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2000 The Amicus Curiae (Vol. 10, Issue 7)

Repository Citation "The Amicus Curiae (Vol. 10, Issue 7)" (2000). Student Newspaper (Amicus, Advocate...). 128.

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• • The mlCUSUrlae

VOLUMEX,lSSUESEVEN FRIDAY, MARCH 24,2000 WILLIAM & MARY SCHOOL OF LAW A Look at Life as. an Entertainment Lawyer By Lauren S. Fassler . agement, the role of the sports lawyer, and Students thinking about combining Title IX. On the entertainment side, there their passion for sports or music with a were discussions on deals in the music more practical career in law got an oppor­ industry, book publishing, and the web's tunity to get the inside scoop from impact on the entertainment industry. practitioners at the Second Annual Sports Though many sports agents are law­ and Entertainment Law Symposium on yers who do not really practice law, it is Saturday, March 18, 2000. important for them fust to spend a couple Symposium participants were able to of years at a law fumac.quiring legal train­ hear directly from professionals, including ing, according to sports agents James a sports agent for basketball star Allan Bryant, an attorney with Dow, Lohnes and Houston, a gatekeeper to musicians hop­ Albertson, and Mason Ashe, CEO and fig to cut an album under the BMG label, General Counsel for Strickland & Ashe and a troubleshooter in potential defama­ Management, LLC. tion suits for St. Martin's Press. In the six "Many people over the years have told formal panel discussions and numerous me that I'm wasting my law degree," said informal breaks, students listened to the 15 David Maraghy,the president and CEO of speakers talk about their personal experi­ Sports Management International, LLC, a ences, obtained practical career advice on sports nianagement and marketing fum.

getting a foothold in the field. Current "But I feel that being a lawyer has helped Photo by Laur~n S. Fassler trends in the industry, and significant legal me to write and think better, anticipate Panel Members James Bryant, Jim Walsh, David Maraghy, Keith Booker, and Vernon issues. marketing strategies, and take facts I'm Inge introduce themselves to symposium attendees. The all-day Symposium was sponsored given and present my case." ance, ta~es, investments, home purchases, recommendations, and retainlng current by the William and Mary and Regent Uni­ As a sports lawyer/agent, the athlete's and domestic relations issues like prenup- clients. versity Sports and Entertainment Law so­ representative will obviously need to know tial agreements and child support. "When you afe representing athletes, cieties and moderated by William and Mary a great deal about contract law, Ashe said. The sports agents and lawyers at the who are individuals rather than compa­ sports and entertainment law professor He or she also needs to be prepared to symposium all emphasized the personal nies, you probably make a mistake if you Martin Silfen. They organized panels on provide guidance on other legal issues nature of the business, which is important don't speak to them at least once a week," the dynamics of sports agency and rnan- affecting the athlete's life, such as insur- for building a network ofcontacts, earning See Sports Symposium on 4 Spong Tourney goes well for Annual PDP Supreme Moot Court Team Court Tri IS• a By Stacey MoUohan William and Mary. P Big Hit This past February 25 lh and 26'h, Will- Hot on the heels of Team Texas were BySarahKinsman You have to have a reason." iam and Mary hosted the 2000 annual the UniversityofFlorida Gators, who earned Over forty law students, including mem- He also provided some helpful advice Spong Tournament. Thanks to the hard 200 place overall. Nottobeoutdone,George bers of Phi Delta Phi and other students, to future members of the ~upreme Court work and dedication of the organizers and Mason University's Angela Miller took visited the Supreme Court onMar. 22. The Bar. participants, it was a complete success. away the award for Best Oralist. Booya! highlight of the trip was a thirty-minute "Never call Justice O'Connor, 'Justice The Spong Tournament is anationalinvi- In addition to hosting a moot court sessionwithJusticeAntoninScalia. Scalia Ginsburg', or call Justice Ginsburg, 'Jus­ tational moot court competition that has competition, the Spong Tournament is discussed his views on originalism and tice 0 'Connor' ," Scalia advised. "They do rapidly become one of the leading moot traditionally a time to also honor a member interpreting the Constitution. not like it. We've actually had lawyers do court tournrup.ents in the Mid-Atlantic re- of William and Mary's faculty who best "Remerri'berone thing," he said. "Ifyou that." gion. represents the qualities of the person for · are not an originalist, you have to be He also said he dislikes when lawyers This year's tournament hosted teams whomthetournamentisnamed, WilliamB. something. There is no such thing as non­ evade questions in oral argument. Oral from 19 different l,aw schools across the - Spong, Jr. ~ean S'pong ranks among originalism You can't just get up here and argument is a critical component of his country. Judging the royal rumble were 27 Virginia's most honored and capable say, 'Well, decide however you feel like. ' See Supreme Court on 6 judges drawn from the 4lh circuit and Vir- statesmen, educators, and advocates. ginia district and appeals courts. Dean Spong established a long and Traditionally, the tournament focuses distinguished career ofpublic service, serv­ In this Issue on constitutionallaw and the Bill ofRights. ing in the Virginia House of Delegates in Wbat's the Moot Court Team Jeff Polich voices his opinion on This year's problem writer was the Spong 1954-55, and then in the Virginia Senate in Research Justice, Christina Workman. 1956-66. HeeventuallyservedVirginiaas been up to ...... p3& 4 March Madness ...... ~ ..... p 8 Advocates for the 2000 competition ar- a United States Senator from 1966to 1973. gued on a state's ability to restrict access In 1975, he retuned to lecture at William Analysis of Boy Scout ban on Jeff Yeates takes a trip through to sexually explicit Internet sites on public and Mary. The following year, he was homosexuals ..•...... ~ ...... p 5 history at Jamestown ...... p 9 university computers. . appointed Dean and the Dudley W . This year, Team 1 from South Texas Woodbridge Professor of Law. ID I B'II G t? 6 Law School came looking for blood, and Dean Spong IS. the reCIpIent. . of honor- 0 y ou ove 1 a es ...... p Sari has a flashback, to the they found it. South Texas fInished as 151 ary degrees from Hampden-Sydney Col­ Eighties? ...... p 10 overall, in addition to winning Best Brief. lege, Roanoke See who Nancy and Jessica This will be their third victory in 5 years at See Moot Court on 3 picked for the Oscars...... p 7 Random Trading Cards...... p 11 ~ 1

2 ======::::;;::::======y:======Friday, March 24,2000 THE AMICUS Evidence of· an Issue Not H~ard 11 L Curriculum To the Editor: By comparison, the European Union has 100,000,000- Forthefirsttimeinournation'shistorythemajor more residents, but only one-sixth the number of I C party presidential candidates will be admitted illegal prisoners. In the past 150 years we have managed h a n g e drug experimenters-Vice President Gore admits to upend Mr. Hugo's quote-as recently as 15 years to inhaling and Gov. Bush's references to "youthful ago California spent six times as much on its ­ By Andrew Hampton indiscretions" when pressed on allegations of prior ished university system as on prisons. Lastyear the The faculty and the adrnini strati on have instituted cocaine use are only minimally cryptic. Of course, . prison budget was larger. a curriculum change for the incoming lL class. neithercandidatewilleveradmittohavingenjoyed "Let's Have a [Foreign Drug] War"-Fear Citing "less satisfaction than had been hoped with the "experiments," but should voters expect logical ('80's alt band). As part of a proposed $2.0b "aid the elective and," as Vice Dean Moliterno said, "a answers against the backdrop of illogic that is our package" to Colombia, neither candidate has ques­ feeling that some first year coUrses require more nation's drug policy? It should come as no surprise tioned the $1 .3b in military aid (including 66 attack class time than a four credit course could offer," the then, if the candidates come to a tacit agreement not helicopters) intended to help slow drug production faculty made several significant changes. to make candidates' drug use a "character issue" in there. The United States consumes 80% of the the election. cocaine produced in Colombia. So, first we create ' The new first year curriculum will change prop­ Keeping the above off the table should not be the demand for drugs and then we export our Drug erty froma four -credit course to a five-credit course, verydifficultasnationaldrugpolicyisnotlikelyt~be War onto a third world producer. If they don't three the first semester and two hours in the an issue in the upcoming campaign. The candidates' slaughter each other in the name American puritan- . second. Constitutional law will no longer be a four­

I views onitareso similar, why bother? Begunduring ism we shutthem out of the 21'1 century world credi t course in the first semester, but instead will he the Reagan Administration and accelerated by Presi­ economy. a five-credit course in the spring. As a result, Civil t:· dent Clinton, ifmentioned at all it will be in the fear Playing world cop is one thing, but this is Procedure will be moved to the first semester, an I, ,:. . ofbeing perceived as soft on crime. ridiculous. The FBI in February opened in first added benefit Moliterno said. ., .', ..)~. "t If anything, both candidates will call for in­ foreign field office. The Budapest office is designed ~ . :. creased drug interdiction spending, press for harsher to stop the Russian mafia from pouring narcotics into . Due to the changes, 1L' s will take 30 credit hours J «;, prison sentence~ for drug ' offenders, and further this country. And the cost ofthis operation does not in their first year as . opposed to 31 in the past. blow to the margins those displaced by the idiot wind even factor into the $20,000,000,000 ONDCP ("Drug It :t: . Moliterno said that the students would have to pick ..• called the War on Drugs. But this, arguably the Czar") budget. $20b here, another $20b in local drug up the extra hour with an elective since they will still fl most important policy issue facing our country, is a interdiction there, an FBI office in Hungary ... pretty need the same number of credits to graduate. ..I , I ~( likely nonstarter. So, with a nod to James Baldwin, soon you're talking real money. i, I offer evidence of an issue not heard: t· 1 The faculty also hopes that the changes will r. ~ i " He who opens a school door, closes a Dennis J. Callahan assist the implementation of a recent Faculty Reso­ th prison"- Victor Hugo. As of February 15 , for March 15, 2000 lution. The Faculty hopes to offer 1L classes in three IioCI ' • I the first time in its history, the United States has over sections as opposed to two, thus reducing class size. '. 2,000,000 people behind bars. 800,000 ofthese are Moliterno pointed out that this would not ha\l~ The views represented by this letter do not necessarily nonviolent drug offenders and those convicted of overnight, but that the school wili slowly move in that represent the views of the Amicus Staff. drug offenses represent 60% of all new prisoners. direction.


