2018 CALENDAR OF ITALIAN EVENTS Major events include: special celebrations, festivals and events, art exhibitions, sport events, historical re- enactments, folklore events, Carnivals, new museums and art spaces and more…. NB: information correct at time of publication, January 2018 ART EXIBITIONS ASCOLI PICENO COLA OF AMATRICE – ECCENTRIC PAINTER BETWEEN PINTURICCIO AND RAPHAEL 17 Mar-30 Oct 2018 Museo Civico www.comuneap.gov.it BERGAMO RAFFAELLO AND THE ECHO OF MYTH 27 January 2018- 6 May 2018 GAMeC ( Galleria d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea) www.gamec.it/it/mostre/raffaello-e-leco-del-mito FERRARA STATES OF MIND: ART AND PSYCHE FROM PREVIATI TO BOCCIONI 3 Mar-10 Jun 2018 Palazzo dei Diamanti www.palazzodiamanti.it FLORENCE MONET EXPERIENCE E GLI IMPRESSIONISTI Until 1 May 2018 Chiesa Santo Stefano al Ponte www.monetexperience.it/ STEVE MC CURRY 13 Jun – 6 Sep 2018 Villa Bardini http://www.bardinipeyron.it/ MARINA ABRAMOVIĆ 21 September 2018- 20 January 2019 Palazzo degli Strozzi www.palazzostrozzi.org/mostre/marina-abramovic/ GENOA PABLO PICASSO: MASTERPIECES FROM THE PICASSO MUSEUM IN PARIS Until 6 May 2018 Palazzo Ducale www.palazzoducale.genova.it/pablo-picasso MACERATA “CAPRICE AND NATURE” ART IN LE MARCHE IN THE SECOND HALF OF THE 16TH CENTURY Until 13 May 2018 Palazzo Buonaccorsi www.maceratamusei.it MILAN FRIDA KAHLO 1 February- 3 June 2018 MUDEC Milano www.mudec.it/ita/frida-kahlo-mostra-mudec-milano/ ALBRECHT DÜRER and the Renaissance from Germany to Italy 21 February-24 June 2018 Palazzo Reale www.palazzorealemilano.it MASTERPIECES FROM THE PHILADELPHIA MUSEUM OF ART 8 Mar – 2 Sep 2018 Palazzo Reale www.palazzorealemilano.it BOLDINI. PORTRAIT OF A LADY 16 Mar-17 Jun 2018 GAM Galleria d’Arte Moderna www.gam-milano.com PAUL KLEE AND THE EUROPEAN PRIMITIVISM 26 Sep 2018- 27 Jan 2019 Mudec – Museum of Cultures www.mudec.it CARLO CARRA’ 4 Oct 2018 – 3 Feb 2019 Palazzo Reale www.palazzorealemilano.it PICASSO and THE MYTH 18 Oct 2018- 17 Feb 2019 Palazzo Reale www.palazzorealemilano.it NAPLES DARREN BADER (@MINED_OUD) Until 2 April 2018 MADRE - Museo d’arte contemporanea Donnaregina www.madrenapoli.it/mostre/darren-bader-mined_oud/ TREASURES UNDER THE ASHES Until 31 May 2018 Antiquarium in Pompeii www.pompeiisites.org ROME ARTISTI ALL’OPERA Il Teatro dell’Opera di Roma – from Picasso to Kentridge 1880-2017 Until 11 March 2018 Museo di Roma, Nuovo Spazio Espositivo al I piano www.museodiroma.it/mostre_ed_eventi/mostre/artisti_all_opera THE PINK FLOYD EXHIBITION: THEIR MORTAL REMAINS MACRO Museum Until 1 July 2018 http://www.museomacro.org/en/mostra-evento/pink-floyd-exhibition-their-mortal-remains TRAJAN. BUILDING THE EMPIRE, CREATING EUROPE Until 16 Sep 2018 Marcati di Traiano www.mercatiditraiano.it SORRENTO FRANCIS BACON – FROM THE BARRY JOULE COLLECTION 2 Jun-4 Nov 2018 Villa Fiorentino in Sorrento www.sorrentotourism.com TREVISO ANDY WARHOL SUPERSTAR! Until 1 May 2018 Ca’ dei Carraresi www.artesproduction.com RODIN 24 Feb-3 Jun 2018 Museo Civico di Santa Caterina http://www.lineadombra.it/eng/exhibitions/rodin/rodin-exhibition/rodin-introduction.php VENICE CANOVA, HAYEZ, CICOGNARA Until 2 April 2018 Gallerie dell’Accademia www.gallerieaccademia.org BIENNALE D’ARTE 29 May- 26 November 2018 Various locations www.labiennale.org HOMO FABER – CRAFTING A MORE HUMAN FUTURE 14-30 Sept. 2018 Fondazione Giorgio Cini San Giorgio Maggiore Island www.michelangelofoundation.org/homofaber VICENZA VAN GOGH, between wheat and sky Until 8 April 2018 Basilica Palladiana www.lineadombra.it/ita/mostre/van-gogh/van-gogh-la-mostra/van-gogh-introduzione.php NEW MUSEUMS/RE-OPENINGS/ SPECIAL EVENTS ROSSINI’S 150 ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONS IN PESARO www.turismo.pesarourbino.it The great composer Giocchino Rossini died in Passy,France in 1868 and 2018 there will be special celebrations for the 150th anniversary of his death in his birth place, the city of Pesaro in Le Marche region. Aside a special edition of the Rossini’s Opera Festival there will be other celebrations and initiatives such as the “Rossini Gourmet”, an exhibition “Rossini Experience” in Palazzo Mosca and a “Rossini Night” on 10 June 2018 at the Rossini Theatre, a veritable marathon of theatre, music and dance which will last all night long. PALERMO – ITALIAN CAPITAL OF CULTURE 2018 https://www.facebook.com/palermocapitalecultura/ The city of Palermo has been designated Italian Capital of Culture for 2018, a number of events are programmed for the year and will incluse not only the Sicilian capital but also the nearby Monreale, Cefalu’ and Castelbuono to cover the Arab-Norman itineraries, the district of Bagheria with its architectural treasures, the Guttuso Museum and many more. NATIONAL RAILWAYS MUSEUM IN NAPLES www.museodipietrarsa.it The National Railways Museum, was recently opened in Via Pietrarsa in the district of Portici in Naples. On the 3 October 1839, in