1822 CONGRESSIONAL. RECORD- HOUSE February 4 . successor to Continental Hosiery Co., of Hen­ H .R. 4124. A bill for -the relief of Jan ' By Mr. SANTANGELO: ' . ' derson, N.C.; to the Committee on the Judi· Libiszewski; to the Committee on the Judi­ H.R. 4138. A bill for the relief of Gianni ciary. ciary. Mender; to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. DORN of South Carolina: H.R. 4125. A bill for the relief of Renata H .R . 4139. A bill for the relief of Giu.seppe H.R. 4109. A bill to provide for the issuance Falkiewicz; to the Committee on the Judi­ Zappone; to the Committee on the Judiciary. of a license to practice chiropractic in the ciary. By Mr. TELLER: District of Columbia to Anderson Brown; to H.R. 4126. A bill for the relief of Milorad H.R. 4140. A bill for the relief of Victoria the Committee on the District of Columbia. Tasic; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Pei Chiung Tcheng; to the Committee on By Mr. DURHAM: H.R. 4127. A bill for the relief of the the Judiciary. H.R. 4110. A blll to clarify the enlisted Pacific Cust01ns Brokerage Co., of Detroit, H.R. 4141. A bill for the relief of Laureano status of Grover C. McQueen, deceased; to Mich.; to the Committee on the Judiciary. and Conception Medina; to the Committee the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. MAILLIARD: on the Judiciary. By Mr. FLOOD: H .R. 4128. A bill for the relief of Eduardo By Mr. UTT: H.R. 4111. A bill for the relief of Eva Marie R afael Vital; to the Committee on the Judi­ H .R. 4142. A bill for the relief of Wintford Lesher; to the Committee on the Judiciary. ciary. By Mrs. GRIFFITHS: Jesse Thompson; to the Committee on the H.R. 4112. A bill for the relief of Elizabeth By Mr. MOULDER: Judiciary. Hovsepian; to the Committee on the Ju­ H.R. 4129. A bill for the relief of John By Mr. WALLHAUSER: diciary. Curry and J . L. Hieronymus; to the Com­ H.R. 4143. A bill for the relief of Mrs. H .R. 41l3. A bill for the relief of Chrysavgi mittee on the Judiciary. -Betty Barad f'trul and her minor daughter, Kontopoulos; to the Committee on the Ju­ By Mr. MULTER: Anna Strul; to the Committee on the Ju­ diciary. H.R. 4130. A bill for the relief of Jennie diciary. By Mr. HAYS: Alparn and d au ghters Berthe F. and Bellina By Mr. WILSON: . H.R. 4114. A bill for the relief of Maria F. Alpern; to the Committee on the Judi­ H.R. 4144. A bill for the relief of Anthonie Concetta Cozza; to the Committee on the ciary. Blom; ta the· Committee on the Judiciary·. Judiciary. By Mr. O'BRIEN of New York: By Mr. HEAI,.EY: H.R. 4131. A bill for. the relief of Miss Lil­ H.R. 4115. A bill for the relief of Lew Kab­ lian Dunn (formerly Miss Lillian Oh); to PETITIONS, ETC. lak; to the Committee on the Judiciary. the Committee on the Judiciary. Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions By Mr. HOLLAND: By Mr. O'HARA of Illinois: H .R. 4116. A bill for the relief of Clifford and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk N. McLeod; to the Committee on the Ju­ H.R. 4132. A bill for the relief of Ante Tonic (Tunic), his wife Elizabeth Tunic, and and referred as follows: diciary . 60. By Mr. CANFIELD: Resolution adopted By Mr. KASEM: their two minor children, Ante Tunic, Jr., and Joseph Tunic; to the Committee on the at the 16th Annual Convention, Utility Co­ H.R. 4117. A bill for the r-elief of Thirza Workers' Association, urging the amendment Skoff; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Judiciary. By Mr. RABAUT: of the Labor Management Relations Act of H.R. 4118. A bill for the relief of Mrs. Amy 1947; to the Committee on Education and B. Westwood; to the Committee on the Ju­ H .R. 4133. A bill for the relief of Fouad diciary. Mikhail Zada; his wife, Sabat Zada (nee Labor. H .R. 4119. A bill for the relief of Mrs. Leon or Laoun) ; and their minor child, 61. Also, resolutions adopted at the 16th Dorothy Yu Hwang; to the Committee on Michel; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Annual Convention, Utility Co-Workers' As­ the Judiciary. sociation ( 1) petitioning the Congress of By Mr. RIVERS of Alaska: the United States to enact legislation which By Mr. LANE: H.R. 4134. A bill to confer jurisdiction H.R. 4120. A bill for the r.elief of Dr. Ray­ would increase the exempted income under upon the District Court for the territory of social security to $1,800 annually; (2) urg­ mond A. Vonderlehr and certain other of­ ~ Al a ska to hear, determine, and render judg.