Tasty Congee & Noodle Wantun Shop

Tasty Congee & Noodle Wantun Shop

Tasty Congee & Noodle Wantun Shop 雲吞麵的傳說 究竟雲吞麵是如何發展而成為廣府人最 受歡迎的食品呢?其中過程真是令人回 味。相傳雲吞麵是從湖南一種民間小食 ──白肉餛飩加水麵條蛻變而成。輾轉 經過一班上京赴考的秀才傳至廣東。後 人不斷改良,竟能將之發揚光大。「餛 飩」一詞更叫成「雲吞」,將食態、形 態互相配合,使之更活潑傳神,令人食 意大增,垂涎三尺。 經過長時間的研究改良,麵條由水麵條 演變成今日香爽軟滑的全蛋麵。昔日的 打麵師父非常注重感覺,從開麵塘、搓 粉、埋舊、坐昇、車麵、切麵,都以人 手制作,一絲不苟,給予麵條無比的生 命力,所以得到所有食客的尊重和欣 賞。非現今之粗製濫造,只求量不求 質可比。雲吞餡需用河蝦和半肥半瘦豬 肉,爽得宜,缺一不可。湯底是用大地 魚、豬骨、蝦籽經長時間熬成,香濃味 美,令人尋味再三。雲吞麵能成為廣府 民間美食並不倖至。 正 斗 美 107. 原汁柱侯牛腩麵 $68 饌 Noodles in Soup with Chu-Hau Brisket of Beef 408. 香油條腸粉(炸兩) $52 815. 流汁叉燒包 $44 Rice Noodle Rolls Filled with Twisted Cruller Steam Honey Glazed BBQ Pork Buns Top 10 with Saucy Filling Dishes 108. 巧製南乳豬手麵 $68 Noodles in Soup with Pork Knuckle in Red Bean Cheese 338. 羊城荔灣艇仔粥 $70 701. 干炒牛河 $126 Assorted Meat Congee in Guangzhou Style Stir-fried Rice Noodles with Beef 101. 102. 正斗鮮蝦雲吞麵 206. 京都香辣炸醬撈麵 $82 801. 晶瑩鮮蝦餃 $48 716. 揚州炒飯 $126 (小/S)(小/S) (小(大/L)/L) Noodles with Spicy Shredded Pork in Soy Bean Paste Steam Shrimp Dumplings Fried Rice in Yangzhou Style $48 $64 茶位8元 Tea Setting $8 圖片只作參考 加一服務小費 4 10 % Service Charge Photos are for reference only 5 101. 102. 正斗鮮蝦雲吞麵 (小/S)$48 House Specialty Wonton Noodles in Soup (大/L) 蝦 入りワン 麺 $64 湯 103. 正斗魚翅水餃麵 $68 Noodles in Soup with Shark’s Fin, Dried Scallops & Shrimp Dumplings 湯 干し貝柱フカヒレと水餃子タン麺 麵 麵 104. 瑤柱魚翅淨水餃 $70 Shark’s Fin, Dried Scallops & Shrimp Dumplings in Soup 干し貝柱フカヒレと水餃子 類 105. 正斗鮮蝦淨雲吞 $66 Noodles in Soup House Specialty Wonton in Soup Noodles 蝦入りワンタン 106. 鴛鴦淨雲吞水餃 $72 House Specialty Wonton & Shrimp Dumpling in Soup ワンタン、水餃子の盛り合わせ 107. 原汁柱侯牛腩麵 $68 Noodles in Soup with Chu-Hau Brisket of Beef 牛バラ肉入り麺 108. 巧製南乳豬手麵 $68 Noodles in Soup with Pork Knuckle in Red Bean Cheese 豚足の煮こみ入り麺 109. 香辣京都炸醬麵 $64 Noodles with Spicy Shredded Pork in Soy Bean Paste 甘辛味噌の豚炒め入り麺 110. 爽脆鮮豬膶湯麵 $75 Noodles in Soup with Pork Liver 豚レバー入り麺 111. 白灼鮮牛肉湯麵 $72 Noodles in Soup with Beef 新鮮牛肉入り麺 101. 102. 正斗鮮蝦雲吞麵 (小/S) $48 (大/L) $64 House Specialty Wonton Noodles in Soup 茶位8元 Tea Setting $8 圖片只作參考 加一服務小費 6 10 % Service Charge Photos are for reference only 7 112. 甫魚上湯伊府麵 $63 E-Fu Noodles in Soup with Chopped Dried Fish 魚入り伊府麺 113. 蜜汁叉燒伊府麵 $75 E-Fu Noodles in Soup with Barbecued Pork 湯 チャーシュ-入り伊府麺 麵 114. 上湯銀絲正斗麵 $44 107. 原汁柱侯牛腩麵 $68 Noodles in Soup Noodles in Soup with Chu-Hau Brisket of Beef 特製スープ細麺 類 115. 上湯菜薳正斗麵 $48 Noodles in Soup Noodles in Soup with Vegetable Stalks 特製スープ野菜入りスープ麺 116. 