THE AVIAI'IOH HISTURICAL SOCIETY OF AUSTRALIA JOUEIiAL VOL. II lo, 2 FEBRUARY 1961 MOEEHLY BOTES On 26,2.61, New Zealand's Minister for Transport, J,1. McAlpine, arrived in Australia for talks on a Ministerial level with Australia's Minister for Civil A-viation, Senator F'altridge, on the future ownership of Tasman Empire Airways Ltd, The Australian Government owns 50^ of the shares in TEAL hut appears to be willing to sell the shares to the lew Zealand Government if the latter wishes to pursue the announced policy of its pre­ decessor of developing TEilL as the coxmtry's national overseas airline ^vith routes to the U.S.A, and elsewhere. However, Mr, McAlpine said recently, "Contimed partnership for the time being might be advantageous to both countries in the short term". On 13,2,61, the new chairman of BOAC, Rear-Admiral Sir Matthew Slattery, arrived in Sydney on a round-the-'woi'ld visit to study his company's operations. He stated that the airline would start a regular non-stop London-Los Angeles service on 2,3,61 T/ith BuEIlIG 707-436 Intercontinental aircraft, and that they hoped to extend the route to Hew Zealand and Australia, When the South Facific service started, BOAC would operate a "pool" system with TEAL and Qantas similar to that which already operates on the Kangaroo route. Sir Matthew denied that BOAC intended to buy shares in TEAL, In mid-February, a FAIRCHILD FEIEHDSHIP crash-landed in the U.S.A, due to a fractured pivot bolt in the undercarriage, and Fokker advised all operators of this aircraft to examine the bolts on their aircraft. On 20,2,61, all FEIEHDSHIPS in Australia were grounded for inspection and defective bolts were replaced on three aircraft. All FEIEHDSHIPS of T.A.A,, Ansett-AHA, and Airlines of H»S®W, were returned to sexnrice within tiyenty-four hours. On 26.2.61, LOCKHEED ELfiCTEA VH-TLA returned to Australia from Burbank, California, after modification to the wings and engine mountings (.see page 1,93), However, until all three of TAA's ELECTEAS have been modified, this aircra-ft will be restricted to the maximum allowable speed of 335 mph of the unmodified ELECTEAS, With this arrangement, TAA can operate the scheduled services with standard flight times irrespective of the ELECTEA actually used and DCA can be sure th8,t an unmod­ ified ELECTEA does not exceed the maximum allowable speed. The two PIAGGIU P,166's which will be delivered to Mandated Airlines (see page II,E) have been allotted registrations VH-GOA and GUB, - lu - Un 15»2»61, at 12*10 pm, the VICTA E-2 prototype made its first flight at EAl Air Station, Schofields, near Sydney* The test pilot was Fit* Lieut* Ee Green who was on leave froDi the EAiiF, The aircraft is registered l/H-MYE in honour of M.V* Eichardson, founder and chairman of Victa Consolidated Industries, and it has a natural metal finish with red trim lines. By 18,2,61, the aircraft had completed 3U minutes' test flying. The VICTA AIE TOUEEE returned to Australia on ,18th,- Feibxuary.?after a successful demonstration tour of Lew Zealand, The aircraft was assembled at Eongotai, Wellington, by De Havilland on 16th/l7th, January and floTO to Auckland on 18th® A tour of the Northland was made on 20th, and the AIE TOUEEE gave its first public demonstration in Hew Zealand at the AucldLand Aero Club's Fageant on 21st, After an impressive aerobatic display, it won an air race. On 22nd» it visited Hamilton, 24th/25th, Hastings and Rotorua, 26th/27th, Stratford, and returned to Eongotai in early February, On 3rd/4th, it ms evaluated by Canterbury Aero Club at Christchurch and was later demonstrated at Timaru and Dunedin, It appears probable that a sales and service centre will be established at Ardmore for Nevr Zealand-registered AIE TOUREES, Contrary to the report that this prototype, VH-FMH, %TOuld have metal wings fitted (see page II,s), it has now been established that the company does not intend to make this modification now. The all-metal wings will make their appearance on the first production aircraft. 