William & Mary School of Law P. o. Box 8795 Williamsburg, Virginia 23187 . (757) 221-3582 "Dedicated to the complete and objective reporting of student news and opinion" Help Wanted

Editor : Bob Ford News Editor : Pamela S. Jenkins Features Editors: Katie Riley & Sarah Kinsman Business Editor: Tom Voekler Copy Editor: CarollynJackson Photographer: LaurenS. Fassler The ADlicus is look ing for new Reporters: JimBlack Nancy Lee staffDleDlbers for the 200-2001 Sara Benineir Cameron Lynch TimEmry Eric Nakano Rodney Frazior Jessica Norrjs school year. . We need .both Andrew Hampton Jeff Polich LeeHarrell · Shannon Wiley Audra Hale Catie Zaller writ'ers and editors. I-f Josh Herbst

Editorial Policy The letters and opinion pages of The Amicus are dedicated to all interested please call the student opinion regardless ofform or content. The A micus reserves the right to edit for spelling and grammar, but not content. Letters to the Editor may not necessarily reflect the opinion of 'AlDlcus office at 221-3582 the newspaper or its staff. All letters to the Editor should be submitted by 5 p.rn.on the Thursday prior to publication. The ., A micus will not print a letter without confirmation of the author's name. We may, however, withhold the name on request. Letters over 500 words may be returned to the writer with a request that the letter be edited for the sake of space.

rr - ... s= 0 - 2 e - ,=. --- Friday , March2 4, 200 0 THEA~cus ======3 Moot C'ourt TeaIn Honors Professor Donaldson

Moot Court from 1 insightful and challenging judge for the College, Washington and Lee University, moot court program. and the College of William and Mary. Indeed, one team in particular rear­ Dean Spong's life was a substantial ranged much of their argument after hav­ contribution to both the William and Mary ing had Professor Donaldson judge their community and the state ofVirginia. Since round. His willingness to give so much of his death shortly before the tournament in his time and his ability to pinpoint weak­ 1998, the competition carries on as a memo­ nesses in an argument are unparalleled. rial to his life and memory. Clearly, the William and Mary Moot In light ofthe proud tradition the Spong Court Team as well as the Legal Commu- . Award carries, it was altogether fitting that nity as a whole would not be the same the 2000 award be granted to Professor without Professor John Donaldson's dedi­ John Donaldson. cation! In the words of the Moot Court Board: Professor Donaldson undoubtedly fits Professor Donaldson represents ev­ the fme mold that the Spong Award repre­ erythingpositive about the William and sents. He completed his undergraduate , . Mary School of Law! In the short period work at the University of Richmond and that each student studies at William and received his JD from William and Mary. Mary, Professor Donaldson treats each of While here, Professor Donaldson was an Professor Donaldson chats with Spong Justice Megan Hogan, Moot Court Board us as he has know us for years. editor of the Law Review and graduated President Jonathan Campell and team member Jennifer Margoulas. Willing to ALWAYS take time out of first in his class. Law School Alumni Association. Con- and dedication, the tournament went on his schedule for students, his priorities are He received his LLM from Georgetown gratulations, Professor Donaldson! without a hitch. very clear-Professor Donaldson cares University, and prior to joining the faculty The Moot Court Board would like to And a fmal thanks goes out to all the for the education of others. here at William and Mary, served with the extend the heartiest ofshout outs to Megan other individuals who dedicated their time His influence on the moot court team is IRS Office of the Chief Counsel. Hogan (Spong Justice), Chris Workman ' and energy to make this competition a invaluable. This year Professor Donaldson In terms ofhis community service, Pro­ (Spong Research Justice), Judy Ledbetter success. It couldn't have been done with­ has taken the time to judge almost every fessor Donaldson has served as member (faculty advisor), and Mark Baumgartner out you. Moot Court team to help them prepare for and chair ofnumerous Bar Committees and (technical guru and all around nice guy). their tournaments. It's a universal truth is the proud recipient ofthe 1997 Citizen­ Thanks to these individuals' hard work that the team members fmd him the most Lawyer A ward from the William and Mary . 1r------~' 1 I -*~"t'JI C)/I/1' ~ /J PI I I ~_~~* , f LQ/l;Ie . ace I 2000-2001 Moot Court I . I Board : Introducing the: I r CHIEF JUSTICE Sarah Gee i 3S Express!! i BUSINESS JUSTICE Michael Wise :We know our lines get long at ~ I 1 ~h' J BUSHROD JUSTICE AmyBauer I une time. . • I 'Now get your fa·vorite I BUSHROD 1 ' 1 RESEARCH JUSTICE Catie Zaller I Caesar Salad , Chicken » : C ae'sar Salad, Soup or : SPONG JUSTICE Stuart Tumer : C ranberry Farn'ls Chickel1. ~ SPONG I . I I Sandvvich ' , RESEARCH JUSTICE Martha Swicegood I FAST!! I I . . I ADMINISTRATIVE JUSTICES Adam Doherty I Look for these items pre... I AudraHale I . I ToyjaKelley I made for you to the right of I I ( Monica Ro binson I the soup bar. I ~-~---~------~ 4 Friday, March 24, 2000 THE AMICUS Second Annual Sports and Entertainment Symposium a Examines Opportunities. in Entertainment Law dent and Associate General Counsel for St. Martin's said Jim Walsh, a sports lawyer with Moving onto the entertainment segment of the day's Press, asks not, 'can we market this?' like Kelhnanbut 'can Symposium from 1 symposium, the attorneys representing the music indus­ we publish this?' A big part of answering that question McGuire, Woods, Battle & Boothe. try also discussed current trends in their business. These is whether the book publishing company would be able Sports agent Keith Booker of Keith Booker & Asso­ trends include consolidation of outlets of distribution, ciates,PLLC, who recently attended the wedding of one the internet as an artist's alternative avenue of self- to defend the words it prints against any possible lawsuits ofhis clients, said that he thinks itis the involving allegations of copyright infringe­ best use of his time and energy to ment, invasion of privacy, or libel. focus on 15 to 20 specially selected An increasingly important contract is­ players. sue getting the attention of book publishing "I like to think I'm a decent human lawyers today is electronic rights. The re­ being who 40es things the right way, cent publication of a Stephen King story Ias and I like to associate with the same an electronic text has really brought that kind of people," Booker said. "It is issue to the forefront ofthe publishing world, very important to allocate your time in Sleven said. Right now the market for e­ the right ways. You have to go after the books is economically negligible, but au­ right player." thors and publishers are afraid of the Lastly, the speakers said neve'r consequences of not properly positi0r#g forget about that familiar buzzword: themselves for the future when e-bobKs ' \ , networking. "Contacts is the way this might control the business. business works," said Maraghy. "You "Everybody needs these electronic can't always be out marketing your­ rights, but nobody is willing to pay for self, so it is helpful if other people are them," Sleven said. out there doing that for you." Finally, all the speakers had something . .. Another big trend that the sports to say about the web, which professional ."! speakers discussed was the impact of athletes, musicians, and authors all view as rookie salary caps and max out rules, an inexpensive, easy, and potentially lucra­ I' ., tive marketing tool. The overriding shared . L which have had a downward Photo by Lauren S. Fassler II on sports agent and attorney fees. The Panelists Stuart Silfen, Martin Silfen, Sam Chappell and Dennis Kellman answer concern seemed to be what to do about the II rules have also affected how college questions from the audience. rampant infringement of intellectual prop- I students pick professional sports erty rights, but the speakers appeared con­ teams, Bryant said. Similar to high school students marketing, and the increasing view ofmusic as a commod­ fident this problem would eventually be solved through picking colleges, today's college players going pro seem ity rather than art. new technology and better laws. to be more interested in personal questions, such as "Artists are now becoming content suppliers rather One of the problems that lawyers face from people in whether they like the town, the coach, and the team's than just creators," said Denis Kellman, the Vice-Presi­ the internet world is an anti-lawyer attitude, said Herb corporate marketing structure. dent of Legal and Business Affairs for BMG Distribution, Hecht, a public policy lawyer with Patton & Boggs. Time At the amateur sports level, Barbara Blosser, Associ­ a unit ofBMG Entertainment. "What's packaged is ofjust . is always of the essence to them, and a lawyer's caution ate Director of Athletics with the College of William and as much value as the music itself." gets in their way. Mary, spoke about Title IX's influence on the concurrent Because most companies still refuse to accept unso­ Joel Ankney, an intellectual property lawyer with increase in participation in and funding of women's licited material, what has not changed is the entertainment Mays & Valentine, has also gotten an attitude frompeople collegiate sports. Although the 1972 law got offto a slow lawyer/manager's traditional role of providing access by in the internet community. start, its impact really started being felt in the 1990s as a getting the artist's demo tape in front of the record "A lot of people who have kind of groWn up on the result of an important court decision declaring that Title company's decision makers, said Stuart Silfen, an enter­ internet seem to think that there are a lot ofex~mptions for IX plaintiffs could receive money both for damages and tainment lawyer with Frankfurt. Garbus. Klein & Selz. An their medium, that rules don't apply to them," Ankney attorney's fees. amst who presents hIS work through a lawyer who has said. "As they're starting to fmd out, that's simply not The Title IX successes ofthe 1990s represent progress, tremendous credibility and contacts significantly in­ true." but they do have some down sides, Blosser said. One of creases his chances of a positive reception from the The internet is a very powerful tool for the entertain­ the negatives is budget cuts in non-revenue male sports, record company. ment lawyer, but it will be awhile until the industry learns such as fencing and wrestling. Also, as the money in "I get 10 to 15 tapes or CDs a week," Kellman said. "I where this tool is going, said Hecht. . women's sports increases, more men have been moving need something that piques my interest. It's got to be "But," Hecht said, "it's fun in the mean time." into, and replacing women, in leadership positions in fresh and snappy." women's sports. In the book-publishing world, Paul Sleven, Vice Presi- oot Court TealD Continues ~_ Tradition ,ofSucces

