DOCUMENT RESUME ED 034 462 72 FL 001 548 AUTHOF 9a.TT., Comp. rrlI'LE Education Abstracts: Burma. September- December 1968, January-April 1969. TNSTTTUTTON Nat ,oral Science Foundation, Washington, D.C. Office of Science Tnformation Services. SPOMq A(ENCV National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C.; Office of Education (DHPW), Washington, D.C.Bureau of Research. rw0OPT NO TT-68-9(1401-3: TT-69-91051-1 TIUFEAT1 NO 9R-7-1279 PUB DAmP (691 NOTE 138P. PDRS PRICE EnRS 'rice 1F-$0.75 HC-$7.00 DESCPIPTOPS Abstracts, *Annotated Bibliographies, *Purmese, Purmese Culture, *Education, Educational Change, Educational History, Educational Objectives, English (Second Language), Foreign Countries, Foreign FPlations, Higher Education, *International Education, Language Instruction, Literacy, Literacy Education, Primary Education, Secondary Education, Statistical Data, Teaching Methods TDENTIPTERS *Burma ABSTRACT Summaries of 243 Burmese newspaper articles, published from September through December 1968 andJanuary through April 1969, offering informationon educational seminars, educational statistics, primary and secondary education, andhigher education, are reproduced in this two-volume bibliography with abstracts. Editorials and miscellaneousnewspaper coverage include a broad variety of educational information, usually focusingon the new Burmese system of education. Reports on the training of junior assistant teachers and Burmese technical and vocationalschools are treated in a special section. Appendixes include materialon a librarians' seminar, a 1968 general seminar, educationin British Purma, and literacy campaign. The numbered bibliographicentries provide the newspaper article title,newspaper source, dates of publication, and article length. For related documentssee ED 025 987 and ED 027 807. (RL) et al. All -4'reN_......... Co C3 I 1.0 *WV41 J 1 .111Nrill. 111111111=IMM A I I V U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION & WELFARE OFFICE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRODUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE / PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGINATING IT.POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE OF EDUCATION A POSITION OR POLICY. se to . a. 10 ov a S. e t " '4 (From October 1968 ). * Ony No. (1), CuMPARATIVE EDUCATION BRANCH International Services and Research Staff. Institute of International Studies Office of Education Department of Health, Education & Welfare 7th & D Streets, SW WASHINGTON D.C. 20202. C.pi No.(2) INPUT 8E02 ION DOCUMENT ANALYSIS 13RANOR Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information 5285 Port Royal Road 8PRINGFIELDVIRGINIA 215 OW NO. (( FOREIGN SCIENCE INFORMATION PROGRAM Office of Science Information Service National Science Foundation 1800 G Street, N.W. WASHINGTONs D.Ci 20550 . ' I. S. I. : . r t- I 4 v. 0. S t 4 , :.. EDUCATION ABSTRACTS BURMA/ TT 68-59401/3 September - December 1968 Compiled by Dr. U Ba, Rangoon, for National Science Foundation, Washington,D.C. CDUCATION ABSTRACTS BURMA' 1 September to December 1968 CONTENTS Item No. I. EDUCATION GENERAL- SEMINARS Rangoon Division Seminar 1 Basic Education Seminar 2-7 Librarians' Seminar 8-13 Sarpay Beikman Public Library 14 II. PRIMARY & SECONDARY EDUCATION Social Welfare Department 15-17 Primary Schools 18-19 Practical education 20-21 Academy for National groups 22-23 Text-books 24-28 Teaching aids 29. 54 Literacy campaigns 30-32 Luyechun (Outstanding students) 30-34 School Councils 34-36 Vocational education 37-40 Architecture 41 Technical Institutes 42 Private schools 43 Youth organizers 45-47 Student Festival 48 Teacher Training 49-51 Teachers' seminar 52 Scholarships 53 Parents 55 CDUCATIOM ABSTRACTS BURMA?. 2 III. HIGHER EDUCATION Item No. University Co-ordination Seminar 56-57 Convocations 58-60 Admissions 61-64 Freshers' Day 65-68 Hostel accommodation 69-70 Chemistry department 71 Social geography 72 Teacher training students 73-74 Students' vacation activities 75-78 Miscellaneous 79-82 Medical education 83-90. IV. MISCELLANEOUS Gemmology 91. 92 Children's Weekly 93 Burmese students in Moscow 94 State scholars 95-98. V. EDITORIALS 99-110. VI. SPECIAL SECTION. Training of Junior Assistant Teachers.111-124. APPENDIX : Librarians' Seminar. 1968 General Education Seminar. EDUCATION ABSTRACTS BURMA 3 I. EDUCATION - GENERAL. Education Seminars. Rangoon Division Seminar 1. Nyi, Dr. Nyi, The New Education System. Rangopn, The Working Peoples' Daily 5(268)1. October 5, 1968. 