College of William & Mary Law School William & Mary Law School Scholarship Repository Student Newspaper (Amicus, Advocate...) Archives and Law School History 2000 The Amicus Curiae (Vol. 10, Issue 7) Repository Citation "The Amicus Curiae (Vol. 10, Issue 7)" (2000). Student Newspaper (Amicus, Advocate...). 128. https://scholarship.law.wm.edu/newspapers/128 Copyright c 2000 by the authors. This article is brought to you by the William & Mary Law School Scholarship Repository. https://scholarship.law.wm.edu/newspapers - ----------------------------................................................................................------------------------ ----------------------, • • The mlCUSUrlae VOLUMEX,lSSUESEVEN FRIDAY, MARCH 24,2000 WILLIAM & MARY SCHOOL OF LAW A Look at Life as. an Entertainment Lawyer By Lauren S. Fassler . agement, the role of the sports lawyer, and Students thinking about combining Title IX. On the entertainment side, there their passion for sports or music with a were discussions on deals in the music more practical career in law got an oppor­ industry, book publishing, and the web's tunity to get the inside scoop from current impact on the entertainment industry. practitioners at the Second Annual Sports Though many sports agents are law­ and Entertainment Law Symposium on yers who do not really practice law, it is Saturday, March 18, 2000. important for them fust to spend a couple Symposium participants were able to of years at a law fumac.quiring legal train­ hear directly from professionals, including ing, according to sports agents James a sports agent for basketball star Allan Bryant, an attorney with Dow, Lohnes and Houston, a gatekeeper to musicians hop­ Albertson, and Mason Ashe, CEO and fig to cut an album under the BMG label, General Counsel for Strickland & Ashe and a troubleshooter in potential defama­ Management, LLC. tion suits for St. Martin's Press. In the six "Many people over the years have told formal panel discussions and numerous me that I'm wasting my law degree," said informal breaks, students listened to the 15 David Maraghy,the president and CEO of speakers talk about their personal experi­ Sports Management International, LLC, a ences, obtained practical career advice on sports nianagement and marketing fum. getting a foothold in the field. Current "But I feel that being a lawyer has helped Photo by Laur~n S. Fassler trends in the industry, and significant legal me to write and think better, anticipate Panel Members James Bryant, Jim Walsh, David Maraghy, Keith Booker, and Vernon issues. marketing strategies, and take facts I'm Inge introduce themselves to symposium attendees. The all-day Symposium was sponsored given and present my case." ance, ta~es, investments, home purchases, recommendations, and retainlng current by the William and Mary and Regent Uni­ As a sports lawyer/agent, the athlete's and domestic relations issues like prenup- clients. versity Sports and Entertainment Law so­ representative will obviously need to know tial agreements and child support. "When you afe representing athletes, cieties and moderated by William and Mary a great deal about contract law, Ashe said. The sports agents and lawyers at the who are individuals rather than compa­ sports and entertainment law professor He or she also needs to be prepared to symposium all emphasized the personal nies, you probably make a mistake if you Martin Silfen. They organized panels on provide guidance on other legal issues nature of the business, which is important don't speak to them at least once a week," the dynamics of sports agency and rnan- affecting the athlete's life, such as insur- for building a network ofcontacts, earning See Sports Symposium on 4 Spong Tourney goes well for Annual PDP Supreme Moot Court Team Court Tri IS• a By Stacey MoUohan William and Mary. P Big Hit This past February 25 lh and 26'h, Will- Hot on the heels of Team Texas were BySarahKinsman You have to have a reason." iam and Mary hosted the 2000 annual the UniversityofFlorida Gators, who earned Over forty law students, including mem- He also provided some helpful advice Spong Tournament. Thanks to the hard 200 place overall. Nottobeoutdone,George bers of Phi Delta Phi and other students, to future members of the ~upreme Court work and dedication of the organizers and Mason University's Angela Miller took visited the Supreme Court onMar. 