INDEX A Amien Rais, 300 Abdul Hamid Rizal, 178 Anambas Islands, and tourism, 174 Abdul Manan Saiman, 357 Anglo-Dutch treaty, 160, 273, 369, 376 Abdul Razak, 370 Anies Baswedan, 248 Abdull Hakim Abdat, 304 annual evaluation of the performance of Abdurrahman Wahid, 300 regional governments, see EKPPD Abidin Hasibuan, 422 Ansar Ahmad, 223, 226–27, 386 Aburizal Bakrie, 226 anti-Chinese riots, 420 Adam Malik Batubara, 393 APBD (provincial government budget), 203 Agency for the Cooperation of Archipelago Apple, 93, 97 Provinces (BKSPK), 171–72 Arsyadjuliandi “Andi” Rachman, 368 Agip, Italian company, 168 ASEAN, 61 agro-tourism, 73–74, 80 Asia Competitiveness Institute, 205 Agung Laksono, 226 Asian Financial Crisis, 6, 41, 106, 107, 239, Agus Chandra Wijaya, 422 241, 314 Agus Yudhoyono, 223 ASITA (Association of Tours and Travel Ahmad Dahlan, 245, 300, 355 Agencies), 75–76, 83 Ahmadiyyahs, 302 Asman Abnur, 370, 422 Ahok, see Basuki Tjahaja Purnama Asmin Patros, 420–22 AIA insurance, 91 Atlas van Tropisch Nederland, publication, 163 Air Asia, 71 AusAid (Indii), 328 air pollution, 312, 315, 318, 329–30 Al-Washliyah, 300 B Alias Wello, 370 Bahasa Indonesia, 338, 352 Alibaba, 97 Bahasa Melayu, 352 Ali Kelana, Raja, 162 Bahrun Naim, 299 All Indonesia Labour Federation, see FBSI Bain & Company, 95 All Indonesia Workers Union, see SPSI Bandar Bentan Telani Terminal, 69 Amazon, 97 Bank Indonesia (BI), 96 AMDAL (Analisis Mengenai Dampak BAPEDAL (Badan Pengendalian Dampak Lingkungan), see Department of EIA Lingkungan), 312, 315, 321–22, 329 American Bureau of Intelligence and Bappeda (Regional Development Planning Research, 154 Agency), 280 21-J07442 20 The Riau Islands pp455-466.indd 455 28/6/21 9:00 AM 456 Index Bappenas (National Development Planning “Bela Islam” mobilization, 248 Agency), 199 Benny Suwandi, 420 Barelang Bridge, 172 Berita Harian, 304 Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok), 248, 307, 368 Berkarya Party, 224 Batak people “Berkeley Mafia”, 316 migration, 396–403 BIDA (Batam Industrial Development political aspiration, 403–7 Authority), 9–10, 40, 103–4, 106, 114, political history of, 394–96 168, 170, 197–98, 274, 287, 313–14, 319, Batam 322–23, 404 demography, 237 BIFZA (Batam Indonesia Free Zone digital economy in, 90–93 Authority), 10, 109, 206, 287 economic structure, 317 BILIK (Bina Lingkungan Hidup Batam), 319 environmental record, 317–30 Bintan industrial estates in, 111 foreign-owned land in, 81–82 Islamic organizations in, 302–3 population, 291–92 manufacturing sector, 43–49 tourism, development of, 69–70 population, 6–7, 14, 41, 103, 237, 238–39, urban development, 291–92 287–89, 293, 298, 314–15 Bintan Agro Resort, 82 tourism, development of, 67–68 Bintan Beach International Resort, 291 unemployment, 40, 49 Bintan Industrial Estate, 291, 314 urban development, 283–89 Bintan International Airport, 70 Batam-Bintan bridge, 172, 289 Bintan Lagoi resort, 405 Batam Centre International Terminal, 356 Bintan Pearl Beach Resort, 82 Batam City Development Planning Agency, Bintan Resorts, 69–70 288 Bintan Triathlon, 69 Batam City Spatial Plan, 288 B.J. Habibie, 9, 40, 68, 104, 169, 172, 197, “Batam declaration”, 172 240, 313 Batam Indonesia Free Zone Authority, BKPM (Investment Coordinating