LAW OFFICES KAUFFELT 8 KAUFFELT 300 CAPITOL STREET STE 803 JAMES D. KAVFFELT CHARLESTON, WEST VIRGINIA 25301 MAILINC, ADDRESS 0. BOX MARK E. KAUFFELT (304)345- 1272 P. 3082 - CHARLESTON, WV 25331-3082 T D. KAUFFELT June 10,2009 FAX (304)345-1280 OF COUNSEL Sandra Squire Executive Secretary Public Service Commission of WV 201 Brooks Street P.O. Box 812 Charleston, WV 25323 Re: Logan County Public Service District - Upper Little Hearts Creek Water Project Dear Ms. Squire: Enclosed for filing in the above-styled matter is the original and twelve copies of the following: (1) FormNo. 4; (2) Form No. 14; (3) Preliminary Engineering Report for the Proposed Upper Little Hearts Creek Water Project; and (4) Little Upper Harts Creek Water Extension Project Rule 42 Exhibit; Also enclosed is one original of the following: (1) Project Manual; (2) Construction Drawings for Upper Little Hearts Creek Waterline Extension Project; and (3) Design Report. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Very truly yours, MEWmmw Enclosures xc: Logan County PSD 02 47 02 p 06-1 0-2009 12 304 946 2645 LOGAN COUNTY PSD LOGAN COUNTY PSD in 2 Form No. 4 APPLICATION FOR A CERT’IFTCATEOF CONVENIENCE AND NRCESSfn State of West Virginia Public Service Cammiksion Charleston Case No, Application of Logan Cowty Public Service District for a certificate of convenjenco and necessity to construct improvements to jts water system, ncar upper Ljttle Hearts Creek in the County of Logan. Comes now the above-namcd Logan County Public Smite District, the petitioner herein, and respectfully show the Commission as follows: 1, Thnt the name and address of the pcdtioner is Logan County Public Service Disrrict, P.O. Box 506. Logan, WV256Qt. 2. That the applicant pmposes to construct additions and improvements to its existing water distribution system, to furnish water to approximately 97 CUStOmerS in Lincoln County commtmitia$ of Little Hearts Creek, Harvey Fork, Mudtick Branch, Gaitin Fork and Laurel Fork. 3. Service is not now rendered by an existing utility, oorpor;rtivn or person, 4. Attached hereto is a copy of the effective charter of incorporation of the applicant. (If charter has horntofore been filed, state style and easc number; if appljcant is a municipdity, give citation to legislative or governmental act where charter may be found.) 5, A cartificate should be issued for the foIlowhg rcmms: Ta provide safe, potable water for 97 custmcrb in the communities of Little Hearts Crcck, Harvey Fork, Mudlick Branch, Gnrtin Fork and Laurel Fork. NOTE; This application must be accompanied by information required by Rule 42. Water and Sewer utilities must include information required by thc Chcckljst set forth in Rule 26.1 of the Commission’s Rules of Practice and Promdute. Dated this 9* dav of June. 2009, 13 P (Signed) i m rizedrepresebtativc of applicant 0rn P 3: T. rc rn $? a Attorney. Address: P.O. Box 3085, Charleston, WV 25332-3082 Subscribcd and sw rSL& 3 20Ei t is signing out-of-state, please use verification FbiTtl No. 121 I ii I. ! i to the preserva ion of public health, comfort and convenience of said area. i Therefore, upon proper motion and second the County Comnission of Logan County i does hereby ORDER the e~tab7ishmentof and does establish and create a public i .I service dt’strict under the provisions of Chapter 16, ArticTe 13A, Section 2 i of the West. Virginia Statutory Code to have all of the powers enumerated in i jajd Chapter and ArtScle.. Said public sewfce district shall be known as I .ogan County Public Service Ilistrfct. ... I.----I- . It I’s further ORDERED that the Logan County Public Service District hall embrace the following territory: A71 af Logan County; I Excluding, however: I All of the municfpafity af Logan: I All of the municipality of Chapmanvifle; All of the municipatity of Man; ”. A17 of the Buffalo Creek Pub’ll’c Service Dfstrlct of the Triadefphia i Nagisterial Distrfct of the County of Logan, West Vfrg.in.ia, more fully described as follows: BEGINNING at a point 5n the Spring Mountafn Luokout Tower, said point being in tbe Baone-Logan * -* County Ifne; thence, southeasterly with the meanders of said Boone-Logan County lfne 4.25 miles, more or Ips, to a point Sn the comnon.corner to Boone-tlyoming and Logan CounEy; thence, - . southwesterly with the meanders of the tfyomfng-Logan County line and with the top of Buffalo Mountain 10.65 mjles, more or less, to I point 5n the 37O - 45’ meridfan The; thence, due 1I West with safd 3f0 - 45’ meridian 75ne 5.85 mffes, more or fess, i to a point fq the eastern corporate boundary fine of City of I . Man; thence, due Morth. 