Here is a run down on recent Moot Court the team of Heather Conoboy, Joe Grogan vanced as one of the top ten teams. team results: and Bill Ruhling emerged as the victor over the twenty other teams in the Tournament. At the National Moot Court Tournament the At the American Bar Association Constitu­ Bill Ruhling was awarded Best Oralist. team of Cameron Cobden, Terry Driskill tional Law Moot Court Tournament the and Laura Ruglas won the Region~l Tourna­ team of Jeff Chamberlain, Elliot Buckner At the Duke Medical Ethics Moot Court ment in Richmond with TerryDriskill eam~ and Jason Rylander advanced to thefmals of Tournament the team ofMark Baumgartner ing Best Oralist honors. At the National the Regional ABA tournament in Georgia. and Mandy Padula advanced to the quarter:" Competition in New Y~rk the team was They will next be competing in early April final round . . octofinalists. at the National ABA Tournament in Chi-- cago. At the University ofNorth Carolina Consti­ tutiomtl Law Moot Court the team ofCynthia At the SaintJohn's B ankruptcy Tournament McKay, Alan Wilbur and Jeff Yeates ad- ~ Friday, March 24, 2000 THE AMICUS ======~======5 Speaker Analyses Debate on Gay Boy Scouts

By Eric Nakano each Scout. On March 15th, Professor Arthur The Scouts are appealing from a unani­ Leonard, a leading employment discrimi­ mous decision by the Supreme Court of nation law and gay rights scholar from New Jersey that ruled thatDale's removal New Law School, presented a lecture was in violation of a New Jersey statute addressing the upcoming Supreme Court prohibiting discrimination in places of case pitting the Boy Scouts of America public accommodation. The Boy Scouts against Eagle Scout James Dale, who was contend that they are not within the scope expelled from his position as an Assistant ofthe statute. The N ew Jersey court relied Scoutmaster. Dale was removed after an on a case that found that Little League article was published in a local newspaper Baseball was a place of public accommo­ identifying him as a leader of Rutgers dation. However, the states are split on University's gay and lesbian student or­ this issue of what constitutes public ac­ ganization, despite the fact that the article commodation. made no mention of the Boy Scouts. Leonard contends that the New Jersey Leonard began his lecture by reci ting a court dodged some of the case's difficulty list of undisputed facts. Dale joined the by resolving the case on the basis ofpublic scouts at an early age. Throughout his accommodation rather than tackling the youth he held a number ofleadership roles more problematic question of whether re­ in the organization. Dale was an outstand­ quiring the Boy Scouts to admit gay mem­ Professor Leonard responds to questions from the crowd. ing Scout, one ofonly 3 % who achieve the bers would violate their First Amendment typically consist ofbetween 15 to 30 mem- that the extremely public nature ofthe Boy title Eagle Scout. At 18, he became an rights. Should the Supreme Court choose bers that are not pre"screened or selected, Scouts, and their excessive entanglement Assistant Scoutmaster. to tackle these' questions, Leonard be­ so using Roberts as precedence is some- with government, provide the government The Scouts justified their expulsion 9f lieves that the Court may follow its earlier what favorable to Dale's side. On the other . with a compelling interest in the issue. Dale by stating that homosexuals are ex­ decisions either in Roberts v. Us. Jaycees, hand, in Hurley, Justice Souter found that Leonard concluded by stating that while cluded from membership. None of the which held that the Jaycees in Minnesota requiring the parade organizers to allow what the Court decides and how it chooses organization's establishing documents could not exclude women under a similar the marchers under their own banner would to analyze the issue will have a significant (the charter, the statement of purpose; or statute rejecting the Jaycee's claim that it deny them the ability to control the mes- impact on gay rights in the years to come, the Boy Scout oath) explicitly mention the violated their right ofintirnate association, sage of the parade. Under this analysis, the Court will inevitably skirt the underly­ exclusion of gays, and the Boy Scouts or in Hurley v. Irish-American Gay, Les­ the Court might [md that forcing the Boy ing fears and beliefs behind the Boy commonly advertise themselves as being bian and Bisexual Group o/Boston, which Scouts to accept openly gay members Scout's case: the belief that homosexual­ open to membership by all. However, the held that a ruling requiring allowing a gay, would violate their rightto express an anti- ity is deviant and harmful, the unsup­ Scouts assert that this policy is implied lesbian and bisexual group to march in a St. gay message through association. ported fear that homosexuality is nom the documents when each makes Patrick's Day parade violated the parade Although Leonard describes the "best- contagious, or the equally unsupported references to the advocacy of cleanliness organizers' right of expressive associa- ' case" scenario as an emphatic reaffrrrna- fear of child molestation. Despite an ab­ and good moral character. tion. tion of the New Jersey Supreme Court's sence of any proof supporting these fears, Additionally, . leaders are instruc ted In Roberts, Justice Brennan held that decision, he admits that it is a difficult they are not likely to disappear any.time not to discuss sexuality at all with troop the Jaycees, with chapters of20 members question. Assuming that the Court [mds soon. members, as the policy of the Scouts is to or more, were too large to be protected as that the case focuses on the expressive leave such discussions to the family of intimate associations. Boy Scout troops rights of the Boy Scouts, Leonard argues Just How Bad is it? ACLU and NLG Host a Debate on the United States Prison SysteDl

By Katie Riley victuals are currently incarcerated. In com­ the desire to prevent disparities in sen­ adults, the question of how prisons can In law school, we learn how to interpret parison to a total of eight million world­ tencing. attempt to rehabilitate prisoners, the cur­ statutes, how to litigate a trial, and how to wide, thatmeam.thatAmericans constitute Michael Tillotson, a criminal defense rent trend ofprison privatization, the obvi­ prosecute and defend criminals, but sel­ one-fourth of the world's prison popula­ attorney, took the opposite stance, argu­ ous racial disparity in convicted criminals, dom do we really question the criminal tion. Two-thirds of those American pris­ ing that mandatory minimums often result the inadequate provision of health care in justice system. oners are non-violent offenders while in unjust sentences because they don't . prisons, and the pervasiveness of drugs in Maybe we talk about appropriate pun­ one-fourth are imprisoned for drug of­ take into account mitigating circumstances. the prison system. ishments as a side note during class, but fenses. Both debaters mentioned that Virginia All speakers agreed that there are strik­ we never really think about what life is like The first hour of the symposium was generally allows judges discretion in sen­ ingproblems in the criminal justice system, for the convicted criminal once the trial and introduced by first-year Shannon McClure, tencing, but that mandatory minimums are but there were few if any suggestions on appeals are over. organizer of the symposium, and featured beginning to be instituted in DUI and drug how to alleviate them. Let's face it, prison life sucks; that's a debate on mandatory minimum sentenc­ cases. With American politicians posing as why it's punitive. But how bad is it, and ing. The second hour of the symposil)lll "tough on crime," it seems impossible to should it be improved? W illiam& Mary's From the College, Professor ofSociol­ was dedicated to prison life and prisoner even consider improving prison life. Thank American Civil Liberties Union and Na­ ogy David Aday acted as moderator for rights. Kelley Bartges, Associate Clinical you to William & Mary's ACLU andNLG tional Lawyers' Guild asked these very the debate and gave a brief explanation of Professor ofLaw at the University ofRich­ for giving us an opportunity to discuss the questions on Monday, March 20th during mandatory minimum sentencing, noting mond School ofLaw, and Deborah Wyatt, difficult and often-ignored issue of their symposium, "America Behind Bars: that California's Three Strikes law and the a civil rights and criminal defense attorney prisoner's rights. Our Prison System Exarnined". federal sentencing standards are the most from Charlottesville, joined the three de­ Second-year student Mark Jackson, prominent examples of mandatory mini­ bate participants for a five-person panel president of the William & ~ary NLG, mums. discussion. gave some startling statistics during his Mike McGinty, a Virginia Topics included the discrepancy in introduction. Commonwealth's Attorney, argued in fa­ punishment for crack versus cocaine, the In the United States, two million indi- vor of mandatory minimums, focusing on increased emphasis on trying juveniles as 6 Friday, March 24, 2000 THE AMIcus PDP rub elbows with greatness at the Supreme Court I