the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, Italy’s first railway track was inaugurated, stretching from Naples to Portici, the same route that runs by the museum today. The Museum will appeal to train enthusiasts of all ages and there is the possibility to reach the Museum by train from Naples on the “Pietrarsa Express” making the experience totally immersive. RE-OPENING OF THE PALAZZO DORIA PAMPHILJ IN SAN MARTINO AL CIMINO https://www.facebook.com/palazzodoriapamphilj The aristocratic Palazzo Doria Pamphilj in San Martino al Cimino near Viterbo in Northern Lazio, has been re-opened to the public after extensive restoration work. The Palazzo dates back to the 17th century and belonged to the noble Doria Pamphilj family whose lineage includes also Pope Innocenzo X . The Palazzo now hosts historical re-enactments, food and wine events and music events. COLOSSEUM – 4TH AND 5TH RINGS NOW OPEN TO THE PUBLIC The 4th and 5th rings that form the Colosseum have been re-opened after 40 years after restoration work, they were destined to the middle class and the plebs in ancient Roman times and can now be visited in groups of max 25 people. NEW MUSEUM OF ITALIAN JEWISH HERITAGE AND SHOAH http://www.meisweb.it/museo/ A new Museum of Italian Jewish Heritage and Shoah was recently opened in the city of Ferrara in Emilia Romagna. It is housed in an ex prison, and it extends over more than 1200sqm. Theme of the museum is the rich history of Italian Jews, present in the country for more than 2200 years and its aim is to enhance the knowledge and traditions of the Jewish people and their cuture in Italy. CARNIVALS CARNIVAL OF VENICE Venice – 27 Jan - 13 Feb 2018 www.carnevale.venezia.it During the world’s most famous masked “open city “ party, every corner of Venice flourishes with chances to have fun and becomes a multicoloured series of shows, parades, masks and much more. St Mark’s Square, the true centre of the party, is transformed into a continuous workshop of colours, masks, music and shows hosting Carnival’s traditional events such as “Flight of the Angel” , “Festa delle Marie” and “La Colombina”. Palaces throughout the city host grand masked balls for those who want to immerse themselves in the Serenissima’s festive history. CARNIVAL OF VIAREGGIO Viareggio – 27 Jan – 4,11,13,17 Feb 2018 www.carnevale-viareggio.it The most flamboyant of all the Italian Carnivals, famous for its political satire will hosts the traditional shows of gigantic paper-mache’ figures on colourful floats. See above dates. Other events include: big parties, sports events, slang theatre show, food stalls etc. CARNIVAL OF CENTO Cento in Emilia-Romagna, 28 Jan – 4, 11,18, 25 Feb 2018 www.carnevalecento.com The most extravagant Carnival in Europe is twinned with the Brazilian Carnival for the style of its allegorical floats, the beautiful costumes and for the riotous fun. Cento is a town near Ferrara in Emilia-Romagna and it will host many famous guest stars for the world of culture, sport, entertainment as well as beautiful floats in papier-mache’. HISTORIC CARNIVAL OF IVREA Ivrea - Piedmont 28 Jan – 4,8,10-14 Feb 2018 http://www.storicocarnevaleivrea.it/ Traditional sounds of pipe and drum bands open the festival that sees the most spectacular event of the famous Battle of the Oranges (11-13 Feb). Undoubtedly, this is the most spectacular event of the festivities representing the fight for liberty, the symbol of the Ivrea Carnival. The orange battle is an incredible cultural and goliardic heritage putting the festival on a national and international level. CARNIVAL OF FANO Fano in the Marche Region, 28 Jan – 4, 11 Feb 2018 www.carnevaledifano.com After the Ivrea Carnival, the Fano Carnival is the oldest in Italy, allegorical floats and masks, masquerades, shows and fireworks all form part of it. What makes the Fano Carnival special is the launch of tons of sweets from the floats to the crowds of spectators and the special music accompanying the Carvival, the Arabita music played with musical instruments and various other objects. FESTIVALS AND OTHER CULTURAL EVENTS THE SANREMO “FESTIVAL DELLA CANZONE ITALIANA” Sanremo, Liguria From 6-10 February 2018 www.sanremo.rai.it The Festival of the Italian song, also known as Festival di Sanremo, was born in 1951. Nowadays it is held in the Ariston Theatre of Sanremo. It is essentially a contest in which different singers propose original songs, composed by Italian authors, which are voted by a jury and by the public. An iconic event in the Italian modern music scene, the winner represents Italy at the Eurovision Song Contest. VERONA IN LOVE Verona – 14-18 February 2018 www.veronainlove.it Verona in Love is the event dedicated to Love and to Lovers; the event takes place in the main squares of the city and it is a tribute to San Valentine and to the Shakespearian tragedy of Romeo and Juliet.
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