Board), see BIFZA 125 Batam Industrial Bonded Zone, see bonded BKSPK (Badan Kerja Sama Provinsi zone Kepulauan), 171–72 Batam Industrial Development Authority, BlackMagic, firm, 47 see BIDA BNPB (Culture Preservation Center), 400 Batam International University, 420 bonded zone, 9, 11, 104–5, 287, 313–14 Batam Municipality, 106, 109, 121 “Bonded Zone Plus”, 314 Batam Polytechnic, 93 Bond of Batak Families (Ikatan Keluarga Batam Shipyard and Offshore Association Batak), 407 (BSOA), 49–50 Bond of Bintan Tapanuli Families, see IKTB Batam Singapore Cable System, 94 Bond of Riau Islands Tapanuli Families, Batam Wastewater Investment Master Plan, see IKTK 328 Booth, Anne, 179 BatamIndo Industrial Park, 41, 89, 314, 319 BP3KP (Badan Pekerja Pembentukan Bataviaasch Nieuwsblad, newspaper, 163 Provinsi Kepulauan Riau), 195 Bechtel Corporation, 103 BP Batam (Badan Pengusahaan Batam), 15, Being Malay in Indonesia, 345 73, 287, 312, 325, 327–28, 444 Bekasi Industrial Harmony Declaration, BPS (Badan Pusat Statistik), 49, 61, 199, 203 247–48 Brawijaya University, 405 21-J07442 20 The Riau Islands pp455-466.indd 456 28/6/21 9:00 AM Index 457 BRC Lagoi, 70 Colonialism and Its Forms of Knowledge: BSOA (Batam Shipyard and Offshore The British in India, 342 Association), 49–50 Communist Party of Indonesia, see PKI Bugis-centric history, 348–52 community-based tourism, 76, 78, 81 “Bugis colonialism”, 345 Conde Nast Traveller magazine, 73 Bugis-Malay, see Malay-Bugis Confederation of All Indonesian Trade Bugis warrior-prince brothers, 337, 346, Unions, see KSPSI 348–49, 352, 354 Confederation of Prosperous Worker Trade Bugis Youth Assembly of Makassar, Unions, see KSBSI Indonesia (PPBMI), 345 Confederation of Trade Unions of Bukalapak, 95 Indonesia, see KSPI Bukit Ampar Industrial Zone, 319 Confucianism, 415, 424 Bukit Samyong Landfill, 319 Congregation of Protestant Christian Batak, BUMDES (Badan Usaha Milik Desa), 78 see HKBP Congress of Riau People (Kongres Rakyat C Riau), 167, 169 cabotage regulation, 42, 55, 59 Conoco Philips Indonesia, 121 Caltex, 192 corruption, 169, 174, 177, 179, 189, 198–99, Cassia Apartments, 70 206–7, 212, 232, 439 Cell Gonggong Rebus (GR), 299 Cross-Border Region, 13, 435–36, 444–45 Central Statistics Agency, see BPS Culture Preservation Center (BNPB), 400 Cheng Ho mosques, 418 “cut and fill” activities, 312, 322–24, 329, Chevron, 192 331 China-Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Agreement, 108–9 D Chinese community “Daeng”, honorific, 337 business role, 422–23 Daeng Ibrahim, 350 citizenship, and, 424 Daeng M. Yatir, 370 culture, and, 417–20 Daeng Rusnadi, 170, 177–78 history of, in Riau Islands Province, 176, DAK (Dana Alokasi Khusus), 130, 132 347, 368–69, 413–17 DAU (Dana Alokasi Umum), 130 name-changing regulation, and, 425 Day of Kepri Community Pride (Hari political participation, 420–22 Marwah Masyarakat Kepri), 170 Chinese-Indonesian Association (INTI), decentralization reforms, 6, 10, 104, 131, 419–20 158, 169, 178–79, 188–91, 195, 211, Chinese-medium schools, 418–19 217–19, 271, 287, 293, 314–16, 351 Chinese Mooncake Festival, 368 Democrat Party, see PD Chinese Muslim Union (PITI), 418 Department of Air Pollution Control, 315 Chua, Rudy, 421–22 Department of EIA (Environmental