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PDP Supreme Court Trip from 1 decision because it gives an advocate a Prior to the session with Justice Scalia, D.C. Students visited fonner employers, other entertaining highlight, featuring top· chance to emphasize different points from students heard oral arguments in one of toure-d museums, socialized at Dupont ics ofintellectual stimulation such as third· the brief or to clarify an issue. Lawyers two cases- an international trade case' or Circle and Georgetown bars, then ended year law student interpretation ofpopular should welcome questions, he said, be­ an oil lease case. the evening at Music City Roadhouse, a music; ballistic weaponry derived from cause otherwise, "You're just wasting time, After the Supreme Court visit, stu­ bar in Georgetown. bakery products; and United States· reading from your brief. " dents were free to explore Washington, The bus ride home was possibly an- Canada relations as documented by "South DR-DOS or How I Learned to Stop Wor'rying and Love Bill Gates , ByEricNakano boot), and the exponential wait-time in­ if I don't upgrade every other year as onallofthefeaturesoIDR-DOS. Sales for I was taking a shower the other day as crease since then, I realized that by the time Microsoft releases yet another version of DR-DOS slowed as customers waited in I waited for my computer to boot up W in­ I am 50, I should be able to turn my com­ Windows. I upgrade because I must if I anticipation for the new MS·DOS, but dows 98, and wondering how I ever got by puter on and expect it be up and fUIUling wish to share files with others. Ofcourse, Microsoft never bothered writing it. In· in the years past when my computer took some time before I start collecting social a's soon as I commit to upgrading Win- stead, they required PC manufacturers to under a minute to start, leaving me with security checks. dows every two years, I must commit to pay a MS-DOS licensing fee for every simply too little time to fit in an extra cup of . Microsoft's to the Satanic upgrading my computer just as often; al- computer sold (in order to keep business coffee or to spend a few minutes reading mouse and other halts, freezes, or crashes, though each Windows upgrade promises relations with Microsoft), regardless of the paper. As I approached the end of my is Windows 2000 Pro, their new sequel to more power and speed, the extra speed whether or not the system was shipped shower, I heard the satisfying startup the Windows NT Workstation operating strangely only manifests itself when run with the Microsoft software or a sound letting me know that my computer system Windows 2000 is rock-stable, a bit on a machine twice as fast as the system competitor's product, thus slowing DR­ had finished pontificating the deeper mean­ faster than Windows 98, and runs well on ' running the previous version. DOS sales even more. Still, I naively be- ing of indirect addressing, memory pag­ a svelte (!) 64 Megabytes ofmemory. Yet After drying, I sat in front of my com- lieved that the superior DR-DOS would ing, and the other esoteric mysteries of at $279 and occupying a mind-numbing puter and thought ofways to further avoid win in the marketplace. Then Microsoft computing, and that it was now ready to 560 Megabytes of hard drive space, up­ writing my Legal Skills memo. I logged released Windows. After running out and deal with more mundane matters such as grading is not without its price. Even onto the Internet and connected to the purchasing a copy of this new operating my memo for Legal Skills. Not being in any worse, like Windows NT, Windows 2000 Microsoft home page, hoping maybe to system, iloaded it onto my computer) only great rush to start writing, I decided to let takes over four minutes to boot on a fast finda"fix"formydemonicmouseproblem. to discover that it was incompatible with my computer wait for once, and did a quick system, which equates to roughly half an On their web page, I noticed a link entitled DR-DOS. I was tom. Ireally likedPR-OOS, calculation. My computer takes three min­ etemity on mine. My other choice would "DOJ vs. The Freedom to Innovate". The but could only run Windows under MS· utes and 45 seconds to boot! Granted, I be to upgrade to Windows Millennium link lead me to a number of documents DOS. Like countless other computer us· have a few added utilities such as a virus Edition ("Windows ME", likely to be re­ describing the evils of the government's ers, I gave in and purchased MS-DOS, scaIUler and the like that contribute about named prior to release), the next in the _antitrust suit against Microsoft. While , sayinggoodbyetoDR-DOSforever. Years 15 seconds to that time, but I'll ignore that Windows 95/98 line, if and when it is reading, I basked in the wann and fuzzy later: I discovered what was Microsoft's fact for the time being. I start up my shipped later this year. Yet even then I will feeling of knowing that Microsoft sup- mostsignificantiIUlovationwith Windows: computer at least once per day, but if I likely face the same hard drive crunch and ports us all in our freedom to iIUlovate. the errors that forced me to abandon DR· count the times I am forced to reboot, the extended boot time. As I stared into the Before I could even click the "Back" but- DOS and purchase MS-DOS were pur· average is much higher, probably more bathroom mirror, looking for any embar­ ton,lremernberedmyfrrstexperiencewith posefully created by Microsoft in a than twice a day. Since there are 365 days rassing facial blemishes, I was stopped by MicrosoftiIUlovation: DR-DOS.... successful attempt to consumers to in a year, that means that each year I spend a rather difficult question: Why bother DR-DOS was a direct competitor with needlessly abandon DR-DOS. Microsoft's a minimumofl ,368 minutes waiting for my upgrading? I attempted to dismiss the MS-DOS, Microsoft's flagship product manipulation of the market for DR-DOS computer to boot (close to 2,3 hours). In thought when I was suddenly stopped by prior to Windows. I had purchased it when was only the first in a long history of making this calculation, I considered mak­ the sound ofmy iIUler child screaming out, I purchased my first IBM-compatible com- Microsoft "iIUlovations". ing a more accurate estimate that included "But Mom! TimmyandJohnandJesseall puter. DR-DOSwasquiteiIUlovativeatthe Returning from my thoughts, I at· all of the times my mouse was spontane­ upgraded to Windows 2000!" This was time, and was loaded with features that tempted to open up my Legal Skills memo ously possessed by Satan or when the followed by the maternal response, "If were painfully absent from the Microsoft only to discover that Microsoft Internet computer otherwise required exorcism they jumped off a bridge .... " As the voices offering. It was a clearly superior product, - Explorer had frozen my system Forthe through the three-finger salute, but I found faded away, I faced an even bleakerreality: and a number ofPC manufacturers loaded next three and thIee-quarter minutes I pon· the prospect too depressing as it would I upgrade because I have no choice. I it onto their computers: As expected, dered Microsoft's freedom to innovate, likely carry my total waiting time over the upgrade because I know that even the Microsoftwas not blind to the competition and wondered how long my computer two day mark. Thinking back to 1982 basic'programs I use for word processing and promised to release a new version of would take to boot if Microsoft had been (when it took less than 20 seconds to and spreadsheets will cease to support me MS-DOS that would include and improve less iIUlovative.