1.65 miles, mor@ or ’less, to a point In i the Logan-TriadeTphia Magisterial District 1 ;ne; thence :i northeasterly with the meanders of said Magisterial line T5.95 ! des, more or ?ess, to the place of beginning and containing 43.55 square mites (27,870 acres), m~reor less. : id territory and said exclusions are more particularly shown by a map Logan County attached hereto and incorporated as a part hereof and outTined I ? red. 1 i -2- li - v- . '.. .) - I .. 'i ' 'RESOLUTION iI WREREAS, on the 5th day of May, 7975, the County Commission of Logan i I county wi71 consfder proposing the creation of a public service district ,j within Logan County, to be known as the Logan County PubTSc Service District, 1 1 and to fnelude the fol?awing territory: 0. ... A17 of Logan County; I Exc?ud.ing, however: i * *-*------ . A71 of the municfpality of Logan; . A71 of the municipality of Chapmanviffe; All of the municfpality of Man; and At7 of the Buffalo Creek Public ServPce Distrfct of the Trfadelphia i Magisterial District of the County of Logan, West Vi.rgfnla. WHEREAS, the municfpa7fty of West Logan cannot be included within the I I' boundaries of this proposed pubtic service district without -Its canrent; * WEREAS, the City Councif of West Logan be'lleves that the proposed-- pubfic sewice district will be conduc9ve.to the preservation of the publfc heaTth, comfort and convenience of the municipality of West Logan and a77 I'. I of Logan County; :I THEREFORE, f3E IT RESOLVED that the munfcfpality of West Logan does i hereby consent to be included withh the boundaries of the proposed pyblfc f I service distrtct. 4 !"f!' I thfs. day of p 1975. Dated /fk' ! Tbd i 1 f I. .. RESOLUTION / WEREAS, on the f day of I.- ,,’. -7 d*.-*::: , 1975, the County Commission of Logan County will consider proposing the creation of a public service district within Logan County, to .be known as the Logan County Fkhlic Service Distr‘ict, and to include the following territory: All of Logan county; I Excluding, however: . All of the municipality of Logan; All of the municipdity of Chaprnanvi1I.e; All of the municipality of Man; and I All of the Buffalo Creek Public Service District of the’TedeSphia Magisterial District of the County of Logan, West Virginia. I WHEREAS, the municipality of Mitchell Heights cannot be included within the boundaries of this proposed public service district without its consent; WHEREAS, the City Council of Mitchell Heights believes that the proposed public service district will be conductive to the preservation of the public health, comfort and convenience of the municipality of Mitchell Heights and all of Logan County; L THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the municipality$ of -’ Mitchell Heights does hereby consent to be included within the boundaries of the proposed public service district, subject to and upon tne follo;.iing cmditions: ,- 1.. All construction within the Tom of Mitchell Heights shall comply with the ordinances of the tom, including those Hereafter enacted. I 2. The location of and plans for all facilities in the \ Town must have the prior written approval of the Town of I He3 ghts . Upon norion this meeting is contfnued and sdjourned to chc next Regular Session co be held on Frfday, 3cptember 5, 1975, at 1O:OO o'cIuck I..H. PRSS IDEM: Form No. 14 PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF WEST VIRGINIA CHARLESTON Entered by the Public Service Commission of West Virginia9in the City of Charleston on the __. day of CASE NO, NAME OF APPLICANT: Logan County Public Service District P.0, Box 506 Logan, WV 25601 Application for a Certificate of Convenience and Necessity to construct upgrades to its water trcatment facilities. NOTICE OF FILING \WEmAS, on June 9,2009, the Logan County Public Service District filed m application, duly verified, for a Certificate to coiistruct certain additions and irnprovem,ents to its water treatment facilities in Logan County. The application is an file with and available for public inspection ai the Public Smvice Commission, 201 Brooks Street, in Charleston, West Virginia, MPIEREAS, the proposed project will provide potable water service to approximately 97 potential custom.ers (290 persons) in the Lincoln County communities of Little Hearts Creek, Harvey Fork, h4udlick Bran.ch, Gartin Fork and. Laurcl. Fork. The project will connect: to an 8- inch main (Aten,vilIe Water Project) along County Route 68 and.extended along County Routes 68 and 68/1 in easterly and southerly d,irecti.ons,respectively. Branch l.ines will bs extended. along County Routes 68/2,68/3 and. 68/4. WHEREAS, the proposed project consists of the construction of approximately 30,100 linear feci of 8-inch and smaller diameter water main, one 90 gallons per minute booster station, one 95.000 gallons storage tank, 20 Are hydrants, valves, meters and othcr related appurienancas.
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