­ ficers of the Public Health Service; to the ing' legislation to increase the exemption for m ent upon. ~he claim,· or claims, of Scotty .children and dependents to the sum of $800 Committee on t he Judiciary: . · J ames, of Sitka, Alaf?ka; to the Committee H.R. 4121. A bill for the relief of certain annually; (3) recommending that social se­ on the Judiciary. curity be:p.efits be made available to em­ members of the Armed Forces of the Unite\1 H.R. 4135. A bill to authorize the convey­ States, or their survivors, who were captured -ployees who have reached 62 years of age; ance of · certain lands in Alaska to Martha. and ( 4) opposin~ the, unfair practice of ty­ and held as prisoners of Wfl,r in the Korean ·L. Babinec, as administratrix of the ·estate of ho.stilities; to the Committee o:ri. the Judi- _ing retirement benefits to soc~al security ciary. - ·· · Laurence Starns, deceased; to the Committee p ayments; to the Committee on Ways and on Interior and Insular Affairs. By Mr. McCORMACK: Means. H.R. 4122. A bill for the relief of James By Mr. ROGERS of Florida: 62. By the SPEAKER: Petition of execu­ Philip Coyle; to the Committee on the H.R. 4136. A bill for the relief of Katina tive director, the Council of State Govern­ Judiciary. Askouni; to the Committee on the Judiciary. ments, Chicago, Ill., petitioning considera­ By Mr. MACHROWICZ: By Mr. ROSTENKOWSKI: tion of their resolution relative to request­ H .R. 4123. A bill for the relief of Arratoon H .R. 4137. A bill for the relief of Tam Jam ing statehood for Hawaii; to the Committee Manuel; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Yick; to the Committee on the Judiciary. on Interior and Insular Affairs. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS Tribute to Hon. Richard B. Russell, of There being no objection, the remarks This is the sole reference from a biograph­ were ordered to be printed in the RECORD, ical standpoint to one of the most able and Georgia as follows: popular Members of tt.e U.S. Senate. Even though his biographical sketch is the ·REMARKS BY REPRESENTATIVE JAMES E. VAN ,personification of brevity, Senator RtrssELL's EXTENSION OF REMARKS ZANDT, MEMBER OF CONGRESS, 20TH,DISTRICT OF official activities embrace chairman ·of the OF PENNSYLVANIA, JANUARY 30, 1959, IN PRE­ Senate Committee on the Armed Services, HON. HERMAN E. TALMADGE SENTING U.S. SENATOR RICHARD B. RUSSELL, and membership on the powerful Senate OF GEORGIA, THE ANNUAL CITATION BY THE Committee, on Appropriations. OF GEORGIA RESERVE OFFICERS AsSoCIATION AS MAN OF He is also a member of the congres­ IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES THE YEAR FOR 1959 sional ·Joint Committee on Atomic Energy Wednesday, February 4,1959 It is a signal honor to have been selected to and, in addition, is serving as a member of present the Reserve Officers' Association an­ the Board of Visitors to the Military Acad­ Mr. TALMADGE. Mr. President, I ask nual citation to the citizen who has contrib­ emy, the Board of Visitors to the Naval unanimous consent to have printed in uted most to national security in these times. Academy, and the Board of Visitors to the the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD the text Of The recipient of this year's award is a dis­ Air Force Academy. remarks on January 30, 1959, by the tingu ished Member of the U.S. Senate, and since it is the habit in Congress to rely upon The resolution selecting Senator RICHARD Honorable JAMES E. VANZANDT, Member B. RussELL for this annual citation describes of Congress from the 20th District of the Congressional Directory for background information, it is interesting to observe that him in a manner in keeping with his worth­ Pennsylvania, in presenting to the dis­ the recipient of the award is recorded in the while contributions to our national defense. tinguished senior Senator from Georgia p ages of j;he directory listing Senators as The resolution that accompanies the ci­ [Mr. RussELL] the annual Minute Man follows: tation reads .as follows: of the Year Award of the Reserve Officers "RICHARD BREVARD RUSSELL, Democrat, Of "Reserve Officers Association of the United Association of the United States. Winder, Ga." States annual citation to the citizen who 1959 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE 1823 has contributed most to national security in Before -calling on the speakers, I should tive eommittee of . the Democratic Party of these times: 1959, RICHARD BREVARD RUSSELL, like to introduce to you Mrs. Ruth Heller, Kings County. "An association resolution: To the Hon­ the judge's charming wife, who has so m:­ I should like to introduce for a bow at this orable RICHARD BREVARD RUSSELL, .
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