'I 7 Friday, March 24, 2000 T HE AMICUS ======Marshall-Wythe La.wyers Index

By Josh Herbst base is found). Presently, sixty-three com­ dex. supermarket, using a market-value panies are represented, ranging from The idea was that this sort of market­ weighted index approach, would say that Is a law degree fromthe William and Agilent Technologies (a recent spin-off of value index better measured what was the price of its produce increased by about Mary School of Law better than other law Hewlett Packard) to Trigon Incorporated go ing on in the stock market. The larger the thirty-seven percent (37%) overall. degrees? Does a W &M law degree confer (parent company to such law student fa ­ market cap, the'greaterthe effect should be As you can tell, the market-value certain skills' which are superior to those vorites as Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, and KFC). .on the index, just as a tidal wave from the weighted approach is superior. The price­ obtained by other people in the workforce? The index itself is weighted by the number ocean causes more damage than a prop or - weighted index fails to account for the These are tough questions. So, like your of graduates working for the company. tionately sized wave from a lake. So, if greater impact an increase in orange prices professors do when asked a tough ques­ Thus, changes in the stock price ofNorfolk Microsoft, which has a market capitaliza­ has on the entire market. Including the tion in class, I'll let someone else answer. Southern, with eight W &M Law gradu­ tion greater than the GNP of Africa, in­ number of produce items (or number of ates, will have eight times the effect of a creases by five percent, Bill Gates gets to shares of stock) gives a more accurate Me: Mr. Market, Mr. Stock Market, how similar change in Disney, which obviously buy a new country. The other effect is that description of the change in the overall can I tell ifa William and Mary law degree needs· a more informed human resources such a increase in Microsoft moves the index. is somehow more valuable than other law director. For those of you unfamiliar with S&P 500 more than would a change in a After explaining all that however, the degrees to employers, like corporations? the workings ofa stock index, let me explain smaller market cap company. Marshall-Wythe Lawyers Index TM is nei­ S. Market: Well, I think that calls for a how some of the more popularly reported By analogy, let's say that a supermar­ ther a price-weighted, nor market-value subjective standard, based on the diverse indexes are calculated. ket is trying to estimate its increases in weighted index, at least for now. Instead, opinions, thoughts, and intentions of the The late joumalist Charles Dow wanted produce prices using two time-tested we will assume that a fixed amount of people so concerned. Value can be de­ to inform his readers about the general standbys, apples and oranges. The super­ money was invested in each company in fined in many ways, aside from the usual peJ;formance of the stock market. So, he market could use a price-weighted index. . the index for every law grad employed. monetary basis. devised the DJIA or Dow Jones Industrial Assume that apples and oranges both Thus, equal changes in stock prices will Me: Okay, what about an objective stan­ Average. The DJIA was, and' still is, a cost the supermarket fifty cents a piece. result in equal changes in the index, with dard, something that could measure, over price-weighted index. In a price-weighted L~t's also assume the divisor for the for­ the one caveat that the more grads em­ time, the superiority ofW&M over other index, the component stocks are weighted mula is two (it could be five, it could be one­ ployed, the greater the effect. Further law schools' training? by their price. Higher-priced stocks there­ tenth, but it doesn't matter here). So, the details will be forthcoming in future Am­ S. Market: I think I know where you are fore have a greater percentage impact on price-weighted index of produce prices icus issues. going with this, and I don't like it. You have the index than lower-priced stocks. So, if equals 50. [(50 + 50)/2] Due to various As for you, Mr. StockMarket, you may graduates working for law firms that deal IDM stock @ $'100 increases by five per­ weather conditions, apple prices increase be right. This MWLI won't foretell how with many corporations, how are you go­ cent, that has a greater impact than if the by ten' cents and orange prices increase by much more valuable a W &M law degree is irig to count them? You can't. You have much maligned Philip Morris stock@$20 twenty cents. So, the new price-weighted compared to degrees from other schools. graduates working for private corpora­ miraculously were to increase by the same index of produce equals 65 . [(60 + 70)/2] But at least, when you, having plowed tions, can they be included? I think not. percentage. The supermarket, using a price-weighted through this column, return home for the Also, there will be a bias towards large A sort of technological leap arrived index, would say that the price of its pro­ summer and are asked by your relatives corporations that can actually afford to with the introduction of the Standard and duce increased by thirty perc~nt (30%) on what you learned at school, you can ex­ hire in-house counsel. Furthermore, in­ Poor's index in the 1920s. Eventually, the average. plain what you read about price-weighted house couIisel is not generally used to Standard and Poor's·corporation added But wait, the supeimarket orders five and market-value weighted indexes. After increase the profitability of a business. In enough companies to the index that in times as many oranges as apples. Let's you happily skip from the room, one amazed~ sum, this objective test you are proposing 1957, 500 companies were included. This redo the price index, using a market-value relative will turn to another and say, "Wow, is flawed. It lacks foundation in reality, and S&P 500 index, along with others like the weighted approach. It doesn't matter here Stock's sure getting a lot of value out of fails to answer the q,uestion you propose. Nasdaq Composite Index today, is referred what divisor we use, so let's change it 60 that W illiamand Mary education, but since Me: Bite me. to as market-value weighted index (or some­ (just to make the comparison easier). As­ when did he switch to the bUSlOess times 'composite index'). Amarket-value sume the supermarket orders 10 apples school?" Maybe it's the aftereffects of green weighted index comprises the sum of its and 50 oranges at a time. (Okay, so it's a beer, but today, St. Patrick'sDay2000,I am companies' market capitalizations. Mar­ really, really small supermarket.) At the 3/17/00 (aka: Round 1, William and Mary introducing the Marshall-Wythe Lawyers ket capitalization (' cap ') is a stock's price original price of50 cents for each apple and School ofLawv. The World) Index 1M ('MWLI'). An index of publicly multiplied by the number of its outstand­ orange, a market-value weighted index traded companies that had the good sense ing shares. The sum of these market caps would equal 50, the same as the price­ DJIA 1059523 to hire people who graduated from the is then divided by a number to arrive at the weighted index: [«50 * 10)+(50* 50» /60] S&P500 1464.47 William and Mary School ofLa~, as re­ index value. The number, or divisor, is With the price increases included, the NASDAQ 4798.13 ported to the Lexis Martindale-Hubble recalculated over time for changes in the market-value weighted index equa,ls 68.3. MWLI 100.00 database (at least until a more timely data- holdings of a market-value weighted in- [«60 * 10) + (70 * 50))/60] Now, the Commencement Ticket Information Commencement tickets for all p.m. Friday, April 28. Each de- .. graduating seniors, as well as gree candidate is entitled to 5 t~~~~~~;. graduate students in Arts and Sci­ guest tickets. In order to pick up ences, Business, Law and Educa­ tickets you must show a photo id. tion, will be available from the The size ofthis year's graduating Student Affairs Office, 219 Cam­ class makes it clear that we will pus Center, from 10 a.m. until not be able to provide any gradu­ 5:00 p .m, daily beginning ate with more than the allocated Wednesday, April 19. Provided five guest tickets. tickets are picked up by 5:00 -

8 ======Friday, March 24,2000 THE AMIcus Nancy and Jessica's Oscar Picks

By Nancy Lee and Jessica Norris Jessica'spick(dub): KEVINSPACEY!!!!! little boy with some amazing acting talent don't look here for what's most likely to th This movie column is devoted to the At last, my favorite actor has received a and range for just a small tyke, but perhaps happen March 26 • Oscars, an"event which will be televised Best Actor nod" It's about time. His he still needs to earn his keep in Hollywood. th thenightofMarch26 • Perhaps we are not brilliant work in L.A. Confidential was On the other hand, Cruise's performance in Jessica' s pick: SAM MENDES. I'mpre­ in the best position to make these picks snubbed, so it's nice to see him fmally get Magnolia deserves kudos too, and Cruise,. dicting an American Beauty sweep, so since we haven't seen everything that's the recognition he deserves. He's defi­ I think, has yet to earn that coveted gold Mendes is mypickfor Best Director. Again, been nominated, but hey, opinions are like nitely my pick, but I've heard so many statuette. This is also an exciting category, see the movie if you have any doubts assholes.. .. good things about Denzel Washington's represented well with amazing talent. about its worthiness. Mendes did a terrific Now for our picks. A caveat: we do not perforinance that I can't getm y hopes up job for which he certainly deserves Acad­ purport to be experts (again, we have not for a definite Kevin victory. Idid that for Jessica's pick: This one is a toss up for me, emy credit. Of course, it's always hard to se~n every movie). If you are looking for the Golden Globes and ended up hurling although I can easily eliminate one of the vote against anything named Lass(i)e.. .. expert movie criticism, check out Roger . an English muffin at my television set to choices because I refuse to consider any­ Ebert's site on the internet, or petition the . express my disappointment at Kevin's thing emerging from the horrendously Un­ 7. Best Original Song: Amicus to give us a decent living wage. loss to Denzel. They are both wonderful Talented Mr. Ripley as an Oscar-worthy Blame Canada from South Park, Bigger, actors, and they both have Best Support­ performance. As for the others, namely Longer & Uncut 1. Best Picture: ing Actor Oscars for their prior work Cruise, Osrnet and Duncan, I've either seen Music o/My Heart fromMusic ofthe Heart American Beauty (Spacey for The Usual Suspects and or heard such great things about their per­ Save Me from Magnolia The Cider House Rules WashingtonforGlory). Itwillbeinterest­ formances that a "sure thing" pick is impos­ Wh en She Loved Me from Toy Story 2 The Green Mile ing to see who ends up with the Oscar, but sible. However, being under such intense You '11 Be in My Heart from Tarzan The Insider I know for sure that I'll be pulling for pressure by the Amicus to give ya'll my The Sixth Sense Kevin! picks, I'm going to go ahead and make my Nancy' s pick: Honestly, I really don't care roommate Wendy happy and select TOM that much, but I think it would be really Nancy's pick: Well, this category could 3. Best Actress: CRUISE. funny to see BlameCanada win. Hey, if almost be decided for me since I only saw , American Beauty they went to such lengths to nominate a The Sixth Sense. I know that there's been Janet McTeer, Tumbleweeds 5. Best Supporting Actress: song from South Park, why not nominate a lot of talk about how The Sixth Sense , The End ofth e Affair Toni Collette, Th e Sixth Sense the best song from the movie, UncleF*cka. shouldn't be in this category, but I must , Music ofthe Heart , Girl, Interrupted Oh well. Anyway, ifnotthis song, then I'll say that it is stellar storytelling, and the , Boys Don 't Cry Catherine Keener, Being John Mallwvich pick Aimee Mann's Save Me, from Mag­ acting in this movie is very good (espe­ Samantha Morton, Sweet and Lowdown nolia. Save Me is a great song: That's all cially from Haley Joel Osment, the little Nancy's pick: Wel~ I have to pick Julianne Chloe Sevigny, Boys Don 't Cry I have to say about that. kid). So, in its own right, I believe this Moore. She is one of my favorite ac­ mOVie is a strong contenaer, ana the bOX tresses right now, and in this past year Nancy's pick: I'm going to go Ollt ona limb Jessica's pick: WHENSHE LOVED ME. office concurs. But, American Beauty will she's done great work in many notewor­ and pick Toni Collette. I've heard great As much as I hate to do it, I want my probably win, which is not necessarily a thy movies such as Magnolia, A Map of things about Angelina Jolie' s performance predictions to be accurate, so this sicken­ bad thing, and yet I have not had the the World, and Cookie 's Fortune. Her in Girl, Interrupted, and she did win the ingly sappy balIa~ gets my vote. Which pleasure of seeing this movie. performance in The End ofthe Affair was Golden Globe. However, I ampicking Toni songdolREALLY wanttowin??? BLAME pitch-perfect, and the mood of the movie Collette because her performance had such CANADA. This catchy little tune from Jessica's pick (as if you had to ask): was defined by her acting. She should get an untouchable honesty about it. Her role South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut is AMERICAN BEAUTY. If you have any this award . . Of course, Hilary Swank is as the mother really touched me. Some­ one of my favorites, although it takes a doubts as to my opinion, see our prior picking up every critic's award for her role times a good performance is one which backseat to Uncle F*cka on my laugh­ review of this movie ... wonderful acting, in Boys Don 't Cry. Everyone is depicting doesn't seem like a performance at all. This meter. Ifnothing else, it will be entertaining outstanding cinematography, an intrigu­ Swank as the one to beat, so we'll see .. .. type ofperformance was embodied by Toni to see how the Academy handles the per­ ing plot, Kevin Spacey's butt, and just Collette in The Sixth Sense. formance of this song. Remember, they enough sex and violence to make it inter­ Jessica'spick:ANNETTEBENING. This have live performances of all of the nomi­ esting. This is a phenomenal movie, and it is a closer call for me considering the Jessica's pick: ANGELINA JOLIE. I'm nated songs. Can you imagine the Cartman has been nominated for eight Oscars. If quality ofthe othernominees, butBening' s picking this one based solely on hype. The and Kenny costumes? This will be a you haven't seen it yet, don't miss your performance inAmerican Beauty was stel­ only movie I've seen in this category is The definite "must see" Oscar moment! chance. It's currently playing in many lar. Her role demanded a full spectrum of Sixth Sense, and Collefte's performance So that's it. There you have it. That's theaters that are showing the Best Picture acting abilities (rage, despair, ecstasy, didn't affect me either way. Chloe Sevigny all, folks. nominees. Look for this one to sweep the etc.) and Bening provided all of that and will come close, but I predict Jolie will get Oscars. more. She also deserves consideration the Oscar. Local Showtimes for "that" motel scene (ifyou 'veseen the Car~ke Cinema-4 (229-6333) 2. Best Actor: movie, you know the one I'm talking 6. Best Director: Ninth Gate (R) T:OO 9:4.0 Russell Crowe, The Insider about). If nothing e.1se, she deserves an Sam Mendes, American Beauty Richard Farnsworth, The Straight Story Oscar for bending her legs that far back. Spike Jonze, Being John Mallwvich American' Beauty (R) 7:109:30 Sean Penn, Sweet and Lowdown Lasse Hallstrom, The Cider House Rules Kevin Spacey, American Beauty 4. BestSupportingActor: Michael Mann, The Insider ,Cider House Rules (PG-13) 7 :009:30 Denzel Washington, The Hurricane Michael Caine, The Cider House Rules M. Night Shyamalan, The Sixth Sense Tom Cruise, Magnolia Nancy' s pick: I've liked Kevin Spacey in Michael Clarke Duncan, The Green Mile Nancy's pick: Well, I have to narrow it WhateveritTakes(PG-13) 7:109:10·' everything that I've seen him in, so I'm Jude Law, The Talented Mr. Ripley down to Spike Jonze and Shyamalafi, and WilliamsburgCrossbig(2S3-2299: going to pick him here for his much-her­ Haley Joel Osment, The Sixth Sense ultimately, I'll have to pick Jonze for Being alded performance in this movie. He de­ John Mallwvich. Abounding with origi­ Erin Brokovich (R) . 7:00 9:45 serves a Best Actor nod, and it's about Nancy's pick: Well, well, well, this is a nality and innovation, this movie is based time. Spacey's left behind much to be very hard category because I was so on a really strange premise: the characters Here on Earth (pO-l3) 7:109:25 , proud of thus far, and I'm kind of picking blown away by at least two performances get to be in John Malkovich's body and him by default because I haven't seen any here: the little boy from Sixth, Haley have his point ofview for about 15 minutes Romeo Must Die @) 7:159:45 of these other Best Actor performances. I Joel Osment, and Tom Cruise in Magno­ before being dumped near the New Jersey think it will come down to a Spacey and lia. Jude Law's performance was nothing Turnpike. I feel like he deserves the award Ounshy(R) 7:209:40 Denzel battle, based on all the hype I've short of incredibly dynamic (and yes, the for his sheer directing virtuosity. But then heard. No doubt, it will be a very tight race movie is good too!!!!!!!! !), but I must say . again, I thought P.T. Anderson should Final Destination (R) 7:15 9:3~ for Best Actor this year. that I think Osment should win. He is a have been nominated for Magnolia. So