雙拼湯麵 $88 Noodles in Soup with 2 selections お好みスープ麺(2種トシピソグ) 117. 三拼湯麵 $118 111. 白灼鮮牛肉湯麵 $72 110. 爽脆鮮豬膶湯麵 $75 Noodles in Soup with 3 selections Noodles in Soup with Beef Noodles in Soup with Pork Liver お好みスープ麺(3種トシピソグ) 可加選配 : 雲吞、水餃、牛肉、牛腩、叉燒、炸醬、 豬手、 豬膶、豬腰 Extra Selection: Shrimp Wonton / Shrimp Dumpling / Sliced Beef / Beef Brisket / BBQ Pork / Hot & Sour Minced Pork / Pork Knuckle / Pork Liver / Pork Kidney ドッ ピ ン グ : エ ビ ワ ン タ ン 、水 餃 子 、牛 肉 、牛 バ ラ 、チ ャ ー シ ュ ー 、肉 味噌、豚 足 、豚 レ バ ー 、ぶたマメ 可轉河粉、米粉或(伊麵需另加$5) Can free change to Rice Noodles (Change to E-Fu Noodles +$5) 米粉の麺にも変更出来ます。(伊府麺(卵入リ乾麺)への変更はプラス5ドルで出来ます) 茶位8元 Tea Setting 巧製南乳豬手麵 $8 圖片只作參考 108. $68 加一服務小費 8 Noodles in Soup with Pork Knuckle in Red Bean Cheese 10 % Service Charge Photos are for reference only 9 201. 薑蔥撈銀絲幼麵 $66 Noodles with Ginger & Spring Onions 生姜とねぎ入り麺 202. 原塘鮮蠔油撈麵 $66 House Specialty Noodles with Oyster Sauce 撈 撈 オイスターソースかけ麺 203. 翠綠郊外油菜撈麵 $68 麵 Noodles with Seasonal Vegetables 麵 ゆで野菜つき麺 類 204. 正斗鮮蝦雲吞撈麵 $82 House Specialty Wonton Noodles Noodles 類 ワンタン付き麺 205. 瑤柱魚翅水餃撈麵 $86 Noodles with Shark’s Fin, Dried Scallops & Shrimp Dumplings 干し貝柱フカヒレと水餃子付き麺 Noodles 206. 京都香辣炸醬撈麵 $82 Noodles with Spicy Shredded Pork in Soy Bean Paste 甘辛味噌味の豚炒め付き麺 207. 柱侯靚牛腩撈麵 $85 Noodles with Chu-Hau Beef Brisket 牛バラ肉付き麺 208. 巧製南乳豬手撈麵 $85 Noodles with Pork Knuckle in Red Bean Cheese 豚足の煮こみ付き麺 209. 鮮蠔油叉燒撈麵 $85 Noodles with Barbecued Pork & Oyster Sauce オイスターソースかけチャーシュー付き麺 210. 斗門靚蝦子撈麵 $85 House Specialty Shrimp Roe Noodles 蝦の卵の麺 211. 蠔油鮮牛肉撈麵 $85 Noodles with Sliced Beef & Oyster Sauce オイスターソースかけ新鮮牛肉付き麺 204. 正斗鮮蝦雲吞撈麵 $82 House Specialty Wonton Noodles 茶位8元 Tea Setting $8 圖片只作參考 加一服務小費 10 10 % Service Charge Photos are for reference only 11 212. 爽脆鮮豬膶撈麵 $85 Noodles with Pork Liver 新鮮豚レバーき麺 213. 薑葱鮮腰膶撈麵 $98 Noodles with Pork Kidney, Liver, Ginger & Spring Onions 撈 生姜とねぎの豚マメと豚レバーき麺 214. 薑葱雲吞撈麵 $82 麵 House Specialty Wonton Noodles with Ginger & Spring Onions 206. 京都香辣炸醬撈麵 $82 208. 巧製南乳豬手撈麵 $85 生姜とねぎ入りワンタン麺 類 Noodles with Spicy Shredded Pork in Soy Bean Paste Noodles with Pork Knuckle in Red Bean Cheese 215. 薑葱瑤柱魚翅水餃撈麵 $86 Noodles Noodles with Shark’s Fin, Dried Scallops & Shrimp Dumplings, Ginger & Spring Onions 干し貝柱フカヒレと生姜と葱入り水餃子麺 216. 瑤柱魚翅水餃拼雲吞撈麵 $98 House Specialty Wonton with Shark’s Fin, Dried Scallops & Shrimp Dumplings Noodles 干し貝柱フカヒレとワンタンと水餃子麺 217. 翠綠郊外蠔油菜 $55 Seasonal Vegetables with Oyster Sauce 湯で野菜のオイスターソースがけ 218. 