22. The Bar. participants, it was a complete success. away the award for Best Oralist. Booya! highlight of the trip was a thirty-minute "Never call Justice O'Connor, 'Justice The Spong Tournament is anationalinvi- In addition to hosting a moot court sessionwithJusticeAntoninScalia. Scalia Ginsburg', or call Justice Ginsburg, 'Jus­ tational moot court competition that has competition, the Spong Tournament is discussed his views on originalism and tice 0 'Connor' ," Scalia advised. "They do rapidly become one of the leading moot traditionally a time to also honor a member interpreting the Constitution. not like it. We've actually had lawyers do court tournrup.ents in the Mid-Atlantic re- of William and Mary's faculty who best "Remerri'berone thing," he said. "Ifyou that." gion. represents the qualities of the person for · are not an originalist, you have to be He also said he dislikes when lawyers This year's tournament hosted teams whomthetournamentisnamed, WilliamB. something. There is no such thing as non­ evade questions in oral argument. Oral from 19 different l,aw schools across the - Spong, Jr. ~ean S'pong ranks among originalism You can't just get up here and argument is a critical component of his country. Judging the royal rumble were 27 Virginia's most honored and capable say, 'Well, decide however you feel like. ' See Supreme Court on 6 judges drawn from the 4lh circuit and Vir- statesmen, educators, and advocates. ginia district and appeals courts. Dean Spong established a long and Traditionally, the tournament focuses distinguished career ofpublic service, serv­ In this Issue on constitutionallaw and the Bill ofRights. ing in the Virginia House of Delegates in Wbat's the Moot Court Team Jeff Polich voices his opinion on This year's problem writer was the Spong 1954-55, and then in the Virginia Senate in Research Justice, Christina Workman. 1956-66. HeeventuallyservedVirginiaas been up to ......................... p3& 4 March Madness ............... ~ ..... p 8 Advocates for the 2000 competition ar- a United States Senator from 1966to 1973. gued on a state's ability to restrict access In 1975, he retuned to lecture at William Analysis of Boy Scout ban on Jeff Yeates takes a trip through to sexually explicit Internet sites on public and Mary. The following year, he was homosexuals ..•...... ~ ................ p 5 history at Jamestown ............. p 9 university computers. appointed Dean and the Dudley W . This year, Team 1 from South Texas Woodbridge Professor of Law. ID I B'II G t? 6 Law School came looking for blood, and Dean Spong IS. the reCIpIent. of honor- 0 y ou ove 1 a es ........ .p Sari has a flashback, to the they found it. South Texas fInished as 151 ary degrees from Hampden-Sydney Col­ Eighties? .............................. p 10 overall, in addition to winning Best Brief. lege, Roanoke See who Nancy and Jessica This will be their third victory in 5 years at See Moot Court on 3 picked for the Oscars............ p 7 Random Trading Cards........ p 11 ~ 1 2 ======::::;;::::========== ====== =============y:=======Friday, March 24,2000 THE AMICUS Evidence of· an Issue Not H~ard 11 L Curriculum To the Editor: By comparison, the European Union has 100,000,000- Forthefirsttimeinournation'shistorythemajor more residents, but only one-sixth the number of I C party presidential candidates will be admitted illegal prisoners. In the past 150 years we have managed h a n g e drug experimenters-Vice President Gore admits to upend Mr. Hugo's quote-as recently as 15 years to inhaling and Gov. Bush's references to "youthful ago California spent six times as much on its cher­ By Andrew Hampton indiscretions" when pressed on allegations of prior ished university system as on prisons. Lastyear the The faculty and the adrnini strati on have instituted cocaine use are only minimally cryptic. Of course, . prison budget was larger. a curriculum change for the incoming lL class. neithercandidatewilleveradmittohavingenjoyed "Let's Have a [Foreign Drug] War"-Fear Citing "less satisfaction than had been hoped with the "experiments," but should voters expect logical ('80's alt band). As part of a proposed $2.0b "aid the elective and," as Vice Dean Moliterno said, "a answers against the backdrop of illogic that is our package" to Colombia, neither candidate has ques­ feeling that some first year coUrses require more nation's drug policy? It should come as no surprise tioned the $1 .3b in military aid (including 66 attack class time than a four credit course could offer," the then, if the candidates come to a tacit agreement not helicopters) intended to help slow drug production faculty made several significant changes. to make candidates' drug use a "character issue" in there. The United States consumes 80% of the the election. cocaine produced in Colombia. So, first we create ' The new first year curriculum will change prop­ Keeping the above off the table should not be the demand for drugs and then we export our Drug erty froma four -credit course to a five-credit course, verydifficultasnationaldrugpolicyisnotlikelyt~be War onto a third world producer. If they don't three hours.in the first semester and two hours in the an issue in the upcoming campaign. The candidates' slaughter each other in the name American puritan- . second. Constitutional law will no longer be a four­ I views onitareso similar, why bother? Begunduring ism we shutthem out of the 21'1 century world credi t course in the first semester, but instead will he the Reagan Administration and accelerated by Presi­ economy.
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