S. Deveikis formavimas 2018 1(15) 30 41 (Izabela z Flemmingow Czartoryska, 1746 1835) Steponas Deveikis* Vilniaus universiteto Ekonomikos fakultetas -10222 Vilnius [email protected] Anotacija Straipsnyje pristatoma ir nagrin Abstract The creation story of the famous Polish park in Pulawy (Polish ) is under consideration, and the artistic analysis is presented in this article. These theoretical and practical aspects, knowledge of which is significant in terms of the continuity of history and experience of urban landscape architecture, academic education, and study programme are highlighted. Key words: Isabelle Czartoryska(1746 1835); Pulawy park. Pulavai (lenk. a. vidurio, o tai ir ank Lietuvoje Izabela z Flemmingow Czartoryska, 1746 1835) (Ciolek, 1978:90 155; Mangin, 1867:302 in situ Tyrimo ir straipsnio tikslas nuolat 30 * Kontaktinis asmuo / Corresponding author 8 http://www.krastotvarka.vhost.lt/documents/177.html S. Deveikis formavimas 2018 1(15) 30 41 Europos XVIII XIX a. dvaruose, projektai ir praktiniai estetiniai sprendiniai buvo diegiami su madas ir gy Tyrimo turinys ir Tyrimas atliktas 2017 m. Tyrimas ir straipsnis laikytini atvejo analize. Svarb ) dvaro sodybos ir parko raidos portalas kamane.lt pl.wikipedia.org (1909 1966) veikalas (1978) Ogrody polskie kamane.lt pateikiama daug informacijos apie kuni samprata (1805 m . Pul 1679) architektas buvo Nieborovo ir 1706; G. Cioleko knygoje (1978, p. 90 onos Marijos Sofijos 1771) kraitis. 1736 m. perstatyti pagal architekto Jano Zigmanto Deybelio (Jan Zygmunt Deybel von Hammerau, vok. Johan Sigmund Deybel, apie 1685-1690 31 * Kontaktinis asmuo / Corresponding author 8 http://www.krastotvarka.vhost.lt/documents/177.html S. Deveikis formavimas 2018 1(15) 30 41 us Dzika promenada atsirado nauja mada kas (park krajobrazowy Jean-Antoine Watteau, 1684 1721), Aleksandro Popo (Alexander Pope, 1688 Jean- Jacques Rousseau, 1712 Jacques Delille, 1738 1813) ideologiniais ir meniniais principais. gal jos 1803 m. riu (1756 pav.) ir 1 pav. ) 2 pav. Fig. 1. Pulawy Manor House according to J. Z. Deybel project Fig. 2. Sibile Temple, 1807 ( ., n.d.) : Po 1830 32 * Kontaktinis asmuo / Corresponding author 8 http://www.krastotvarka.vhost.lt/documents/177.html S. Deveikis formavimas 2018 1(15) 30 41 institutas. 1840 neoklasicizmo stiliaus (4 pav.) Ankiewiczius, 1820 1903) 3 pav. 4 pav. Pula 1842 ( Fig. 3. Pulawy Manor House. Fig. 4. Manor House of Pulawy after the XIX century ( is Table. The main creators of the Pulava Manor House Ensemble Eil. mirties datos ristika Pulavuose nuveikti darbai Nr. Name, surname, date of Main characteristic Works created in Pulavy birth and death 1. Tylman van Gameren, 1632 1706 Lenkijoje autorius projekto (1671 1679) autorius 2. Jan Zygmunt Deybel, 1731 1685/1690 1752 3. Simon Bogumil Zug, 1733 1807 atstovas, architektas, 4. Joachim Roch Hempel, 1744 1810 5. Christian Piotr Aigner 1756 1841 atstovas, estetikos teoretikas ir ir kiti parko statiniai XVIII a. pabaigoje 6. vo 1840 1803 1870 administracinius pastatus perstatymui suteikdamas 7. Julian Ankiewicz, 1820 1903 praktikas 1858 33 * Kontaktinis asmuo / Corresponding author 8 http://www.krastotvarka.vhost.lt/documents/177.html S. Deveikis formavimas 2018 1(15) 30 41 yje. 1975) institutas. Parko naudotojai (1771 (1770 1861) aut. pastaba) (Frankas, 2001:42). Spalvinga -Pauszer, 1978; Duda, 2012; (5 pav.). 5 pav. o (1718 1798) tapytas portretas (1774); Fig. 5. Portraits and manuscripts of Isabella Chartoryska: a portrait painted by Alexander Roslin (1718-1798) (1774); -1887) (1831). 1813). poeto poemos Les Jardins (liet. sodai arba parkai Les Jardins lai eilutes, o Pulavams paskiria bene 4 knygos 34 * Kontaktinis asmuo / Corresponding author 8 http://www.krastotvarka.vhost.lt/documents/177.html S. Deveikis formavimas 2018 1(15) 30 41 Notes teisingai ( ) (Delille, 1801:136). 1834 ir 1844 m. (liet. ) cituojant atsakymus (Delille, 1834:121 133; 1844). Zachariasz Frey, 1769 a b c d 6 pav. I 1829). Fig. 6. Illustrations for book by Isabelle Chartoryska (1805). Artist Jan Zachariasz Frey (1769-1829) 35 * Kontaktinis asmuo / Corresponding author 8 http://www.krastotvarka.vhost.lt/documents/177.html S. Deveikis formavimas 2018 1(15) 30 41 k) (Czartoryska, 1805:VI). Knygos motto Aleksandro Poupo (Alexander Pope, 1688 neapnuoginti entimentalusis parkas. Daug klombomis (guotais, angl. clumps parkas (lenk. park krajobrazowy (1779 1852), airis Denis McClairas, vadinamas Dionyzu Mikleriu (1762 - olius, vaizdingas , dalies deriniu (9 ir 10 pav.). Galima sakyti, kad 7 pav. 8 pav. Parko klombos. Il Fig. 8. Clumps from the book of Isabelle Chartoryska (1805) Fig. 7. Plan of the Pulawi Park, 1760 Parko statiniai Marij ha-ha arba (pranc. saut de loup; lenk. aha) principu. 