277 NEW ZEALAND. QUA.DRAGESIMO SEOUNDO VIOTORllE REG·INJEJ. N'o. 47. *********************************************************** ANALYSIS. 10. Agreement with Borough of Ross. Title. 11. Council of borough may enter into agreement. Address. 12. Payment may be made to contractor. 1. Short Title. 13. As to security. 2. Grant of £2,910,921 3s. 'i'd. 14. In case of default} moneys may be deducted 3. Appropriations. from subsidies or other moneys. 4. Loans to local govel'ning bodies. Proviso. 15. Moneys appropriated to works may be paid in 5. Issue to temporar.y general account. Proviso. terms agreed upon. 6. Powel' to alter votes. Unauthorized expendi- 16. Minister for Education may authorize entry ture. into contracts for £100,000 in addition to 7. Indemnity. amount appropriated. 8. Repeal of sections 9, 10, 11, and 12 of "The 17. Appropriation for railways authorized. Immigration and Public WOI'ks Act, 1877." Schedules. 9. Construction of Mikonui Water-race. AN ACT to appropriate certain Sums of Money for the 'Title. purposes of Immigration and Public Works. [2nd November, 1878.J OS1' GltACIOUS SOVEREIGN,-""\Vhereas by the several.c'tcts Addl'ei>s. M'.. of the General Assenlbly mentioned' in the First Schedule to this Act certain sums of money, alnounting in the ,vhole to the sum of thirteen nlillions seven hundred thousand pounds, have been ~uthorized to be raised by loan; and by the said Acts, and by the several Acts mentioned in the Second Schedule to this Act, various sums of the moneys so to be raised have been authorized to be issued and applied to the several works and services. mentioned in the said Acts and the Schedules thereto; and various sunlS of Inoney, alTIOunt. ing in the whole to the sum of twelve millions and thirty-eight thousand five hundred and twelve pounds eighteen shillings ,and one penny, have been so issued and applied a.s in the third column of the 27 8 No. 47. 42 0 VICtORIJE. A.D. 1878. Immigration and Public Works Appropriation. Third Schedule to this Act set forth: And whereas it is expedient that a portion of the unexpended balance of the moneys so authorized to be raised, together with other moneys in the Fourth Schedule mentioned, should be appropriated for carrying on the said works and services: We, Your Majesty's most dutiful and loyal subjects, the House of Representatives of New Zealand, in Parliament assembled, have re­ solved to grant unto Your Majesty, towards making good t~e Supply which we have cheerfully granted to Your Majesty in this session of Parliament, the sums hereinafter mentioned, and do therefore most humbly beseech Your Majesty that it may be enacted, and BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly of New Zealand In Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows :- Short Title. 1. This Act shall be called "The Immigration and Public Works Appropriation Act, 1878," and shall be deemed to have been in opera­ tion on and after the first day of July, one. thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight. Grant of £2910 921 2. Towards defraying the expenses hereinafter mentioned, the SSe 7d. " Colonial Treasurer may issue and apply any sum or sums of money not exceeding in the whole the sum of two millions nine hundred and ten thousand nine hundred and twenty-one pounds three shillings and sevenpence·out of the several Ways and Means mentioned in the Fourth Schedule to this Act. Appropriations. 3. All sums so issued shall be applied, as mentioned in the several votes set forth in the Fifth Schedule to this Act, towards defraying so much of the expenses incurred or to be incurred in the several works and services in the said Schedule mentioned as shall come in the course of payment during the financial year ending the thirtieth day of June, one thousand· eight hundred and seventy-nine, and to no ... other purpose whatsoever. Loans to loeal 4. The sum of fifty thousand pounds appropriated in the Fifth governing bodies. Schedule "For loans to be made to local governing bodies to enable them to repair damages caused by the recent floods" may be lent in such sums and to such local governing bodies as the Minister fot Public Works may determine, and on such terms and conditions as may be agreed on between the Minister for Public Works and the Proviso. Council or Board of the local body concerned: Provided that in any such terms and conditions it shall, in' addition to any other terms, be expressly stipulated th~t the Sllll! lent shall be repayable by deduction from any moneys payable by the Colonial Treasurer to any such local bodies by instalments extending over a period of not more than five years from the date of issue of the money hereby autllorized. IEsue to