yasyaika-niçvasita-kälam athävalambya jévanti loma-vila-jä jagad-aëòa-näthäù viñëur mahän sa iha yasya kalä-viçeño govindam ädi-puruñaà tam ahaà bhajämi The lifespans of Brahmä and the gods of the universes born from the pores of the divine body of Mahä-Viñëu last for only one exhaltation of Mahä-Viñëu; And Mahä-Viñëu is the portion of a portion of the Primeval Lord, Govinda, who I do worship. Çré Brahma-saàhitä (5.48) Lord Visnu reclines on the bed of Anantadev, the Divine Serpent. The Godess of Fortune, Lakshmidevi serves His lotus feet and the universal creator, Lord Brahma is born of the lotus from Sri Visnu’s navel. March 2009 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Anandotsav of Sri Jagannath Misra. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 App Srimad Bhakti St. Patricks Day App Srila Srivas Disap Srimad Bhakti Saran Santa Pandit. Vigraha Bhiksu Maharaj. Pancham Maharaj. dol. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Ekadasi. Fast. Paran 6:31 - 10:25 a.m. Festival of Mahaprabhu's arrival at Varahanagar. 29 30 31 App Ramanuja Acharyya & Srimad Bhakti Hridaya Bon Maharaj. Ekadasi dates and Paran times are calculated for London UK (GMT) säkñäd-dharitvena samasta-çäçtrair uktas tathä bhävyata eva sadbhiù kintu prabhor yaù priya eva tasya vande guroù çré-caraëäravindam I worship the lotus feet of my Divine Master, simultaneously one and different from the Supreme Lord, Çré Kåñëa: all the Scriptures sing his glories and the pure-hearted saints conclude he is as good as the Personality of Godhead Himself while at the same time being the Lord’s most beloved confidant. Çré Çré Gurvväñtaka 7 Sri Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj President-Acharyya Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math April 2009 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 App Bhakti Vilas Sri Rama-navami. Tirtha Maharaj. Fast until noon. App Sri Ramachandra 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Kamada Ekadasi. Paran 6:29 - 10:51 Purnima. Balarama Good Friday (UK Fast. Rasayatra. Krishna Bank Holiday) Vasanta rasa. App Vamsivadananda Thakur & Syamananda Prabhu. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Easter Easter Monday (UK Disap Krishna das Disap Abhiram Bank Holiday) Babaji Maharaj. Thakur. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Disap Vrindavana Varuthini Ekadasi. Paran 5:55 - 10:37 St.George’s Day Amavasya. App das Thakur. Fast. Gadadhara Pandit. 26 27 28 29 30 App Bhakti Aloka App Bhakti Vichar App Paramahamsa Jajavar Maharaj. Sankaracharyya. Maharaj. Beginning Disap Bhakti Vilas Jagannath Gabhastinemi Chandanyatra. Maharaj. Aksaya-tritiya good day to start some works. Ekadasi dates and Paran times are calculated for London UK (GMT) Lord Nityänanda told Çré Jéva, “Being a great paëòita, Väsudeva scrutinized the scriptures and thus clearly understood that during the reign of Vaivasvata Manu, at the beginning of Kali-yuga, Lord Gauräìga would manifest His pastimes at Nadia. The sages kept this secret, but they indicated by hints so that intelligent men could understand. After the Lord manifested His pastimes on earth, the scriptural evidences would also become clear. Thus the brähmaëa received the hint about the secret truths of Gaura.” “In great bliss, the brähmaëa performed saìkértana. He constantly sang the Name of Gaura within his mind. After seeing the mountainous form of Varäha, Väsudeva carefully decided to call this place Koladvépa Parvata [kola-boar; parvata-mountain], but it is now known as Parvata. The devotees know that this is Giri Govardhana of Våndävana.” Çré Navadvépa-dhäma-mähätmyam Lord Niyananda reveals the Adbhuta Mandir to Srila Jiva Goswami May 2009 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 Sri Jahnavi Puja (Sri Ganga-puja). 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 App Sri Jahnava May Day (UK Bank Gaura-dvadasi. Paran 5:29 - 10:27 Nrsimha-chaturda Purnima. Disap Devi, & Rama-sakti, Holiday) Fasting for Mohini si: App Sri Parameshwari das Sri Sita Devi. Ekadasi. Nrsimhadev. Fast Thakur. App until sunset. Sri Sri Srinivas Acharyya. Guru-Gauranga-Ra Buddha Purnima: dha-Shyamasundar App Lord Buddha. installation day Festival London. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Disap Bhakti Disap Ramananda Saranga Goswami Raya. Maharaj. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Apara Ekadasi. Paran 5:06 - 10:20 Fast. App Vrindavana das Thakur. 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Amavasya. Sri Sri Disap Bhakti Guru-Gauranga-Ra Gaurava Giri dha-Madana-Mohan Maharaj jiu installation day Festival Kolkata. Spring Holiday (UK Bank Holiday) 31 Ekadasi dates and Paran times are calculated for London UK (GMT) so 'ntaù-sarasy urubalena gåhéta ärto dåñövä garutmati harià kha upätta-cakram utkñipya sämbuja-karaà giram äha kåcchrän näräyaëäkhila-guro bhagavan namas te Gajendra, King of the Elephants had been forcefully captured by the crocodile in the water and was feeling acute pain, but when he saw that the Lord Näräyaëa, wielding His disc, was coming in the sky on the back of Garuòa, he immediately took a lotus flower in his trunk, and with great difficulty due to his painful condition, he uttered the following words: "O my Lord, Näräyaëa, master of the universe, O Supreme Personality of Godhead, I offer my respectful obeisances unto You." Çrémad-Bhägavatam 8.3.32 The Liberation of Gajendra June 2009 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 Sri Ganga Puja. App Nirjala Ekadasi. Paran 4:53 - 10:16 Panihati festival of Ganga Mata Fast. (without Raghunath das Goswamini. Disap water). Goswami. Baladeva Vidyabhusan. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Purnima. Jagannath Disap Disap Gaurahari App Vakresvara Dev Snan Yatra Shyamananda Bhakti-sampad. Pandit. Disap Mukunda Prabhu & Datta & Sridhar Rishabdev Das Pandit. Adhikari. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Yogini Ekadasi. Paran 4:49 - 10:17 Fast. Disap Sriyukta Rama Devi. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Amavasya. Disap Gundicha Jagannath Hera-panchami. Sri Gadadhara Pandit Marjana: cleaning Rathayatra. Disap Sri Laksmi Vijay & Bhaktivinoda Gundicha Temple Swarup Damodar Thakur. at Puri Dham, & all Goswami Prabhu. Lord’s Temples. 28 29 30 Disap Ajita Krishna Brahmachari. Ekadasi dates and Paran times are calculated for London UK (GMT) dévyad-våndäraëya-kalpa-drumädhaù- çrémad-ratnägära-siàhäsana-sthau çré-gändharvvä-çréla-govinda-devau preñöhälébhiù sevyamänau smarämi I constantly meditate upon the Divine Couple Çré Çré Gändharvvä-Govinda, who are seated upon a wonderful jewel encrusted throne within the enchanting forest of Våndävan, beneath a mind-attracting desire tree, accompanied by Their most intimate servitors such as Çré Lalitä Devi, Çré Rüpa Maïjaré and others like the priyanarma sakhis. Çré Chaitanya-charitämåta Ädi-léla 1.16 Sri Sri Guru-Gauranga-Gandharvva- Govindasundarjiu, Navadwip Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math July 2009 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 Sayan Ekadasi. Paran 4:55 - 10:21 Fast. Jagannath Purna Yatra Disap Bhakti Kamal Madhusudan Maharaj & Krishnamayi Devi. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Guru Purnima. App Disap Bhakti Hriday Vyasadev. Disap Bon Maharaj. Sanatana Goswami. Beginning of Chaturmasya. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Disap Gopal Bhatta Disap Lokanath Kamika Ekadasi. Goswami Prabhu. Goswami Prabhu. Fast. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Paran 5:12 - 10:24 Amavasya. Disap Disap Vamsi das Sri Srila Bhakti Babaji Maharaj. Raksak Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj. 26 27 28 29 30 31 Disap Ananga Disap Bhakti Prasun Mohan Das Bodhayan Maharaj. Adhikari. Ekadasi dates and Paran times are calculated for London UK (GMT deve varñati yajïa-viplavaruñä vajräsma-varñänilaiù sédat-päla-paçu-striyätma-çaraëaà dåñövänukampy utsmayan utpäöyaika-kareëa çailamabalo lélochchhiléndhraà yathä bibhrad goñöham apän mahendram adabhit préyän na indro gaväm May that Lord of the cows be satisfied by us. Who is Indra when compared to Kåñëa? Kåñëa is the master of Indra. And yet He has appeared as the master of cows; the Supreme Absolute Truth has accepted a simple position as the keeper of cows. Superficially, He is a mere cowherd boy. But let that cowherd boy, who holds within Him the power to control the whole universe, be satisfied with us. We want to worship that Lord who has taken the humble postion of the king of the cows. Çrémad-Bhägavatam 10.26.25 Sri Krsna Govinda, the Lord of the cows August 2009 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 Gaura-ekadasi. Fast. Jhulan Yatra begins. One month festival of Hari Smaran begins. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Paran 5:31 - 10:34 Purnima. App Sri Disap Rupa Baladeva. Fast Goswami & Gauri until noon. End of das Pandit. Jhulan Yatra. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Sri Sri Krishna Sri Nandotsava. Sri Janmastami. Janmastami paran Complete fast until by 5:45 a.m. App midnight (then no Bhaktivedanta grains). Swami Maharaj Prabhupad. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Annada-ekadasi. Paran 5:54 - 10:40 Fast. 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 App Sita Devi, Sri Lalita-saptami. Sri Radhastami. Consort of Sri App Lalita Devi. Srimati Radharani. Advaita Prabhu. Fast until noon. 30 31 Parshvaika Ekadasi. Fast. Summer Holiday (UK Bank Holiday) Ekadasi dates and Paran times are calculated for London UK (GMT) “Lord Chaitanya did not advent Himself just to liberate only a few men of India. Rather, His main objective was to emancipate all living entities of all countries throughout the entire universe and preach the Eternal Religion. Lord Chaitanya says in the Chaitanya-Bhagavat: “In every town, country and village, My Name will be sung.” There is no doubt that this unquestionable order will come to pass. Very soon the unparalleled path of Hari-näma-saìkirttan will be propogated all over the world. Oh! For that day when the fortunate English, French, Russian, German and American people will take up banners, mådaìgas and karatäls, amid raised kirttan through their streets and towns.
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