28,2,61, R. Flocldiart, a Scottish racing driver, left Sydney Airport at daybreak-to tiy to break the %dney-London solo record, He hoped to cut 40 hours off the record of 125 hours 21 minutes established by J, Broadbent \irith a PEECIVAL GULL in 1938, Flockhart is using CAC MUSTANG F,20 G-ARKD which was previously VH-BVM, The aircraft is painted red and carries two white tip-tanks s and the hajiie "Rolls Eoyce Mustang 20" is painted on the fonmrd fuselage® Flying at 12500 feet at an average speed of 260 kaots, he arrived at Darwin about eight hours after leaving Sydney and was greeted by several hundred people. He intended to leave for Sourabaya early next morning. The whole flight to London was to be made during hours of daylight only if possible. Other aircraft which were, noted at Coff s Harboiir on 29,1,61 after the mass flight by light aircraft (see page 11,3) were j- BEECH BONANZA BBC DHC CHIPMUNK FTA, ICC, ESP, ESQ CESSNA 150 ESI, EFK FOIUiER FRIENDSHIP FNC 172 ESL PIPER GOIAHCHE ESX 182 BCE PIPER TRI-PACER ESI, ESU, ESW 310B ESI At present, the Aero Club of Southern Tasmania has advertised its whole fleet of DHC CHIPMUNKS (TO-BSM, BSU, BSV) for sale. The club intends to replace them with VICTA AIE TOUEEES, On 18.2.61, the third YEuMN CRUPMASTEE, 250.,. VH-GXH, ^ms delivered to Hazair Agricultural Services at Orange, l.S.W. The aircraft made its first flight on 17,2,61 and had 41 minutes flying time at delivery Colour abheme isc black^ and white. - 11 - A BEAHTLY B,£ helicopter (c/n 6l) is being assembled at Banksto¥m« Colour scheme is yellow and white* A record shipment of 37 GESSIA aircraft arrived at Bankstown in late February, The batch consisted of seven 150*ten 172's, two Sbyhawks^ two 175'sj one Skylark^ three ISu'sj, four 182's* two Skylanes and six 210's. On 13,2,61, the DASSAULT MIEAGE III fitted with a Rolls Eoyoe Mron 67 made its first flight - three weeks ahead of schedule. Within a,' week, it exceeded Mach 2 on its fifth flight. On 28*2,60, the Minister for Defence, Mr, Townley, amiouncing the successful test flights, also said that this machine had been named "City of Hobart", Yfhen the general manager of Dassault was in Australia recently, he had asked for a good luck token for the aircraft and Mr, Townley, a Hobart man, replied "Just call it City of Hobart and I'm sure it will exceed all your expectations". A photograph sho¥irs the name painted on the nose below the aircraft's designation, MIRAGE III 0 nl. Small RAAF roundels (kangaroo type) are painted on the sides of the engine intakes. ,r.j It appears from reports that the designation MIEAGE III 0 will apply to the RAAF's aircraft and that this MIEAGE with the Avon engine is regarded as the first aircraft for the RAAF. On llo2,61, the first DHC-S OTTER for the Department of Supply ims noted at Bankstown, Serial number is A100-.392 and the colour scheme is all-white* As part of the celebrations of the Royal Australian Havy's 50th, jubilee year, the flagship of the fleet, Hl/IAS Melbourne, and several smaller ships visited Melbourne from Sth* to 13th® February, and then visited Perth before sailing for Asian waters in late February, On 2*2*61, three USAF aircraft of Operation Talking Bird arrived at RAAF Station, Richmond, NSW, from Darfirin, The aircraft left their base in North Carolina on 5,1,61 on a 45-day, 40000-mile operation to test direct voice and teletype contact with the USAF command post in the Pentagon and with other USAF bases throughout the world. The test is expected to lead to improved air­ craft control when providing emergency airlift to disaster-stricken areas* A modified BOEING C~97E (AF 10224) carries nearly £150^000 worth of test gear and two LOCEHEED C-130 HERCULES (AF 80720 and 8073l) are supporting aircraft. An unusual visitor to Sydney Airport on 31*1,61 and to Melbourne Airport on 5th® March was DOUGLiiS DC-4 with the identification NASA. 231® Operated by Bendix Aviation Corp,, it was apparently visiting Australia in connection with the Project Mercuzy tracking stations at Muchea, W.A,, and Woomera, S,A, Contributions to this month's Notes have been laade by E, Allen, I, Boughton, J, Hopton, R, Lean, P® Ricketts, B, Thorpe, K, Weeding, and The Aviation Historical Society of New Zealand. 12 - "THE SUI" AIR TRIAL In conjunction with the International Air Pageant at A-valon airfield, a Melbourne newspaper, "Sun-News Pictorial", sponsored a three-day air navigation and reliability trial over a course in Victoria, Total prize money for the Trial was £1000 and the competitors flew over the following route (/ denotes a re­ fuelling point)y Friday, 24th» February ; Moorabbin-Portsea-Yarreim-West Sale^-Warragul-Moorabbin Saturday, 25th9 February: ltioorabbin-B,enalla-iran,garatta/-Shepparton-Echuca- Swan Hill-MilduraP Sunday, 26th, February s Mildura-Warracloaabealr-Port Fairy-Warrnamboolr-Colac- Geelong-Avalon Aircraft which were used by competitors were:- AUSTER III MODEL F BOQ DHC CHIBIUNK RVK, RVS, RVT, R¥Y CAC lACKEIT TRAnJER AKF DH TIGER MOTH ABB CESSNA 172 BAZ MILES MESSENGER AVQ 172B EGT PEECIVAL PROCTOR I BOB 175 RGI, ICM PROCTOR 3 BEG, BPR 175A RGZ PROCTOR 5‘ ALE, BJY, BSH 180A DIM PIPER TEIPACER MOM, EVA, lAG 182 BCl, FSF, RET RYAN ST AGD 210 ELS The prizes were presented to the Virinners by Air Marshal Sir.
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