上湯翠綠浸油菜 $65 Seasonal Vegetables in Soup ゆで野菜 207. 柱侯靚牛腩撈麵 $85 Noodles with Chu-Hau Beef Brisket 223. 雙拼撈麵 $98 Noodles in Soup with 2 selections お 好 み麺(2種トシピソグ) 雙拼可選 : 雲吞、水餃、牛肉、牛腩、叉燒、炸醬、豬手、 豬膶、豬腰 Select from: Shrimp Wonton/ Shrimp Dumpling/ Sliced Beef/ Beef Brisket/ BBQ Pork/ Hot & Sour Minced Pork/ Pork Knuckle/ Pork Liver/ Pork Kidney ドッピング: エビワンタン、水餃子、牛肉、牛バラ、チャーシュー、肉味噌、 豚足、豚レバー、ぶたマメ 212. 爽脆鮮豬膶撈麵 $85 211. 蠔油鮮牛肉撈麵 $85 茶位8元 Tea Setting Noodles with Pork Liver Noodles with Sliced Beef & Oyster Sauce $8 圖片只作參考 加一服務小費 12 10 % Service Charge Photos are for reference only 13 301. 美味鮑魚大蝦粥 $358 Abalone & Prawn Congee あわびと車海老入り粥 302. 巧制鮑魚滑雞粥 $228 Abalone & Chicken Congee 粥 粥 あわびと鶏肉入り粥 304. 生猛斗門大蝦粥 $208 類 Fresh Prawn Congee Congee 類 新鮮車海老入り粥 306. 遠年陳皮泥鯭粥 $95 Spinefoot with Dried Tangerine Peel Congee 干しみかんの皮と魚の粥 Congee 307. 家鄉生劏田雞粥 $86 Field Frog Congee 田舎風食用カエルの粥 308. 鴛鴦田雞滑雞粥 $98 Field Frog & Chicken Congee 鶏と食用カエルの粥 309. 薑葱汁爆魚腩粥 $90 Fish Briskets Congee with Ginger & Spring Onions 魚の浮き袋の粥 310. 薑葱生滾魚雲粥 $90 Fish Heads Congee with Ginger & Spring Onions 魚のかしらの粥 311. 正斗生腸及第粥 $72 Pork Meatballs & Pork Innards Congee 豚內藏と肉団子の粥 301. 美味鮑魚大蝦粥 $358 Abalone & Prawn Congee 茶位8元 Tea Setting $8 圖片只作參考 加一服務小費 14 10 % Service Charge Photos are for reference only 15 338. 羊城荔灣艇仔粥 $70 Assorted Meat Congee in Guangzhou Style 魚の浮き袋と豚肉、ピーナッツ入り粥 340. 順德佬鯪魚球粥 $70 Minced Fish Balls Congee 粥 順德式魚団子の粥 341. 明火瑤柱米王粥 $33 類 House Made Plain Congee with Dried Scallops Congee 干し貝柱の粥 353. 鮑魚雞三絲粥 $188 Sliced Abalone, Chicken & Pork Congee アワビと鶏のお粥 365. 北菇滑雞粥 $88 Chicken & Mushroom Congee シイタケと鶏肉の粥 367. 雙拼粥 $72 Congee with 2 Selections 367. 雙拼粥 $72 Congee with 2 Selections お好み粥(2種トシピソグ) 368. 三拼粥 $95 Congee with 3 Selections 340. 順德佬鯪魚球粥 $70 お好み粥(3種トシピソグ) Minced Fish Balls Congee 可選 : 魚片、牛肉、肉丸、咸瘦肉、雞蛋、 皮蛋、 豬膶、豬腰、豬肚、生腸 Select from: Sliced Fish / Sliced Beef / Meatballs / Salted Lean Pork / Egg / Century Egg / Pork Liver / Pork Kidney / Pork Bladder or Pork Intestines ドッピング: 魚、牛肉、肉団子、塩漬け豚肉、卵、ピータン、豚レバー、ぶたマメ、豚 ベ ッ シ ー 、豚 ヒ モ 茶位8元 Tea Setting 368. 三拼粥 $95 正斗生腸及第粥 $8 圖片只作參考 311. $72 加一服務小費 16 Congee with 3 Selections Pork Meatballs & Pork Innards Congee 10 % Service Charge Photos are for reference only 17 701. 干炒牛河 $126 Stir-fried Rice Noodles with Beef 牛肉入りきしめん炒め 702. 菜薳牛河 $126 Rice Noodles with Vegetable Stalks and Beef 炒 野菜と肉入りきしめん炒め 炒 703. 豉椒牛河 $126 Rice Noodles with Beef in Black Bean & Pepper Sauce 粉 粉 中国風牛肉入りきしめん炒め 704. 