., Mission to Mars (pO-B) 7:009:30 Friday, March 24, 2000 THE AMICUS ======9 Flavor In• You-r- Ear-- munity. While much ofthis country has a thing that seemed to work. I wonder what • ByTimEmry when they were still shooting. He was also negative view of the Black Panther Party, would happen if the Panthers of old were shot several times with the bullet entering this view has developed from years of patrolling the streets of New York today, Well, I'm back at it again with another his back (talk a bout being "back-stabbed"). following the cops (particularly the mur­ political commentary. The news of recent Other wounds on his body show that incorrect reporting, lies and an all out war launched by the FBI to destroy the Pan­ derous "Street Crimes Unit"), ensuring weeks is forcing me to comment on the because of the trajectory of the bullets, he that they were not violating the rights of wave of police brutality. The jury in the had to be falling or on the ground for many thers. The leaders of the Panthers, Huey P. citizens and seeing to it that the cops did Diallo case found four cops not guilty for of the shots. Newton and Bobby Seale, were wise be­ not have a license to kill. It certainly would shooting a man 41 times. Similar incidents However, 12 great citizens of Albany give people in Albany and all over the rest of police shootings are occurring around found the cops riot guilty on all charges­ yond their years. They understood and ofthe United States a different perspective thecountry. In Louisville, an unarmed man well Hooray! What on earth was this jury knew how to manipulate the political cli­ on the debate over cops and guns. But at was shot and killed by cops, and the cops thinking? Did they really believe all the BS mate to attract support and attention. They the same time, there would be a lot fewer got medals for their courageous service about the shooting having happened in used California' s lax weapon laws to arm dead young men in the streets of N ew York during the incident. In Charlotte, another the flash of a second? Did they buy the themselves, carrying shotguns in public murdered by the cops. man was shot dozens of times alongside arguments that cops should be cut some view as a deterrent to cops who seemed to On a lighter note, I recently got a piece the interstate, not by mass murderers, but slack because they protect us (or kill us, have a habit of killing innocent, young, of "dislike" mail. I appreciate that this by cops. Am I the only one that is more depending on how you look at it) so well African-American males. The effort workt'.j almost too well. After the state individual contacted me even though his -, ~ cared of the police than the "common and because their jobs are too stressful? criticisms of me "playing the 'race' card \ criminal"? How long will we allow this to Being a waiter is stressful sometimes too, legislature got scared that these "crimi­ go on before we stand up and do some­ but I've never shot, stabbed, or attacked nals" were actually capable of using and (whatever that means)"are based on mis­ understandings he has of me. I would like thing about it? anyone. Being a student is stressful. Life understanding their rights, they passed so to discuss issues on a deeper level with Returning now to the infamous Diallo , is stressful. If anyone who wants to be a called "Black Panther Laws" that prohib­ this person. However, I wouldlike ittorise case; a man armed with only a pager is cop goes in thinking it is a low stress job, ited them from using weapons to protect to a more mature level than anonymous killed on the doorsteps of his home for then they are even dumber than I thought. their community. notes. If this person would contact me so "looking suspicious" according to the four I mean, in all honesty, give me a break. I bring this up because again, the politi­ that we can arrange to meet and discuss of "New York's Finest" who were respon­ I often think of this problem of police cal climate and various state laws actually things in an open setting, I would gr-eatly sible for the murder. The four officers brutality that is plaguing our nation and allow people to carry concealed'weapons. It value that opportunity because it seems pulled their triggers a collective 41 times at reflect upon the days in Oakland, Califor­ is only too unfortunate that the FBI's campaign of genocide on the Black Pan­ like this person has a lot to say. Also, for Diallo. Eyewitnesses claim that there was nia in the late 1960's, when for once the thers killed off OJ; scared many members anyone else who disagrees or agrees witp an initial wave ofshots, and then as Diallo citizens were protected from the wrath ofa and relegated them to a footnote in our me and wants to discuss things further, fell to the ground, the police let go with racist, violent police force. The Black nations troubled history. I am far from a please contact me at another, longer barrage of bullets. The Panther Party for Self-Defense was one violent person and I do not really advocate timernry@gocubs'.com. Thanks for read­ evidence clearly reveals that Diallo was group that was able to mobilize support using a gun to protect oneself, but in that ing! shot through the feet several times, indi­ and attract people who were willing to cating he was laying dead on the ground stand up to police and protect their com- particular place and time, it was the only J,eff Makes His Basketball Picks By Jeff Polich one craving real news, but vital suste­ State, Indiana, or Illinois. How anyone can nance to those needing NCAA Basketball The Midwest root for Duke is beyond me. CoachK, while By the time this article is printed, the news or current events spelled out in one­ obviously adept as a basketball coach, is Tournament will have begun and I feel safe syllable words and colorful pictures-and The Midwest is all about Michigan a colossal whiner. None of their players, in revealing to all of you not only some of found that one of Arizona's best players State. Iowa State may be hot, but come on, barring the scrubs, is from anywhere close my picks for the tournament, but also my will not play due to a supposed "back they're from Iowa. The only team that may to North Carolina. Shane Battier, who method for choosing what I like to call injury". Meanwhile, two of St. John's make some noise is UCLA and I say this should have gone to Michigan, looks like Winning Picks 2000. players, who' were accused of buggery or only because they are a 6-seed. Six-seeds one of the characters fromAlien Nation. A Here's the funny thing about making taking money from agents (I can never are my favorite. Why? Because 6's still more appropriate name for their fans would picks. As I look at them now I am abso­ remember which) have been cleared to start out with a fairly easy game against an be the Cameron Obnoxies. Their mascot is lutely sure (I mean as positive as I ever play by the NCAA, an association whose 11. Granted the 6' s still have to get by a 3- stupid. I could go on. Suffice itto say, I will could be) tha t every pick I have made is the enforcement procedures range' from Ge­ seed, which is another favorite of mine dance ajig when Duke goes down. right one. I would bet my life that I have stapo tactics to Keystone Cops antics. Is (See Michigan '89, '93), but then its easy caught every upset, ignored every poten­ this at all fair when I have already turned in pickins' to the regional final and possibly The South tial upset, and picked the eventual final my brackets? Can I get them back.? . Of beyond. But wait, didn't I forget about the four and winner. Could it be more obvious course not. Therefore, I propose that the 2-seed? This is my favorite part; 2's always will rise again, but not this year. No that Ohio State will beat Cincinnati, that NCAA set a deadline at which point all of go out early. Even if they get past the 15, matter who you pick out of here, they will Gonzaga will be home in time to make their these questions and concerns about play­ the 7 or the 10 someho"" always seems to lose. It is the most irrelevant bracket in this Friday class, The History ofRain in Wash­ ers will be resolved, and of course this bite them. 2's are notorious losers, so ifthe year's tournament. I have already said too ington State, or that Magic Johnson's deadline should occur before I turn in my 6 can get past the 3, chances are they'll much. However, I would like to take this smile will be a mile wide come April 3 ? brackets. After that time, injuries are for­ meet some lousy team, exhausted and opportunity to point out to all those ya­ Of course, despite my bravado today, bidden and the NCAA should suspend for hung-over from their elation at beating the hoos who were complaining about UVA I know that by Sunday night my tears will the tournament all starters who play for 2, which we knew they were bound to do being "snubbed" from the tournament, water down my beer as I look upon my schools I didn't pick. anyway. that perhaps your argument would have a decimated brackets and ask, "Where did I By the way, Gonzaga is a sucker's bet little more credibility had you made the go wrong?" But right now, I'm feeling like due to the fact that giant-killers never The East second round of the NIT. a peach, so here it goes ... repeat the feat in the following year, and also because they are playing in Tucson, The East is by far the hardest region, The West where theyWill dryup like raisins. Cinderella which tickles me to no end because that of the West this year will be Oklahoma (if makes it all the more likely that the de­ Coming out ofthe West,llikedArizona you can call a 3-seed Cinderella), who will spised Dukies will be sent home early. orSt. John's. Which one of those two was seek revenge against all those desert-folk Granted, it won't be by Lamar, Kansas, or actually a tough pick. Then I opened up my who refused the Okies use of their out­ Butler, but their downfall is lurking out copy of USA Today-anathema to any- houses on their way to California. there whether it be by Temple, Oklahoma 10 ======Friday, March 24,2000 THE AMICUS Jamestown: If the Dysentery Doesn't Get You, the MalariaWill By Jeff Yeates become self-sufficient. Twelve years! No wonder the craft. He was in the middle ofhis four-year apprenticeship, Last October we visited Yorktown, a few months ago Indians didn' t take them seriously. They couldn't imag­ but some of his fellow workers have been there over 20 we did CW, and so to conclude this trifecta of historical ine England had enough people to keep replacing the years and have had their work displayed in local art shows colonial sites, we visited Jamestown this last week. It's ones killed off. and galleries. tough to really compare the three-and Williamsburg Fortunately, England was miserable enough for those Like CW and Yorktown, Jamestown is worth a visit, sometimes seems like more ofa charming Disneyland than who weren't upper class that there were always people particularly in_the off season when you can pick your day an historical site anyway-but in some ways Jamestown willing to try out America, and eventually Jamestown and never fe~l crowded. It' s small enough that you can was our favorite. First, the drive there along the Colonial. even became the capitol ofthe Virginia colony. You can, take everything~ill within a few hours or take a little longer Parkway and Jamestown Island itself is picturesque. of course, learn all these fun facts and far more, at the and enjoy the-James River setting and be thankful that Second, the history is really interesting. And finally, they Visitor Center and the Loop Drive that takes you around you're not there in 1607. have old-fashioned glassblowing. It sounds a . little the island. The entire drive is only five miles and worth strange, but we were mesmerized by those glass blowing the time, a~ is the Visitor Center, with its pretty good Crowd Factor: (1-10, "1 O"being like the floor ofthe NYSE artisans for nearly an hour. museum and displays. Verdict on the forty-yearcold and "1" meaning we were alone.) 3 Surprisingly light Like Yorktown,there are actually two historical sites, movie presentation in the Visitor Center: Rebecca loved crowds for a March Saturday morning. Like CW, one run by the Commonwealth, "Jamestown Settlement," it (but she works in the public schools where they some­ Jamestown probably doesn't get very crowded until and the other run by the National Park Service, which is times show very old movies); I would probably skip it summer. cheaper. You can probably guess which one we chose. unless you're not up on your Virginia history. Expense: (1-10, "10" is·most expensive (which means However, also like Yorktown, the National Park Service The nicest part of the island was the area outside the Rebecca probably paid fQr it) and "1" is free.) 3. Five site is better and is actually located where the events took Visitor Center, where you can see some remains of the dollars per adult. Like all National Parks, an excellent deal. place. early settlement and current archaeological digs, a very It's always nice to see tax dollars going for something I can Here's the story. Jamestown was founded on what is interesting Memorial Church (look for the plaque from the enJoy. today an island-Jamestown Island, which I conjecture Yirginia Bar Association commemorating the common Romance: (1 -10, "10" is akin to a moonlit garden walk; "1" made it easier to defend. That is probably the only law), and a beautiful shoreline walk along the James River. is akin to a bowling alley) 6. positive thing about the location. The negative is that the We walked around for a while, enjoying the spring blos·­ Overall Rating: (1 -10, you get the idea) 7.5. island was and is mostly a big swamp. The general soms and historical notes everywhere. Rebecca read swampiness is pleasant enough today--the Park Service gravestones and fortuitously discovered James Blair's Getting There: It's pretty easy. Get on the Colonial has constructed some nice bridges over the wet areas-­ grave, for whom her middle school is named. Parkway, drive towards Jamestown and turn left onto butback in 1607, ·the mosquitos and brackish water killed Our Mal stop was the Jamestown Glasshouse, located Jamestown Island where the sign tells you. Alternatively, off English settlers fairly regularly. near the park entrance. The site is actually two buildings, take Jamestown Rd. and turn left just before the road ends Apparently, these settlers were more interested in the first displaying remains of the original glasshouse at the James River car ferry. Drive past the Jamestown finding gold and making easy money than growing crops which was, frankly, boring unless you are into small, Settlement (or stop and pay $10.75 per adult if you're and building homes. A couple examples ofthe predictable scorched piles of bricks and rocks. The second building, interested to see what they offer), cross the Colonial results: the "starving time" ofthe winter 1609-10 when 2/ however, is a working 17t1l century style glasshouse which Parkway and keep going straight. 3 of the population died; settlers spoke of a "seasoning was very interesting. We were fascinated watching the Jeff Yeates is a 3L who, along with .his middle school period" for new arrivals where if bouts of influenza, craftsmen twirl and shape the red-hot, glowing glass into Spanish teach in 'wife, Rebecca, likes to travel. He's only malaria, and dysentery didn't kill them, then they would intricate shapes and utensils. We were the only visitors writing about local attractions until he hits the big time probably make it; and finally, it took them twelve ·years to there and chatted with the one of the artisans about his and can travel to vlaces like Pittsburf!h and Detroit. The Other Side of. the Annual Phi -Delta Phi Supreme Court Trip 11 Friday, March 24,2000 THE AMICUS ======Flashing Back to the Eighties (without big hair and shoulder pads)