temporary 5. Whenever it is not possible to determine at the time of general account. payment to whi-ch particular vote nlentioned in the Fifth Schedule hereto the cost of any material or other expense should be charged, the Colonial Treasurer may notwithstanding issue and pay the same out of the several Ways and Means mentioned in the ]j'ourth Schedule Pi·oviso. hereto: Provided that he shall from time to time carry each such payment to and charge the same against the vote on account of which such payment was made, so soon as the same can be ascertained: Provided also that all such expenditure shall·be included in and shall not be in excess of the total sum hereby authorized to be issued and paid under each vote in the Fifth Schedule mentioned. Power to alter votes. 6. Nothingin this Act shall limit the authority of the Colon.ial U:nautborized expen· Treasurer to issue and pay any moneys which he may be otherwise dlture. authorized to issue and pay under the authority of the thirty-seventh or forty-fourth section of "The Public Revenues Act, 1878." A.D. 1878. 420 VICTORlJE. No. 47. '279 Enrnigration and P'ublic W01~k8 Appropriation. 7. And whereas the Colonial Treasurer has, under the authority Indemnity. of the twelfth section of "The Public Revenues Act, 1877," issued from the Public Account, during the year ending the thirtieth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight, moneys in excess of or without the appropriation of Parliament, arrLOuntihg in the whole to twenty-two thousand and nine pounds and fourteen shillings, and has applied the said sum to the several purposes and services men- tioned in the Sixth Schedule hereto annexed: Be it enacted that the application of the said sum is hereby sanctioned. 8. Sections nine, ten, eleven, and twelve of "'1'he Immigration Repeal of sections and Public Works Appropriation Act, 1877," are hereby repealed. ~, 10, 11, a~d 1~ of · f h . 1 P . I D' 't The Immlgratlon 9 • 'II1e construchon 0 t e water-race In t 1e rOVInCla Istric and Public Works of Westland, known as the Mikonui Water-race, Inay be undertaken Act, 1877." , t Construction of alld comp1et ed b y any JOIn.. t·-8t·koc or 0 th'er Incorpora ed companyesta b.- Mikonui ·Water.race. lished for that purpose, or by any person or persons. 10. Upon obtaining from the Council of the Borough of Rossan Agreementwith undertaking that the third or "tunnel" section of such race, as the Borough of Ro,.. same has been surveyed and approved by the Public Works Department, will be constructed by a company or persons as aforesaid ·without any assistance from or charge upon the colony, the Governor, in the name and on behalf of lIer Majesty, may agree with the said Council that a sum not exceeding twenty thousand pounds shall be contributed towards the construction of the first two sections of such race. , 11. The Council of the Borough of Ross is empowered to enter Council of .Borough into any agreement for the purposes aforesaid, and, under the common ~~~e:;:~.lUto seal of the body corporate which it represents, may execute all necessary deeds or instruments for the purpose of giving effect thereto. 12. Subject to such agreement being made, and after the said Payment maybe third section of the said water-race is constructed, there may be paid made to contractor. to any contractor for the completion of the said race the said sum of twenty thousand pounds. 13. Any such agreement may prescribe what security shall be A" to soourit"•• given to the colony in order to give effect to this Act~ and may provide that any portion of the Borough Fund then in existence, or to accrue for a prescribed period, shall be charged and chargeable with any moneys provided by the colony under this Act. 14. If the said Councilor any other governing body or bodies, as In case of dofaul~, the case may be, shall make default in carrying out any such agree. ~eo;:~~d;~~e ment, the Colonial Treasurer may from time to time deduct all moneys subsidies or other for the time being due to the colony under such agreement from any moneys. subsidies or other moneys payable to such borough or local body or bodies under the authority of this or any other Act of the General Assmnbly. 15. The moneys appropriated by this Act for the construction of Moneys appropriated works and for other purposes may be paid over to such local governing ~~ ;~t:~nmt~m~ bodies as the Minister for Public Works may determine, upon such agreed upon, terms and conditions as shall be agreed upon between the said Minister and any such local governing body, and the Colonial Treasurer shall make all such payments in accordance with any such agreement.
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