truce of 1914, 137 under Military Service (Conventions with Church Lads’ Brigade, 99 Allied States) Act, 118, 122, Churchill, Winston, 177 123–4 CID. See Committee of Imperial Defence under Military Service (Review of civil-military relations Exceptions) Act in, 118 1915, 274 under Military Service Acts, 93, 1916, 279, 294–5 115–16, 119 1917, 308, 322, 333–4, 337–8, 339–40, Ministry of Munitions and, 116–17 345–6 under National Registration Act, 114 1918, 349–51, 357–8 under Naval, Military and Air Force Clarke, George, 175–6 Service Act, 120 Clarke, Lieutenant-Colonel Sir rejection from Travers, 347 for black soldiers, 123–4 ‘class corps,’ 63 for Russian Jews, 121–2 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-00577-8 — The British Army and the First World War Ian Beckett , Timothy Bowman , Mark Connelly Index More Information Index 465 of Russian Jews Du Cane, Lieutenant-General Sir John, acceptance of, 122–3 187, 244–6, 251–2, 262–3 under Military Service Act (No 2), 122 Dubois, General Pierre, 226 rejection of, 121–2 Duff Cooper, Alfred, 74 social implications of, 142 ‘dugout’ officers, 67–8, 280 for women, 132–4 Duke, H. E., 120 as nurses, 132–3 d’Urbal, General Victor, 223–4, 255 WAAC, 133 Contagious Diseases Acts, 144 Eastern Front, Western Front and, casualty Cornwall Pioneers, 102–3 rate comparisons, 136 Couchman, G. H. H., 71–2 Ebert, Frederich, 378 County Territorial Associations (CTAs), Eden, Anthony, 69–70, 80–1 90, 129 Edmonds, Brigadier-General Sir James E., courts martial 29–30, 207, 211–12 during Edwardian era, 38–9 Edwardian era, British Army during for officer corps, 82 alcohol abuse problems, 36–7 Cox, Brigadier-General Edgar, 347, 354, 360 auxiliary forces, 16–17 Creagh, O’Moore, 130 barracking for, 35–6 Crosbie, J.
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