250 words. At the opening meeting of the Rangoon Division Education Seminar, the Education Secretary mentioned the topics to be discussed, viz, implementation of the new Education system, sufficient teaching staff and practical education develop- ment activities and youth organization. The new education system was introduced in 1964, and now the new system should be reviewed to find out how much had been achieved and what further measures should be taken to make it a success. Also the work of technical high schools, the illiteracy eradica- teaching tion campaign and the experiments for the of Burmese in primary schools should be examined. Basic Education Seminar at Mandalay 2. Basic Education Seminar opens at Milndalgy. --- Rangoon. The Guardian 13(218)1, October 8, 1968. 200 words. The four-day Basic Education Seminar will open at the Mandalay Arts & Science University to review the progress in the implementation of the new education system.A General Education Seminar was held in 1964 and based on its findings, Government drew up a Basic Education Scheme and promulgamated the Basic Education Law in 1966 and the new scheme was implemented from the academic year1967-68. EDUCATION ABSTRACTSBURMA 4 Altogether 532persons including educationaldelegates from the various districtsand specially invitedguestswill attend the Seminar. 3. General EducationSeminar opens.--- Rangoon. The work- ing Peoples' Daily 5(272)1. October 10, 1968. 350words. Education Minister ColHla Han opened the1968 General Education Seminarat the Mandalay Artsand Science Univer- sity and deliveredan inaugural address, whichwas followed by the Report ofthe General EducationCouncil. After this the Education Ministeropened the SeminarExhibition. Later, the delegateswere divided into fourgroups for the dis- cussion of the followingtopics: implementationof the new education system,curriculum, teachers' trainingand educa- tional developmentand youth organization. 4. Han, Col Hla. New Education's Aimsreitered.- -- Rangoon. The WorkingPeoples' Daily 5(273)1.October 11,1968. 1,125 words. The Education Ministerrecalled how and whythe present system of education was introduced in 1967. Although science was being given prio*ity inschools, the importanceof Arts subjects was alsoemphasised. The aim of theGeneral Educa- tion was two-fold, to provide compulsoryelementary education for all children andto providean adequate foundation to pursue higher education. Another aimwas an all-round deve- lopment, mental, moraland physical, of thechildren. The importance of relationshipbetween parents,teachers and students was pointed out and their relativeresponsibilities COUCATiON ABSTRACTSSiBURMA;. 5 were described. After pointing certain faults in theimple- mentation of the new education systemthe minister invited the delegates to suggest solutions for thesuccess of the new education system. 5. Seminar. Participation of students andparents emphasised. 11111411 Rangoon. The Working Peoples' Daily. 5(273)1.Oct.11,1968. 400 words. Group 1 devoted its discussions to theeffective imple- mentation of the new education system, the needto win active participation of parents and students, tore-define the responsibilities of administrative and inspectionofficiers and to take steps to keep primarystudents from leaving school early. Group 2 discussed the school subjectsfor primary, middle and high school classesand singled out the need for allowance of adequate teachingperiods for the sub- jects prescribed. In Group3,the professional mobility of teachers between Primary, Middle and HighSchool departments and the need to reinforce the teachingstaff at the train- ing institutes were discussed. In Group 4, discussioncen- tred round practical educationdevelopment programmes and related subjects. 6. Seminar. Educationists discuss toperfect examinations. Rangoon. The Guardian 13(222)1. October 12,1968. 300 words. Speakers criticised the existingsystem of examinations pointing out various defects and suggestionshow to make improvements. One speaker mentionedthata supplementary list of failures had been issued. The Education Secretary DUCATION ABSTRACTS MBURMAb 6 mentioned that an Enquiry Commission had been formedto look into this matter. Members of all groups took part keenly in the discussions giving valuable suggestions andideas. 7. Han, Col Hla. General Education Seminar windsup. - -- Rangoon. The Working Peoples' Daily 5(275)1. October 13,'68. 350 words. The Education Minister, in his concluding remarkson the last day of the Seminar, markit acknowledged varioussug- gestions for the implementation of thenew system and pro- mised to take steps to translate them into action. He under- lined the need for the adoption of socialist democracy and its principles in education. Regarding examinations, the responsibility was fully on teachers. In future, there would be greater diversification of educational opportunity and plans had been made for producingmore teachers with better professional prospects for them. LIBRARIANS' SEMINAR $t. Tun, Lt-Col Tin. Librarians' Seminar. Rahgoon The Working Peoples' Daily 5(250)1. September
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