IMPORTANT PROTOZOAN DISEASES OF ANIMALS IN INDONESIA (A REVIEW) Soeprapto Soekardono* ABSTRACT An account on important protozoan diseases mostly with obvious clinical symptoms are emphasized and their current status reviewed. Those diseases are surra, trichomonosis in cattle, babesiosis, anaplasmosis, theileriosis, leucocyto- zoonosis in chicken, and coccidiosis. Toxoplasmosis, histomonosis, chicken malaria, balantidiosis and diseases caused by Giardia, Haemoproteus and Sarcocystis are not reviewed because significant problems caused by these parasites considered important economically do not appear in Indonesia. INTRODUCTION tion leading to land pressure (in Java), climate The Republic of Indonesia is a big leading to poor nutrition in dry areas (Eastern country consisting of approximately 3600 is- Islands), poor soil conditions (Kalimantan) or lands and is divided into 27 provinces. The to optimum development of certain diseases total population is approximately 165 million. (surra) and less than optimal management, Agriculture is the most important activity and disease surveillance due to a shortage of most common farmers are smallholders or funds and no efficient marketing system in landless farmers. According to the book on some areas. livestock statistics1 from the Directorate The most important animal production General of Livestock Services, in 1985 the in Indonesia are poultry (both indigenous and livestock population in Indonesia consisted commercial) for meat and eggs, large of approximately 186,000. dairy cattle, ruminants and horses for draught and some 7,081,000 beef cattle, 2,706,000 buffaloes, meat, small ruminants for meat and fish for 8,235,000 goats, 4,416,000 sheep, 3,956,000 protein. Pigs and dogs are important protein pigs and 686,000 horses. In 1985 the poultry sources in some areas. population in Indonesia consists of ap- Parasitic diseases, including import- proximately 174,505,000 indigenous chick- ant protozoan diseases which may cause en, 31,090,000 layers, 143,657,000 broilers death and infertility, decrease production of and 25,642,000 ducks. meat, milk, egg and animal power, inhibition The most important constraints in live- of growth and decrease the quality of stock production include human overpopula- products. - - * Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Bogor, Indonesia 154 Parasitic diseases are thought to be culture technique for the cultivation of economically the most important in In- Theileria sp. and Babesia spp., a blood donesia2. Many of these diseases are wide- protozoa of dairy cattle, in an effort to be able spread, making the control program very to eradicate, treat or control those diseases". difficult. The Bulletin LPP# is a bibliography of research work which has been carried out since 1912 until 1987, containing protozoan ANIMAL PROTOZOAN DISEASES and other diseases in animals. A checklist of important protozoan dis- Only the most important protozoan dis- eases and some other important diseases, eases in animals will be high-lighted in this which occur in important livestock in In- paper. donesia, has been published. The diseases are Work that was done before 1912 has divided into those having some significance been published in journals like Veeartsenij- and those whose significance is still un- kundige Bladen v. Nederlandsch Indie, Medi- known. cal Journals and possibly in other Dutch Very important protozoan diseases are journals that the author was not able to trace. trypanosomosis of cattle and horses, dogs and cats, anaplasmosis and theileriosis of cattle and buffaloes, trichomonosis of cattle, and IMPORTANT PROTOZOAN coccidiosis of cattle, goat, sheep and chicken. DISEASES IN ANIMALS Toxoplasmosis which is an important zoonosis is also included. 1. Surra The significance of some protozoan dis- eases is still unknown, for example the Surra in Indonesia is caused by Trypano- trichomonosis and haemoproteosis in birds, soma evansi and is found in horses, cattle, giardiasis in domestic animals, trypano- buffaloes, goats, dogs and cats. somosis in birds, histomonosis in chicken, The parasite is thought to occur in the entamoebiasis in monkeys. main islands of Indonesia with the exception of Irian ~a~a~.Few definitive studies have been conducted. HISTORY ON THE STUDY OF T. evansi is spread mechanically by PROTOZOAN DISEASES biting insects and at least 26 species can har- bour the parasite in their mouthparts8. The first report on protozoan diseases in Tabanus, Stomoxys, Chrysops, Haematopota, animals in Indonesia which the author was Lyperosih and Haematobia appeared to be able to trace was a report in 1899 by B. important vectors of the disease. But mos- vrijburg3 on "Sakit Mubeng", surra in cattle quitoes, house flies, and ticks are also capable caused by Trypanosoma evansi. to transmit the disease. But de ~oes~reported the presence of Animals which harbour the parasite piroplasmosis and anaplasmosis in Indonesia without showing disease symptoms are im- in cattle and buffaloes in 1896. portant reservoir hosts. The most current report on protozoan Buffaloes are more commonly infected diseases was that by ~st~awati'on "A tissue than cattle9''' based on serology and on Bul. Penelit. Kesehat. 