Impact Ciputra University, 97 Assessment) Implementation, 315–16, Citramas Group, 90, 92, 108, 422 321 City Sanitation Department, 325 Department of Hazardous and Toxic Wastes “city without slums” programme, 289 Management, 315 Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), Department of Water and Marine Pollution 329 Control, 315 CNN, 71 digital economy, 7, 14, 89–90, 92–93, 95–99, Cohn, Bernard, 342 133, 211, 437, 443, 445 21-J07442 20 The Riau Islands pp455-466.indd 457 28/6/21 9:00 AM 458 Index Digitaraya, 97 Environmental Impact Assessment, Djuanda Declaration, 153–54 see Department of EIA Djuanda Kartawidjaja, 153, 155 environmental regulations, 315–17 domestic direct investment (DDI), 43–44, ethnicity, and provincial elections, 386–87 127–28 European Aviation Safety Agency, 108 domestic tourism, 66 evaluation of the performance of regional DPD (Regional Representative Assembly), governments, annual, see EKPPD 421, 425 Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), 156 DPOD (Dewan Pertimbangan Otonomi Exxon Mobil, 122, 168, 174 Daerah), 195–96 DPRD (Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah), F 193, 195, 225, 407, 421, 425 Facebook, 96–97 DPR (Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat), 196, 420, “Factory Asia” model, 114 425 fatwa, 302–3 DPUD (Destinasi Pariwisata Unggulan FBSI (Federasi Serikat Buruh SeIndonesia), 237, Daerah), 76 242, 244 Drydocks World Graha shipyard, 242 FDI (foreign direct investment), 41, 43–44, Dutch Aggression, 399 98, 125–27, 133, 211, 272, 287, 435 Dutch colonialism, 177 Federal Aviation Agency, 108 Dutch East India Company (VOC), 160, 163, Federal Republic of Riau, 351 394 Federation of Indonesian Metal Workers’ Dutch East Indies, see Netherlands Indies Unions, see FSPMI Dutch maps, 158 Feisal Tanjung, 393 Dutch New Guinea, 153 Fengky Fesinto, 422 Dutch sovereignty, 8, 153 ferry services, 67, 69, 290 Dutch Sumatra, 161–64 fibre-optic network, 174 duty-free, 9, 11, 67–68, 104, 107, 307, 313 Firanda Andirja, 305 fishing device, purse seine, 173 E focus group discussion (FGD), 299 eco-tourism, 73–74, 76, 325 Forestry Law, 80 Ecstasy, drugs, 175 “Free Riau” movement, 351 “Ekopol” (Political Economy), courses, free trade zone (FTZ), 11, 41, 50, 58, 68–69, 243–44, 247, 251 104–9, 132, 156, 168, 287, 294, 314, 321, EKPPD (Evaluasi Kinerja Penyelenggaraan 437–38, 443 Pemerintahan Daerah), 203–6, 208–9 “frontline island”, 157 Election Commission, see KPU FSPMI (Federasi Serikat Pekerja Metal electrical and electronics (E&E) industry, Indonesia), 241–45, 247–49 40–41, 44–48, 51–52, 55–56, 58, 62, 98, fundamentalism, 307 317, 319, 321, 377, 436–37 Emil Salim, 316 G Energy Eco Chain, 90 Gafatar (Gerakan Fajar Nusantara), 303 Engku Puteri Raja Hamidah, 349, 357 Gallant Venture Ltd, 69–70 entertainment tax, 70, 73 Gamawan Fauzi, 130 environmental degradation, 83, 290, 312–13, gambling industry, 67–68 315–17, 330–31, 441 Garda Metal (Metal Battalion), 243–47, 249 Environmental Impact Agency, Garuda, 108 see BAPEDAL General Meeting of the Kepulauan Riau 21-J07442 20 The Riau Islands pp455-466.indd 458 28/6/21 9:00 AM Index 459 Community (Musyawarah Besar Hizbut Tahir Indonesia, 249 Masyarakat
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