豉油皇炒麵 $126 麵 Stir-fried Noodles with Soy Sauce 醤油味やきそば 類 面 705. 銀芽肉絲炒麵 $126 Stir-fried Noodles with Shredded Pork & Bean Sprouts Fried Noodles 豚肉ともやしのやきそば 類 706. 雪菜肉絲炆米 $126 Braised Rice Vermicelli with Potherb Mustard and Shredded Pork 高菜と豚肉のビーフン 707. 福州炒米 $126 Stir-fried Rice Vermicelli in Fuzhou Style Fried 福建風やきビーフン 708. 星洲炒米 $126 Noodles Stir-fried Rice Vermicelli in Singapore Style シンガポール風やきビーフン 709. 滑蛋蝦仁炒河 $158 Stir-fried Rice Noodles with Shrimp & Scrambled Egg 蝦と卵入りきしめん炒め 710. 滑蛋鯇魚片炒河 $126 Stir-fried Rice Noodles with Grass Carp Slices & Scrambled Egg 草魚の切り身入りきしめん炒め 711. 滑蛋蝦仁帶子炒河 $172 Stir-fried Rice Noodles with Scallop & Shrimp & Scrambled Egg 蝦と貝柱入りきしめん炒め 701. 干炒牛河 $126 Stir-fried Rice Noodles with Beef 茶位8元 Tea Setting $8 圖片只作參考 加一服務小費 18 10 % Service Charge Photos are for reference only 19 712. 干燒伊麵 $118 Braised Vegetarian E-Fu Noodles 特製卵麺炒め 716. 揚州炒飯 $126 Fried Rice in Yangzhou Style 炒 揚州チャーハン 725. 福州炒飯 $162 粉 Fried Rice in Fuzhou Style 福建チャーハン 726. 菜薳牛肉飯 $126 麵 Rice with Beef and Vegetable Stalks ゆで野菜と牛肉添えご飯 類 727. 窩蛋牛肉飯 $126 Fried Noodles Rice with Beef and Raw Egg 705. 銀芽肉絲炒麵 $126 生卵と牛肉添えご飯 Stir-fried Noodles with Shredded Pork & Bean Sprouts 728. 叉燒煎蛋飯 $126 Rice with Barbecued Pork and Fried Egg チャーシューと目玉焼添えご飯 729. 菜薳牛腩飯 $126 Rice with Beef Brisket and Vegetable Stalks ゆで野菜と牛バラ肉添えご飯 730. 滑蛋蝦仁飯 $162 Rice with Shrimps and Scrambled Egg 蝦入り卵炒め添えご飯 731. 滑蛋蝦仁炒飯 $172 Fried Rice with Shrimps & Scrambled Egg 蝦と卵入りチャーハン 704. 豉油皇炒麵 $126 733. 咸魚雞粒炒飯 $148 Fried Rice with Salted Fish & Diced Chicken Stir-fried Noodles with Soy Sauce 魚の塩漬けと鶏のチャーハン 514. 白飯 $24 Rice 御飯 茶位8元 Tea Setting $8 716. 揚州炒飯 $126 星洲炒米 圖片只作參考 20 708. $126 加一服務小費 10 % Service Charge 21 Fried Rice in Yangzhou Style Stir-fried Rice Vermicelli in Singapore Style Photos are for reference only 801. 晶瑩鮮蝦餃 $48 Steam Shrimp Dumplings エビ蒸し餃子 815. 流汁叉燒包 $44 Steam Honey Glazed BBQ Pork Buns with Saucy Filling 點 點 チャーシュー肉マン 817. 蟹子棉花雞 $45 Steam Chicken Pieces, Maw & Mushrooms 心 心 鶏と蟹の卵と魚の胃の蒸し物 819. 翡翠菜苗餃 $45 類 Shrimp & Baby Shoots Dumplings 顃 エビと野菜の餃子 Dim Sum 826. 安蝦咸水角 $42 Crispy Glutinous Flour Dumplings 五目餡入りもちもち揚げ餃子 829. 豉汁蒸鳳爪 $45 Steam Chicken Feet with Black Bean Sauces Dim 鶏足(もみじ)の醤油煮込め Sum 832. 陳皮牛肉球 $45 Steam Beef Ball with Tangerine Peel 牛肉ボールのオレンジ風味蒸し 834. 香軟馬拉盞 $42 Steamed Cantonese Sponge Cake 中華風蒸しケーキ 835.

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