17 (2)1989 detection of circulating parasites. Using the (Microbabesia divergens). Babesiosis in the ELISA test, around 60% of buffaloes in sen- horse reported from West Sumatra is likely tinel herds in Java were serologically positive caused by Babesia caballi. Babesia in the dog compared to 35% of cattle 11. is caused by Babesia canis. Surra can be acute (mainly in horses) or Babesia bigemina was first found in chronic (mainly in large ruminants) with Tegal, in a buffalo in 1896 and afterwards in 15 anaemia and loss of weight being the main Sumatra in cattle in 190614. Ressang symptoms'0. But diarrhea, loss of hair and claimed that piroplasmosis was first found in oedema are also often observed. Keratitis and 1896 by de Does in cattle. He also claimed conjunctivitis are observed in horses and dogs. that the distribution of B. bigemina was not The economic losses caused by surra as extensive as B. bovis (B. argentina) was estimated at US$22,400,000 per year. The ticks which transmit B. bigemina are Boophilus, Rhipicephalus, and Haema- physalis. In Indonesia B. bigemina causes an 2. Trichomonosis in cattle acute disease and haemo lobinuria. Some- Tritrichomonas foetus was found in times it may cause death 14 . B. bovis is often 1967 in dairy cattle in Lembang (near Ban- found in cattle buffalo in Indonesia, but this dung) by Mansjoer and isolated by Balitvet parasite is generally not very pathogenic (Veterin~Research Institute) in 1977 in and usually causes a chronic disease. But in Pasuruan and Lembang. In 1976 the para- Australia B. argentina is more pathogenic site was found by Sidik Muljo and identified than B. bigemina and may cause a mortality by Bouters in Grati (~asuruan)~~. of 70- 80%'~. No studies on the distribution of the Ixodes and Haemaphysalis are the ticks parasite has been done. that can transmit this parasite. But others The parasite is usually transmitted claim that Boophilus can also transmit the sexually but can also be transmitted by artifi- disease. cial insemination or by duty hands or equip- In 1918 B. divergens was reported in ment soiled with infected material. Infected cattle imported from Australia, but the author bulls are usually difficult to treat and are in was able to find the parasite in a blood smear fact usually not treated but brought to the from cattle from Cilacap in 1960. The para- slaughter house. Especially in cases where the sites were located on the margin of erythro- disease is in an advanced stage, infected cows cytes. recover without treatment if they are kept in B. argentina which is now considered a clean pastures for approximately 3 months synonym of B. bovis can be transmitted by and not allowed to mate during this period. ~oo~hilu~'~. The economic loss due to this disease is still Areas which are infected or suspected unknown. to be infected by Babesia are Aceh, North Sumatra, West Sumatra, Jambi, Riau, Lam- 3. Babesiosis pung, West Kalimantan, South Kalimantan, South Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi, Hal- Babesiosis in cattle in Indonesia is mahera, Irian Jaya, Lombok, Bali and Java. caused by Babesia bigemina, Babesia argen- Babesiosis has not been reported from other tina (Babesia bovis) and Babesia divergens areas of Indonesia14. Bul. Penellt. Kesehat, 17 (2) 1989 Bos taurus is more susceptible for 4. Anaplasmosis (Call sickness) babesiosis than Bos indicus (zebu). Young animals are more resistant against babesiosis Anaplasmosis in Indonesia is caused by than older animals. The infection rate in Anaplasma marginale, and Anaplasma modem breeds of cattle may reach 90%. The centrale. The first species is pathogenic, mortality rate in cattle is between 5-50 %I5. while the second is not. Formerly Anaplasma The Directorate General of Livestock Ser- belongs to the protozoa, but now it belongs to vices stated that the mortality rate in adult the Rickettsia. cattle may reach 80-90 % if not treated and Anaplasma can attack almost all warm 10-15 % in young cattle (1-2 years old)14. blooded animals such as cattle, buffaloes, Epizootics or acute infections followed by goats, sheep, deer, camels, pigs, horses, asses, death may sometimes occur in newly im- dogs and many other animals. Anaplasma ported cattle or in transported cattle from non does not affect man. infected areas to infected areas in Indonesia. In Indonesia anaplasmosis was first The most important tick which can trans- found in 1987 in cattle and buffalo. In 1912 mit babesiosis in Indonesian cattle is Boo- Anaplasma attacked buffaloes from the philus rni~ro~lus~~.B. canis is transmitted by Cileungsi area in the Bogor Regency, West Rhipicephalus sanguineus. Soiled equipment Java. In 1918 this disease attacked cattle from with infected material may also cause the North Sumatra and in 1934 it attacked cattle transmission of babesiosis. The economic in Bojonegoro and Madiun in East Java.
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