by Sari Benmeir is no sexual harassment cause of action in The reason I mention this (besides my were under 19 in West Virginia, you had to I have been having flashbacks to the West Virginia. Either that, or the guys are training to be a lawyer), is because, of suffer with White Lightning. Nowadays, 80's recently. This has been partially be­ willing to take their chances. HeII, I even course, I didn't allow for the cost ofliving of course, the feds have blackmailed the cause of the following sequence: 1. Buy got a marriage proposal from a passing car increase during the past 15 years. Well states into raising the drinking age to 21 or gas. 2. BeappalledJ 3. Make my weekly trip one day last sununer. Which was comfort­ using the handy chart on the front page of they cut ofT all their highway funding. to Advance Auto Parts. 4. Purchase a ing, because all this time I thought I had today's(March 10, 2000) DailyPress, gaso­ . Primo quality reruns on TV such as the locking gas cap for my car (gas tank capac­ lost my charms in the aging process. After line that sold for $1.20 a gallon in 1985, Dukes ofHazzard, Leave it to Beaver, The ity = 25 gallons = 25 million dollars or my time in West Virginia, I realized that it would cost $1.85 today. Thus prices are Donna Reed Show and Benny Hill. Don't something like that). And for some reason was merely changing times - which bless­ about 54% higher than they were in 1985. get me wrong. There are some really prime that reminded me ofa time in the 80's when edly does not affect the great state of West Thus my truck's cost in Y2K dollars was things on TV now, such as the Jerry gas was about $1.10 per gallon and I mis­ Virginia. (is?) $9534. I don't think you can get even Springer show, which I watch about once takenly bought gas and had the guy pump Helmets. You certainly would never a Hyundai with four temporary-spare tires' a month, like last night when the theme was - it. I almost threw up when he charged me have been caught dead with a bicycle on it for $9534 these days, much less a "Erotic Jobs." But now, most reruns are $16 since my usual full tank price was helmet on in the 80' s. Having survived the quality vehicle such as "Lil' Lite" which things like the Fresh Prince of Bel Air and about $11 . I think that was like a full day's era, I would stillrather suffer massive head still has its original shocks, clutch, trans­ other crap that! never watched when it first wage at the time. injurytraurna than wear one ofthose dorky­ mission, heater core, engine, steering fluid, came out, so why the hell would I watch it There are a lot of other thing~ from the assed looking helmets. As for motorcycle etc., etc. as a rerun? Plus (and this may surprise 80 's besides expensive gas that you young­ helmets, I grew up in Maryland, possibly Tanning. You had to layout back then. you) I am still surprised when people use sters have missed out on. Like smoking the last state to pass a motorcycle helmet That's because there were fewer lawyers foul language or show excessive amounts during class. I was reminded of in-class law. I have ridden on a motorcycle without suing Coppertone as an accessory to the ofnaked body parts on TV. I still expect the smoking during the recent campaign to a helmet. And I can understand why people crime of causing skin cancer, causing old fashioned rules as to what could be prevent the smokers from smoking out­ don't want to wear them You don't wear Coppertone to invent zinc oxide and other shown on TV that were designed for par­ side. Back in the Stone( d?) Age at a helmet ina convertible, do ya? However, lotions that totally cover your skin pre­ ents, so the parents would not have to Catonsville Community College, I used to I also know a number of people who were venting it from becoming exposed to light, preview every show so as to decide whether sit in class and smoke. It was really handy involved in motorcycle accidents while ever. Back then everyone had a deep, rich they could let their kids watch. N owada ys, for passing the time when you got bored. not wearing heIffiets, and I definitely do tan. If someone were to walk around with the only things you can assume to be safe Smoking in class, however, usually only not advocate being involved in a motor­ the pasty white, office complexions that are game shows. You all are probably too applied if the instructor smoked during cycle accident while not helmeted. you see today, people would ask them if young to remember the old George Carlin class - which many ofthem did. Ifyou were Cheap cars. I have mentioned the car­ they were on their way to a Halloween comedy routine where he lists all the words one of the few who didn't smoke, well you price disparity in a previous column, but I party dressed as Dracula. you can't say on TV. This routine was might as weII start. can't write about the 80's without men­ Legal drinking ages of less than 21. immensely popular and young "adults" Then there was getting whistled at and tioning the price of cars. As a young pup, This occurred before the federal govern­ (i.e., college students) would wander around .hiv},nghorns honked at you while you I bought my current vehicle in 1985-and ment discovered that they could control saying the seven words you couldn't say walked down the street (this still happens paid $6184 plus shipping and handling (I just about every aspect of everyone's life on TV. However, this list is now extremely in Charleston, WV, by the way) or by still have the original invoice). I've had as long as they somehow connected it to dated and many of the words are said in construction sites. Unfortunately, this ego­ that vehicle for IS wonderful, dependable the receipt offederal funds . Thus, I could commercials that are aired during the Su­ boosting practice was curtailed when the years. So, according to my calculations, it legally drink (beer and wine) at the age of per Bowl. people who weren't getting whistled at has cost me $412 plus expenses per year. 18, although I had to wait until I was 21 to See, I managed to write this column started complaining about the whistling, A new car, selling for, oh, maybe only drink hard liquor. Unless, ofcourse, I drove without discussing the obvious themes of so now a guy can't express his apprecia­ $25,000 would have to be used for sixty drunk several hours to the state of West AIDS, drugs, computers, clothing with tion without fear of some female pressing years to cost only $412 per year. I once read Virginia, where I could get anything I great big shoulder pads or Big Hair. sexual harassment charges. I guess there a book called "How to lie with statistics." wanted to drink once I turned 19. If you More Clip 'n' Save Marshall-Wythe Trading Cards! Collect them all!! We looked through our photos for some good shots. So here are some Random Drunks. 11- .~ ------. • • • •I • I • I ' • I • I •. ~ • • • • •I • •I U