36 * Kontaktinis asmuo / Corresponding author 8 http://www.krastotvarka.vhost.lt/documents/177.html S. Deveikis formavimas 2018 1(15) 30 41 9 pav. Fig. 9. Plan of the Pulawi Park, 1780 (Ciolek, 1978) 10 pav. Fig. 10. Plan of the Pulawi Park, 1947 (Ciolek, 1978) 37 * Kontaktinis asmuo / Corresponding author 8 http://www.krastotvarka.vhost.lt/documents/177.html S. Deveikis formavimas 2018 1(15) 30 41 D. Azalia pontica (dabar Rhododendron luteum va -Marjanowska, 2010). ui yvybingi. Les jardins parko ribos ypatumas Tai saut de loup ha-ha es Anglais ) (Delille, 1834; 1844). I. Ille terrarum mihi praeter omnes Angulus ridet (Delille, 1834; 1844). 11 pav. 12 pav. Fig. 11. Sarcophagus to Alexander Augustus Chartoryski Fig. 12. Palace Marinki in the Pulawi Manor and his wife (photo by Bernardas Burba) (photo by Bernardas Burba) 38 * Kontaktinis asmuo / Corresponding author 8 http://www.krastotvarka.vhost.lt/documents/177.html S. Deveikis formavimas 2018 1(15) 30 41 reminiscencija?). Les Jardins (Delille, 1801; 1834; 1844) buvo stipri parko ad ndravo su Vilniaus universiteto mokslininku Stanislovu Bonifacu Jundzilu (1761 Savo veikale O przymiotach potrzebnych w sztuce ogrodniczej gas (1815, t. 1, nr. 5, p. 460 lankytojas visada gali tai prisiminti. 13 pav. 14 pav. ko parke. Bernardo Burbos nuotrauka dvasia. Bernardo Burbos nuotrauka Fig. 13. Sculpture "Tancred and Clorinda" in Pulawi Fig. 14. The spirit of the English Park is guarded at Park. Photo by Bernardas Burba the Pulawi Park. Photo by Bernardas Burba 39 * Kontaktinis asmuo / Corresponding author 8 http://www.krastotvarka.vhost.lt/documents/177.html S. Deveikis formavimas 2018 1(15) 30 41 ansambl ekonominiu aspektu. dinamikos, gyvybingumo. Pul ) kaupia ir publikuoja 1. (1879). Paris: Hachette Livre BNF. 2. -Marjanowska, W. (2010). Dionizy Mikler Stan , 367 380. 3. Memuary. Moskva http://pawet.net/library/history/bel_history/_memoirs/007/%D0%A7%D0%B0%D1%80%D1%82%D0%BE%D 1%80%D0%B8%D0%B6%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%B9_%D0%90%D0%B4%D0%B0%D0%BC._% D0%9C%D0%B5%D0%BC%D1%83%D0%B0%D1%80%D1%8B.html 4. (1978). Ogrody polskie. Warszawa: Arkady. 5. (2016). 1966), some biographical and other data. Prieiga per internet : www.ciolek.com/PEOPLE/ciolek-ga.html 6. Czartoryska, I. (1805). Wroclaw: Korna. 7. Marijonas Daujotas . Kaunas: Naujasis lankas. 8. Delille, J. (1834). Paris: Lebailly libraire. 9. Delille, J. (1844). [1843]. 10. Delille, J. (1782). paysages 11. Delille, J. (1801). 12. Duda, S. (2012). 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(2008) Dendrologia Lithuaniae, 8 http://dendro.lt/index.php/dendro/article/view/4/8 22. (2017) I - http://www.kamane.lt/layout/set/print/Kamanes-tekstai/Istorija/Respublikos-mecenate-Izabele- Fleming-Cartoriska-III-dalis 23. Zachariasz, A. (2010) genius loci w ogrodach. Czasopismo techniczne. Architektura, | Technical Transactions, Architecture, zaszyt 13 | issue 13, 13 30. 24. Zdanowska, J. (2014). Blog http://ogrodniczkawpodrozy.blogspot.lt/2014/06/ksiezna-izabela- czartoryska-i-jej-puawy.html 25. [S. B. Jundzilo 250-osioms gimimo Mokslo Lietuva, 11(455). http://mokslolietuva.lt/numeriu- archyvas/2011/Mokslo_Lietuva_2011_11.pdf Pulawy Park of Princess Isabelle Czartoryska (Izabela z Flemingow, 1746 1835) a Case Study (Received in January, 2018; Accepted in April, 2018; Available Online from 8th of May, 2018) Summary from 1676 1679, to designs by the Dutch architect Tylman van Gameren (1632 1706). After destroying in 1706 by Swedish troops during the Great Northern War, the Palace (Fig. 1) and its surroundings were rebuilt in 1731 1736 to designs by architect Jan Zygmunt Deybel (ca 1690 1752). The settlement in 1784 became the property of Prince Adam Kazimierz Czartoryski (1734 1835). Under their stewardship the Pulawy Manor became a museum and cultural centre of Polish national memorabilia. In 1794, during the Ko the park was initiated in 1796 by Princess Isabelle, who employed the renowned Chrystian
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