•I • • I •a ______Whassup?! aI Ia ______You want some beads? a aI• ______Where's the••• camera? aa•• • ______Down the hatch a•I _ _ • • ::z; ...... ;;;;r ."-

12 Friday, March 24, 2000 THE AMICUS

T HE A r-.1ICUS C URlAE Graduation Announcetnents Friday, March 24, 2000

Benjamin StoodertEwell Awards The Sullivan Awards In 1987, the Student Association established an award to honor well­ TheCornmittee on Prizes and Awards will meet in April to select recipients rounded graduating students -- both graduate and undergraduate -- of the one ofthe major College awards, the Sullivan Awards. Nominations for the College, those who best exemplify a liberal arts education through their Sullivan Awards may be made by any member ofthe College community, activities as well as studies. Recipients oftbe Ewell Award will receive a Criteria for the awards are·as follows: The Sullivan Awards are given annually certificate at the Spring Awards Reception and will be listed on the awards "to not more than one man and one woman in the graduating class, and to one sheet at graduation. Candidates for the award must be full or part-time other person who has a close relationship with the College. In selection of the students witharninimum ofa2.0 cumulativeGP A who completed their degree, recipients, nothing is considered except the possession ofcharacteristics of in December 1999 or who are expected to graduate in Mayor August 2000. heart, mind, and conduct as evince a spirit oflove for and helpfulness to other Up to 40 recipients will be selected and nominations maybe made by anyone men and women." Please submit all nominations and supporting materials to in the community. Ifyou know ofa student who deserves to be considered to W. Samuel Sadler, Vice President for Student Affairs, 219 Campus Center for this award, please forward the name(s) to W. Samuel Sadler, Vice by Friday, April 7. President for Student Affairs, 219 Campus Center by Noon on Friday, April 7. A Ewell award application form will then be forwarded to all nominated The Thatcher Prize for Excellence in students. Graduate and Professional Study This year the College announced the creation of a new award in honor of John Kratzer Memorial Award Margaret, the Lady Thatcher, 21 51 Chancellor ofthe College. The Thatcher In 1979, the Senior Class and the SA established an award in memory of Prize for Excellence in Graduate and Professional Study is to be presented John Kratzer, a former captain ofthe basketball team who had displayed each year at Commencement in order to recognize an outstanding student unusual courage and determination in facing a long and debilitating illness. from among those completing advanced degrees in Arts and Sciences, The award has only been given on six occasions since it was established. Education, Marine Science, Business Administration, or Law. Nominations It is presented on those occasions when there is a member ofthe maybemadebyanymemberoftheCollegecommunity,andthewinnerwill graduating class who demonstrates unusual courage, self-sacrifice, be selected by the Commencement Committee on the basis of character, leadership and spirit. Ifyou know ofanyone in this year) graduating class scholarship, leadership, and service. The aim is to find a well-ro.unded who has overcome adversity and exhibited the above qualities, please graduate or professional student reflecting each ofthese qualities, and who send a letter ofnomination to W . Samuel Sadler, Vice President for embodies the values ofthe College ofWilliam and Mary. Please-submit all Student Affairs, 219 Campus Center by Friday, April 7 . nominations and supporting materiais to W. SaJ;lluel Sadler, Vice President for Student ' Affairs, 219 Campus Center by Friday" April .7.

Please submit your entries for the Amicus Events Calendar to Bob Ford (2L), or the Amicus hanging file. Entries may include activities sponsored by law school organizations, main campus or community events.

More Clip 'n' Save Marshall-Wythe Trading Cards! Collect them all~! We looked through our photos for some good shots. So here are some Random Drunks. II! ...... ·1II!I·c· ,I!II • .- ...II ~.~..... ~ ...... ~. III • .I!II. "-~ .• I!IIP ~~ I I . , , 'I I -; ' -_h_"~ I 1 '- " '~ I IY~' -Ramon Rodriguez "~I I' _'i;' George Vogel ~,' ;~'~I .. ",.;, Josh Whitley ~/: ~I I I I ' . - I IRamon is showing off one ofl •IGeorge had a great time on thel• IJosh is seen here on Burbonl IAdam is seen here calling to. Ithe many skills he learned I ' ISupreme Court trip, as can bel IStreet during the middle ofl Icheck in with his homeys. Atl Iwhile in medical school. I Iseen by this photo.1 IMardi Gras. A veteran of the I Ileast that is what he claimed to. IWhile on the bus to D.C. he I lunfortunately he had a slightl Irunning of the bulls inl ' Ibe doing. What he was really. l Idemonstrated some of his I ~roblem when his eyes :pamplona Josh was right at:, Idoing was calling to check inl :other ski.lls to his fellow ~av- : ~ouldn't focus anymore. It: Ihome at Mardi Gras. How hel Iwith the boss to make sure it: lelers, skIlls we at th'e AInlcUS I ~ead to great entertainment for I Iwas alright for him to stay out Igot those beads you don't want I l lare restrained from detailing. I ~is friends though who kept :that night. ' He obviously got. l Ito know, but he still has some I IHowever there was one I Fiding his drink and then letl lifyou wantthem. You'll have I Ithe okay, but it still a shame tO I lembarassing moment when I !him walk up to the bar fori Ito ask him what it will for him I Isee such a free spirit restrained I IRamon let off a large belch I !another. I Ito give them up. ' I , llike that. ' I Iwhile observing oral argu- I I I I I I I Iments at the Supreme Court. I I I I I I I ...... ·...... a ••••••••••••